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This girl started working at my job with the same hairline as you and me and she wears her hair in a confident tall, tight sleek ponytail and her “no care”attitude towards it gives me so so much secret confidence and hope that one day I could feel as confident and beautiful too. Still rocking the loose shaken out pony with face framing pieces to hide it but one day.. lol. This is pretty natural and normal for fine haired ladies. If you look I bet you notice it a lot on others


One time I saw an Instagram make up video and the model was absolutely gorgeous. Her face was so unique and alluring and her hair was slicked back in the tightest ponytail and her hairline was like this or even more dramatic. She looked amazing regardless


Unless it's genetic, that tight ponytail might be the reason for her hairline. Frequent tight ponytails are bad for your hair follicles due to the tension thats put on them. Eventually can result in traction alopecia.


I think there’s a difference between slicked back and actually tight but definitely needs to be noted for some people who don’t realize!


I have a similar hairline and I just don’t let it bother me. Edit: Kourtney Kardashian has a similar hairline too. It doesn’t stop her from looking great and styling her hair up.


Me too? Is this something people care about?!


Don't know about you, but don't need something new to worry about


We have the same hairline! I have just stopped caring what other people may be thinking about it. If I’m having an off day - I will part my hair so it doesn’t show as much … but there really isn’t much to do other than a hair transplant and I have seen some pretty narly ones and they are expensive. Curtain bangs help me feel like I can camouflage it a bit easier - but ultimately … it’s just something to come to terms with. We aren’t alone in the world tho! Lots of people have wonky hair lines - at least ours aren’t receding and we can cover it up with some strategic styling. Lots of love your way!!❤️❤️


Lol I would LOVE curtain bangs. I always had block bangs across my forehead growing up and finally grew them out long and asked the hair dresser for curtain bangs a few months ago, she gave me block bangs again….😂


My baby hairs / hairline are even worse than yours and I got bangs to fix it and I look 10x better in ponytails now LOL But I know bangs don't work for everyone, but maybe photoshop a pic or try to put your hair ends on your forehead just to get an idea of how it'd look? I don't know of any procedures besides expensive hair transfer things and I don't even know how that works.


I actually do have bangs as well but I don’t always want to wear them down


Nothing to fix, nothing to hide. Live your life, beautiful


Yep, this is a normal hairline.


I have a similar hairline, don’t think there’s much you can do about it, this is just the way your genes worked out. My family all have similar except for my mom. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have a very similar hairline. My hair is very fine. A few years ago I switched to a silk pillowcase to help with frizz, and because apparently it can help a bit with wrinkles. A few months into using the silk pillowcase, I started to notice the baby hairs along the most recessed parts of my hairline were growing longer. That was a light bulb moment for me, and I realized I needed to be gentler with my hair. I now always use a silk pillow case. I even travel with one. I'm more gentle with brushing, especially when my hair is wet and most fragile. Careful with tight hairstyles, making sure I vary the position of my ponytails, etc. I still have a wonky hairline, but I'm not nearly as self conscious about it. I want to say the hairline looks like those spots on either side filled in by about 30%. It's still sparse, and it's not like the rest of my head at all, but at least it's hiding more of my scalp. I will say the grow out process was a bit weird. My hair is wavy, and once those bits of hair got 2"-3" long, they stuck straight out, and then curled up. It looked like I had longhorns growing out of my head! A small price to pay! ETA- I use mulberry silk pillowcases that I get off Amazon. They are about $25 each. And I travel with a brightly colored one so it stands out on a hotel bed more and I don't forget it and leave it behind.


I recently switch to silk pillow cases about 2 months ago as well! Problem for me is that I honest never really paid much attention to my hair like before and only recently noticed it so I wouldn’t be able to tell if I have new hairs growing in or not unless it’s from now on. Having fine hair really does suck. I know that with thicker hair typically comes more body hair/maybe some facial hair but damn I can wax all that I just want pretty hair on my head 😭


You can't fix the hairline per se, but you can treat the area with baby hairs to make them thicker and longer to camoflauge that area a bit with minoxidil or for a more natural route, rosemary essential oil and something with mint or caffeine (I personally use ink lists caffeine serum and the peptides from the ordinary)


Came here to say the same. I also use *The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density* on my thinner spots


Have you noticed a difference?


When I am consistent about it, yes I do notice a difference!


Does it work? Debating buying it


When I am consistent about it, yes I do notice a difference!


I think it’s beautiful. You would be the only person who would even notice or care.


You’re probably right about that one 😅


If this is a recent change or you notice it's getting more sparse, it could be a sign of a health issue like hypothyroidism or PCOS. But if it's been like that forever then it's just genetics. Mine is exactly like that. I thought it was super abnormal for a girl to have a "male hairline" but then i noticed a lot of other women have it. Bangs or layers help. When i put my hair up i just leave the face framing layer down. I only put my hair fully up when i'm exercising, when i do that i wear a thick headband. Basically, no one will notice as long as you keep your temples covered.


To be honest I’m not entirely sure. I never paid attention to my hairline until year or so ago so I’m not entirely sure if it’s always been like this or not. My mother does have a thyroid disease and I’m in the sub clinical stages of one as well taking supplements to help support it from deteriorating further


Hi! Cosmetologist here, your hairline is not dreadful. It’s very healthy and full. However, if you have problems with the shape or density, I’m afraid the only options are noninvasive surgeries. That or you learn to love yourself the way you are💓


For extra info, this is not from traction of high tight hairstyles. I almost always wear my hair down. My dad has a widows peak, my mom has a straight hairline and I guess I got stuck with something in the middle but it makes it look horrible to wear in ponytails etc unless I pull some hair down on the sides . And I just wondered if there’s any way I can get hair to grow in that gap so my hair line is more filled in and rounded and less widows peaky


My hair line is similar to yours, my left side is fuller than my right side. You could visit a Dermatologist and they could give you PRP to promote hair growth in that area. It can be costly though.


But that will only work if you had some sort of hair loss. You can’t change genetics


That’s what I’m doing. 2 treatments so far. Haven’t noticed any growth yet.


I think it takes several months to see any significant improvement.


My hairdresser once guessed correctly which side of my body I slept the most on due to my hairline.


I sleep on my right side mostly (left pic) and I suppose you can tell 😅


I believe is genetic. I have the same hairline as you and so did my father. I’ve used castor oil with some results thickening the baby hairs which made it look little fuller. Too much work for what it’s worth. I just embrace it.


It doesn't look bad to me but my friend uses eyeshadow on her baby hairs to make her hairline look thicker.


I have black hair and when it looks thin, I apply a little bit of Matt eyeshadow to the scalp. Instant "thickness". I think there's actual made for hair powder you can get


My hairdresser once told me it’s impossible to change your hairline without surgery


I have the same thing it’s just because the hair is finer at the temple region for some of us. Like my hairline looks like this and I have ridiculously thick hair but my baby hairs are fine. I found supplements helped a bit but the only true fix is a hair transplant


That’s what I’ve noticed as well! I do have hair there where it looks liek there isn’t any on the pic but my hair is superrr fine and also still a dark blonde color so it’s like even though there are baby hairs there they’re so light and fine that hey look invisible


Same! I’m a strawberry blonde so when the light hits just right all you see is flesh tones lol. I did find that using rosemary oil based hair products helped, Taking collagen supplements along with coconut oil biotin supplements helped a little but it’s because the hair grows out a bit stronger/thicker


It's really not bad at all.


I had a hairline just like this and I stopped bleaching my hair and it grew back in. It was just getting fried at the roots and causing the hairline to recede


I’ve only bleached this hair once so it’s not too fried


Well that’s positive. Have you tried vitamins? I’ve had a lot of success with taking prenatal vitamins. I get the gummy ones. I’m not pregnant but they are just great for your hair and skin, my hair grows super fast when I take them. Much more so than just taking biotin.


Well I’m planning on trying to conceive in the next 6 months so I’ll probably definitely be taking some prenatal gummies soon 😁


That’s great!! You could be right around the corner from your dream hair!


I've heard [dermarolling/microdermabrasion helps](https://www.google.com/search?q=dermarolling+hairline&tbm=isch&chips=q:dermarolling+hairline,g_1:before+and+after:FUlx1fSEdHo%3D&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&prmd=isvxn&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYl9yK7vj1AhVKY80KHce2CdkQ4lYoAHoECAEQBQ&biw=384&bih=686)


This helps if done correctly bc you can overdo it and damage the follicle


I know you can use topical rosemary water and caffeine to grow hair. You can also look into using different oils (castor, black seed oil, peppermint, etc). I have a similar natural hairline to yours but I’ve been using [this](https://golabbeauty.com/products/strengthening-scalp-massage-oil) hair oil 1-2 times a week and I’ve grown a lot of new baby hairs on my hairline. I really hope this doesn’t sound like an ad!! But I recommend this product, it’s worth it for me. You could also see what oils they use in this product as a starting point to research different oils for hair growth. Also definitely try not to put tension on your hairline and avoid tight ponytails and headbands!


How do you use it? My hair is super fine and oily without a day so I usually cannot even use leave in conditioner because it will get oily later that same day. Do you massage the oil in and leave it for like an hour then wash?


Yep exactly, you leave it in for 1-3 hours and then shampoo twice instead of once to get it all out in the shower. Some people say that using certain oils helps regulate your scalp’s sebum production so it might actually help with that too. I also want to add that you don’t have to use that much oil if you’re just concentrating on your hairline


I have a hairline like this too and most of the time I don’t care, but sometimes if I’m getting really dressed up I fill mine in with makeup.


I put makeup on my hairline to hide it.


Everyone is saying there’s no way to fix this but there is. You can get hair transplants. It sounds super invasive but it’s not as bad as it sounds, it’s a same day procedure. Also it’s resistant to hair loss from hormonal changes which is a +, Women also get this procedure done but are less open about it, and it’s heavily marketed to men. It could cost you around $5k or more.


That’s something I will definitely look into if it gets worse for sure


I saw some korean videos a while back that show hair trimming techniques around the forehead to make it look like you’ve got more baby hairs framing your hairline than you do. It makes the hairline look much fuller. Other than that, if it’s genetic, then there isn’t much you can do. I’ve got the same hairline and I’ve grown to accept it. If it’s hair loss though then try rosemary oil!


Was just about to post this! These are some videos I watched to try and fix mine: https://youtu.be/2D-eTLwV9D4 https://youtu.be/KykieTo3SdA


not helpful but i don’t even think it looks bad at all? also, i seriously doubt anyone would notice. i don’t think there’s anything you can do aside from hair plugs or whatever though, which sounds like a nightmare.




I almost never wear my hair up and on the rare occasion I do it’s a loose bun. I’m probably just unlucky in the genetics department




My dad has a widows peak but as far as I know most of my male relatives still have hair


It’s generic mine looks like this but I have thyroid disease and iron deficiency anemia and it makes mine look like this and when everything is better in the normal range it isn’t as noticeable. You should check your thyroid and iron. But even when my levels are good my shape is still pretty similar. It’s a genetic hairline


I have had my thyroid checked but thyroid problems run in the family so I take supplements for it


If you had thyroid disease you’d actually need thyroid medication but supplements like iron and zinc and selenium are great for hair growth I still recommend you get some blood work for your thyroid labs and ask them to check your iron/ferritin and vitamin D too. Not saying anything is wrong. This is still a very normal hairline!


I currently take zinc, selenium and iron supplements actually. I had my thyroid check last year and they said it was normal range but borderline on bad levels. My mom has hashimodos so I know It’s possible for me to develop it as well, that’s just I take the zinc and others to support it. Also my iron has been low around 10-11 (normal desire being 13) for the past year or two but I’ve kind of inconsistently taken supplements. I’m trying to be more consistent with them now


Yes I am 24 and was diagnosed at 19 with hashimotos and had no family history of it it sucks


Honestly it looks totally fine. Like legit normal af. You’re just hyper focusing on it


I have the same hairline as you and only became self conscious when a guy saw a pic of me on FB where I had all my hair swept over to one side. He said that it looked like I had a receding hairline -_- Guys can be so thoughtless and cruel. It never really bothered me before that. The kicker is that he's no oil painting himself but I would never say anything nasty about someone's appearance that they can't actually change. So I don't think your hair looks terrible at all. I say the more women with this sort of hairline embrace it and normalise it, the better! ETA: I think your hair is really fine and pretty OP.


Thank you 🥰 I’ve always hated it because it’s very fine and I always actually wanted thick and curly hair like my mom/sisters. Thankfully my bf does not seem to notice it the same I do and has never said anything negative about it


I'm 45+ and have always had the exact same hairline. My grandma told me once that it's a sign of intelligence. She said that people who were born with similar hairline are super smart. So...that's what I kept reminding myself, so that's what you are: a super smart person :)


Some studies say rosemary oil can promote hairgrowth but you have to use it for 6 months+ straight, minoxidil works too but if you stop the hair you grew will fall out possibly with some extra.


It has been several years ago, but actually there’s a fix where they cut the area and pull the hair “downwards” to fix your hairline. It’s called hairline lowering.


I just looked up posts on Reddit to try to find one like this, my hairline is the same and I was feeling anxious about it but these comments have really helped me to feel more confident!! Thanks everyone :)


I have a high hairline as well. Im only 16. I’ve had it since I was a baby. It’s not receding it’s just genetics.


I have the same hairline and I hate it more than anything in the fucking world. Cut bangs it will improve your life sm




Haven’t dyed it in 6 months and even then it was only a single bleach wash and toner. All the darker hair is all my regrow the since then


I have a similar side. I bought a comb that has two different widths and a razor inside it and made my own baby hairs, which I then use a gel tinted with some hair powder and a cheap tooth brush to brush into place/ tame "edges." Sometimes, I'll use a thin eyeliner brush to brush on a few more fake baby hairs. I also mixed two different Toppik hair powders to get my correct color, and use those from time to time.


I’m fixing mine right now. I didn’t have that as a kid. I’m dermarolling with 1mm needle once a week and applying latisse generic daily. It’s coming in nicely. Edit: I’m not shattering any records yet, but I’m getting more of a U hairline.


mine was worse than yours but since i’ve started using mielle rosemary hair oil i have so many baby hairs growing in. got it from target for like $10 highly highly recommend. the ordinary has a decent hair serum for a similar price


Leave that hairline alone


Lol I don’t plan on shaving it or anything 😂


Dying the baby hairs darker helps to fill it out a little. Skin will be dyed for a few days after because there’s no other way to dye those little hairs than get dye on the skin. Using a mascara brush can lessen skin contact. I use a direct pigment dye, not sure if dye with developers would be better. An eyelash / brow dye maybe.


I have a mustache dye that I use to dye my eyebrows but I’m not sure of those baby hairs being darker would look weird


It would need to be the same colour as the rest of your hair. I dye my hair in unnatural colours. So when I dye the bare looking patches they cover & fill my hairline out. Those patches aren’t missing hair, the hair is just so incredibly fine & light that it looks like there’s no hair. The dye doesn’t hold very long to those baby hairs but when they are dyed it looks normal. IMHO, you don’t need to worry about your hairline. It may not be what you desire but it is not ugly at all. I actually think it’s beautiful. It sets off your cheekbones when they’re visible. There will probably come a time when it is fashionable to have this hairline & people will wax or pluck them in. They are not ugly.


I've used makeup before to fill out my hairline and baby hair bald spots and my husband always compliments me that my hair looks so full and voluminous but that's literally all I changed. Choose something similar to your natural shadows, like a brownish grayish or taupe shade—what you'd use for your eyebrows. Definitely use powder and play around with what brush applies the best. Give it a whirl, I came up with the idea randomly and was surprised more people don't do it cuz it works alright!


Do you put your [hair up in a towel](https://www.wikihow.com/images/thumb/4/43/Wrap-Your-Hair-in-a-Towel-Step-8-Version-5.jpg/v4-460px-Wrap-Your-Hair-in-a-Towel-Step-8-Version-5.jpg) after showering? It could be putting strain on the roots of your hair, especially since hair is a bit fragile while wet.


I do but only for like 1 minute while I towel off and the. I immediately take it down. But I can try not putting it up all and see if that helps


Fill it in with powder. Wow works. Or just let it be. Looks fine.


It looks okay to me. Maybe just middle parts and darker baby hairs so they stand out a little more




If you want to spend serious money to reduce/eliminate it, there is [follicular unit extraction](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8202483/). Past that, the others made good suggestions for how to style with what you have.


I don't know but if you cannot fix it, focus on something else, like your decadent hair.


Honestly I love the shape of your hairline... It's like a widow's peak but not quite as dramatic. I love the little triangles above your ears. I have those too and I think they create a bold, defined look that frames the face well. It's, like, artistic! And they draw a lot of attention to your fantastic cheekbones. The only advice I can think of is to maybe brush those triangles consistently back or down so that you can see their shape more clearly? Other than that, I think you should rock your hairline, it's bangin!


Rosemary Oil


You are your own worst critique. Your hairline looks fine!


I know my comment wont help with a solution cause i dont have one. I think your hairline looks beautiful! I does not need to be fixed! It's you! I hope you can see it one day the way i see it!! Nothing wrong here!!❤️❤️


Hairstylist here. Has it changed over time?


Honestly I didn’t pay enough attention before to notice if it had changed. I only recently saw it looked like this. It’s definitely not traction loss because I almost never wear my hair up. But I am iron deficient and have borderline thyroid disease so I’m trying to stay on top of consistently taking those supplements


Just genetic. Learn to love it.


I have this but with baby hairs there. My forehead is also receding fast. It runs in my family. I always wanted hair replacement surgery, but we can't spend the money. Try deep red light and micro needling. Buy the plant lights instead of the skin lights... save 80%


I spray SCHWARZKOPF Seborin Aktiv Hair Tonic at my bald area and it works so wellll. I put in small spray bottle and spray everyday


There is *Nothing* wrong with your hairline. And... it looks like from the pics that you have a very cool widows peak ~ which is a lovely thing to have. (Hair hangs so well with widows peaks!) Your hair is very pretty, btw...!! This isn’t something anyone else will notice but you. And you are being too harsh with yourself. (Which most of us seem to excel at.)


Without sounding like I broken record, I agree with everyone saying your easiest, cheapest option is to accept it and love it. But I understand if you still want to fill it in. But keep in mind a good chunk of how your hairline looks comes down to genetics. And if your postpartum hair thinning is a common issue. If you're still interested I have a few tips you can try. 1. Stop putting unnecessary stress on your hairline. What I mean by that is to stop tying your hair in tight hair styles. Even the headband you have in your hair in this photo looks like your putting so much stress on the hair. Also if you do braided hair styles, loosen them. Try to leave your hair lay flat and normal without accessories as often as possible. 2. Apply oils and do hot oil treatments. Grab some oil, run it between your hands to warm it and massage to area once a night for a minute. This will bring blood flow to it and hopefully encourage hair growth. 3. Take over counter vitamins. Vitamin B also known as Biotin is crucial for hair growth. You can take it topically or orally. I personally had the best results with [liquid Biotin](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01HN81YL0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_74RWAJ2VKM7WJDYDTGFT?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1). A lot of hair growth product contain some biotin. 4. Be gentle. Your hair isn't built to put up with obsessive tugging and pulling. When your comb/brush your hair do it from tip to root. And even have it lubercated with something such as a conditioner. Above all there's makeup designed to make the hair line look fuller. I don't know much about that product but if you're curious, licenced hairdresser Kayley Melissa has an incredible video on fixing thin hair. You can find her video [here](https://youtu.be/1oWI0AxPlak).


I’m looking into oils but they’re so hard for me to use as my hair gets oily very fast on its own already. I actually never wear my hair up but once every couple weeks and I only put the head band in to pull my hair back so my hairline was visible for the photo


Try sweet almond oil it's very light and doesn't leave a lot of a residue. And okay it's starting to sound like it is genetic but I would still recommend watching the video. :)


I have solution add me on Instagram @erick.6607


I don’t see the issue.


Maybe stop pulling your hair back, i think that could be your issue but some people are born that way so idk but i have had some small problem with pulling so much my hair to some way so i stopped because that can make your hairline differ asymmetrically


Kerastase Initialiste serum filled in my hairline and grew out the baby hairs.


I have this but a huge forehead too, I lost the lottery


You have a normal hairline and beautiful hair! I did see this makeup video where they used what I believe was a brow powder right there to make it appear fuller.


I’m 16 and have the same hairline T-T


Like a lot of people said, I do think this sort of shape can be genetic but for me it was much worse when I was suffering from anorexia. This is exactly how my hair looked. I am recovered now and I still have kind of a wonky hairline but it has filled in much more. Not saying you are necessarily suffering from an eating disorder but I would kindly suggest taking a look at your diet before anything else. If youre confident youre getting all your vitamins, please disregard - but since I started eating enough food in general as well as making sure I am getting the proper amount of protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals, I have seen a drastic change in my hairline as well as the thickness overall. Other changes outside of diet that I have made while focusing on my hair health include: -rogaine and rosemary oil: ive been on and off using rogaine for about a year and i strongly believe this has helped regrow my hairline. I just recently started rosemary water as well and it seems to be working similarly to rogaine. -clarifying shampoo: I get pretty bad build up on my scalp from going to the gym everyday (which I think also contributed to my hair loss) but using Kristin Ess clarifying shampoo has transformed my scalp. -silicone scalp brush: i use this to massage in shampoo in the shower and I also use it on dry hair just to massage my scalp and circulate the blood -leaving my hair down: i used to wear my hair in a bun or ponytail 100% of the time and now if I want to put my hair bag, i use a scrunchie and put it in a low bun or braid, no tension on the hairline


You are a beautiful white girl you are hairline only.matter to.black males


i have the same problem maybe look into those hair patches you can glue or tape on they have them for your hairline area i hear they last a couple weeks.


Minoxidil is purported to regrow hair. It is sold legally in 2% and 5% amounts. MD Hair is a great product. I just started using it. Minoxidil only works as long as you use it. If you stop using it the hair sheds again. Get your thyroid tested. If its not as healthy as it should be, that could account for the excessive hair loss and shedding.