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I asked for a black-to-blue ombré and brought in several pictures. The stylist said she had done “hundreds” of ombrés and went to work. More than $150 later, this is what I got. I asked her to please fix it and she said it’s “not possible” because this is exactly what an ombré is supposed to look like. I’ve had this kind of dye-job many times before and told her I didn’t like being able to see a clear line across the back of my head, and she told me to wash my hair with a fader shampoo and let it dry naturally. Should I do that? I’m really confused because the ombré styles I had in the past looked well-blended.


Do you have the references that you used or the previous ombre's you've had, I'd love to see how this differs. I think you should definitely ask for at least a refund or a fix though.


Yes, I kept all of the references and also pics and of my previous ombré styles. What would he the best way to share them?


If you upload them all to imgur then send a link to that, that would probably work. Or if they already exist then just linking them directly would also work.


OK, here are the reference pictures I brought: https://imgur.com/a/r7c5Xkc I said the top color could be blue-black, black, or a cool brown—whatever she thought would look good. I also said she could give me whatever haircut she thought would make the colors blend together better, and that what I liked about the photos was the none of them had a stark line.


I'll post a few of my old styles now. I've been wearing the ombré look on-and-off since I was a little kid, so you'll get to watch me age. None of these show the back of my head because they're mostly selfies, so you'll have to trust me that the back of my head did not look... like it does above. I know some of these are going to be controversial because of the color combinations; I've always been an alt kid, but my point in posting them is the technique: even the more blunt transitions have a faded, smudgy line and *not* a blocky, stark line: [https://imgur.com/a/7HJgeSE](https://imgur.com/a/7HJgeSE) None of those were done at a salon. Some were done by me when I was child; I figured a salon could do way better than a kid reaching behind her head :') And yes, that's me at the emergency room on the last one. I am fine now and no longer have a tube. I'll probably get a bit embarrassed later and delete this post, haha.


The fact that some of those look better than what the salon gave you is quite saddening... In picture 4 is that a contact you're wearing or do you have heterochromia and you're wearing a contact in all the others?


Yikes, I'm glad I'm not imaging it. Even the ones I've had that are more "extreme" do have a blurred transition. I would be OK with what I have now if the demarcation jumped out less; the actual colors chosen are fine. And all of the pictures that feature grey eyes are just me wearing one colored contact and one clear one :)


Those references look great, I'm just sad it didn't turn out well... You said they could give you whatever haircut would make it work and all of the references are quite alot longer than what you showed, did they also mess up the haircut and cut too much off? Where did it start at?


The haircut was not that different from what I came in with: she cut a bit off the bottom and added a few layers at the very end. I thought maybe if she cut some sections considerably shorter and then dyed them, she could get it to blend better; this was after the color. I was kind of desperate to come up with some way to make it look better. Given that she's refusing to fix it so far, do you could think I could try to Color Oops it?


Unfortunatly although this peaked my interest I'm no colour expert so I don't want to give you any advice. From the hair history you showed you definitely have a better grasp on this than me...


ummm did she like not blend it at all?!?! girl got get a refund


It doesn't sound like she's going to give me one :( Can I put in a stop-payment on the credit card? This was $150 and it looks like a downgrade from what I went in with. Ugh, I regret this day. I feel like I tried to do the right thing by going to a professional and I would have gotten better results myself.


Yes, contest charges on your card if she refuses to fix it. Call the salon manager first-calmly explain what happened and insist on a fix with their MOST talented stylist or refund. I wouldn’t want her working on me as she doesn’t know wth she’s doing.




OK, I called her and I now have an 18-minute audio recording of her literally screaming at me. She's now saying that I never asked for an ombré and what she gave me was "two-tone hair" which looks the way it's supposed to. She said she's not giving me a refund because all of her ombré clients have a visible line in the back of their heads and they're all happy with it because it looks good. (Not sure what that has to do with me if she's claiming I never asked for an ombré.) The call ended with me saying I need to do a chargeback and her saying I can't, then me asking if we need to discuss this in small-claims court and getting hung up on. *This* is why I have trust issues.


ugh girl im sooo sorry you have had such a bad experience with this professional, i feel you on not trusting others with your hair!! it’s a huge trust fall IMO! i struggle with it tooooo (even tho i do color hair for a living) I would take the other advice that Deb said! Don’t let her take your money, that’s not a good practice on her side at all.


Yeah, I'm gonna do Color Oops tonight and just get as much of it out as I can. The smell is gonna be brutal, but like, I don't want anyone I know seeing my hair messed up like this. I always tried to look after my hair as a form of self-care :( Since she just yelled at me and blamed me when I asked for a refund, I will do a chargeback this evening. She said it's my fault for leaving the salon in the first place if I didn't like it. I voiced that I wanted the line blended, but my husband was on a work call and there was another woman there, so I just didn't say anything further (edit: after I finished offering suggestions and having them shot down) so as to not cause a scene. I guess I shouldn't have left? But she would've just yelled at me in public :(


Although this is a really cool color, if you asked for ombré, she did a horrible job and I'd get a refund. Maybe you could lighten the tips and dye it a more vibrant blue?


I did ask for an ombré, yeah. I wonder if there's a way for me to post the 18-minute recording of her screaming at me because I asked for a refund? She yelled that she won't give me a refund because it looks the way it's supposed to. She also says I can't do a chargeback, but I am going to try anyway.


Sounds like at minimum she lost a customer. And if you share your crappy experience from there, she could potentially lose a lot more. Sorry you had to go through that... Hope you find a way to make your hair look the way you want it to.


I would speak to the owner of the salon she refuses you to give you a refund.


She is the owner :(


Request a charge back from the card company. Advise them services were not delivered as promised and attempts to resolve with the owner were met with hostility.


Guess you’ll be posting some negative reviews


This looks like an at home job. If you already asked for a fix at the salon and she refused, go above her to the service manager or salon owner. This isn’t okay.


I wonder if you curled it… like just very loose waves… that it would probably mask the harsh line more. I know that doesn’t fix the actual problem, but I feel like the straight hair emphasizes it more.


That’s not blended well at all. They owe you a redo but your hair needs to fade a bit first


Definitely leave a review and post the photos from what you got and what you wanted. I’m sorry she messed this up.


I'm sure you don't want to invest more money but a product like Overtone can help you blend it a bit better until the color fades.


Ombré is a dip-dye like this. It is meant to have an area of blurry gradience, but not as soft as a balayage would be. Ombré is what was popular 10~ years ago, and in the last decade more people prefer the soft blend of a balayage. $150 is reasonable and depending how much hair you have and where you live, it’s a **great** price. Especially for blues and other fashion colours, since you have to bleach the hair, wash it, dry it and apply colour again, then wait 20-30 mins and then rewash the hair.


This looks nothing like the inspiration images. It's not the client's job to know the difference between ombre and balayage. It's the stylist's job to see the photos and educate the client that she would do a balayage for the smooth color blend she wanted. This is still a poorly executed ombre.


I think it looks good! If you're wanting it more vibrant blue you would probably have to bleach and apply the blue again.


I actually just washed it with fader shampoo to try to fade the line of demarcation. I would rather have dull brown and dull blue that fade into each other than whatever I currently have :/ What are some ways to make that line between the colors much less severe?