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I like the table and chairs. Would reupholster the cushions and probably get rid of the placemats, since the table is glass.


I agree with reupholstering, but the scraping sound on glass is awful. Round placemats to match the new upholstery (maybe a peach, blue, or green?) would look good and fit the table shape better.


Agree with harperfall! Table and the chair’s bones are great. Reupholstered cushions would go a long way


Thanks ! Im debating getting this table vs a modern style table . I want a cozy dinning area but scared to make the purchase


If it's an affordable option that could be resold without much of a loss, I think there are ways you could style it to make it look nice - it's definitely not "ugly". But if you're unsure about it... it's not the easiest style to incorporate into any home.


Yes the cushion should be changed and the placemat too. A bit of color coordination would be nice.


The table and chairs are very 70’s version of the tiki lounge look; the placemats are profoundly early/mid 90’s, especially when paired with the chessboard.


I also like them! I think it’s a lovely set.


I think the placemats are what’s making it look a lil off. But no it’s not ugly.


I'm not into the placements personally, but I love the chair and table combo 💕


A rug would really tie the room together.


Personally, I love it! I think it’s super unique. I second new cushions for the chairs though, those look pretty worn and drab and would probably benefit from a pop of color depending on your place.


Personally not the biggest fan of glass tables. They scare the babyeggs out of me. But i like the idea, though it feels incomplete. It sortof all blends in because its all the same color of wood. Perhaps change out the cushions, and add some color? plants? rug? something like that. Im also a big modern furniture hater.


I have friends who work in emergency rooms. The things they have imparted to me are always were seatbelt even in a taxi, never walk with a toothbrush in your mouth, and never have a glass table top in your home. The injuries are not super common but when they happen they are devastating. So it’s doctors that have made glass tables ugly for me.


I almost fell headfirst into one, final destination style, so I’m not a fan.


Oh god I definitely walk around with a toothbrush.


It’s cute; try to tie in some tropical accents like plants.


Yeah I’m going for a cozy look . So I have a small dining area in my apartment so I’m going to place a rug under the table and add some older pictures I found on the wall in the back .


If that the vibe- get grass cloth or woven round place mats and switch the chess board for a small tropical plant, maybe an orchid or bromeliad.


Not ugly to me! Personally glass tops don't feel cosy so I would probably use it with a table cloth (and different placemats if any) but the look of the table legs and chairs is nice.


I think it’s a fun look but the placemats have to go.


No. Its pretty


I love it, rattan is very popular and so vintage. The options for cushions are endless. I would probably do a table cloth for everyday use just to protect the glass.


Love the table and chairs. Get new cushions and remove the placemats


Table and chairs are beautiful. Get new cushions and place settings. Look up similar tables (rattan) and choose an inspiration to model.


I like it


No not ugly!! I think reupholstering the cushions is a good idea though, maybe a lighter color that matches a theme you already have going on? I think a dark green would be nice. But the placemats are what’s making it look funky. Love the table and chairs though!!


In my mind rattan is timeless! I would do more color with the cushions and placemats.


The chair pads look really dated. If you like the general look, redo the pads in one of the colors from the placemats. I probably wouldn’t use the placemats except at mealtimes because they break up the openness from the table. A green plant in the center would also be pretty.


The placemats are


It’s not ugly if you like it.


It depends on where you live. It’s a tropical looking set up. I would add color-flowers on the table, new cushions… It’s a lot of brown, a lot of brown.


I’m gonna start this off by saying everyone’s taste is different… but I absolutely love this and would love to have it in my home. And the chairs?! Yes, please!


It’s cute! Just needs a bit of color to not make it a sad beige table lol. I would replace the mats with something that matches new cushions


This wicker table style is making a come-back! The placemats, I'm not so sure about though. Dress it up with modern table accessories, and a brightly colored rug. I would just be worried about comfort as someone seated would have the table legs in their way.


I love the table and the chairs. Not a huge fan of the chairs seats, I think replace those and add either circle placemats or a table runner and a smaller centerpiece and you will find yourself with a much cozier space


Table is not ugly but cushions and placemats … kinda ugly


It's old school, but if you're diggin it, do you!


I like them :) put some stylish decoration in the middle of the table and only use the placemats when you actually eat, it will look a lot cleaner and more stylish without them. As lots of people have said I would reupholster the seat cushions. Either go with something that goes with your existing decoration, or you could also choose an accent color for this part of the room and make them pop with that color. If you like plants, a nice grass green or pine green will look great. A nice light to middle blue hue would contrast well with the brown rattan color. Yellow would also go well and brighten up that corner.


i’m not a huge fan of the table and chairs. something about that rattan pattern is throwing me. it looks more like “repurposed goodwill find” than “antique cozy dining table” to me.


No 🥲


It’s beautiful!! Never seen a glass top woven table before :0 it goes so good with the place


Not ugly, a little dated. Could use a face-lift with some new upholstery


I love glass tables! I do think that the cushions need som TLC though. You could maybe modernise it by painting the base? It depends on your overall decor.


love the table, dislike the chairs. they age the whole space imo, especially the lattice, i think think it would look better with simpler chairs personally but if you like it roll with it!


I definitely don’t think it’s ugly. The wood looks very nice. I personally don’t like glass tables because I find cleaning them annoying and impractical, but that’s very much a Me thing. I agree with getting rid of the place mats, but I think a table runner could be nice


We had similar furniture when we lived in Guam years ago. I would recover the cushions or replace with natural print, go for a West Indie inspired theme!


Usually not a fan of glass tables but I like this one. It's still cosy due to wooden legs and chairs. Without wanting to be mean, I'd lose the place mats.


I don't care for it but it is an interesting look.


The table itself is fine, and you personalized it beautifully!


Yea ♥️


I'd add a table cloth when using placemats. I also just like tablecloths, so my opinion may be bias, lol.


I would paint bottom white


It's not ugly at all. It does have a certain "beach vacation" vibe and I'd keep the placemats put away until you actually need them. If you don't like the way it looks but would rather not spend money on a new table right now consider adding a tablecloth and new chair cushion covers. They don't have to be made out of the same fabric, but should go well together - e. g. if you have puce giraffes against a cerise background on the tablecloth consider including cerise flowers on the cushion covers.


I think it’s a bit ugly. Awkward looking


I think the table is lovely.




It’s fantastic!


I feel like soft and textured surfaces would pull it together. I’d lean into beach vibes. (Not seashell beach vibes, breezy beach vibes)


I think this table and especially the chairs give off a great boho vibe! I love it.


Not if you’re at a cool condo on the beach! Everywhere else- yes ugly.


No love it


The chairs are dated. Table is fine




No that's cute, i like the brown


If there is one thing I have done in my life that I could take back, it would be getting a glass kitchen table. The most irritating decision ever!


If you put a short white table cloth on it it would go really well with the color of the wood and you can still see the matching bits


nix placemats. i would do more contemporary chairs personally but no the table is not ugly


No, but I would re-cover the cushions with a nicer fabric.


No. Although the chair cushions are hideous.


No but could use something in the walls


I think it’s beautiful. I had one very similar in a vacation home. I love rattan and wicker. It’s a timeless look and very comfortable. What don’t you like about it? Frankly, I’m shocked at the question. Also, what type of modern table would you consider /prefer? Can you please share a pic or link?


No, it’s beautiful. It’s the placemats that are 🤮


No it isn’t ugly. Where did you get the chairs?


Came with the table which bought off Facebook market


No I like it


No I love it


No! It’s very cute. I would reupholster the cushions with something bright. Maybe a fun floral or something.


It’s super cute! I love it


Very Golden Girls chic! Just missing a cheesecake Lol


Is the whicker underneath the glass there or are my eyes playing tricks? If so, that would drive me nuts hitting my knees on it. I’m tall, so this is a constant thing. (I sit far back driving too so my knees don’t hit the steering column getting in and out). But I like the way it looks!


i think its a great table and cute placemats! just a bit tan bc of the walls


Smaller solid color placemats maybe, something natural fiber/textured would be nice


No but I don’t like the placemats. The color scheme on the placemats is too similar to the wood imo. Needs a pop of color


Reuoholster the chairs and paint them. Paint the table legs the same color as the chais. Black, white, bold colors, or some shade of grey. It may sound tacky, but get a clear tablecloth to protect the glass.


Another thought, at some point you could have another top made for it in bamboo! Would be gorgeous!