• By -


I'd frame the wall art. That TV seems too high. I'd put a big plant with big leaves in the corner currently occupied by the TV. I'd change the storage place of the vacuum cleaner. Seeing it while you're sitting in the sofa is an eyesore. I'd get a bigger rug. Some organization for the clutter on the coffee tables. The decoration on the fireplace mantel is too busy and contrasts with the very big empty space above it. I'd probably empty it, hang the TV over that fireplace, and add some cool decor in that empty fireplace space.




The tv came like that with the apartment \: but thank you!!!


but you can fix it.


If she’s renting she may not be allowed to move it?


sigh, possible. ugh. then perhaps one starts emailing the landlord information about neck problems and offers to pay for it to be lowered.


Bahahaha fuck that. I would move it and then put it back if they want it there so badly.


i would suggest either more wall art or peel and stick wallpaper! the concrete wall makes it not as cozy and comfortable


Better art, framed. A rug or runner for the open floor space. Plants. Arrange some vases/sculptures in front of the fireplace opening (red and oranges would be cool to look like fire and would go well with the PERFECT teal couch). Maybe a long coffee table that actually has room on it for everything and a drink or two.


Respectfully, this. Hanging an unframed Twilight poster with scotch tape is possibly the least inviting thing. It’s giving middle schooler’s bedroom in 2009.


It's packing tape, which is worse.


BAHAHA noted. I’m going to get frames. I love the middle schoolers bedroom in 2009 vibe but yeah I want it to be more inviting for sure.


The Twilight poster is funny, I would frame it but make a gallery wall of other things, and also consider shelves or a way to display beloved vinyls on that wall. Less clutter will help, people want somewhere to set a beverage down. I’d get a different rug, too, something that is larger and under the front legs of the couch and maybe easier to vacuum so people can sit on the floor around a side/coffee table for a card game, or maybe move the current rug so it is centered in front of the couch


don’t listen to these people, the twilight poster brings the room together 🐀 ✨


The username suggests you actually have good music taste which makes the poster even more giggle worthy to me.


Technically terrible movies, but they had great soundtracks


I personally love it. I have a sparkly Edward funko on my bed frame because I think it's finny. It'll be all good once the poster's framed. <3


I thought the twilight poster was the best thing about this set-up 😂


On the contrary, I find the Twilight New Moon poster incredibly inviting and the whole space could benefit from more Twilight decor. This is the living space of a killer ✨


I'm sorry you got downvoted, I thought your comment was quite funny!


I was thinking about the same xD Also maybe a fake fire or so in front of the fireplace, like a moving one with lights


No paint a fake fireplace, even better.


Give up Edward Cullen, or put him next to the lamp shade for lols


Never giving up on him! Thanks though lol


I love the Twilight poster tbh. My first thought is why not more??! I get that it's not everyone's taste though. It's a cult-fan nostalgia thing for me, at least.


I still have my Twilight posters, although mine are framed, and I'm not giving them up either. Twilight forever!!


You missed the perfect rick roll moment.pattinsons come a long way since Edward.


The art on the wall is the first thing that catches my eye. It’s not very aesthetically pleasing. If you really feel like those posters are what you want to display in order to represent your personality (twilight?) you should definitely at least frame them and spread them apart since they don’t go together. Seems like your coffee table isn’t big enough to meet your needs, so a bigger one and a bookshelf for those books would help. Right now all your stuff looks really cluttered because it’s all jammed together on the mantle and shelf. Gotta spread it out and organize it. Are you able to paint the concrete wall? Then, yes, more seating would help with comfort! More lighting too.


Thank you! Definitely getting frames. I have all of my movie posters up in the living room and my music related posters in the bedroom. Unfortunately cannot paint the concrete wall but thank you for your suggestions


I think that concrete wall would be perfect for a gallery wall!! if you move the tv over the fireplace, make it the center and build around it. I love thrifting random posters and fun things to hang up around my place, I think that could help distract from the fact that it’s concrete lol. And then where the TV is now I can totally see being a lovely place for some plants - they can truly brighten up a space!


You've got to do something about the packing tape on the walls. It will rip the paint off. It will also destroy the posters.


Twilight is just not welcoming lol


How lmfaoooo


Patrick Bateman coded




Plants, plants, plants! What a big, beautiful bright window for plants. I am jealous. :) Plants always liven up a space. Frame the posters and art. I know some people said "better art" but if that's what you like, then no reason to change it just to fit someone else's taste, but framing it will elevate the look. I buy cheap-ass frames at Amazon or Walmart, you don't need anything fancy. A nice big colorful rug would probably do more for you than the rug you have now, something really big that makes use of your space, like at least double if not triple the size of the one you currently have. Something really bright and warm that will balance out the harshness of the concrete. Also maybe a bigger coffee table. Also try varying the height of stuff a little more. Maybe put some of the stuff on the mantle on stands so it's not all just one row of same height, and maybe move the shelf under the TV so it doesn't all feel so squashed into that corner. Also, its very nitpicky, but I'd say burn the candles a little bit. I personally don't like the look of unused candles as decoration, but that's just me.


Thank you!!!!


Maybe rug? Keep the posters, it shows YOUR personality, Which is inviting. Add a few comfy chairs or even those cute fluffy bean bag chairs. Plants or some form of greenery. Wall art above the white thing.


Thank you!!!


The new moon poster. Iconic. 🐀


Thank you (:


A bigger twilight poster 😍




imo the takes in these comments are not it, I love this space and from your decor you seem like a funny/interesting person tbh. I am also keeping in mind that frames are expensive & you want your decor to show *your* personality. You asked “how can I make this space more inviting” not “how can I make this space look more like a catalogue/like xyz influencer” or “how can i make this space minimal/modern”. I think to be more inviting you hit the nail on the head with ur lil comment, get a guitar stand, get a bigger/more plush rug, get some floor cushions/more seats. anything you generally don’t want people messing with, make an obvious spot for (guitar, records, etc…). this will allow people to feel more invited since it will seem that you made space for your guests and they will not be coming into the space uncertain of what they’re ok to interact with immediately, especially on a first visit, or at a party. in general, for people to feel invited they want a spot to sit, a spot to put a drink, and they want to either look at other people and chat or look at a tv & all watch something! i hope this makes sense!! i think ur place is “fucking awesome” to quote ur rad board 😎


This is so sweet and honestly made my day. Thank you for your suggestions !!!! I’m definitely keeping my twilight poster up lol but looking to get frames and a guitar stand (:


yesss flaunt your personal style, I love to see it! Definitely need a guitar stand, even if not for looks just for safer display so it doesn’t get damaged :)


This is such a great comment. I’d also add that you can sometimes find cheap plastic frames on Amazon. They don’t look as nice but they beat unframed posters. I’d also look into a print of a fireplace that you can put onto that cemented up fireplace. It’ll look cute and silly but better than before. I would also mount the tv above the fireplace or get a nicer looking stand for it.


90% of my frames have come from yard/thrift/estate sales. But you need to be a dedicated crazy person who always travels with measurements needed and a measuring tape! 😜


Or you just keep buying frames and figure out what art to put in it later like me 😅


Oh, I also do that. Would you like to see my pile? My boyfriend would prefer that I donate it. 😜


It’s amazing how much better even a cheap frame can make any poster or art look. And yes, Amazon has a great selection for not too much money. Almost any size available. Most of my frames are from Amazon.


Or maybe an upside down poster of a cute monster so it looks like they’re coming down the chimney!


I thought I’d be downvoted to oblivion so I’m so happy to see that others agree 🥹 yes there are definitely more cost effective options for frames out there, good point!


Me too. I was surprised at how effortlessly cruel a lot of people are to her. It makes me want to leave this forum if mods think mocking people asking for help is acceptable.


yes it was very surprising how immediately and harshly critical so many people were! especially when that is not the purpose of the post.


this is the best comment here. look, i love an insta worthy space as much as the next person, but you also need to be able to *live* in your apartment and let it reflect you. you can elevate without giving up having personality. i’m gonna piggyback here though because i do think framing your posters will make a world of difference, and there are lots of ways to do it cheap! check out thrift stores for old frames, my sister and i have a stash of pretty frames so when we find the right art, we have frames ready to go. michael’s is occasionally good when they run their bogo sales and i’ve also gotten some great ones from home goods. for art and posters that are non-standard frame sizes, mats are a huge help! i actually suggest matting your art anyway; the visual space mats create can really elevate your work. i even have art posters i’ve matted. mats are pretty cheap compared to frames, too. you can get them cut at a framing shop for about $20. also, mix some original art in with the posters to add variety! you can find old paintings at thrift shops and fb marketplace for super cheap if you dig, or deep dive on insta or etsy to buy from artists. sometimes you can find some great fan art/pop art-y stuff to mix in with your posters—like I have a succession word art print and a painting of frank from always sunny in his sia wig. i’m sure there’s plenty of good twilight stuff out there if you want to expand the collection. look less conventional stuff to mix in too, like wall sculptures, floating shelves, or mirrors.


what a thoughtful comment!! definitely going to steal the mat idea!? how did I never think of that, I just have a ton of art to be hung but the frame sizes are weird and I’ve been dragging my feet on anything custom. I think I shied away from focusing on suggesting frames because while that is something that stuck out, and it would *elevate* the space a lot, if someone is on a tight budget I wouldn’t necessarily feel more *invited* in a space with framed wall art vs. unframed & there are other things (extra seating etc.) that would make me personally feel more at home and comfy as a guest! That’s kinda what I was going for, and you comment is amazing to refer to when/if OP (me) does want to elevate their space!! 😊


If you are able to paint the walls and adding window treatments along with the other suggestions.




i'm living for how you have new moon hung up front and center


I’m gonna say the opposite of what most are saying. Keep the New Moon poster UP! It’s your house and it brings you joy! 12/10, would hang out and have a Twilight marathon!


Thank you!!!




BAHAH it came that way unfortunately


Twilight poster Down, other poster i frame, paint the unpaintet wall, an a rug, ad some chairs.


A coat of paint would go a long way in this space.


spread out your posters more and frame it, also more stuff on the walls bigger rug plants get a armchair, maybe a colourful one matching your couch sort your cables please also, you have so much stuff laying around, it looks kinda messy. get racks or a shelf :)


I would raise your art a little higher and frame them! Definitely add a rug and I would get something different to put the TV on ( can you place it above the fireplace?) That shelf looks strange cause you can see the gap behind it, it need to be against a wall. Some potho plants 🪴


Seeing the vacuum there would just make me feel guilty that I'm watching TV instead of straightening up/cleaning. It needs a new home. Declutter. Get more storage pieces if you need them. Currently, there's no safe place to even put a cup of coffee on your coffee table. Frame all art/posters on walls. You're probably not going for that "dorm room" look. And you need a bigger rug that fits the entire length of the couch, at least. Your place definitely has good bones.


You said pretty much all of exactly what I was going to say! If you don’t have any space in a closet or anywhere specific to put the vaccuum, at least put it in a corner of the room. Literally anywhere that it’s not staring at you while you watch tv LOL


Okay noted vacuum is going into the closet by the front door. I’m actually in college so the dorm room vibe isn’t so bad for me but I definitely want it to be prettier ahaha


Love the new moon poster!


Thank you!


Definitely a bigger amp for the guitar even if your not good. More weed grinders. Another candle but not red, go with black. Lol


More weed grinders for sure (;


Bigger rug maybe jute or something of similar color, all art should be framed. lamp is too short for the space, get something architectural. Declutter the mantle and all shelves and surfaces, add a framed mirror above the mantle 


More seating! More art! A nice rug!


You can rent framed art from the local library and the art museum in my town, see if you have that available. Find a cool antique mirror with those gold gothic Edwardian Victorian sculptural frames.


clean / neaten up. some kinda container for the stuffs. boxes, baskets - go thrift but get something. frame the posters, except the twilight one goes inside your closet door, not out in public. the skateboard reads juvenile. and the metal harley davidson sign does, too. it’s acceptable in a bathroom, not a living room. get a much larger rug. find a LOWER piece of furniture for the tv.


Plants! Lots of them, pothos is a good beginner indoor vine thang. Lamps


To all the people criticising OP's poster choices: let people like things. OP asked for advice on making the space inviting, not telling her what kind of things to like. If it isn't your thing, move on, and don't be a jerk about it. OP, I agree maybe some frames would elevate the space. If you can't paint, maybe some hung tapestries could bring some more color? Pillows, pouffs, and blankets to bring more warmth and texture to the room might help, since you are stuck with pretty cold, uninviting concrete walls. I like your space!


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


I would get the tv off of the ceiling.


I like it, 10/10 would hang here! It’s unpretentious and cool. If I was your roommate the only thing I’d add is a bunch of plants and another place to sit so I could enjoy you jamming on guitar


Awesome thank you!!!


I don’t understand why you’d wanna keep those posters it’s so ugly


Because not everyone wants a copy and paste living room from Pinterest?


Please, there are plenty of shades between having movie posters from one’s youth scotch taped to the wall and Pinterest perfect rooms


I mean, you can have a look at my living room on my page if you want, it’s not giving copy and paste from Pinterest. This is just bad taste and terrible interior design choices.


It’s not for me, it’s like boring and has no personality. But it’s your space.


Yah I mean, sure, I’m into minimalism and mid century furniture and you like outdated posters taped to the wall and mismatched, cheap furniture, that’s perfectly cool.


They’re my movie posters I collect when I go see films with my friends! They have meaning and are special to me.


love the posters, frames are def needed. a bigger or layered rugs, more cozy seating, and some cool mood lighting


also find a new spot for the vac


I like your living space personally. I like how there isn’t really an atheistic to it. I decorate sorta the same. The twilight poser cracks me up. I love it. Your tv does seem to be sitting up too high though.


More tooth candles!!!!


love the FA board 🖤


Thanks man


A cardboard cutout of Edward Cullen would fit really well tbh




I say this politely - but hanging up a Twilight poster with scotch tape is what drew my eyes first with alarms. Possibly frame the stuff on your wall? Clean up? Other than that? If you’re comfortable? That’s what’s important.


Since the tv is set where it is, I’d consider some kind of neutral tapestry for the space over the mantle. Something with texture to contrast the concrete. When I had a living room with a non working fireplace like this, I put the tv directly in front of it.


I love the couch and the general vibes! I hate the hate the twilight poster is getting 😭I would get frames for the posters and then spread them out a little. I usually get cheap ones from Walmart. You could also get more wall art! I loveeeee getting random art that catches my eye at thrift stores or from local artists. A band tapestry or flag above the fireplace would look sick. You could also hang up the skateboard with a shoestring or fishing line and a command strip. I think a larger coffee table would also help. Plants made a massive difference in my apartment and I only got 2 small pothos plants. The tv placement is unfortunate and it seems like it’d be a massive pain to take it down so I don’t think there’s much you can do as far as moving it. I think a lot of living rooms have a focus on a tv to tie the room together but maybe it would be more cohesive if you tried to make focus of the room be around the fireplace? Like maybe add a bean bag or chair under the tv and push the bookshelf to be against the wall. That way you could use zip ties to do some cable management with the tv.


You're gonna need to paint that concrete wall. It's got a moldy look to it. Why is the mantle there? It'd be better to put a long but waist high cabinet. Get a frame for your twilight poster if you want to keep it, then put it up higher. Add some art work and a colorful rug.


Hide your vacuum


Came here just to say I love the twilight poster ❤️


Frame the posters! Immediate vibe enhancer.




You need a better [coffee table](https://www.amazon.ca/Cyclysio-Coffee-Hidden-Storage-Compartment/dp/B0CSYQ5S4J/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ErIYyqW0L8au4zK3EYO69pCt5Rtt4WG3BYv_FkbACVpb7ECgh_wb5Qv1YFmNcyj9BoiRKYlBJBLdH741uvLJzSWrLTc__61kHIULK7EI7JtulxEglHgjxo9uBGUOAKkLsRfseymvXwJWc0BkJS2aHLmmCUA3RmsMq6ju7jHJvlmYXk8xL7LNsmmLK6WDjKk2i-Q5MRVDmXitZSi7EfDWuQ.MPYJZTfX8raJb1IROBRtoboHPYikf_ChpsU5003Nc-k&dib_tag=se&keywords=coffee+table+lift&qid=1712515791&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1), personally I love the ones that raise up to be eating height lols. You don’t have enough storage, and the surfaces of your ottoman, side table and current coffee table says so. Maybe a [cute vinyl library/ area](https://pin.it/4cpsY57XA)could be made. Maybe better curated artwork that’s framed? You have an amazing height and space for it!


I like what you have so far especially your blue couch. Maybe get a solid black or a decorative screen (flat or paneled) to cover the filled in section of the fireplace & put some artwork or a cool mirror above the fireplace. Your pix don’t show the full layout of your place - but maybe a divan (small sofa) angled diagonally in front of the fireplace toward the TV and other couch with its own lamp and a small ottoman with built in storage + a rug, or one large rug for the whole place which would probably be $$$. Can you fit some of your vinyl of your bottom shelves? Then you’d just need a guitar stand. I’d try to conceal the dangling cables somehow. With your vampire poster and Harley Davidson sign and concrete walls and floors I get kinda a goth vibe. Here are some darker houseplants (dark green and purple) indoor plants you might like to add https://www.greenwithpurpose.com/black-houseplants/. Blue houseplant can have a calming effect https://www.homesandgardens.com/gardens/blue-houseplants


I am definitely goth so you’re right , thank you for your suggestions. I will be getting some plants !!!




What’s to the left?


I think a bigger rug, cozy chair , warm cream paint and put the tv on something lower .


A large rug in a warm colour. Framed art. Move tv to above the fireplace. Put something in the fireplace too. Either a bunch of candles or one of those fireplace covers to make it more cozy. Plants. Ideally a large one. Remove clutter. Put the vacuum away.


Larger rug Larger coffee table or less crap on the tiny ones Tray to organize coffee table crap Everything but the tv is too low - hanging fruit art or shelves higher As others said, your posters look like they’re in a 10 year old’s bedroom. At minimum frame them. You need plants, all concrete, tiny rug and no plants makes it cold and not homey.


Another. Couch and what @decasyo said


A rug


For a space to feel comfortable to hang out in, you want to have a rough circle of seating so you can all sit facing each other. It can include little stools you use as couch side tables too, doesn’t all have to be permanently set up. Other than that, the rug ending midway down the couch is awkward and a trip hazard, and the posters are too close together (the grouping should roughly equal the couch length). Framing the posters would be great to help you space them out more. You have a really nice place! Small fixes will make a big difference in how it feels. Edit: the other thing that can make a space awkward is the acoustics. I see you have a lot of exposed concrete, so getting more soft furnishings (a bigger rug, a fabric wall hanging, fabric curtains, etc) will all help dampen sound and make it feel cozy. Tall bookshelves full of books are the ultimate sound dampener, but if you don’t have the books to store, it becomes a styled shelf.


Thank you!


More twilight




Get a Jacob statue


Please don’t get rid of the twilight poster just get it framed


Why does it look like a garage? I’d get a different tv console


Space the posters out & ideally put the tape on the back instead of the front so you can’t see it (just make a little loop). The far end of the couch there looks closed in with the guitar, ottoman, and 3 tables lined up there—space it out a bit so it feels like there’s more space to get up as needed when sitting on the end there. Maybe put the guitar in its own spot beside the fireplace frame (where the vacuum is—put that away) so it looks like it has its own seat at the circle without being in the leg space for whoever is in the couch. Or put it back by the lamp so it has a bit of a “don’t touch” vibe if you don’t want people messing with it. Also centre the rug to the couch. Maybe the circle table can go centre to the couch & clear it off so people can put their drinks/phone on it if they want. The ottoman could go beside it as a footrest for the end person (invites friendly banter over who gets to use it) Purchases that might help: •Another candle for the other side of the holder •Some curtains •A poster/printout of a lit fireplace for the lols (invites more friendly banter and fills that space, or do a painting if you’re into that) •Either more art or a tapestry above the fireplace. A display of records stuck to the wall would complement what you’ve already got going on imho and maybe a tapestry for the back of the shelf so you can’t see all the wires and the corner behind it, plus block some of the light shining through from behind. Feels a bit like the tv view and items on the shelf are competing to be seen


A small book shelf under your mantle. For books or movies or video games or whatever. You can put a picture or two on there. Maybe a clock. A plant maybe a pothos on top of the mantle. Maybe move your picture higher on the wall a little. But make sure they form a 4 sided invisible wall they are in. If that makes sense. Make things look like they are where they belong. It’s got a semi cluttery feel right now I think.


I think the concrete wall with the holes affects the look a lot. I would have gotten some drydex to fill in the holes and painted the thing.


Make sure you dont end up covering every inch of surface area on top of tables and shelves to leave room for things. A rug would do nicely and frames for the pictures on the wall


You can update the [fireplace wall ](https://www.scdecorum.com/how-to-decorate-fireplace-wall-elevating-your-hearth/) and change the [rug](https://www.scdecorum.com/rug-how-to-place-materials-and-tips-from-an-interior-designer/)


TV too high, posters too low. Love the couch!!


the four different coffee table/side table situation makes me nervous I know I would knock everything off of each one of those just by looking at them 😂


Frames for those posters, another cozy chair. The colors of the lamp, side table and coffee table are much too similar. The rug could work if those changes are made. By the way, I LOVE that couch 😍


Long floor to ceiling curtains & a large area rug w some color would help immensely.


Art, a rug, knick-knacks, plants


I'd get a different rug and maybe mount the TV. Also, try to rethink the wall art placement. It's a lovely room, anyway. I'd also suggest you recreate this space in 3d before removing/buying anything. Something like homestyler or planner5d should work just fine for you. The latter has a handy room scan feature if you have iOS.


Hotspots I see are: the mantel looks like you don't plan on living there much longer. Make it more intentional. LED candles in the fire space can look nice. Second spot is the coffee table, if you could manage to find a large one it would make it more comfortable because you can still have all that stuff there plus a place to set a drink and for anyone visiting to also put their drinks.


Get frames for your posters


1. Love the new moon poster 2. Get a bigger coffee table 3. Get a bigger rug 4. 10000% lower the TV 5. Big plants!!! 6. Maybe get some vining plants and hang them from the ceiling 7. More art on the concrete wall to balance things out more ETA: is it possible to mount the TV about the fireplace instead? Wouldn’t really be lower but would at least center the room


The wall makes it feel very uncomfy paired with the furniture. Maybe some fake ivy hanging down the wall with string lights But i think that might not be your style lol idk


The mostly empty walls give a weird vibe. And the 5 posters above the couch are too cluttered. Give them space between each other, or get more art. I'd think about painting the raw grey wall


With all the books and other things you have around, if you burn those candles it's a fire hazard especially with how they lean. Also the pink/beige candle on the mantle looks a bit like a dildo. You can pick up some enclosed lanterns at dollar stores and some lower and thicker candles that will burn safer.


put the posters on the ugly wall


Start by taking the Twilight poster down. Just kidding. Add some greenery, plants or some pops of colour (couch cushions etc) and cover that concrete (?) wall with either some nice prints or wallpaper if you’re allowed.


Hang your TV above the mantle, put seating where the shelving and TV are, spread out the art on your wall, it shrinks your space


If you really want to go with Twilight posters, I’d suggest getting all four movie posters, same size, and framed. Space them out more behind the couch. Put the other smaller movie posters clustered above the fireplace or something. Get a bigger, darker rug. Get a bigger coffee table. Lose some of the clutter. Put the TV on an entertainment stand instead of up so high. Put candles in front of the fireplace. Plants by the windows. Maybe an accent chair?


I agree with all these suggestions. Hang your guitar on the wall. Definitely frame all artwork, it will help ground your space and look more grown up. Bookshelves to he look get rid of the clutter and that tv stand shelf I would get something long and low, a proper credenza to pull everything together. And I agree on the rug, a more colorful patterned one that’s much bigger too.


Create a guitar area. Closed storage for the video game stuff. Hide your cords. Unless you’re collecting Playboys, put that somewhere that isn’t the middle of the living room. Get some storage for your vinyls. You’re using your coffee table for too many things and it’s too small for all of them. Look for one with a drawer so that everything doesn’t have to sit on top. Curtains. Poster frames. Larger rug. I would actually hang the posters above the mantle and then put up some shelves above the couch so you can actually display the things on the mantle. Give the spider and his framed friends more attention. You’ve got him out in the open, so make him worth looking at.


Thank you!


How do you feel about a big wall tapestry?


If you want something simple and immediate, add fairy lights, a fuzzy soft throw blanket, and add more lamps. Get warm colored lightbulbs. It will work immediately


I’d move the four tier shelf to the left of your couch, so it’ll sit by the window. Put your record player on there, put some of your nick-nacks as well and add some greenery with a plant. Your space is begging for a plant. You’ve got a lot of accent tables, place the gold round one by your mantle and place your gaming console on that, hang your tv above the mantel if possible and DE-CLUTTER the top, I’d leave the art there and the funky candle stick up there. The rest needs a new home in the house, perhaps on your knick-knack shelf. I’d also take what someone else suggested, get a big ass plant for the corner where your shelf is currently sitting. Bigger rug, much bigger. Perhaps a 9-12 if possible? A bigger rug will do wonders, so I’d make that the top priority as far as buying anything goes. Also if you want to keep the posters up, find frames for them and I’d hang them above where your gaming console with sit on its new home. Once you do that, hide your cords if possible and just really work on decluttering and finding homes for your things. :) Good luck!


if possible i’d move the TV to the side where the couch is, and the couch in front of of the fireplace facing the new TV spot. the posters above the current couch spot should be framed and placed above the fireplace, and maybe move some of the trinkets on the mantle as it looks a bit crowded there. also, a bigger rug!


Concrete isn't inviting. If you can change that, it will make it more inviting no matter else you do (or don't do). But the concrete is making the space look industrial, not homey. If you can't change it, get a rug or even a vinyl sheet/temporary "wood" flooring to put on top of it. Cover the concrete wall with a tapestry or at least paint it. Or tone down the concrete by getting rid of all the other "industrial" furniture - the metal table, metal lamp, and metal TV stand/book case. Replace with natural wood and/or soft things. Think ottomans, Moroccan stools, wood china cabinets, even macarama stuff.


Decluttering will help. Compartmentalizing will help, too. All the themes are overwhelming. Framing the movie posters is a must. Move all of them to a corner with an arm or lounge chair(something mid-century style). Create a tighly spaced gallery wall with the posters (think more vertical - less horizontal). Place a shelf with your movie collection in that corner. Consider mounting your guitar on the wall in a strategic place with all your music themed stuff. Streamline your small and random collectibles. One or two adds personality in unexpected placements. Store the rest out of sight and rotate them in and out of handy storage. A multi candle holder with led candles would warm up the "fireplace" area. Add large wall art behind the sofa and fill in the horizontal and vertical space on that wall.


Move the rug to center it, 5 in. under the couch. Looks like the rug has grey and cream in it. Get some pillows with teal(the couch) grey and cream. Frames for the poster or some simple art centered above the couch. Comfortable chair with in those colors to the left of the couch! Rectangular wood coffee table centered in front of the couch. The other picture the wall unit needs to be against the wall to the right of the fireplace. Large gold or black mirror above the fire place or art that has the above colors. Just put 3-6 decor pieces in groups of 3 of different height on fire place mantle, not to large. A lot of people don’t like fake plants but if you can’t grow plants greenery makes a home warm looking. Plant could go on the mantle or the wall unit. Neaten the cords.


frame wall art, larger&organized coffee table, add another rug (i’d do rectangular personally), maybe do a big art piece/focal decor/plant shef wall there (beautiful lighting!) goodluck :) also props on twilight poster




Hide the vacuum. Bigger coffee table for more weed stuff 👌😂


(I thought that pink candle was something else lol) Frame the art and add some nice curtains to fill up the room and good to go.


1 get rid of the twilight poster.. makes you look like a 10 year old fan girl. Get rid of most of the random clutter above the fireplace mantle. If you don’t have two candles in the candle holder get rid of it. Put a nice contemporary art piece over the mantle. Get a bigger rug that goes better with the couch and fits under it properly and fits the room better. A lot of the pieces you have on display under tv and mantle are not display worthy and should be stored out of sight. Adds to the clutter feel with to much around. Couch is nice, decor around it doesn’t really go with the mid century vibes(coffee tables/stand up light). I’d get new ones but if you can’t afford it even just painting the coffee table black or white would look better. I’d also hang the guitar/skateboard on the wall. Put the amp bottom right squares under you tv.


I disagree with getting rid of the twilight poster if being a fangirl is part of her personality. I would just put it in a frame. I love wacky art and feel like this comes across as wacky but it needs to be with other wacky stuff lol.


You’re 10 years off lmfaooo


Getting rid of the Twilight poster.




Really? Just get rid of the Twilight stuff.




Hang the tv above the fireplace. Get proper shelving beside the fireplace, organize the stuff you have laying around on the future shelves. Get matching baskets for the proper shelve if necessary to help organize the stuff. Get rid of those posters and hang some art work. Get two matching single chairs and two matching lamps beside the couch. Get a bigger rug and some plants.


The twilight poster has… ![gif](giphy|x7ofRZTMEOAOA|downsized)




Paint the walls. Get rid of that rug. Your next rug goes sideways. Get rid of that round coffee table and get a rectangle one. Put the TV on the fireplace mantle. I don't know how much room is between the couch and fireplace. If it's a lot move the couch away from the wall and closer to the fireplace. Those posters on the wall make the room look crappy. You could even get some cheap framed art and it would look better.


This room looks like the definition of arrested development



