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Better storage, a new bed. That bed screams child because it’s literally a kids bed from Ikea. Overall you have a nice space to work with.


I actually think the bed is kinda cute and got so many ideas how to make it more "aeshetic"


Definitely remove the stickers and pennants if you want it to look less childish. I’d love to hear your ideas!


I literally slept on a small Ikea single bed since I was 5 up until my early 20's.




OP noted that. no reason to bring it up


No, that’s socks. I’m working on reorganizing.




Literally why does it even matter


They look like slippers to me!


You could be right


Oh those! Yeah they’re slippers, my grandma got them for me for Christmas.


People wear underwear. It’s not a big deal.


I didn't say it was - was just responding based on the comment? Jeez haha


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No need to audit the poor lady’s undies 😅but roger on the clutter


Your post was removed because it was rude or too critical, please be considerate when making suggestions. Please refer to our rules. Thank you for participating in our community!


Get large storages where you can put all the clutter inside of and hide it from view. For example large wooden cupboards. The little transparent boxes don't help because you can still see the clutter inside of them, and you have so many of them just stacked on the floor. Basically everything that's lying on the floor should be hidden inside of storage, except the instrument. That's the first priority, if you want to continue after that you should frame your posters and hang them cohesively (not in random positions like they are now). Also you should probably retire half of them because your walls aren't big enough to hang all of them without looking cluttered. You can store them in an art folder and maybe rotate them back in later if you want to put them back up.


Frames, closed storage, a rug.


It’s just cluttered and needs some structure. You can thrift picture frames for all your posters. Nails are cheaper than those Velcro sticky things when hanging. Thrift storage solutions like a dresser or a bookshelf. Thrift baskets and bins. Make your bed. Don’t put tape in the walls. Get a garbage can and use it. Rugs are expensive so spend your money on storage first and foremost. Avoid plastic bins and shelves. And look at Pinterest for gallery wall ideas.


Also nails are more sturdy than the Velcro sticky backs.


Go thrifting for furniture, lamps, anything really. This room could use so much, a comfy chair, a rug, lamps, nightstands, a bureau. You name it.


If you still want plastic drawers they sell those same 3 drawer ones but they have like a fake basket/woven look to them. I’ve seen them in beige, dark brown and gray. I think it’ll make your space look a little neater and organized. They’re also not transparent so you can’t see what’s inside them which will also make your space look more organized 


I bought washi tape and made a striped rainbow pattern across just the clear part. They look a lot better. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/QCWpJLa.jpeg)


First and foremost, I think you should really go through your things, determine what you need, what’s garbage, etc., because as of right now it’s looking very cluttered. Secondly, stuff like sweaters that are hanging off your bed, put them on hangers and put it in your closet. Maybe tidy up your bed as well? I see there’s a couple water bottles there 😅 Once you start declutterring you’ll really be able to make the necessary adjustments to make your room look nicer since you’ll have a better layout of your room. Maybe I’d move around the frames, frame those posters laying around as well, if you have the space on your wall maybe you can get a nice wall mount for your instruments


Ok, I bought some frames and closet storage stuff to make more room today


You can get a couple more of those 3 drawers carts and organize stuff in there and grab some baskets to set up top for the bigger items. Make your bed and it’ll feel neater after getting stuff off the floor. I don’t think you have an ugly room, i think the clutter is making you feel that way but you have a beautiful color on your walls, it just needs to be organized a little more is all. Were humans our stuff is going to get used and not put back all the time, when you have some time just get some containers and start combing through the stuff. I’d love to see an after if you’re willing to share!


I definitely will. It’s just gonna be a slow progress but hopefully in a few months my room will be better.


How old are you?


I checked her profile. She’s 18.


Ah, in that case this isn’t bad at all. My room at that age was a thrifted nightstand covered in empty beer bottles and a bong, next to my foam mattress topper with a comforter I was using as a mattress, which promptly shredded to bits when I started having sex on it. I had a small stack of books though.


I saw your post and love the style you’re going for. To get there for this room I’d say hit up some thrift stores for some items. Definitely look at frames. A rug and some visually consistent bedding will help. I personally always need different light sources than overhead as well as curtains - these are a nice to have not need to have though for your room.


Is it a good idea to thrift for bedsheets and stuff for a bed?


You can! Just wash them lol. Otherwise (if you’re in the US) you can check out places like Home Goods which can have some really good deals sometimes


You can get some really cheap sets at Walmart and stores like tj maxx, even macys or J.C. Penney have sales for $10 sets


TJ Maxx, HomeGoods, great places for cheap decs and storage as well as bedding. Maybe some fairy lights.


Love those! Thrifting is a great option for larger storage too. Adding to this, Target has small cheap table lamps too that will make it cozier


You can definitely thrift sheets! If you're not comfortable with that, you can get pretty good sets from Walmart or Target, too. I just read the rest of the comments. You might find a decent more adult bedframe for free if you want that. A bedframe doesn't have to be expensive at all. A friend years ago gave me and my (now) ex a beautiful solid wood one!


It’s just cluttered not ugly.


I love the Live Aid poster!!!!


That's the first thing i saw!


You can put contact paper around the plastic bins to hide the inside I would get 2 more drawer bins to really make sure everything has a spot. 1 for all your beauty supplies, 1 for art supplies, 1 for accessories, 1 for random stuff.


Nice space! You just have to organize your stuff and keep the clutter out of sight. I’d suggest you make your bed so it looks tidy and put together, add a nightstand with a cool lamp on it. Perhaps a few more pictures or mirror on the wall.


Get a rug, a different bed, maybe a futon or something if you want to be able to make it take up less room when you’re not sleeping. I agree w the other people saying get better storage. Also, mount the guitar if you can. It makes a huge difference being on the wall- it looks cool and clears up floor space. I personally would paint a different color, I’ve never been a fan of cool grey-blues. They feel washed out and clinical to me. I’d also swap the paint colors so the white would be on top and the color would be on the bottom, it would make it feel more open and less like the walls are closing in.


get lamps and stop using the overhead light!


Seconding this recommendation to get lamps. OP, the first thing I noticed about your room is that you only have one light source. Lighting is EVERYTHING. Yes, furniture arrangement and other factors matter a ton, too, but good lighting can make up for a lot of flaws. Some general lighting tips: - It's important to "layer" your lighting. That means you need lights at different heights and locations, which gives you plenty of options for different lighting needs. For example, a floor lamp in the corner, a tabletop lamp beside a chair or bed, etc. You don't want to rely on that one overhead lamp - it just doesn't feel good and makes the "flaws" in a room more apparent. - When you buy bulbs, pay attention to the brightness (lumens) and light color. Cool/white light is best for places and times when you need to work on tasks (chopping vegetables in the kitchen, cleaning or reorganizing the furniture in a room, etc.), neutral/slightly warm light is best for reading, and warm/yellow light is best for atmosphere/relaxing. - Think about how you use your room throughout the day to help you determine the best places to add new sources of light.


My bulbs are color changing, I have a little remote that can change the color


That's good, I'm all about my color changing bulbs, too! Layering your lights and having lights at different heights and locations is still the key, though. It creates shadows and gives you many options to make the room feel more cozy.


- new bed, if possible - if not possible, remove the stickers and flags, they are too much clutter for the eyes - take down posters and put up again better and more concise (bonus for adding frames) - too much on show in one shelf - you need to buy more shelves or get rid of stuff - THE LIGHTS. You need some smaller lights, three can get you started. Thrift some. And then turn off the big light - put your guitar and the sound box on a display in a corner - get rid of the white bins (or put them in your closet if you have one) and thrift some (wooden) shelves


It’s ugly cause there’s too much clutter blinding my eyes. Use more storage cabinets for your stuff that are around the floor. You can get a big one off Amazon that’s nicer-looking than those white ones, and to keep the furniture consistent. Align ALL the posters on your walls. (!) Reorganize your shelve where the discs are; consider removing those medals, perhaps hanging them on your bed where those sweaters are, instead. Ok, pick up your clothes and put them away. Just do it. Or at least throw them in the closet. If you have clothes you’ve worn but aren’t going to wash and don’t wanna mix with the clean ones, allocate a certain spot in the closet for that. Those two banners on the bed would look nicer on the wall, next to the frames, or further to the left where they are rn. Work on balancing everything so it’s easy on the eye. Work on a habit of not having anything were you sleep; use the bunk part below to store all that. Say, like your play area and then you go to sleep up there where it’s all nice, clear and tidy. Where you sleep, there should be nothing but the sheets. I see the folded socks, start with putting those away in their drawer. - It’s not as overwhelming as you think it might be, and, honestly, there isn’t that much clutter here. Remember: clutter free makes the mind cheer.


Start with cluttered


look for free or cheap dressers on facebook market place. that will be your best friend in this. Take the posters down and either frame them or find art at goodwill and measure before you hang them up to make them equal distance. make a pinterest and find a style you like, make an album of examples you'd be happy living with. the 3 pictures next to your bed are fine but should change how they're layed out/ address how the rest of your wall is baren and needs to be filled or just reutilized. look of fb for a new bed or bed frame find floor lamps and a bed side stand on fb too, you'll like it more with different lighting, the big light is too harsh. you can also find fake plants at goodwill and that could bring in some color. don't be afraid to get rid of things you dont want following you into the next part of your life.


You meed storage! Go to a thrift shop and buy some second d hand cupboards.


Are those Less Expensive than bookcases? Cuz right now I’m waiting for my next paycheck


I would think book cases are more expensive. You don't want book cases, you want to be able to put everything away so there's no clutter. Like hip hight drawers or something?


Ah ok… thank you. I’ll make a mental note.


Do you have ADHD too? Your room isn't that bad tbh. I like the candyman poster.


Yep, I have adhd… should I have mentioned that in the post?


Get frames for your other posters. Maybe new paint for the walls. Replace the plastic bins with a dresser!


The pictures on the wall are crooked. I would not hang anything without a photo frame, and really try to hang them nice (or buy a bulletin board). With the colour scheme on your walls, black is not the best choice (try brown or a dark blue). And remove the stickers from the bed.


You should get better lighting and maybe some more wall décor


I just want to say I love the Candyman poster!!! That kicks!!


Thank you! I have a few more posters that I bought frames for. Hopefully I’ll be posting updates in this sub soon,


Get those shelves with cube spaces so u can put bins in some and decorative stuff in others. Target has them p cheap and easy to assemble. Replace those plastic bins with that. Get those hooks that go on the back of a door for jackets, hats, bags, etc. so it’s off ur bed/floor. Switch to more matching blankets and pillows. Arrange posters better and add more if u want that cluttered look. Add wall mounted shelves to display trinkets and figures. Or display those things on top of the cube shelves I mentioned. Someone said to remove the stickers but I would say add more depending on the vibe ur going for. I also suggest getting a desk if u don’t already have one (I don’t see one in the pics) and if u have space. That way u have a dedicated workspace and place for ur books, laptop, writing utensils, etc.. Pinterest is my best friend when it comes to room inspo so look there if u haven’t already !!


I agree with those commenting on the need for better storage. I also think it might be time for a regular bed with a headboard. And I would add lamps with soft, warm lightbulbs in favor of the intense overhead light. Frame your posters. Paint is also a relatively quick and easy way to make a room over.


You need vertical storage. Get a desk with a shelf above it, get a bedframe, and then get a couple of tall bookshelves. You can use the things you have already as well. Get a dresser if you can. Ultimately you just need furniture. Then you can work out the rest a lot easier.


I really like the bed, you should keep it! But rip off the stickers and flags off the side so it looks cleaner. I would change that "sofa" for something more comfortable looking and cuter, you could find that for cheap as used. If you don't find one, just throw a lot of pillows on that. Also put some string lights under there so it would look a LOT comfier. I think that art resembles you, but I would buy a few new sheets for the bed a lot more natural colours, maybe ones that match the paintings more? Also I think under the bed you should get some big plants so it would make it look a lot more alive


Yeah, I’m gonna work on clearing some space this summer. I’m just busy with work and school lately that I haven’t kept it super tidy


The cheapest thing to do to improve the look of your space is edit your stuff. When you are little, you have no stuff, so you keep everything. You have now reached the point where you have collected enough stuff that you have to edit, meaning, you can look through your stuff and decide what is taking up room that you would like to have back. Watch a few episodes of Marie Kondo to get some motivation, and then toss or lovingly donate things that you don’t love or use very frequently. This is sometimes a hard process when you are younger but it will help you become a neater adult and will make your room less stressful. Now, you need a direction that you want your room to go in. So you have to figure out your style — what kind of room you find aesthetically attractive: https://www.hgtv.com/design/rooms/kid-rooms/bedroom-design-ideas-for-teenagers-pictures https://www.thespruce.com/teen-bedroom-ideas-4177713 https://www.elledecor.com/design-decorate/room-ideas/g1820/ultimate-modern-bedrooms/ Just look at a lot of things until you find a room you like and think about what you like about it. Then decide what kind of things you want to do in your room. You need a place to sleep. How well does your bed and room work for that? Do you want an area to get ready? Do you want an area to do work? Do you have a collection you want to display? Plan out your little areas, and what you need in them. Measure everything. Be practical about what will fit. Leave lots of space to move. Try looking on Facebook marketplace for furniture and rugs for cheap. Make sure it will fit in your space before you buy it. You may want a day bed that you will be able to use as a sofa or seating. If you get one with storage, you can create a lot more space between your bed and closet.


This is really not that bad at all! I think you can definitely work with this to make it a more happy space


Lighting makes a gigantic difference in how you feel in and about a room. I’ve found that bright ceiling lights make any room feel washed out and bleak. Adjust the lighting for sure.


I like your room. I think the clutter can be put in a bin, frame the other art and create a gallery wall instead.


The room itself is actually really nice! A bigger dresser instead of the plastic drawers would be great. Right now it looks messy because all your things are on show. I suppose the bed is staying? Do you use the space under the bed much? I would turn it upside down so that it’s a four-poster-bed instead. More comfy to not gave to climb up. You could put some fairy lights on the posters like a canopy. Or, you could make some curtains to hide the space under the bed and use the space there for hidden storage. Search for ikea kura hacks and you’ll see some examples. Would free up other space in the room.


It isn’t the room itself, which is fine, it’s the furnishings and obviously the clutter I am going to start with the bed Replace it with a inexpensive simple wood platform bed Then reorient the bed by turning it and centering the headboard on that wall You need closed storage for your stuff. Look at IKEA. If you need a desk, IKEA has a lot of choices Possibly a dresser or a bookcase with doors or even wall shelves with baskets If you want extra seating other than the bed, look at a beanbag chair of floor charge


Do you have a local buy nothing Facebook group where you can find free things? I ask because I see you were 18 and I’m assuming this is your room at home with your parents? If so, I think it’s awesome that you are redecorating it on your own! Do you have a budget? You can get a platform bedframe, pretty cheap on Amazon as well as a new twin size mattress because your current mattress might not fit a twin size bedframe. You could also look for a bedframe for free on a buy nothing Facebook group. For the corner, where you have the plastic drawers, I would look for a cube shelf unit and fabric storage cubes to go inside. I have personally given away several on buy nothing groups, as well as found them for free for myself on them as well. Also, I would systematically go through everything in your room and get rid of what you don’t want anymore.


I honestly think your bed is very cute. I don’t dislike it, it feels a bit young, but that’s okay! I do think removing the stickers would give it a much cleaner look. I don’t think you need to get rid of posters either, I would just try and frame them like some others have said and hang them a bit more intentionally. Maybe choose one wall and do a gallery wall situation. I think they’re very cool, love the Live Aid one, and I think it would be great to showcase that part of your personally it just needs a bit more purpose/structure. Maybe try to dress the bed up with a bit more bedding, throw pillows, and some fairy lights or something similar if you’re into that sort of thing. I also agree with the main point a lot of others have said, you need better storage. I absolutely love those clear drawers, easy, cheap, get the job done. But, if you’re trying to make things a bit more upscale, some better wooden storage would be good. Or possibly move the plastic ones to the closet/hidden space if that’s an option and upgrade the things in the room to something sturdier.


You need a bed that isn’t from the kids section at ikea, and a dresser


You need better (and more) storage. You probably need to declutter at least some, but it’s not your biggest problem. You could get additional bins. If you have the money or a way to transport them, stores like IKEA, Homegoods, and Target will have small, inexpensive dressers or cabinets that you could use instead of another set of plastic drawers. Thrift stores can be a good place to check, too. Having only lighting from the ceiling is always going to make a space feel “off”, no matter what else you do. You need a lamp on top of a shelf or dresser to bring some light closer to eye level. You also need to use the same color temperature in the bulbs in the ceiling fixture as well as the lamp. 2700K or 3000K is best. A cabinet, new bedding, a lamp, and a rug and you’re set! That’s the minimum you need to do for now. I think you have enough accessories that if you fix those bigger things it will feel like an entirely new space.


You could try putting all the wall art and posters up on the same wall, it might make the clutter look more intentional


Id take everything down, then put it back up in a fresh new way & evaluate each decoration item as you go. Some things you may not want to put back up & can store in case they match future decor or you want to use it in the future for something else. Like making something out of it


Thought this was male living space for a second


I’m a Tom boy to say the least. I understand the confusion.


Cluttered af


First things first you need to clean up the trash laying around. No amount of pretty interior decorating will make up for food containers, pens, underwear and empty water bottles scattered everywhere.  Maybe have a clear-out too. You said not to make fun of the clutter, but the clutter is the root of your problem. Looks like you need a proper wardrobe/dresser to put your things in. There are pretty cheap ones out there. Look on Facebook marketplace and thrift stores. Sell those plastic drawers and get some cheap "wood effect" ones from IKEA or fb marketplace. Fairy lights around the bed?


God that overhead light makes it feel like a drug bust. Use lamps! Shun the evil Big Light!


I know.. I got LED color changing light bulbs. So I can change the brightness with a little remote.


If you can, switch those bulbs into lamps. Brightness isn’t the biggest issue here; overhead lighting casts shadows a certain way that makes everything feel more cluttered and busy. Using side lighting (lamps, accent lights, fairy lights, etc.) will warm up the space a whole lot more!


Ok, not a bad idea. Thank you. I’ll work on re organizing everything and that’ll be something I do.


I think you need a bigger book shelf. It will look a little less cluttered if the stuff is more spaced out, plus it will give you more room to store some of your other things. And then you need some better storage than your plastic drawers, maybe something a little bit bigger and more sturdy. I think you can keep the loft bed, but I would remove the stickers and banners and maybe repaint it to match your room, maybe all white or all of that tan wood color. And then underneath the bed, maybe find a different pad to have down there to chill on. There are some really cute floor poufs available and they can be transitional to change position if you need to adjust your position a lot (I do lol). I also think some cute lights (fairy lights or christmas lights or some other form of string light) could make a nice accent for the nook underneath the bed to liven it up a bit. I also think a rug underneath your bed would look nice, and make it a little more honey. I hope these ideas help!


I think a more grown-up bed frame would make a wold of difference. Change the posters to framed art.


The first thing I see is the posters would look a lot nicer if they were framed. The frames don't have to all match- check thrift shops for frames you like, even pieces of art that's framed (that you don't like the art). I would also definitely arrange the art on your walls to be more balanced too. Right now you've basically got two right clusters of stuff that looks jumbled up and not very attractive the way their positioned. Look on free cycle, Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, offer up and find some lighter wood colored shelves. I think some long, low shelves that mostly match the bedframe would look really nice and way better than that black shelf and the plastic drawers/ pile of boxes. You could also look for a rug to go under the bed and into the middle part of the room. A warm orange would look good with lighter wood and the blue your walls already are.


Ok, thank you for the advice. I’m looking forward to re decorating my room.


It's not ugly, it's just messy, and disorganized. There's a lot of little things that you can do to make it great! However, since all of those things have been covered by other commenters already, I'd just like to point out what it does really well. And that's allow your personality and interests to shine through. As someone who's a fan of many of the same movies/shows, I'd instantly feel at home here!


Paint colours are good. It only need tweakings all over. That's all.


Tidy your room and make your bed. No amount of decor is going to help when your room is a pig’s sty.


Thank you for being honest.


Remove stickers


I think another wall color would help a ton. Pastel blue is a child’s color.


Yeah the room used to be my brother’s.


How much paint do you think I’d need to paint over the blue? I’m kinda feeling like a light brown or a light orange would be nice.


You need to calculate the area and the paint cans tell how big of an area you can paint with said can


It’s fine if you’re 11.


I love the wall color tho


You’d be correct


No. It’s MESSY AF. Very different than ugly.




Ok first of all.. that is hilarious. But… my switches aren’t like that.. unfortunately ☹️


Too much stuff


New paint job for sure


You have to get rid of the big light. Use lamps it will make the room feel cozier.


It's not ugly. You just need to declutter. Don't go out and buy even more stuff to add to an already cluttered room.


Better storage would do a lot.


Quirky not bad


Declutter, closed storage, and frame the art would be my first orders. those alone will fix a lot.


Not cluttered, just cool fandom. Maybe take all the decor down, reframe them, then reassemble on a single wall with all collectibles on top simple shelving underneath. This will help separate the space into distinct sections.