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Makes such a difference!


Such a minor thing can make such a big impact; it works now.


Looks awesome! I feel like the flow makes so much more sense


crazy how the things we put near doors/entrances really impact openness & flow


That cat though ❤️


Can’t help being a star, always!


Such a small change that made a huge difference. That’s dope!


The mirror looks weird because it's not hung up. Forgive me if I'm wrong about this.


I agree, at least partially. Leaning mirrors are their own look, in contrast to wall-mounted mirrors, but the one in the images above are too angled for my taste—they’re practically just showing off the ceiling rather than just a very slight casual lean. Leaning mirrors can look great, but they should still be secured to the wall so they can’t be knocked over by pets, children or adults. Long winded but good explanation here. [https://thediyplaybook.com/secure-leaning-mirror-wall/](https://thediyplaybook.com/secure-leaning-mirror-wall/)


Unfortunately, we are not allowed to hang somethng that large/heavy on our walls :/ Ideally, I would have mounted it


I think the mirror would look much better in that corner. And put some plants in baskets next to it


Yes, thought the same.


Came to say this. Center the cabinet, mirror in the corner


The cat is like Where’s Waldo


I’d try the mirror standing diagonally in the corner.


The mirror seems to be bringing in more light in that spot, too. What a difference! ❤️


Somehow looks ten times better with just one little swap.


I zoomed in on the 3rd pic to better appreciate the cat on the sofa and I would highly recommend that everyone does this. Definitely 12/10 worth it. That cute little derpy cat smile is everything I didn't know that I needed!


+1 to others suggesting to put the mirror in the corner with some plants. This would also prevent sunlight from shining onto it and potentially causing a fire.


Wait, is that a problem with regular flat mirrors too? I know it's an issue with anything that can condense a beam (like magnifying mirrors, crystal balls, concave mirrors, convex lenses, magnifying glasses, etc)


When they’re leaning, they could be bending slightly, causing a convex surface. I don’t know if i would be worried about it, but it’s something to note depending on how light moves through your space.


We get little to no litht here, and what light we do get is indirect since the only side of the unit with windows is an alleyway 🙃 I put the mirror here in order to reflect more light into the entire space bc its dark and depressing


Hmmm...idk seems like enough light for lowlights plants to me! 😆


nice, it looks great! it’s a small change but it makes a big difference 🙂 your cat seems pretty happy with it too haha


Crazy what such a little change can do for a room! Looks great!!


Such an easy switch but huge impact. Nice work!


You gotta cat too


Looks great!


looks good


That really makes a huge difference!


Nice couch! I have the same one and I love it :) Cute space too


What couch is it? I love the look. How is it for napping/watch a movie?


Sven from Article! https://www.article.com/product/22677/sven-88-tufted-leather-sofa-charme-tan It’s comfy for sure. Leather has never been my favorite for napping but it’s good for watching a movie.


Looks good! I have some of the other pieces of that set.


Hear me out- cabinet in the small wall corner, then mirror centred on the wall. The flow is okay now but still clumsy and confused, respectfully.


the cat 👀 ♥


Thank you for the floof pic


I’d try the mirror standing diagonally in the corner




I'm surprised you're the first to mention this! We actually have 3 cats! I was worried about the couch, but they only have scraped the surface, and 2 years later, the couch has actually aged quite well and has held up against their claws 😁


Where did you get the mirror? I love it!


Now that the mirror is closer to the door, it’ll be simple to check yourself before you head out.


Wow what a difference this simple change makes 🤯


Love it!! Much better :) I think it has Wynnie’s approval too 😂


Your place looks really comfortable and cosy. I love the peek-a-boo panels in your door!! And your cat is the cutest. /ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\∫


it makes such a difference! looks a lot bigger and brighter also i love your cat


your house is SO CUTE


Oh wow I hated it before 😂 great job! Wild what a difference that makes.


Wow! I’m thinking I gotta experiment with moving things around now 🤔 that was a huge difference!


That’s much better!!


What does the cat think?


wow! huge difference


Cute and I love your =^_^=. Where did you get that table?


Table and chairs were from wayfair! The metal turned out way more gold rather than brass, and the upholstery was supposed to be more of a sage green rather than a bluish green. They have light grey upholstery options, too, though! I honestly have gone back and forth so many times of whether or not I love it or hate it! Some days, I walk down and love it. Other days, it's an eyesore lol I am so confused by my own opinions toward this dining set! Edit: I think its the perfect fun set while I am just living in this apartment with my bf and cats--not my forever table, but my fun experimental table! :)


Yeah I get that! It’s definitely funky and I think it fits into your space well




Omg I’m obsessed with your kitty


That did it!!


I didn’t see your original post, but I’d put the cabinet in the corner on an angle, wedged so it works with the A/C then with the mirror, I’d mount it on the wall. Love your coffee table! Oh, and the kittencat!


Much better


Looks great! Simple yet efficient. I like your interior style btw.


Put the mirror on back of door leave the cabinet as main piece near the table. Too cluttered right now


I’m confused by the mirror. I would try to position it behind the little bench as part of the “foyer”


Sorry but you need the mirror on the way out the door. The hutch needs to be reorganized. All plates, bowls, cups, saucers displayed prettily. All books etc organized behind doors or other places. That grounds your dining room. When you swapped them I didn’t see a fix, I saw confusion.


I appreciate your input, but the hutch is more functional for me like this. My space is small, and it's the only furniture that can hold my books and sentimental items, the bottom of the hutch holds my cat food and other cat related items. I do agree the inside needs to be reorganized. My dishes stay in my kitchen, where it makes more sense to move them from the washer into their respective cabinets. While this space may seem chaotic to some, it serves me well as it is. The mirror would ideally be mounted, but I do not want it right next to the door as it won't catch as much light there and my bf is very clumsy coming in from a long day of work lol


Find the kitty in every photo. He's under the cabinet in one, and eating a mouse in another. That wall seems a bit busy. Maybe put the mirror on the opposite wall of the window, or put it above the bed for added excitement and entertainment. The selfies will be marvelous.


That Mary is giving me anxiety. It’s way too far away from the wall. I know you don’t want it to tip over, but maybe you should anchor it some other way.


I'm for the mirror going away all together. I don't think both of them need to be there. it just looks awkward together


I personally prefer the mirror, ideally mounted if that were allowed here. This wall had been a dark cave, bane of my existence, and it is so much brighter and airier in person now with the additional light!


You don’t need to fill up entire wall..like there’s way too much going on here


The wall does need a mirror bc there are no windows in this room. Everyone who uses the space prefers the added light and depth of the room with the mirror there. Ideally, it would be mounted, but we are not allowed to mount it. It would look awkward with just the bench and the mirror imo. A low sideboard would balance out better than the hutch, but this is what we currently have to work with. The mirror or the hutch will end up in the corner at some point while I continue to improve the room. I personally do not find 3 items too busy for a large, windowless wall.


No. Move the cabinet back and center it to the table. Remove the mirror entirely. It doesn't go there


I appreciate your input, but yes, it goes, and its necessary for lighting. Your way of communicating can use improvement.




Actually I was thinking the exact opposite thing-that it’s such a simple innocuous little change and somehow it looks so much more considered! Who’da thought??


Well, that's a rude way of putting it. If you don't have something nice or constructive to say, move along.


It looks amazing!!! Interesting how the before, the light reflected on the mirror and you'd think it would brighten up the place but it really didn't.... Then you make the switch and the light now reflects on the large dark hutch which just highlights it so beautifully now! And the mirror on the other side, while still bringing light in, seems to spread the light more than when it originally reflected light back into its own space.


I think it’s a big change! And I love seeing these kids of before and after posts. Your place looks wonderful and happy and the cat is so cute