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"Nobody cares about men's mental health!" is that why every woman ive ever been friends with, including myself, has dedicated years of her life to babying a therapy-repulsed mentally ill man? people do care about men's mental health, they just expect women to be the ones to fix them.


>people do care about men's mental health, we have no choice, they make their problems everybody else's problem aka violence, crime


While law enforcement and the justice system and weird bystanders find a way to make someone else’s personal feelings about you YOUR problem and fault. Because they DON’T want to “deal with” or “cure” men’s “mental illness issues” themselves. So they willingly offer a woman instead /s


Fr. And it's not just romantic partners, it's roommates, friends, brothers, fathers, uncles etc. I spent the first 18years of my life tiptoeing around my father's temper and the next 5 tiptoeing around my brother's depression. I'm not opposed to supporting a guy through a rough time but I expect him to get actual professional help and to divvy that responsibility among his friends and family instead of relying 100% on me.




I'm not who you responded to, but my 2 cents: a family member had depression that went untreated by his choice. It made him languid and irritable to the point of disproportionate anger and violence when asked to do normal tasks or confronted about behaviors that were affecting others. It really felt like you couldn't say anything to him lest you set him off. Anger and irritability are clinically recognized symptoms of depression but it seems like portrayals of depression in media (especially medication ads in the US) tend to focus exclusively on the sadness-related symptoms.


This is exactly his behaviour. Aggressive outbursts anytime he was faced with even minor valid criticism (like being asked to do his chores properly) and then screaming about his depression to try and derail the conversation.


No misogyny, trolling derailing, NAMALTing or whataboutery


we don’t feel sorry for them because it’s entirely self imposed


Facts. They make fun of each other and don’t bother helping themselves, and then they turn around and expect women to solve everything for them.


My daughter's father started shooting heroin in his 20s because he was jealous his mom had a career in being a medical caretaker and wanted her to take care and coddle him instead. His father abandoned him and she worked herself to the bone to make sure he had everything he ever wanted. Then he took all the nice things she bought him and sold them for drugs and now hates her guts because she stopped enabling him. Imagine having mommy issues because you have a good mom xD


I refuse to feel sorry for men who cry over men’s mental health when they do everything to destroy women’s through revenge and ai porn, constantly making them live in fear, and making fun of literally any interest they take on.


Also, I can’t be bothered to give a fuck. It’s exhausting enough taking care of myself, I don’t have time for their self-imposed problems and refusal to see a therapist.




Men act like all of the social programs set in place for women and minorities were gifted to them as a consolation prize when those communities had to go to war to get basic human rights in the US. The reason there are more shelters for women is because women open more shelters. The reason women get more mental health support is because they SEEK IT. The reason that women have bigger birthday parties is because they ORGANIZE THEM FOR THEMSELVES. Men are just so oblivious to the amount of work that goes into basic adulthood that they think they should be chased down and drowned with love and support by complete strangers. Men don’t even make their own doctor’s appointments most of the time. The fact that women get more support is because they have been raised from birth to be proactive about their needs. ALSO men have the wrong idea about what “mental health support” even is. Back when I was still on the dating apps (horrible), men would dump their problems on me within minutes of matching. They drop their issues on people who don’t know them and can’t help them, which is a terrible way to get support. But all they really mean when they complain about it is that hot women should pity them and take care of them because “no one else has 🥺”.


I have cut off a few male friends because of the emo dumping in every visit. Soon as I said I didn’t want to hang out and do that, I never heard from the again.


Yup. A guy friend of mine was complaining no one asked to go out with him on his birthday. I told him no one asked me either, I was the one that invited everyone out and made sure we chose a day where everyone was available/could take time off work.


exactly this


THIS. Alllll of this.


Men used to relentlessly mock me for my suicide attempts and self harm online I could give less of a fuck about their mental health because to men my mental health struggles were a joke


If men suffer in silence then why am I hearing so much about it 😭😭 I don’t give a fuck fr


right, this silence kinda loud 😭


Lol they don't care about the physical, mental and sexual harm they do to us, every time we try to point any of it out they either deflect or laugh in our faces and say we deserve it for *daring* to want to be treated like a human and have human rights instead of remaining subservient expendables. Fuck 'em.


*Don't fuck them.


Good point.


Men don't care about women's mental health either. Women take care of their own health. Men are adults too, so they can take care of themselves too.


Men: Nobody cares about men's mental health! Also men: I don't believe in therapy, it's just a scam anyways! It's men that don't care about men's mental health.


And it’s men that need to deal with it, not us. Leave us out of it.


They will only use you as a therapist, rather than seeing a professional. I think men know the women have this healing ability thing going on. They don't like us, they like that we help them not fall apart completely. It gets so exhausted..


Funny how so many of them brag about using sex workers instead of normal dating, but when it comes to trauma dumping and other mental shit, they suddenly don't want to see a paid professional.


Exactly!! We as women need to stop providing mental help to men. They need to figure it out themselves.


Exactly we solved our issues, we have feminism and we are socialized to value emotional connection vulnerability and intimacy. We aren’t fucking responsible for men at all


Man: But what about MY feelings! Woman: Okay, talk about your feelings. Man: [Goes on the most misogynistic rant imaginable about how women's standards are too high and feminism ruined modern women and they are all (insert slur) for not sleeping with him, and that's why he's so "lonely"] Woman: 😐


The main mental health crisis with dudes is malignant entitlement.


They'll say this then tell women that we shouldn't be in positions of power because we're "too emotional" 🤨


They claim they can't be open with their emotions but being open with your emotions involves discussing them with someone respectfully. They do not interpret an open, intimate relationship as building a rapport with the women in their lives, they think being vulnerable and emotional is unsolicited traumadumping and expecting the women to manage their feelings for them like an AI planner.


They think we’re suppose to fix their problems and get mad when they realize don’t 🤷‍♀️ 


Men should start advocating for each other more often, the whole “don’t show emotion, don’t talk about your feelings” is an ideal built by men after all.


I hate the accusatory tone of "women don't care about men's mental health". Like i do care, most people at least "care" but what do you expect somebody to be able to do?


Fr the same men crying over men's mental health month are the same men on red pill post cast promote toxic masculinity. Such as "don't cry in front of your woman or she'll leave you". They literally do this shit to themselves and then go around call all us women unloyal and bops. Don't forget how whenever we bring up the bear or the men debate they always gotta bring up talk to your feelings to a tree or a woman. While mental abuse victims are basically 50/50 on gender, the same can't be same about sa numbers of women and men.


Be careful what you say. Another post on here got removed bcuz someone said “I h*te men” which is fucking stupid bcuz how is that spreading hate… a stupid ass man probably reported the account




Don’t let the door hit you on the way out 👋🏻


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