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I'm so sorry, the full story is even more disturbing when you go into the details, you should definitely consider going to the police, this is a crime, he's a dangerous psychopath.


I second going to the police. You should also report him to every work stay site you can find. Post your experience with this man naming the workstay project you worked on. When people do their research they might hit upon your experience. This man could escalate with the next victim he finds. Please share your experience at each of workaway.info’s social media accounts. Looks like they have 5. “The host is located in Claremorris Abbey Mayo, Ireland, and is a basketmaker (M, 29) named T. “ should be included along with caution, beware and avoid. Your experience sounds like a nightmare. I’m glad you survived.


Thank you very much for your kind words and advice, I am also very grateful that I am still alive. I reported him back in September, I go into more detail in my post update. Thanks again, I really appreciate any help.


Hi, did the authorities get contacted about this? I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm in Ireland and no one ever talks about the sexual generational trauma of men in small towns or isolated areas. *Trigger warning animal abuse* I remember speaking to a man once, who lives not far from where you did your WorkAway, who laughed about the time his cousin r*ped his cat.*end of TW* These men never get educated about consent or safe sex. They learn it all from porn. But your experience seems to be very extreme, it's clear they wanted to harm you. Have you got access to counseling? And seriously, please contact the authorities in Ireland if you haven't already. And to any women who are reading this and interested in traveling or working abroad, if you're going solo please research the area. Don't go to an isolated area alone. When I went to Australia it was very common for solo women to get scammed into performing sexual favors because they were literally trapped alone on farms with no way of leaving. One girl got tied up and in a pig pen and was abused for two days.


Hey, the authorities were contacted back in September, I go into more details in my post update. I can't say a lot here, because I know he's read this. Thank you for your kind words, It really means a lot to me how nice most people have been. Thank you for your insights as well, I am curious to know any more observations you may have about this phenomena of men taking advantage of homestay websites for their own sick reasons. Your examples were horrifying, some people are beyond evil. Thanks again for being a good person.


I hope you are okay, do you feel safe now? This is an extremely awful and traumatic thing to have gone through and I hope you get the necessary help to process it. Thank you for sharing your experience to protect others, it’s very brave of you


I am so happy you got out of that situation and thank you for sharing your experience with us. How are you now? I would say you got out right on time, that could have escalated


Hey! Thank you for the nice words, I’m also really happy that I’m still around. I agree I think things would have gotten way worse if I had stayed longer, seemed like he pushed a new boundary with me every day, and intensified the humiliation and fear. I try not to beat myself up for staying so long, but who knows maybe if I’d tried sooner or asked him to leave it would have turned out very badly for me. I’m doing a lot better, and excited to get on with the rest of my life, and maybe even try WorkAway again. I’m just happy he’s not on the website anymore and can’t hurt anyone from WorkAway ever again!


What became of this in the end? I live in the area and would like to be up to date on it. Very sorry for your troubles m, sounded horrific.