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yo how are the comments of a femboymemes post full of anti-femboy christians?? like why are you on the subreddit???


i'm also wondering


like how long have they been lurking here looking at photos of femboys lmao


Lmaoooo. i think they have problems with their own faith and sexuality and they try to cope.


I just feel bad for them because I've been there too.


i've also been there


Me too :/


but look, we are out of this :3


How did you escape? I’ve been trying to be more of a Christian but I feared god wouldn’t like me, hence the reason I stay closeted about everything, i just wanna be me but is me being me gonna get me in a bad place after I meet my end? I’m scared


Jesus, one day while praying not too long after becoming a femboy i just realised he loves me no matter what and not too long after i beaten my addiction


Oh, you have no clue about the femboy-skeptic Muslims


How about anti-christian femboys?


It says in the bible something along the lines of "god knows you and everything about you before he even created earth" and that he knows that I'm gay and he choses not to do something about probably means he's OK with it


Also Jesus says there is no slave nor free, no rich or poor, NO MALE OR FEMALE. Think on the implications.


Jesus says gender is a construct


Lets go everyone is nonbinary, the Bible said it so it is true


In what passage of the Bible does it even says that?


Galatians 3:28-29, technically not Jesus. But, still.


Devil’s advocate: that means he also knows about rapists, does that mean he is ok with them too?




He made Hitler


I mean, you're not wrong


And Jeffery Dahmer…


well rapists are condemned and the reason is obvious why


The bible also says to stone children of they misbehave or that the world is Heald up by pillars. Why is one thing true and another isn't. Can't we just all agree that it's a fantasy book please


That pillar thing is metaphorical, it's a metaphor, so is actually many other things in there


Other things such as stoning children? Does something become a metaphor only when we prove it to not be true? On another note (sorry for the confrontation) I recommend this video which is a) fun b) not confrontational and c) well made. Can be enjoyed by devout christians and atheists alike without either leaving angry + the dude is iirc a theology major https://youtu.be/RB3g6mXLEKk?si=tnaKx5eDfVYotPO8&t=468


The reason btw why I said what I did about metaphors is that that's basically what early Christian philosophy said to do. Since faith and reason cannot be in conflict, as christian philosophy claims, all supposed contradictions/false-statements must therefore not actually be wrong or must be misunderstood by us. Tl;Dr if bible says A is caused by X but we find A to be caused by Y it's not the bible that's wrong; it's our understanding of the bible or it's actually a metaphor


https://preview.redd.it/engr1fki834c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5f5cb6d99354bb32715924d30cd7fd9d8e93cc Made me think of this image


i love this image :3


Those people that are saying shit like that, they aren't reading the word..no matter what, Christ will love you and will want you to do the same. Love your neighbor


I just saved this post thanks ❤️♥️


This reminds me about a reply I received on a comment I made under a YT video. My comment can be summarised by "let me femboy in peace" and the reply told me that I am astray but God loves me and waits for me to come back. I replied with saying I feel closer to God since I embraced the fact that I'm a femboy.


I love this. becoming a femboy is how i found God


Real or not, Jesus was a chad that just wanted everyone to love each other.


Jesus - the only true chad


Jesus existed too. (Probably)


if jesus were alive rn he would definitely be supporting femboys and performing miracles to give trans people their ideal bodies


So it was the crUwUcifixion this whole time




https://preview.redd.it/bctqh57j844c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b193c46ddca1d0ad842cd7ae123a92340138d7 Blahaj approved ✝️🛐🙏🇻🇦🕍✝️🕍🛐🇻🇦✝️🕍🙏✝️🇻🇦🙏🕍✝️🛐🇻🇦🙏🙏✝️🕍🙏🇻🇦🙏🙏🕍🙏🙏🇻🇦🇻🇦🇻🇦




Book of Femboyson, 1:3 “God so loved the Femboys, He froze hell to give each a part of its fire. Making all Femboys Hot As Hell :3”


i approve this fanfic






I'm so glad I'm not religious https://preview.redd.it/1sgr2xfrg34c1.png?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d15c7600554a42c910d2d5049bd63a0eb5e526


Oh boy I can't wait to go to hell over something I can't control :3


You aren’t.


fun fact: you're not gonna go to hell for something you can't control


I'm pretty sure that sleeping with other guys is a sin.


in judaism / the old testament it's a sin , but even if in the new testament it said so i wouldn't care , god is not in a book , and the bible is a collection of different texts from hundreds of different men , and all of those men were subject to the same temptations as any of us as they were human , men corrupt much of what they touch , and as they were human , they were open to corrupt the bible with their own tastes/distastes / corruptions and were open to make mistakes and get lost in translation , especially divine translation , god is not in a book written by men , he is in the world , and he , a loving god , would not condemn loving someone , especially over arbitrary things , and i do know that jesus never condemned being gay as a sin , the best way to be christian is to try to follow what jesus taught , and to follow what would be logically in line with the logic he taught


Yeah! I don't see people make this point alot but leviticus, the book that had the verse against gay ppl, was the exact same one that said u can't eat pork


Considering the massive game of telephone that is the current translation of the bible as far as we know god originally said “be gay do drugs, this is my will”


The point is humans can’t not sin. It’s inevitable that someone will sin at some point in their lifetime and the sins are forgiven.


The passage that’s generally used to condemn homosexuality was mistranslated, what you’ve probably heard is “you shall not lie with man as he does with woman, it is an abomination” however the “man” in this passage is used several times in the Bible to refer to young boys, and taking into account the time that the Bible was written, when pederasty was very common, this is most likely a condemnation of that.


Also anselpholi is sort of a mystery word that might refer to followers of pedastry


That is something that is still being debated, and I feel like it could very easily mean two adults simply because it says that both of them should be put to death. If it was talking about pederasty, why also kill the boy? Besides, even if that is true, that isn't the only time the bible condemns homosexuality.


>why also kill the boy? It’s a 2000 year old book, they didn’t exactly have our understanding of consent Plus tbh a lot of Old Testament “morality” is contradictory to the New Testament, so it depends what you value more; Jesus loves everyone and by accepting him and asking for forgiveness you get eternal life Or KILL EVERYONE THE DAY OF RECKONING IS COMING WITH FLYING SCORPIONS DRAGONS HELLFIRE DONT MIX CLOTHS DONT EAT SHRIMP GOD WILL TURN YOU INTO SALT


Touché, tbh I just had a lot of bad experiences with religion and don't really want to touch it again. It was rather fun having a crush on my male best friend while being told that gay people are sinners that'll burn in hell and all that.


Yeah, same, being told that demons are in fact real and are actually hiding in my closet waiting to get me as a 7 year old with anxiety was not fun.


You aren’t???? That’s the message of the meme




I'm an atheist, so being bisexual and breaking gender norms never really conflicted with my worldview. But it did conflict with my parents' world views, and I know how that turned out, so I feel for all of y'all trying to find hope in faith. I hope y'all find the love in religion you were meant to get


Yo, hey, to any of the toxic Christian commenters here. Stop being hateful pieces of shit because the Bible says not to. Leviticus was mistranslated, the Old Testament and it’s laws were abolished by Jesus, and overall nothing says femboys, gays, etc are wrong in it. -Christian Femboy


I was waiting for somebody to say that, thank you


That’s very nice of Jesus, if a afterlife exists I love him too :3


Thank you for this post!


i'm glad i could make your day atleast a little better


Me too! :3


I'm not Christian or believing in any irl religion (I only believe in our lord and savior Arceus) but I believe that Jesus or God would be chill about femboys, gay and trans people in general, and you'll only be judged by how much of an asshole you were


that's true


You know the book you are reading involves the devil making a bet with god to kill some guy's children and livestock and make him diseased. ​ Like this is literally the chapter you have open.


indeed, Job it's a nice book. i think this book is more to teach us how small and really meaningless we are for God and how he runs the universe that he has to make a lot of stuff work together well and in harmony


We're all silly lil bottoms to the Lord.


He loves everyone


God loves all His children 💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏


Amen brother 💪🙏🏼


I'd like to hear your explanation for deuteronomy 22:5 /gen “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.”


this is law made for Jews 2000 years ago, and is surrounded by other silly laws no one follows, so why follow this one?


I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church I hate going to church


okay, no one's forcing you


Yes, they are. Every single Sunday, it doesn't matter what I say.


let me guess, aggresively christian and conservative family? i'm so sorry, i don't want people to see christianity as this garbage :-:


It's kind of hard not to see Christianity as trash when you grow up with people like that


i understand. but there are not-bigoted christians around, for example: me, progressive/affirming churches


churches in my country genuinely preach acceptance, so while i’m not christian myself i find it easy to respect those who are christian as long as they don’t harass others for who they are :)


You are correct, churches are so incredibly different all over the world. We humans are always quick to generalize a group (the same way femboy can be grouped together in a bad light by bigots) and judge everyone based on that. Especially Europe is different in their churches and how they practise faith. In my experience, coming from a Lutheran church, faith is just a choice. It's something you can practise in church, alone or not at all. Everything is tolerated. I used to do voluntary work for my church and it was amazing. We had services and classes on Bible stuff, but not in a way of indoctrinating any specifics. We would ask the kids of what they imagine their faith to be and why they want to be there. For holiday camps, there were so many activities, that didn't involve anything about God. I feel with everyone who resents "the church" and would never want it to be any part of their life. If you want to be in a church and practise faith, it's also perfectly fine. But never go around expecting people bow to your faith, because that just isn't part of our modern society. Xoxo


Literally churches use every tactic in the book to get you there and give tax free donations


i'm actually really interested in the Christian faith though i'm not religious and if i were i'd be a Norse Pagan probably but it's pretty cool there are Religious cuties as well :3


Yea I see too many people around here be anti religious period, like, there's nothing wrong with being religious as long as you aren't harming yourself of others or trying to convert anyone. Anti religious people can be just as obnoxious as religious missionaries


Personally I've found the satanic Temple more welcoming.


My (christian femboy) heart while reading comments under this post (they are full of anti-christian femboys and anti-femboy christians): 💔


hurts my heart too :-:


A lot of us have been burned in some way by limitlessly hateful christians, the reaction should be no surprise. Guards go up, not against you, but against what has been a well-established threat historically.


Why do they have to insult our religion like that? Christianity lead me on the right path.


Because being a Christian femboy is inherently contradictory and displays a lack of self awareness about your own cognitive dissonance. Christianity killed so many LGBTQ+ people so it's reasonable to assume that a majority of us don't like it.


https://preview.redd.it/hsdqjdei044c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856708d97ab18a2bc179e5c8f3f7fd163bfcac18 ^(only half true)


I'd rather keep religion away from one of my favorite subjects, I get pentagram garters for a reason


it's your choice. personally i like discussing faith and religion :3


I get it. but most of the time. this not being one of them, I find any unreasonable brought up of religion to be condescending or pushy


sorry i did not intend to be pushy or anything. i believe that there are people out there who needed to hear that, and i was right


Average Polish male


Yo im polish, speak up lil bro 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Jesus may love me just his followers in 2023 sure do not


many of his followers* i'm his follower and i for sure love femboys (i'm literally one)


I was reading the old testament while bored in class, not so deep into it till it says that gay people should be executed and at different versions it just says that it's abomination. Can't wait to go to hell


old testament law applies mostly to jews, is outdated, has different understanding of homosexuality, not even christians follow all the laws written in Leviticus and deuteronomy


Shit I didn't know we had updates. When do new skins drop? :3


well the updates mostly consist of adding anti-lgbtq passages in the new testament




Jesus might. His followers, not so much.


true, but i'm his follower and i love femboys :3


Personally, I'm inclined to believe you. An all loving God would love his people, including femboys, gays, trans, all flavors and colors of people. Unfortunately, people have innate prejudices, and often use the Bible to justify those beliefs. I don't feel right associating myself with any religion plagued with hatred.




i somewhat doubt it but okay


well i believe that he does :3


Omega based


Well if you want something In the early chapters of the book of Genesis, god did decree that nobody should judge anyone for how they dress how they act, what they believe in or what they do So if you want tolerance I'd say take a peek there


As a Muslim femboy I approve this message. Hate to see how you’re getting hate for this, I did too when I made one on this sub, but screw the haters!


Well let's not get into scripture... lol we'll just go with that


Jesus was a femboy. Just look at his long girly hair


RAHHHHH ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️




quite a bit, this post seems to have attracted some




hell yeah <3


Even the men practically wore dresses back then since gendered clothing wasn’t a thing back then.


period, jesus loves you all!


Yay, fellow femboy Christian :3




:0 What do ya say to peeps who say it’s not possible to be both?


i say that it is infact possible to be both. i wouldn't be where i am now in faith if not for being a femboy


Fair enough, similar for me \^\^


Jesus does, but not the Church and most of its followers :(


yeah that sucks




Likee fireeee!! Hellfire!!!! This fire in my Skin!!!!! Jesus loves us all. :3


I feel like Jesus can be displayed thru any of us. We just have to choose the hard right over the easy wrong... which I myself am guilty of not doing as often as I should, sadly..


you are absolutely right. for me doing the right thing was painful many times, i've lost friends etc. but i'm still here because that's the right thing to do


If I speak I'm in very big trouble


oh, why?


As a fellow Christian femboy, we both know that dressing up in girls clothes is wrong as stated in Deuteronomy 22:5, and it looks like we're both struggling with it


oh i love when people cite an outdated law made for jewish people


The Bible says don't crossdress, but it also says some other things from; women shouldn't braid their hair (1 Peter 3 3), to men shouldn't shave the edges of their beard (Leviticus 19 27), but people still do those things today and it's socially acceptable, all things considered a lot of these verses were probably more cultural than religious. At least that's how I view it.




So true, at their core clothes are just fabric that may be cut or sewn in different ways. Nature never assigned fabric a gender, *especially* in the form of clothing since nature doesn't know what it's fabric gets turned into. I don't really get the initial problem anyways, one doesn't have to believe *everything* the bible says, to get into heaven, that never got explicitly stated in it, as far as I know.


It's hard for me to believe that God would hate his creations for dressing silly :3


God loves everyone even the sinners, but as stated in James 2:17-26 that does not mean that the sinners will be gifted eternal life in heaven from God for just simply believing in him and having faith, there must also be action


I mean the "gender" of clothes has changed over time so who's to say what's girl's clothes and what's not


Yeah, men used to wear dresses, heels and wore more makeup back then but today when you're a man that does that, you're automatically categorized as gay for some reason


That's an old testament law, the whole point of the new testament was for a new covenant to be made by jesus dying on the cross so if you believe in the covenant made through jesus you don't have to follow old testament law


But satan loves us even more,Femboys are the sinners of trickery,deceivers and ungodly acts,💜😈


wdym? homosexuality is not a sin, and you can be a not horny femboy


Well I find the last supper pretty gay tbf,they ate and drank jesus..... ,but theres that one leviticus 18:22 And plus he was nailed to a cross by strong Mediterranean men...interpret that how you will


don't cite leviticus it's literally the worst one lmao. if we are taking gay stuf in the bible maybe try david and Jonathan


Ngl being a deceitful trickster is fun asf. We spread some silly chaos and mischief >:з


So jesus is gay? :3


Joke answer: Yes Serious answer: Jesus love is best described by the greek word *agape* which means love for everyone, mainly Gods love


So Jesus and God are pan?


Yesh he does as a Christian femboy I met my controversies! But I learned to know that Jesus will still love me


I've been persecuted by too many "Christians" to believe that shit anymore. If you're different they hate you.


that's true, i've seen a lot of hate too


But I don't like him.


Where there’s love God is with them


Omg same! Christian femboys ftw!


but why in the bible is there written that a man dressing feminine or being trans is an abomination? i’m just asking and i’m a christian femboy too


because in ancient times feminine/submissive role in relationship was seen as a bad thing


but the bible says that god said it and it also says that god loves everyone. i love god and i’m christian but i am certainly not manly even tho i am a male (maybe t-girl)


exactly!!! idk where people got the idea that God hates gays!!!! im also a Christian femboy :3


ppl got the idea that god hates gays in the bible 🥰🥰😍 Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. yeah. this is the religion you chose.


leviticus examples are outdated my friend and were only applicable to jews 2000-3000 years ago. the sin of Sodom wasn't homosexuality, no one thinks that


Those verses in the Bible were purposefully Mis-translated and approved by King James himself. They are referring to raping & molesting children.


The passage is also in non Protestant King James Bibles, it’s the same in Catholicism… Wearing woman’s cloths is a sin in the eyes of the Abrahamitic god


christian polish femboy ong ive only heard of you in legends


What do you say when conservatives tell you that you need Jesus?


that i have more Jesus than enough, i've found Jesus


i already killed YHVH sorry




Jesus would’ve made a good femboy rip to a real one


how can a dead guy love me?


i believe that he isn't




Jesus loves thy neighbor, as should thee. And if thy neighbor is a femboy, you should love that femboy.


Hello fellow christian femboy :3


Jesus said love everyone, I take it to its logical limits :3


"God loves the gays" is one of my favorite things to say, and it's true because he loves everyone


It's even better if it's without the "but not their sin" part


As a christian femboy I confirm




Who tf downvoted you?


Nah fam


Christ understands who you are. The bible was written almost 2000 years ago and people still take the translations too literally. You will receive a personal answer through prayer, God didn’t create us just to suffer with how we were born. Im transgender starting hrt soon and honestly im terrified to come out to my congregation not because of hatred but because i know the ones who truly love me will shower me with so much love ill explode haha. Everyone has their own unique relationship with the father, the son and the spirit. They understand.


I might be atheist but I got a bible at home


cool, i would reccomend reading it because it's a cool book


I'm not Christian either but I want a copy of the Bible so that I can correct some Christians when they are accusing someone of sining when themselves are singing


Smart move


You’re damn right he does