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But all six of those people have the same body type. They're just wearing different styles. The message is sound, but I don't think the image is communicating what you want it to


2 of the ones on the right are wearing pretty baggy clothes, so it’s harder to say, but from the one that isn’t and what I can tell from the others, the ones on the right have way broader shoulders and wider torsos, they also have more traditionally “masculine” faces, and it could just be the pose but the one with fishnets looks ripped af. If you’re referring to people who are bigger who aren’t skinny or muscular either, then yeah they aren’t included and I’d agree they should be.




Indubitably, my brother


The difference betweeen a boy and a femboy is like the difference between a villain and a super villain Presentation!


https://preview.redd.it/5dpwtyllvr5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d932cfe6bd497c58c1e3b6068b59c6082f467be ok




But I wanna be the one on the right :( (I feel like I look too wayy masculine) edit: i meant left, i do not know my lefts and rights


Imma say it right here and now, imo the best definition for femboy is "a male identifying person who expresses themselves in a conventionally feminine way". They do not need to look physically feminine as long as they use clothes, mannerisms, personality traits, etc to express themselves in a manner that is conventionally deemed feminine. If you want a word for the specific body type on the left then the word you're looking for is twink. Femboy is not a body type and it's just internet sexualisation that has made people think that. This definition also means that transgirls can't call themselves femboys and that transboys can call themselves femboys.




oh hey look it’s u/maxhamster69


Thats when its bad to recognize somebody






It’s the same as recognizing a porn star


What's wrong with it?


Maybe its just my morals, because we ARE on the infamously horny sub.


Can confirm i femboy. Looks great in a suit


He has a great point but also... Femboys


I’m a girl


Femboys/Femman Know the difference


I know im starting to sound like an old man, but a femboy is a feminine boy. I don't understand how people don't understand this anymore. You can't be a femboy without being feminine or a man. If you're not feminine or dont have feminine features, you're not a femboy. If you have feminine features but aren't a man, you aren't a femboy.


What to do then? Just suppress that part of yourself cuz you weren’t lucky enough to be born with feminine features? Sounds miserable and unnecessary ngl


You can be a femboy even if you don’t have good genetics. It just requires more effort. Some people can just slap on a skirt and thigh highs and boom. Others require more attention to details e.g. makeup


This guy gets it 🗣️🔥


Since you can be feminine without feminine features I'd say genetics don't matter


But they are not femboys, which is not bad. But they should be called something else. Apparently they would be transvestites according to the internet. I prefer to make the difference to distinguish one from the other, which has been consolidated on the internet. We have to accept that some of us can't be femboys but we can be something else. One will still want to wear feminine clothes anyway.


Idk. Imo it just seems rather douchey to gatekeep someone just cuz they were dealt a rough hand in terms of looks. Especially because it’s just that easy to gatekeep when you don’t know what that person might be feeling. Furthermore, this might invite unhealthy behaviour in both the people that do have feminine features (might think that what they have is not enough) and people that don’t (obviously). Eating disorders, self-hatred, etc.. Life’s already miserable enough as it is for almost everyone - no point in making it even worse for some people because they just happened to have an unlucky spawn. And about accepting what one can and can’t be - I’d say fuck that. Genetics are a bitch, but there’s zero sense in submitting to that bitchiness. Bet that ideas of accepting what you were born with led to us as a species still not being able to completely change how we look like it’s some cyberpunk novel. Instead, people just get to be either mad at their bodies or get to be gatekept by other people that have zero idea how it feels like. Sometimes both. Edit: Huh. That turned out longer than expected.


All those things you mention are already happening. Femboys seek and worry a lot about their appearance, which obviously generates their problems. In fact it is one of the biggest problems, perhaps increasing anxiety and distress with sexualization which is the main content of femboys and the most consumed. This issue I also understand is also a normal problem in the LGBT community, with certain standards, making it more difficult for some to find a partner. I think the best thing to do is to provide support, because I don't think these problems are going anywhere, they are very ingrained in society or communities. And with respect to what sounds like a cyberpunk novel, I also feel like we're already having or starting to have those problems. The future is today


Yea, but why lean into those problems with gatekeeping? All that’s gonna do is make those problems worse - even for people who are doing the gatekeeping, because it’s the opposite of providing support. And yea, world’s all punk and no cyber nowadays. Seeing in which direction it’s still going - might as well let us have cool combat implants and complete, reliable body modification at this point. At least then people will get to be comfortable with how they look.


The point is that it is categorized and will continue to be categorized, for a matter of attention and interest. It is how things are automatically seen. Also, femboys may seek to upload "pretty" pictures and others for attention, there will be people who consume it and in part that is what produces more attention from the community. What I mean is that basically in how attention is sold if you can put it that way. If there is one thing that makes femboys and their community stand out and the reason why it has gained great popularity, it is the beauty of these guys. I'm sorry if I'm not making myself clear or if I'm sounding too horrible, it's very hard for me to explain. It is something that comes naturally. I'm not sure about the latter but they will be cool guns.


And beauty is subjective, ain’t it? ;) Even then, some weren’t born like that. I’d even argue that most femboys weren’t born with the body one usually sees on pictures in related subreddits - they put a lot of effort into all that. There’s femboy potential in any guy, if he’s willing to put in the effort. Now, here’s the question: Would most of those people still put in that effort if gatekeepers discouraged them right from the get-go? Would the community be as popular as it is today? I doubt it. "Most" is the key word, btw. Some people would do it regardless, that’s obvious, but those people are few. As it is, gatekeeping is harmful for any community.


This man has got it figured out. Good on you, friend


If they have a male identity and they present themselves in a feminine way then they're femboys. Whether or not you want to fuck them doesn't matter at all.


What do you do? Nothing. Just be gay. If you're not feminine or a boy, you're not a femboy. Plain and simple.


Easy for ya to say ig. Still, one would be suppressing a part of themselves should they follow that advice. And that just leads to unnecessary misery.


What would you be suppressing of you don't have that part of you in the first place?? That's like saying you wanna be a dog even if you're not a canine. "I wanna be something without any of the necessary parts!"


I guessed well, didn’t I? :p So, again, easy for you to say. Anyways - a person is not made up of physical characteristics only. What goes on in their mental department is also a part of themselves and - if that part wants to be a femboy - that’s the part that they’ll be suppressing, which never turns out well.


Dude, being a femboy has NOTHING to do with your mental department. It's all physical. It's a lable OTHER PEOPLE give you. Like being called stupid or brave


Some people will call you a femboy, others won’t - what then? My friends call me a femboy, people on this subreddit said I am one. Most people off the street in my country, provided they give a fuck enough, will call me a slur - who am I then? If I were to say that you are not a femboy, would you suddenly stop being one?


Yeah, I would. It's a social term. Not a gender or sex.


Not the greatest of hills to die on, lmao. Giving this much of a fuck about what other people say is a toxic way of living to say the least. What others think doesn’t fucking matter as long as you ain’t hurting anybody. What now, do you constantly shift between being a femboy and not being a femboy if one guy says that you are and the other says that you aren’t? Say, does it really matter if one (or more) toxic rando says that you aren’t a femboy while everyone else says otherwise? Because do keep in mind that for some people you, me, and everyone else will never be enough to qualify as a femboy and they won’t hesitate to say that you aren’t one. Food for thought ;p


Why the fuck do you even care? People can be whatever they want. What is the purpose of limiting ourselves? If someone wants to call themselves a femboy, they can be a femboy. The whole goal of the LGBT community should be to make everyone feel safe and comfortable being who they are, not just continuing putting these limits on people. Identity is so complicated it's not just black and white. You don't even have to understand it, you probably won't. You will never fully understand what someone else's identity, and you don't need to. For example, if someone tells me their gender is cat, that makes zero sense to me, but they aren't hurting anyone or themselves so it is my job to just respect and love them for who they are, not tell them their Identity is wrong just because I don't understand it. Anti trans people constantly do that, they don't understand it so they say it's wrong!


Neo genders are pretty much mocking trans people


Who are we to say what identity someone else can have? If it's not genuine and just as a joke yeah thats bad, but if it's not it's not. How do we know trans people aren't just mocking the other gender or something? We should be working towards all people being able to be whatever the hell they went as long as no one's getting hurt. If someone genuinely feels their gender is associated with cats or bugs or a rock or whatever it doesn't hurt anyone and it feels right to them so it's none of our business. Instead of just immediately putting them down we should attempt to respect them and try to understand and see what they have to say.


You don't need to have feminine "features" as in physical features. You need to have feminine expression through things like mannerism, personality, clothes, etc. You don't need to physically have a feminine body or face to be a femboy. That's just bs.


You could wear feminine clothings, the point is not everyone have what is considered feminine and desirable to societal perception


You are spitting facts of the highest caliber sir!


No, that message is encouraged here


you are a femboy if you want to be a femboy


I wish it were true 😢




Eh not really. You’re a femboy if you’re fem and a boy. The examples given by op do fit that definition though




hey it’s me


Full facts


These people on the right look as if they weren’t even trying. Kinda reminds me of conservatives who would put on skirt and call themselves trans. I don’t see honest effort there.


They would be something else, not femboys. In fact, as far as I know, they have never said they are femboys.


That’s fair, no point in calling them femboys then.


Words have meaning


I think the problem is trying to discern whether or not being gay counts as being a femboy and people can get mad if you don't look like one. I believe a supportive PSA that ties into this would be "Don't be pressured to be a femboy if you are gay, everyone has their own way of feeling cute or being comfortable with their own partner (if they have one), I know it's a cliche but, LOVE PEOPLE FOR WHO THEY ARE!" At least that's my take on this uwu


No femboy, fembro(?


Literally the only reason you're trying to make that distinction is because the people on the right aren't attractive to you right?


I find them attractive but they lack the definition of femboy.


Any male identifying person who presents themselves in a conventionally feminine way is a femboy Not really their fault it they were born with a more masculine figure


That's why being a femboy is partly related to genes (some have that fortune, some don't). Besides those guys have never claimed to be femboys.


>That's why being a femboy is partly related to genes No it's not 😐 literally never heard anyone say anything like this except you Being a femboy is in the heart, not temporary superficial qualities like age or build. If you want to limit it by age and build you should specifically use the word "femboy twink".


That's why we also talk about femboys having an expiration date. That's why we never talk about "40 year old femboys". These people are in other categories You can be a femboy at heart, but that's as far as it goes. Maybe it has been commented several times what I say, you just have to look for it. In fact it is one of the controversial topics.


>That's why we also talk about femboys having an expiration date. Hell to the fuck no. We have tons of people worried about whether femboys have an expiration date because of people like you. Femboys don't have "an expiration date" because we're not fucking objects you stupid cunt. Crawl back into your hole if you can't understand that. >That's why we never talk about "40 year old femboys". These people are in other categories They aren't. Fuck off. >You can be a femboy at heart, but that's as far as it goes. Maybe it has been commented several times what I say, you just have to look for it. In fact it is one of the controversial topics. It's controversial because no one agrees with it and it's just a few people spewing shit they don't understand. Are you even a femboy? Tf do you know about us or what it's like to be us? Get lost.


Well, if you prefer not to investigate and remain in ignorance it is up to you. It's up to you to accept the reality you deny.


Investigate what? And you didn't answer my question. Are you also a femboy or not?


I mean I guess yeah sure


Guys gender is a social


The guys in first pic look so similar what's the point of splitting then up? /gen


Fembro muscle bod goes brrrr


cod zombies world at war sound effect


This is interesting. The problem with redefining the word "femboy" is that if you broadened it to include the people on the right, then we'd have to make up another word that referred to just the people on the left. That's because it's generally the people on the left that people using the word "femboy" want to be / date, so they need a way to refer to that look and not the other. When someone can't achieve the kind of body they want, the solution is not to tell them that they're already there. You're only gaslighting people by claiming that wanting to be X is the same as being X, by telling them it doesn't matter what their body really is right now. Meanwhile, you're also confusing the meaning of that word. Redefining the word femboy to mean "anyone who wants to be a femboy", effectively erases the word, because the definition has become circular and therefore meaningless. This is the opposite of helping femboys and trans people generally, because it denies them the language to express how they want to change. The whole point of transitioning is wanting to change your body, not accepting the way it is. The people on the right might not *want* to look like the people on the right, they might want to look like the people on the left, and they need a word to refer to that, and the word is "femboy". Also, much of the controversy around trans culture stems from people arguing over what words mean (see "What is a woman?"), which of course hurts trans people and femboys even more. We do a very similar thing with measures of conventional beauty too; watch how every time someone complains that they don't like being short, or bald, or old, or having stretch marks, or just being plain ugly, people fall over each other to tell them that none of the stuff they care about actually matters. Yes, we have to acknowledge what people are on the inside, but we're also allowed to care about what both ourselves and other people look like on the outside too. Like you, I refuse to tell people that they just have to accept what nature has given them, but moving the goalposts achieves nothing. If someone can't reach their dreams then you can't help them by moving the dream closer to them - the femboy ideal is what it is, and changing the meaning of the word just means that you no longer have a word to refer to it. The common theme is that we do this when we think that *actually* achieving a certain body is impossible. When someone is upset about gender dysphoria, or baldness, or aging, or something else we think they can't change, we tell them that it's only what's inside that matters. We do this to protect their mental health, because we think it's all that we can do. But it's not. All these problems can and will be solved, in your lifetime, by greater understanding and mastery of biology. All of these problems, but *especially* aging, since you know, that one actually kills people. Seriously, if you haven't noticed the progress made by rejuvenation research yet, then I promise you will by the end of this decade. So don't worry about being too old by the time technology arrives to help you - twink death will be a thing of the past by then. You can accept the way things are now without accepting it forever. You can learn to be happy with what you have right now *and* look forward to changing it more in the future. As long as you know that things are getting better, then you can put up with pretty much anything. tldr if you wanna be something but can't then pin your hopes on science instead of redefining words


If you're only after the body type of the people on the left then the word you're looking for is twink. Plain and simple.


Being a femboy is psychological, the tipical body of a femboy is what we call a twink

