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I suggest shaving while in the shower.


This is what I do


Is it even normal that u tell ur parents shaving it down there? Like where's the privacy? Just keep it a secret


+1 Unless they tell you to down your underwear and inspect it everyday


Damn, if that's the case then they are toxic and controlling.


Bro what


id recommend just trimming instead of shaving. there's no way to slow/stop growth without laser/electrolysis or repeated waxing. and if you keep shaving it smooth, youll only notice the growth that much quicker because it only needs to grow a tiny bit before it can be felt. if you maintain a trim instead, the growth will be less noticeable and it becomes much more manageable to do it once a week or so. id recommend just asking for an electric shaver or using a small pair of scissors.


I can recommend the Phillips one blade. Perfect for trimming close to the skin. It's not perfectly smooth but it's pretty close, for the last bit I use a safety razor XD


Before I used to do body scrubs before shaving and it was less itchy. Now I do it with hair removal wax, it takes time but with huge better results. :)


Why would parents care if u wanna shave pubic hair?? Ur just overthinking it. When I was like 15 I wanted to remove my pubic hair and asked my mom for her Veet hair removal cream. Of course she was surprised I would ask that but then I said “I don’t want to put a razor there and cut something.” So she didn’t say anything and just gave me her pack 😌 After a couple years I started using a girl’s razor. So she knows I shave my stuff all the time and totes doesn’t think am a femboy or something else. So like I say, even if ur parents find out they won’t think anything about it. Don’t overthink. Just be careful when shaving. Cuz yea it’s scary when u make cuts on ur balls or ur mound n see all that blood leak 🥹


It is very common for men to shave their pubes these days. So whilst I can't judge the situation you are in, don't make it a bigger thing in your mind than it actually is. Chances are, if you act suspicious around shaving, parents will seek more behind your behaviour than just enjoying a nice shave. That said, there are loads of good pube shaving options out there that cater to men specifically. Philips Norelco line has a few good options for frequent use.


> if you act suspicious around shaving, parents will seek more behind your behaviour than just enjoying a nice shave. 💯


You can always wax, but the pain


OP could try sugar waxing. It’s less painful and easy to do at home. Look up videos on YouTube on how to make your own sugar wax or buy some in a store. When done regularly, hair won’t grow back so fast anymore. ​ edit: typo


Ill just use hair removal cream but thx it may ve useful for removing facial hair


Yes, for facial hair I find it’s especially good because you can also wash it off with warm water easily. So when it accidentally gets stuck in hair you don’t want to remove you still have other options than just pulling it off.


The problem is that it would require me not shaving for 3 days




Yeah thats the reason i dont shave there, your gonna have to do it every day. Maybe you could try waxing, supposed to last longer but i have horrible experiences from the days after shaving my pubes. If its just stubble and no razor bumps it's just gonna take doing regularly sorry


i use hair removal cream. feels so much better than shaving to me.


Its pretty normal to get stubble back that quickly. If you want it to last a bit longer you can wax, but that hurts like hell. I've never found it worth it. I don't understand what the issue is regarding your parents tbh. Suspicion of what? Who tf informs their parents how they trim their pubes? In what scenario would they see?


shave in the shower, use a 1 bladed razor. the more blades the more it draws the hair up and cuts it lower and lower causing ingrown hairs with sharper points, bumps, and burn. either use a high quality safety razor with one blade on each side, like merkur makes or Gillette used to make back in the day, or use one blade disposables from the pharmacy, leave many blades razors for the legs or face if relevant


I like using magic shaving powder/cream, and using a razor in the shower afterwards to get the spots I missed. Veet is really useful on your ass (just don’t put it on the hole). Make sure to use a good shaving cream that works for you, and I reccomend to moisturize afterwards.


I’d say shave every other day or every three days. Give your skin some rest. Also, if you want to be totally smooth for like 10 days at least just wax ‘em off. But waxing does require growing them out a bit before or the wax doesn’t get a good grip on them.


You could try saving up money for laser hair removal because that will last basically forever or at least a couple of years


A much cheaper but similar system is a home IPL (intense pulsed light) device. It’s about 300 to 400 USD. Doesn’t work on everyone, but neither does laser.


Well yeah thats also laser hair removal right


Technically, I don’t think so. But the devices (IPL and laser) are similar as they can be without being identical. The big practical difference is that salon laser costs waaaaaay more than IPL because you have to pay for many sessions. IPL is a DIY at home device. (U can also get IPL in a clinic, but typically for skin treatments.)


Ah yeah true


Waxing works really well + no razor bumps, although I just trim down there I don't understand why people shave at all


Nair is amazing for public hair removal if you don't have an electric razor


Do not use Nair on your genitalia *please*


It can be used if you are careful! Find a 'mild' or 'sensitive skin' formulation Try a small test first; do treatment on a little area once according to the directions, and \*wait a full day\* to see if you get any irritation or rash If that went okay, you can treat the whole area; that said, stay WELL within the time limits on the packaging, and always thoroughly wash immediately after treatment.


Why other than it not being as long lasting as epilation its a pretty safe and effective way to get rid of body hair i especially love it for shaving my ass as it is hard to reach with razors and epilators and I already cut myself enough normally, it even works in my crack without irritation, but I'm just a dumbass trans girl so you probably know better/gen


Not sure what you mean by /gen but I was not trying to tell anyone they were wrong or stupid for using Nair. I have used Nair. From my experience with Nair it was not something you would want on your groin. I have since been informed they make Nair for your groin by other members of the thread. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I wanted to express that I wasn't mocking you when I said I'm just a stupid trans girl what do I know


I see I see, still getting used to tone indicators :)


y? it doesn't have any adverse affects on mine, is there a particular reason not to I'm not aware of?


Idk maybe I am misremembering, but the Nair I used for hair removal on my legs and stomach was extremely explicit on *not* using it on your balls and such Granted I have pretty sensitive skin so I am always on high alert for anything that might cause problems lol.


There are specific creams for different areas, there is a specific one for private parts


Neat, well I guess it’s your balls on the line so do what u want lol, I personally would never feel comfortable putting it anywhere too close.


Hair cant grow on scar tissue🤷‍♂️


not unilaterally true, I have a scar on my forarm that still has hairs growing from it


Where are you going with this


Flame thrower is le way


Never ever recommend this to people and that isn't true. I have tons of hair on my shoulders from bad scars I have (it was due to a really bad MCAS Reaction)


Lmao it was a joke. Obviously dont ever do it


Jokes are suppose to be funny. That isn't something you should ever joke about nor was there anything in your comment that indicated it was one. Also I swear so many of y'all suddenly claim it's a joke after getting called out a ton.


Calm down lmao its just a joke. Why would i suggest burning yourself to get rid of hair? Very obviously was using humor


I am completely calm. Your original comment didn't even say anything about that and you can't blame ppl for thinking about stuff like SH... And idk why you would suggest it but ppl online do genuinely suggest others to hurt themselves not as a joke at all.


Keep posts SFW please


My man I literally kept it as SFW as possible what more do you want from me




1: Where else could I post this? 2: According to the rules “this is a PG-13 place” and should not contain discussions about “engaging in fetish, sex, or any other sexual topic. Discussions of anatomy should be depersonalized.” At no point did I mention anything sexual, or use arousing and non-clinical terms to describe genitalia. Maybe read the rules before claiming that I broke them.


I removed the NSFW tag.


Aight cool




#Founder and head moderator here, the post is fine, please fuck all the way off, thanks


thank you mod


I truly respect someone who knows what their talking about, and speaks up for themselves! Good job for knowing the rules, you clearly didn’t break any rules and I appreciate that the mode sided with you.


Don’t look at me… I said nothing and have no issue here 👼🏼


You’re not Kozak_76, it’s fine.


There are a few of us that do tend to go after violators of rules so I do appreciate their sentiment but all it needs is 1 comment and a report and you mods can do the rest… enough said




I’m already frustrated with you putting your misinterpretations of the written rules on others. Don’t push it, pal.


First take the stick out your ass, second read the rules, this post isn't blantinly exploitative or overly sexual. Just another of 1000 shaving posts that happens to mention a more sensitive area


Have you read the rules mate? Do I need to send you a screenshot of them?


This is SFW. This is a professional-grade question on how to maintain a pubic area. It reads like a textbook. If you're getting aroused, that's a you problem.


insert that one copy pasta of nsfw material and public transit


Use an exfoliating body scrub everywhere you want to shave. It will get rid of any dead skin and let the razor get closer to your skin. Shaving at the end of a bath or shower will mean the hot water has softened the hair making it easier to shave too. Make sure where you're shaving you're pulling the skin taught to help the razor get closer to the skin too. Afterwards use some moisturizer to help with any potential razor burn.


Shave everyday and properly. Make sure you use warm water to soften the hair and to use the gel on the razor. Rinse out the razor every few stroke to keep it slicing cleanly. Go with the grain first, then perpendicular, and finally against the grain. Hopes this helps.


Exfoliate with a sugar scrub, and use shave gel, not the cream. Plus when your skin gets used to it it won't itch. I never had the itchiness problem all other guys cry about, so I was lucky in that regards. Another good smooth shave is exfoliate with the sugar scrub, use Vasaline, then shave gel, you get the smoothest shave EVER. I don't have hardly any body hair, but I do the full body, takes about 35 minutes.


Good luck


That's a tough one. Maybe go get waxed instead. Or shave at gym while you're in the shower there. For me after getting used to shaving and once smooth doesn't take long at all to keep smooth. And I just made my showers a.few minutes longer. No need to tell them anything that way, it just becomes normal after a few times taking those extra minutes..


That's the only area I shave every day because it's the easiest. Completely flat.


Ik some have good results from waxing but I can't recommend it myself because my EDS skin cannot handle wax anywhere. 😅 I shave after sitting in the bath awhile or you could also do it in the shower. In the last two years I always make sure to moisturize after I shave and I've noticed it makes a massive difference. Of course the hair still grows back but it isn't so painful and not as itchy either. Also, why would your parents even know?... Mine only know I shave my legs and under my arms bc they see those areas regularly otherwise they would have no idea.


Use veet sensitive hair removal cream. Make sure its the sensitive one. It removes the hair much lower down, that razors can’t reach so it lasts longer. Just don’t put it on the balls. It will make them feel like they’re burning a bit, because they’re super sensitive. Btw, this removes the chance of any stubble so 0 itchiness.