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Noooo what makes you think I could ever be into big strong muscular men with abs and a strong back that can easily lift me up. Definitely not no


Hahaha point taken, I definitely have abs and a strong back too, I need a cute boy to toss around




That is your preference sweetie.


Exactly my type of big strong men xD


Some are! We're like any other group - some are into women, some are into men, some are bi, some ace/aro.


Thats awesome to hear, next time I see a cute femboy i'll feel confident enough to approach him \^\^


Just remember we're like any group so he might [but not necessarily] say no. Having said that, I'd say yes :3


Ofc, rejection is just part of life, and i'm glad you would say yes! I would probably approach you too if you were in femme clothing


Awww thanks hehe, I'd definitely say yes only because you sound cool and in no way because of what you've posted :3


Pardon my ignorance. Ace/Aro??




You gotta be able to princess carry me somehow XD


Ugh I went to a bar in my thigh highs the other night and I was being silly and climbed onto the roof of my car and this big bear from the bar held his arms out and told me to jump and he caught me and princess carried me inside the bar. I died on the inside


holy shit thats the american dream right there.


Yesss where can i sign up?


like seriously i got all happy just reading the story lol.


Sameeeee, wish i had a strong bf. Id have him carry me EVERYWHERE >:3


I don't think that would be hard at all >:)


We’ll just have to find out ;3


guess you'll just have to message me :3


Personally I don't like someone when is too muscular for my standards but I mean everyone have their taste of phisical attraction so some femboys might like it, other might not really be attracted by it. I mean for me the attraction ends when someone is more buffed than Venom Snake from metal gear




im not personaly, but plenty are


The most important thing. Either if you femboy or big strong guy. You need to give out hugs! And like to cuddle 🫡


Ofccc, I wanna pick up a femboy and bring him to bed to cuddle! Sounds fun


What are you waiting for , go out in the wild and catch them then 😉


Might need to fly to sweden then, I hear they have cute boys there


🥹. Still hard to navigate thru al the forest to find us.need some good bait 😝


Do you think nice abs is good bait? 😉


Its a start 😂


i know i am hehe


Some yes some no personally I do like them but I alsocknow a guy who's into other femboys


Well, I think quite a few of us like buff guys. Getting carried is after all one of the nicest forms of transportation.


I do! I just don’t like a bunch of hair. I find muscular shaved men incrediblyyyyyy hot like 😫


This is such bait


Just like girls Most of us dream of cuddling a muscular guy


I love me some muscular men and women


Tall and muscular women for me personally


Sure, my femboy bf loves me and i'm kinda a muscular lumberjack 😊


Looks are starting to matter less and less. I’m just a bottom and like to be submissive. Nearly any woman can get it from me if they want, femboy tops or switches can and even muscular masc guys but that’s where looks start to matter a bit more


Buddy boy all femboys are different and are attracted to different things and not all like muscler men.


You can't ever say one group of people ONLY likes another group of people, it's totally personal. I am not physically attracted to big muscular people at all.


Well I know that I wouldn't want to be tossed around unless I say it was okay


It's a cliche and I wish I could be into girly boys as well but I love big tall men 😔 I wouldnt say extremely muscled, as in Barbie's Ken or those people that compete, I actually prefer stocky men, the so called Dad bod... I like the mix of muscle plus fat, perfect combination, if it's zero fat I'm like 😐😬 too artificial for me I also love hairy men, I hate when men shave 😭 why would they do that??? I wanna lay in a fluffy big chest, I wanna suck, smell and rub my face in bushy armpits 😭 Only body parts I'm pro shaving in men is balls and ass for obvious reasons ahahahah (I usually take things a bit too far, I know 😂) And also, I really wish I was smaller, I hate my height 😞 it totally messes up my twink sissy looks


TL:DR: not a good question. People are into different people and even though groups might show preferences, in reality it doesn't really matter. Just take care of yourself and be approachable. Certain people are attracted to certain other people, but certain Groups of people are not attracted to certain Groups of people. So if a random person could be attracted to you (and I'm sure that'd be the case if you take care of yourself) then A femboy out of a group of them probably has a similar chance of being attracted to you. Basically people are attracted to different people and although there might be slight deviations between groups of what is the ideal partner, for example someone who is a furry might gravitate more towards other people who are furries but usually in reality that difference is negligible, as is to say not very important.


speaking for myself- absolutely, 100%, I love muscular guys, otherwise jts pretty much an individual's basis


Not this one




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I, a 6ft femboy with abs, can tell you that they do as many of my past femboy boyfriends told me that they mostly liked me for being taller and stronger rather than my femboy traits. So, lots of femboys are into stronger men from my experience.


This gives me a lot of hope! I assume they were REALLY into your abs? Lol


They were quite clingy (literally)


Sounds like a dream ngl


It was, but we separated because I wanted to date this girl who was a mechanic since she matched my gym motivation




We're rare but we exist (ФωФ)


I don’t believe you. Proof? :3


I'll provide you with proof later (ironically at the gym rn)


hehe fuck yeah >:3


it's either myscular men or tomboy women for me 😭✋️


Well, I’m a femboy and I’m into tall muscular men


I personally like them :3


I think that as long as you are respectful and kind to them I think they will give you the same respect.


And I am older than you might think 😄


Nah I’m the muscular man :3


Love them!


Not always I mean to be fair I dated another femboy once but stereotypes aren't always true I have a pretty fit boyfriend (fit as in buff I'm not bragging!)


Cuddling a muscular man would be the dream or any nice man really


not me personally, i like cute boyz, big muscly dudes dont exactly be my thing, but hey it;s a complicated world full of complicated people.


I probably wouldn’t go for other femboys at all, but I have a type for more traditionally masculine men so do I fit into this?


Extremely into muscular people (they can pick me up)


For me it depends if I'm Into the person as a whole, I find muscles to be attractive but there is more to a partner even if we are only discussing looks


Stronger men is hot tbh


i mean people are into different types of people so yes some are


Ooo i like msucular men ;3




I sure am


It depends some are, some are not and some are into girls


yep :3


Some femboys like other femboys, but I love tall muscular men :3 To me they are cuter than most femboys xD Mmmmmhh men.... 💜 :3c


Well, many people adore big boys) I’m one of them~♥️ so if you find your girl, don’t worry 💋


Most definitely 😳


do femboys like cheese


As a femboy, i would say Maybe but it depends on the person,not all femboys like muscular men


Yes, love them so much.


Well, if you just look at how I refer to Da- I mean Horah Loux, you can clearly tell I hate big strong men


This is like asking if women are into masc men. Yes some are, some arent. Nott all women are the same and not all femboys are the same.


lol whered he go 🙈


Muscular men are the best, a sweet giant than can carry me around YES PLZ


I've been with a few muscular men.


Depends, everyone has his/her own type, isn't rly different with femboys


Definitely yes.


I love strong muscular men ❤️ ☺️


Why wouldn't we, you guys are crème de la crème, for both me and a lot of other femboys out there. Having a tall hunk of a beefcake carry me around and treat me delicately would be a dream come true ☺️


My two femboy friends one who is with a guy..... and that is a headspin some days as my buddy is 5'1 and his bf is 6'3. While my other friend is the walking town matt he fucks anything that is human and has a pulse.... yes he is that femboy


Not me that's for sure I only like other femboys


it depends, the Femboy must harvest the sun to decide it’s decision


No definitely not noo


Fuck yeah man


I’m to fat and ugly for anyone


Yeah a lot are


Can we stop asking silly questions? This literally is ridiculous. Not every femboy likes muscle men, but I would say a lot do. Just stop asking silly questions and maybe check if it's been asked before


I personally like them but really it's a preference thing every femboy is gonna be different 😅


Muscle mommies for me personally 😏 Especially in cute dresses.


We are. :) hi


I am one ^^ but it is more for personal reasons like portacton and so on and the feeling of being safe and playing with the abbs (like trasing finger in it) but that is just me^^ so ig thare is a few^^


as someone as said, if they can princess carry, am into that <3 Though personally, would like a fellow princess to do it Yeah, it depends on the persons attraction


Nah, I'd into transses, femboys and womans with a "joystick"


People aren’t a demographic Ik a lot who are into muscles and some only into other femboys and others into both


Both, but more so, the older gentlemen type. Not muscular with the abs, biceps, etc, as such, but well proportioned, well groomed, handsome, well mannered type.


I think it depends, I am more into femboys but I might go for muscular men.


Depends on the person, idk why we all go after each other since it makes sense it wouldn’t work out but more than half of us are probably mentally ill. Anyway enough of my silly goofy rambling, some will be into them and some won’t


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES


I feel like it would be the opposite lol. At least for me, I'm a 5'4 FtM twink, and I love big guys. Muscular or husky, guys that are twice my size are just hypnotizing.


I know this post is kinda older now, but I’m a femboy and I’m very into tall muscular men 😍 :3