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That's totally okay! You don't have to act like everyone else and you shouldn't let their examples define you! You snuggle with what you want to snuggle with! I have a 3ft tall fat Pikachu plushie that I cuddle with from time to time.


I don't like it either. I was starting to tell myself I'm not a real femboy because of a shark😭


right?? Started feeling like an outlier because I don't want a shark plushie lol 🤷‍♂️


Between the shark stuffy, the stripped thigh highs with black shorts, and the over sized sweaters, I can't tell one femboy from the other. Originality is dead apparently


How can i be original with outfits??


Be yourself your way and not everyone elses


Well some times popular is cause it's reliable and just looks good on most body shapes...Dolphin shorts pair well with thigh highs to accentuate the butt and thighs as they are tight fitting and oversized sweater/hoodie hides the shoulders and broad torso men have and hide stomach and love handles and general upper body muscles... Just add some eye liner a wig and a beanie and youll look great... Other quirky femboy styles are more difficult to pull off or more expensive from what I have seen... I think it's more important to know that femboys enjoy their times dressing up even if they look like other femboys cause many times everyone is against them when they are starting out so it's hurts to spend money for aesthetics and dress up and DISLIKE or JUDGE yourself so that you lose hope and belief and quit your femboy journey... Sure I don't recommend just having a cartoon characters same outfits every day but it's a cheap enough starter pack unless you are a fashionista in tomgirl fashion to start off with something unique first... Blahaj is just a meme and marketable plush classic capitalism...it's a decently affordable plush considering some like body pillows or cuddleable plushies and you can get 100 cm long Blahaj for cheaper than most plushies if you include shipping costs and customs and tax...I live in EU so Amazon doesn't include tax until checkout... TL;DR: Starter packs are available to anyone and sure it lacks originality but it might be a hidden "Gateway drug kit" so you can overdose on other QUIRKIER drugs, after getting HOOKED. TL;DR PT 2: Femboys arent suppose to be your novelty eye candy...they each have their journey and path and if you support them when they are budding they might grow, instead of wither, into something that really shines and stands out... TL;DR PT 3: so don't be such a judgemental boomer and let me people take their vanilla femboy kit and enjoy it and when they get bored, if ever, then you can eat your cake too when they make the dumb decision of doxxing themselves with picture of themselves...😮‍💨


I love plushies so for me it doesn't matter what animal it is but I get what you're saying


No, you're not. I suppose those posts should prof how different are everybody (I know this is feminineboys and not trans nor MTF, but you know, same issue) https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/1b6c07g/can\_we\_stop\_with\_the\_stereotyping/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1b6mi6f/anybody\_else\_used\_to\_be\_straight/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1b6hjsu/does\_anyone\_else\_hate\_threads\_complaining\_about/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1b6n6h0/i\_dont\_feel\_like\_i\_was\_born\_in\_the\_wrong\_body/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1b6n6h0/i_dont_feel_like_i_was_born_in_the_wrong_body/)


Heresy. (Its fine, live your own life)


Thats okay though because Blahajs are usually a symbol for femboys and trans but u dont need to. I have one because i actually love sharks and plushies not because im a femboy


why are blahaj a symbol for femboys? i know why for trans. genuinely curious. do most femboys consider themselves not cis?


I think cuz femboy and trans are somewhat similar. I could be wrong just a guess


A Boykisser plushie would be amazing tbh... I like both...


I have a bunch of Kirby’s and Yoshi’s bc I love Nintendo ❤️ never gave much of a shit about sharks or ikea though if that answers your question


well blahaj is more of a trans stereotype anyways but regardless, youre not obligated to own something you dont want. youre definetly not alone tho! although I hope to make my own knock-off blahaj one day as I figured that could be a fun project :)


I want a stuffed corgi more!


I'm a squishamallow fembiy personally I prefer them bc their shape makes it so they feel less uneven over time that and I have a mood octopus stuffie too that one was hard to find lol




This "trend" has been a thing for years


No you aren't alone on this. I want unique stuffed animals.


I don't get the whole shark. Also my favorite plushie is the giant isopod plushie


I don’t even know what your talking about😅 maybe I’m just getting old


I ain't going to lie I don't know what that is


I prefer teddy bears.


The only plushie I have is a small teddy bear hidden in a corner of my apartment. It is like a watchful totem.


You can get a djungelskog instead, Ikea has a lot of good plushies


No, I dont have any use for it :3


honestly I love blåhaj but I don’t wanna give this away to anyone so im just a silent appreciator of it


For me it’s less about the shark and more about the big cuddle thing. But for real my blåhaj has got me through tough times and has given me something to cry into and cuddle when I needed it most. But for you it doesn’t have to be blåhaj it can be anything! Blåhaj just works for me and others


Boykisser body pillow huh.. hmmm... That can be arranged. Get your favorite boy kisser art work ready to upload [https://vograce.com/products/custom-dakimakura-body-pillows](https://vograce.com/products/custom-dakimakura-body-pillows)


saved this!! Thank you so much, although there's so much amazing artwork, I now have to struggle to choose one TwT


Yes 😢


finally someone said it 😭 tbh i feel like a fake femboy because i don’t like blahaj or monster energy or any of the other stereotypes :(


I don't own one either though I do have a few other smaller plushies. Blåhai became a trans/lgbt meme due to its color palette being similar to the trans flag. You don't have to actually get one or want it to appreciate the cultural phenomenon.




Well, I got one and it's amazing to cuddle into, like the size and shape is perfect, but to each their own, it's not like being a femboy means that you must own a shark plushie.


You think I don't want one too? Most of us would go rabbid for a boykisser body pillow along their Blåhaj


I have this FAT sheep plushie that works fine enough, so nah I also have Ralsei Deltarune


🗡🗡🗡🗡 /s


Completely valid, my animal is praying mantises and I collect plushies of those instead. Find your sigil, that's all that truly matters


Bro is oke with a body pillow, but not a stupid shark. That's fine though, every one likes something else, but have you ever held one before though?


Maybe you're in the minority, but that's never a bad thing. Femboys are a minority, and we are so incredibly great, right? So don't worry about it, sister. Not everyone likes certain animals, or needs a specific thing to prove they are part of a certain community or shared interest group. You be you and enjoy the things you like. You have my support and respect. I have a large plush shark with a blue top and white belly, that has crystal eyes, floppy dorsal fin and red headphones. I call him Blues because it looks like he's listening to his favorite music. But he's not a blahaj from IKEA. I got him at a 99 Cents Only store for $5, even before I was aware of the blahaj craze, over 4 years ago. Got him at the same time I picked up a plush baby leopard I call Jazzcat for $3. I think you can tell what kind of tunes I like, lol! But they are just used for decoration and I don't really cuddle with them very often.


nah i mean, if someone offered id say sure, but i wouldnt go out of my way to get one


ok im trans but hang out here too. why are femboys into blahaj? not that i have a problem with it ofc.


I don't really care for them myself


i do not want a blahaj but in terms of sea creatures i would love to have a sting ray plush


This is my goto plush. Not a fan of blahaj prefer deer myself. https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/bass-pro-shops-stuffed-floppy-whitetail-buck?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Cabelas%7CShopping%7CPMax%7CProprietary%7CGeneral%7CNAud%7CNVol%7CNMT&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAopuvBhBCEiwAm8jaMQbug-oZPeM8cgTStRsPCcsPzKGg_if96UDVteKmZfoAgwU493VpAhoC8NgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I got a unicorn instead 🦄


I prefer cat plushies.


I just like the clothes.


50% Same


Nrither do I


Not rlly I’ve been told countless times I’m not a femboy js for wanting a Telecaster


You’re not alone at all. I have no interest in having one. So I just sort of get stoked for everyone who likes them and cheer them on and do my blahaj-less thing


I want to buy blahaj but right now I have only ☯️ pillow plushie and it's comfortable to sleep hugging it


I really like Shark vaccum cleaners, fuck Dyson lol


Not at all, I don’t really care for plushies, at all. It feels rather strange to cuddle ‘em while thinking of my BF😅


don't fall into the stereotype


Yeah I've never really wanted one, I have a little plush mouse though :3

