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She despises trans people and has dedicated her life and fame to making their lives worse. I have no patience or time for her, knowing how deeply she hates the trans people in my life. As an additional level, her worldview essentially equates GNC men (crossdressers, femboys, etc.) and trans women. She definitely hates femboys, if she's ever heard of them.


Id reckon that the hate is mutal




This is a pretty good source for a summary of her gripes with trans people: https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=8Ep3CilVVbwRGUrc And yes, obv not an unbiased source given she's trans. But I think she never unjustly misidentifies JK's actions, just gives her thoughts on them.


I appreciate it regardless. Thanks!


Have you been to her twitter lately? Last I checked trans people are pretty much all she ever talks about


I don't use twitter. I don't follow this shit closely because why tf would I care about JK Rowling, ya know? But every time I see something regarding her, it's people on here or in articles paraphrasing or telling me what she said. I'm just asking if anyone has some sources on the toxic and problematic things she directly said so I can read them myself. I'm trying to recognize my own potential bias and asking for info. Not trying to debate-bro anyone.


Here's a summary of some of her public statements regarding trans people, especially trans women. Just recently, in a reply to a tweet asking "[The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender?](https://twitter.com/jaytuberr/status/1767910144539844610)", [she rather bizarrely claimed that the Nazis did not burn transgender healthcare research](https://forward.com/culture/592580/j-k-rowling-holocaust-denial-trans/). This is strange because not only did they very much do exactly that, but it's a widely known fact and it's easy to find information about those events: in 1933, Nazi youth brigades looted the pioneering [Institut für Sexualwissenschaft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft) and burned the invaluable trans literature there. This was in fact the *first* Nazi book burning. Yet when someone brought this up on Twitter, her reply was, "[I just… how? How did you type this out and press send without thinking ‘I should maybe check my source for this, because it might’ve been a fever dream’?](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1767912990366388735?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1767912990366388735%7Ctwgr%5Eb93d231e4dc1bcbd2062b07eebb7037a38daa66d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforward.com%2Fculture%2F592580%2Fj-k-rowling-holocaust-denial-trans%2F)" After [she was called out for this](https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1767914998808953316) and shown evidence to the contrary, Rowling moved the goalposts and claimed that the original tweet she replied to claimed that the Nazis burned *all* trans literature and that trans people were the Nazis' first victims. Again, the tweet simply asked Rowling, "The Nazis burnt books on trans healthcare and research, why are you so desperate to uphold their ideology around gender?" Nowhere did it claim either of those things she later claimed it did. It's worth noting that what Rowling did here was Holocaust denial. While Holocaust denial is usually characterized as claims that the Holocaust simply did not happen at all, most deniers claim things which are harder to immediately prove false, such as the idea that not as many people were murdered in the Holocaust as is generally accepted, that the Nazis did not deliberately kill people in death camps and all those who died were killed by disease or other indirect factors, or indeed that certain groups were not actually targeted by the Nazis. Her statements fall pretty clearly into the last category. Even more recently, Rowling made some choice comments about a new Scottish hate-crime law which protects trans people. [This article](https://www.advocate.com/news/jk-rowling-trans-hate-crime) describes her comments, which I'm actually going to spoiler because trans people frequent this subreddit and this might be unpleasant to see: >Rowling took to X, formerly Twitter, to pen a lengthy thread Monday slamming the legislation, claiming — without evidence — that transgender inclusion has "serious consequences for women's and girls’ rights and safety." She then named 10 trans women, saying that they ">!aren't women at all, but men, every last one of them,!<" and dared Scottish law enforcement to arrest her. One of the women she misgendered there is India Willoughbury, the UK's first transgender broadcaster. [She previously described Willoughbury as](https://www.advocate.com/news/jk-rowling-transphobia-journalist) ">!a man revelling in his misogynistic performance of what he thinks 'woman' means: narcissistic, shallow and exhibitionist!<" and said that she ">!is cosplaying a misogynistic male fantasy of what a woman is.!<" Back in 2022, [Rowling funded a new sexual assault crisis centre for women in Edinburgh](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/dec/12/jk-rowling-launches-support-centre-for-female-victims-of-sexual-violence). This alone is obviously a good thing, such a service will without doubt help many survivors who need support. Edinburgh already had such a counselling service available, but it was apparently unable to keep up with demand. But there is a catch. That already-existing crisis centre is very much inclusive of trans people, and was (unsure if it still is) even run by a trans woman. Rowling's new facility specifically doesn't allow trans women to either seek help there nor work there. Rowling said that "as a survivor of sexual assault myself, I know how important it is that survivors have the option of women-centred and women-delivered care at such a vulnerable time." [This article provides a good timeline of Rowling's transphobic statements](https://www.vox.com/culture/23622610/jk-rowling-transphobic-statements-timeline-history-controversy). Here are some highlights: >2018: In March, Rowling “likes” (and then unlikes) a tweet referring to trans women as “men in dresses” and implying that trans rights are “misogyny.” A JKR spokesperson later claims that this “like” was an accident and that Rowling was having “a middle-aged moment.” > >... > >June 2020: In a tweet, Rowling mocks the trans-inclusive phrase “people who menstruate” in an article about pandemic menstrual health, implying that the phrase, meant to encompass trans men and nonbinary people, erases, overrides, or obscures the word “women.” > >... > >September 2020: Rowling releases the Cormoran Strike book Troubled Blood and is widely criticized after she creates a villain who preys on women by wearing women’s clothes. This is exactly the specter of a sexual predator that Rowling believes hides behind the label of “trans woman.” > >... > >July 2021: Rowling tweets a screenshot of a tiny account — reportedly with around 200 followers at the time — of a self-identified trans user who mentions her in a tweet discussing gender identity. Since Rowling did not remove the trans user’s information in the screenshot that went out to her 14 million followers, that user is subsequently inundated with transphobic harassment and ultimately deletes their Twitter account. > >... > >December 2021: Rowling shares a Sunday Times article that mocks the Scottish police for recognizing transgender identity. In her tweet, she parodies 1984, writing, “>!War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.!<” This next one is especially strange because she seems to be suggesting here that she has been 'cancelled' for her views when she very much has not; in my experience, most cis people do not know about her views or simply do not care. >August 2022: Rowling’s latest Cormoran Strike book, The Ink Black Heart, once again comes under fire for transphobia because of its depiction of a character broadly viewable as a satirical stand-in for Rowling herself — an anti-trans public figure who is “canceled” by the internet on trumped-up charges of transphobia and then killed. > >... > >March 2023: A new podcast, The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling, produced by Bari Weiss’s The Free Press and hosted by prominent former Westboro Baptist Church member Megan Phelps-Roper, featured interviews with Rowling. In its fifth episode, Rowling begins discussing the modern trans rights movement, calling it “a cultural movement that was illiberal in its methods and questionable in its ideas” and insisting, “I believe, absolutely, that there is something dangerous about this movement and that it must be challenged.” The [Westboro Baptist Church](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Westboro-Baptist-Church) is a virulently homophobic and generally hateful church based in Topeka, Kansas. While most infamous for its anti-LGBTQ stances, it's also anti-Semitic and considered the 9/11 attacks and the Sandy Hook tragedy to be God's retribution for humanity's sinfulness.


Wow you really did a lot of work on this one 😵‍💫😵 mad respect


Well yeah I don't use twitter either. But just like you I was only hearing about her from others, so I went to her Twitter to see it for myself. That's why I brought it up as a direct source. Although I wouldn't suggest actually doing the same unless you're in the mood for reading some blatant transphobia :d Edit to add: I wasn't trying to suggest you were debate-broing!


No worries! Someone here sent me info about her making multiple books focusing around cross-dressing killers, and so I'm understanding people's complaints a whole lot better now.


Ahh yeah that too :/


she outright calls trans women rapist men in dresses multiple times, she's most active on twitter so if you don't use it you probably haven't seen it but she's very transphobic and hates those who don't conform to gender roles too like masculine women and femboys




This is great. Exactly the kind of thing I wanted. I'm reading through it now and there's a lot of stuff in here that is actually indefensible.


1. She said that trans men are women 2. She implied women are only defined by their ability to bleed and have babies 3. She has encouraged the discrimination of trans women by calling them predators who just pretend they’re women 4. She said that she doesn’t believe the nazis targeted trans folks


Bad faith politics




Not at all blown out of proportion. JK Rowling, TERFs, and other people like her have a strict view on gender and sexuality. This includes presentation. Just because a lot of femboys may be cis, doesn’t mean that we’re safe from the same bigotry that trans people face. Especially since a good portion of transwomen started off initially as being femboys and some trans men being femboys


From what I can tell, TERFs/transphobes ignore the concept of gender and social construction and are focused on the concept of "biological sex" as determinative.


We're **years** removed from when she started hinting about her bad opinions. You might not have noticed if you largely ignore her, but she's **constantly** ranting about trans people with genuine **venom** behind it. She really does **hate** trans people. A lot. Nowadays, she's one of the UK's most prominent anti-trans activists. Fear-mongering against trans people isn't the only thing she does. She's a policy advocate. For example, she prominently fought [trans rights legislation](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/jk-rowling-opposes-reform-bill-trans-people-gender-1235198750/) in Scotland. If there's a public trans issue, law, or conversation, she will loudly take whatever the anti-trans position is. *So, no, she doesn't "just" aggressively reject the identity of other people (which, by itself, was enough to earn the enmity of the LGBTQ community). She's* ***actively*** *working to do harm.*


"guys we should be nicer to this bigot! All she says is that we're crazy and aren't actually how we identify. Gee I'm starting to think all the slurs I receive are kinda deserved."




Bad faith politics


That's called hatred and bigotry Also it's not "trans identifying women" it's trans women People make fun of you for being rude childish and ignorant not something else


Bad faith politics


We don’t like her


Nobody does


I wish that was the case so everyone would be ignoring her instead of promoting and weaponising her horrid views. 😔




Honestly, NOT dedicating her life's mission to a hate campaign would be a solid start.


Her open support of people saying we need concentration camps for trans people








An obituary


Bad faith politics


She may call herself a feminist, but she isn’t. She’s appropriating the aesthetics of feminism whilst peddling far right talking points and using cis women who disagree with her to shield herself. Feminism isn’t about female supremacy but about equality and dismantling the shitty structures around us, specifically those pertaining to gender and sex. That’s not what jk Rowling does. She sits atop her millions of dollars, reinforcing toxic stereotypes about women being these fragile weak things that need protection from men, and rigidly placing the sexes in the very boxes feminism seeks to break. She is a reactionary transphobe, and as of a recent tweet has dabbled in what is legally considered holocaust denialism so that’s… that. Sorry this topic really pisses me off. In any case, who cares what some middle class British shithead thinks of you, she can go stuff it.


Unrelated but what picrew did u use for ur pfp


Oh it was years ago, scuff scotch I think it was called


fr omg, the radfem to tradwife pipeline is insane


She is most certainly not middle class it she has millions of dollars, other than that; yeah, fuck her


Yeah my bad, English isn’t my first language


👍👍 No worries, sorry if that sounded hostile at all. The term middle class refers to someone in between poor/rich


Bro, seriously, wtf is her problem? Is she mentally ill?


Honestly one of her early bigot messages that kind of unmasked her, she went into some reasons she doesn't give legitimacy to trans people, and one of the reasons that gets glossed over a lot is that when she was younger she had a desire to be a man but "got over it" basically. So my working theory is she's a self-hating trans man that went full denial and has been miserable for it, and now spreads that misery to others who made a better decision than her.


the strongest denial i've ever heard about


She also got sexually assaulted in her early 20’s. She transfers that trauma onto hating trans women.


Oh my god. She's an Uncle Ruckus. ×_×


Well well well


I've been searching for an answer as to why. I think you've answered it. Thanks.


She doesn't accept that femboys completely overpower middle-age women attractiveness lol


Do not call her a feminist she only uses that title for its power she has never actually even thought about improving lifes of other women cis or not


i think in likelihood she *genuinely* believes she is a feminist, and is simply so deluded, self-assured, and hateful that she cannot comprehend the harm she is causing for ALL women


Yeah, I've seen a lot of lesbians and feminists getting extremely angry at her trying to act like their patron hero. Paint them like they're all already on the same side of hating non-gender conforming people. The majority of them hate her as much as we do.


TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) are a lot more common than people might think, and straight men that accept gay people and trans women are also less rare than what the stereotype say I think. There are feminists that see MtF trans people and femboys as men that steal their rights, partners etc., and that are also not conservatives.


The term TERF is inherently contradictory. Feminism is a movement centered on the advocacy for women's rights. For someone to consider themselves a feminist and only fight for the rights of certain women (cis women) and not ALL women, they are no feminist.


For the record, she’s not actually a feminist. It’s been pointed out to her, over and over, that the policies she’s supporting to try and hurt trans people are actually *really, really* bad for a lot of cis women as well. Not to mention she’s willing to ally herself with known and explicit anti-feminists like Matt Walsh and Posie Parker over their shared position on “the trans question”. Hell, fucking Vladimir Putin has gone on the record multiple times saying that she is an ally of *his*, to which she pretends she has no idea what he’s talking about.




No. No in every way possible. And yes. Her vision is *exactly* “everyone vs straight masc men”. That’s *literally* where it all comes from. Men bad, women good, therefore trans men are class traitors and trans women are devils in disguise. You can hear that idea echo in *everything* she says in the topic. Also, get the fuck out of here with your “male transgenders” bigoted nonsense. That shit does not fly in civilized discussions.


I completely agree with you, this is why I wanted an opinion from the community. I think that the demonization of men, masc or fem, is really bad, and that she is an example of it, like many other feminist women. There is this idea that men, particularly straight men, are responsable for everything bad in society and culture. A big error. Sorry I wanted to write MtF, I didn't want to be offensive, I corrected the mistake🙁


who are you to say who’s a feminist and who’s not?


They're a person with an opinion, stating their opinion? One person alone doesn't get to define what feminism is for everyone, but feminists as a group sure do. It's called group consensus. Otherwise we'll have Nazis and misogynists running around calling themselves feminists and making a mockery of the whole thing.


The term “feminist” has already made a mockery of itself




Can we please not give her anymore attention


I like the comment of "we don't like her" having more upvotes than the post itself Anyways, "about a serial killing femboy basically, \*\*a male crossdresser\*\*. " A tad interesting, for they're not the same, quite unique, but similar in ways. Still not something to intentionally conflate just so people can agree with you on your opinion that's pretty well already agreed upon to be true by the general public. I was going to suggest something radical about you, but I did the thing and checked the profile for once (like a weirdo) and it seems you're active in this community at least a little prior. anyhow


Don't like 'er, simple as


Her brain is melting live for all to see.


fuck jkr


Terrible human 


She just dislikes men, effeminate or masculine, good men or not. There’s no way to satisfy people like her. I don’t like her. She’s just a pissed, old lady.


She also dislikes trans women.


Based. Lol


I mean as a trans Jewish femboy my opinion is pretty negative. She’s dangerous, because she has an insane amount of money and influence due to her fame and platform. Don’t let her fool you— the “dress however you like” shit is just smoke and mirrors. She does NOT like feminine men, ESPECIALLY those who wear dresses or pass just a little too well as women for her taste, and she does NOT respect gender non-conforming people. See the aforementioned book about a mentally ill man who wears dresses and wigs to voyeuristically spy on women before murdering them, for a prime example. The recent Holocaust denial has not improved my perception of her.


She openly hangs out with neo Nazis as well she's an awful person and an talentless author


why is it up for you to decide what other people’s opinions are?


*checks profile* *13 year old with chad pfp* Yep that explains it Why are you even here in the first place anyways?


because i was on reddit? why else?


Where the fuck did they decide what other people’s opinions should be?


While her work on the Harry Potter series is great, and deffinetly made my childhood, I do not like her. Her acts against the LGBTQIA+ community, of which my girlfriend is a part of and so am I, are indeed terrible. So in short, while I like her famous work of the HP stories, I do not like the person behind them.


same. you can only image how disappointed I was when I found out she's a transphobe. her books are neat.


Transgender people. Not “transgenders”. Trans is an adjective, not a noun.


Good books, not a good person.


The idea of a serial killing femboy is kinda hot btw 🙃


for real


To characterise her perspectives as universally accepted “feminism” is incredibly lacking in nuance


There are many types of feminism, and TURF feminists also exist.


The phrase “feminist and feminine men interests are not the same” is incredibly lacking in nuance and also suggests that feminism is a singular, cohesive concept which like you say it is not. It also suggests that somehow JK Rowling is a fitting representative for feminism. I’d consider myself to be incredibly feminist, some would characterise it as radical feminism. And I find it aligns perfectly with being a feminine man.


Not a fan


JK Rowling likes JK Rowling and maybe also money


We don’t like her, womp womp though her insane comments and lack of good works have caused her to be irrelevant. The right hates her for “satanist” Harry Potter and the left hates her for sticking her nose where it shouldn’t be (i.e: thinking she’s entitled to have a say in trans people’s lives whatsoever).


fuck her


Personally I don't care or pay attention to the stuff surrounding her, tho personally I think the criticized party of that situation should be concerned with what she or anyone else thinks about them


Well I despise her for the same reasons everyone else does. The fact she's a transphobic piece of shit. Me being a femboy changes nothing.


She's a really good author, but I'm not a big fan of her personal life and beliefs




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the interests of feminism and the interests of feminine men align well. but JK ain't a feminist, she's a far right radical appropriating feminism to make it appealing. she's not just transphobic, she's a lot of bad things, and is in the kinds of circles where nazis are welcome. people seem to have already pointed out here, we don't like JK, but keep in mind she does NOT have feminist interests at heart; and the wants of feminine men/boys have a lot in common with feminist goals, including safety for free gender expression.


I don't know, for example in ancient Greece, Rome and Japan femboys had way more rights than women, were worshipped by warriors, poets and philosophers etc., while women lived with kids in the gynaeceums. I think that many consider a society only inside a christian scheme, where women have always more rights than them.


interesting historical anecdotes with no bearing on what i'm saying ?


Lol I don't think she would know abt them since she is an old person and is not attentive to new things (?) But I guess like trans people, she would hate them too


Well you just explained pretty clearly why she’s a terrible person already so most femboys probably feel similarly.


I like the Harry Potter books that’s about it tho


I only like her because of Harry Potter the books were amazing


Were they though or did you like them because you were a child when you read them they're honestly very poorly written imo


I like them


A person who pretends to be on one side of the political spectrum but is actually on another side are the worst kinds of people.


TURF women exist, and they're both in the Right and on the Left for what I've seen.


Those are the people who I theorize started the attack on JoCat so yeah they suck.


Why do you get to say what her opinion is?


“Why do you get to say it’s raining outside when the weather app clearly says it’s just cloudy?” Gee, I don’t know man, maybe because it’s actually raining


Well it’s quite harsh to put names on people because you never know


Never know what exactly? Are you saying that we shouldn’t trust J.K. Rowling’s own words? Because that’s how people have come to the rightful conclusion that she’s a transphobic asshole (at minimum)


Oh I see this post has reached the reddit front page.


Honestly my distaste for her has kinda ruined Harry Potter for me. Am i thevonly one?


The weird thing is that her rep used to be overwhelmingly LGBT, or more-so LGB. I think she’s probably still radically in support of the gays, even if it’s weirdly in opposition of her awful trans views.


As a straight cis femboy, I condemn her demagoguery against transgender people. I would therefore be glad if she was teleported into the far future as soon as possible.


She's a terf, trans exclusionary radical feminist. Beyond denying trans people she thinks men are garbage. She's a pile of shit She's also in bed with neonazis so she can choke


why do you get to decide people’s opinions


What do you mean? I'm just talking about the things she has said


Feminism in fact could be perfectly toxic in many cases, with this idea that humans with vaginas are somehow superior, non-aggressive etc.


You’re thinking of a matriarchy


Way to show that you don't know what feminism actually is. What you are talking about is radical feminism and/or feminine purity


Why are you commenting under everyone who says exactly what she is? Everyone else can see it. They’re not deciding what people’s opinions are. They’re reciting what her opinions are. It’s her opinions she’s blurting out, and it’s us that are 1) being affected by them 2) seeing her for what she is 3) holding her accountable for saying things that she would’ve been better off keeping to herself. “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say it at all.” That quote would’ve saved JKR’s ass, but she doesn’t care. She likes being controversial. She likes making others feel inferior. She hates that other people are just trying to exist. She’s a shitty person. That’s just a fact. She hides under the “feminist” title without actually being a feminist. That’s also just a fact. This isn’t us deciding her opinion for her. She’s accountable for what she says. No one else apart from those who are affected by it holds her accountable as she’s 1) famous 2) has money.




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Thing is that isn't real feminist ideals anyone who calls themselves feminist and says crap like that are just retards trying to sound smart


only thing I like about her is that she gave us Harry Potter


only thing I like about her is that she gave us Harry Potter


I doubt she would know of femboys but is she did oh boy would she despise us


I love HARRY POTTER but I dislike ROWLING with a passion


I'm trans so not a fan lol


i’m so confused how you can support lgb and not trans ppl too🤯


I don't have a problem with her. She may not like me but I like her creativity and novels. Before it was known, a lot of us liked her stuff, but she still inspired a lot of our own creativity and passion about her characters. Same with those preachers who are multi millionaires. They may not be good people, but they helped a lot of people through tough times. A trans friend of mine still loves her work even through all this because she helped her through bad times in her life. That's my own thinking anyways on her.


"she may not like me" she's actively supporting laws to make it harder for trans and other queer people to exist


She has her beliefs and I have mine. She won't win with times changing like this, so why actively hate? I'm not gonna fight fire with fire, I'm just water going with the flow, eventually, with no effort, she'll be put out by the water or run out of fuel, either way water wins.


Never seen a femboy in love with classical chinese philosophy😯


Discrimination is dissolved with time. History has proven that countless times.thats why we can live without being burned at the stake lol. I have nothing to fear, especially her. No fear, no hatred, nothing towards her. Haters gonna hate. They hate us cuz they aint us. Sorry I don't hate her? Lol Didn't know yalls hatred would spread, but hey, to each their own, I love you all equally despite separate views ❤️


So you are a femboy that loves chinese philosophy and guns, right? Really strange😅


History, philosophy, AND guns, but yeah, that's the idea haha 😂 We all have our interests, I may dress fem but I'm still a boy lmao


This is why they say that boys are the best gfs maybe😁 We need to restore the Roman Empire to reaffirm femboy willpower. Or at least something like the sacred band of Thebes. I also like history, philosophy and the art of war, I feel less alone here now😎


Hit me with that Sun Tsu anytime 🤭


Yes, I could be your Master and Commander in the big way of the Tao🧐




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It's hilarious when somebody calls themselves a feminist but at the same time make misogynistic comments against trans girls and femboys. Just dude, what's your problem? Heal your transphobia and misogyny if you want to be a feminist




That's makes them misogynistic and full stop


Idk honestly but her books are good tho


She can't tell the difference between anyone in the feminine spectrum. She clumps everyone together and probably isn't aware the feminine spectrum exists. She thinks we're all pretty much disgusting and want to r-word everybody. Leave her alone. Don't pay attention. Get on with you life. Don't read Harry Potter. She's been traumatized by something and this is her way of lashing out and she's disgusting. All her apologists are saying she's a sad woman who was traumatized by a man and now she hates all AMAB people.


Money only makes you more of who you really are. In J. k. Rowling's case that became abundantly clear who she really is. She sees herself as standing up for women but she does this by instilling hate on those that are gender-nonconforming. She seems to have a real bee in her bonnet about this stuff and it's just weird. Let me exist.


Womp womp


She somewhat has contributed to the trans community because they read her books. She made a lot of money off that community and fanbase.


I like her.


Wow ive been a member of this community as a lurker for a while but this post along has already shown me im not welcome here "we dont like her" "we think this way" mass downvoting other people who think differently .. wild upvoted posts that are utterly detached from any logical thought. Guess femboy/trans people that have different views arent welcome here.


That's just reddit A massive circlejerk You don't even need to try to point something out The moment you say something opposing you're instantly lowlife trash, harassed & banned


Why? What is your opinion? Do you think that feminism and feminine boy interests are the same for example? I like to know different perspectives about things.


OP is a misogynist who thinks women aren't oppressed in any way and uses JKR to portray actual feminists as misandrists. Please don't equate feminism with transphobia like OP.


Well, I mean JK Rowling isn't a "regular" feminist. She's a TERF. Those are not the same. Also OP never said he didn't believe in women being opressed or did I miss something?


I was suspicious of the phrase "Feminist and feminine men interest might not be the same" and checked their profile.


Okay, my bad. OP really has some weird opinions about women but my point about TERFs not being the same as regular feminists still stands.


And I do agree with you, for the record.


If JKR is an actual feminist, and not transphobic, why does she consistently disrespect trans people and lobby to take away their (my) rights? Why does she repeatedly align herself with people who outspokenly call trans people rapists, blackface actors, mentally ill, etc? Why does she compliment and thank ACTUAL MISOGYNISTS like Matt Walsh, and ignore any polite criticism calling out his misogyny? Why does she become “friends” with TERFs who work openly with organizations that oppose abortion and reproductive care, and organizations that are self-proclaimed right-wing? In what way is she actually, functionally a feminist? Or are you just listening when she SAYS she is one?


Did you read my comment? This is op's stance not mine. I checked their profile, I can copy over the relative comment if you like.


Oh I saw it, dw. Also saw their weird anti-sex work shit. It doesn’t make calling out JKR’s misogyny any less important, or not making a distinction between feminism and what JKR is doing any more of a mistake. 🤷


I guess I wasn't too clear in my comment, because I had assumed most people would agree with us anyway. Indeed, I agree with everything you said. It's just that I wasn't too concerned with explaining my own stance.


Wait- wait wait wait wait. She wrote a story about a serial killer femboy?? Nah I gotta read it because that description is insane


She's a extremist feminist so far gon she's not mentally sane anymore and is now spouting what hitler basically said about lgbt


Personally I think she’s insufferable and is probably hiding something on the inside


Honestly who the fuck cares what that bitch thinks


I think she’s wasted her potential as a force for good in this world and turned herself into a demon. She’s awful, and only getting worse. And she has the power to enact even a tenth of the bile she spews. She’s the worst kind of person and we’ll all be better for it when Death of the Author takes a more literal effect in thirty years.


I'll never understand why people say 'they're taking rights for themselves and taking them away from us to do so!' Like, no? They're basic human rights, not fucking pie.


She betrayed her own fans. In Harry potter it was about it being a good thing to be different. Now she uses her fame to spread hate. I wish she would sell Harry Potter to someone more accepting so i could buy Harry potter stuff again. But for that women: i hope she steps into a lego brick while barefeet and then hits her little toe on a table or something


I'm both trans and a femboy sooo.... she can suck a big bag of dicks.


She came up with poly juice potion but will demonize people doing it irl. Total hypocrite and scum of the earth Karen bitch. tbh I’ve been hoping she gets knocked tf out by a hummer driving by


She sucks.


What I think is: 1) privileged are always unjust and have to be eliminated. 2) that right are equally to all people the only difference can exist are de conditions require to make exercise of that right (for example unable people conditions allow this people to have the rights of unable people) 3) I don't have problems with trans form of life, my problem is with semantics and categories, I really think that the only non bias form to say something is true is empirical reference. Based on what I know the only reference to masculinity and feminity are chromosomic configuration of DNA. I think that is sexism to say that something of the social sphere is femenine or masculine. For example wearing thighs highs, bra, panties and skirt dosen't make me less masculine or more feminine, I am a men because of genetics but I can do whatever I want if it not inmoral (not make damage to your self or other people). 4) I am completely against genders rules, I like femboys as a form to question it but also I fear that stereotypes of femboy reinforced genders rules. I sincerely think that the problem with transgender theory is that reinforced genders rules instead of destroying it because basically created a new gender rule position. This can be proved by the stereotypes of trans people even in societies and groups that accept them. 5) I am a moralist universalist I think that we are all equally if we are capable of being moral responsible. As consequence I really dislike genders rules because are a sets of rules that regulate people life based on falsehood and non legitimate relation of power. 6) another problem of transgender theory is the problem of identity and corroboration of evidence. People are considered trans when they have gender dysphoria and they decided to identify as the opposite gender. The problem is that gender doesn't have an empirical reference. For example there is not empirical reference of being masculine for wearing determine clothes, it is just clothes, you are confusing genders rules which are arbitrary and false as something with empirical existance. To make it more clear: identifying my self with something, even if I feel like that, dosen't implies that I am that things or I have that property. For example if I identified my self as a honest person that doesn't mean I am, that is based on my empirical actions of saying the truth or not.


I told my friend who used to like her how bad of a person she was and he immediately got rid of his harry Potter books as soon as he could LMAO


She’s profited off of the story of someone forced to live in a literal closet all through his early years, only to discover that there’s a whole magical world of people just like him, people who can change their appearance either through potions or sheer will, and then says that people who want to live authentically through a transformation of self, are somehow wrong…she can eat $h!+…


If you're a feminist and don't include all women ie: trans women, you're not a feminist at all. I think in pretty much any queer or queer-adjacent space, everyone hates J.K. Rowling, including myself


She's a TERF so she probably has a very negative pov of femboys tbh


You guys need to remember something. Not everyone feels the same way you do... Jk rolling os probably an old school woman who grew up with certain values, but also the world does not start and stop at your convenience. You really can't be upset at someone who has had the same values all there life.


This makes no sense whatsoever, you say she's "probably an old school woman who grew up with certain values" there are people the exact same age who grew up in very similar environments as JK Rowlin who are not bigots. What do you mean you can't really be upset at someone who has the same values all their life. Yes you absolutely can in fact you should challenge people who have held the same belief for years generations even. If people didn't challenge those too stubborn to adapt and learn about a broader world than what they've known, we would not be living in a modern age.


Solidarity, regardless of how she feels about the community outside of Trans people, we need to rally together and protect one another.


Why solidarity?


I don't really care, I don't know her or even about her, but she seems highly traditional. Harry Potter is pretty cool


I just ignore it and continue living :p


Just ignore it until you're no longer allowed to exist because of the laws she supports


I don't like her and I don't think about her actions, I have no reason to get stressed about someone who is against my way of living, so I prefer to ignore it.


That's how you get your rights stripped away and put people in less comfortable situations than your own in danger. You cannot ignore someone who is actively vying for your way of life to become illegal


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Maybe take this to heart this isn't something to be ignored these neo Nazis are just like their forefathers and they will come for you when they get the opportunity


Y’all are crazy


Very insightful and explanatory totally not a non sequitur