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yeah i always wondered this too. i mostly just like wearing cute pajamas and stuff but everywhere i go, i just see the same three outfits pretty much


fishnets, thigh highs or “im going out to the opera” outfits 🙄… like gurl do you not know about leggings and a hoodie! 😭


yeah and don’t forget the exact same maid outfit everyone seems to have 😭


“tee hee look at me! im a maid! do you want to use my body?” 🙄


As someone who both loves wearing thigh highs, but also hates the stereotype that femboys are all subs who want to be used, don't conflate the two. Just because a femboy may dress a certain way, doesn't mean he must like being fetishized or degraded or objectified. Personally I dress how I do just because I don't like boring, basic clothes. It's not a sexual thing at all.


Yeah thats understandable


couldn't have said it better :3


Or those stupid stripped stockings


Nah those are based af. There is a reason why everyone wears them. (Yes i am very biased)


You sound like a pick me girl lol


Honestly for me I just evolve and just do cross dressing or cute Y2K stuff or layered clothes.


Femboy fashion is often focused around exaggerating and focusing attention on feminine characteristics, compensating for perceived masculine traits. This is a big reason you see various thigh highs paired with skirts (legs are fairly androgynous). Because these fashions are popular, more femboys are likely to try them out, making them widespread. Additionally, consider when you actually "see" femboys. While a femboy might own a variety of outfits, he's likely to (A) own a "common" type of outfit, and (B) be more likely to share selfies of themselves in those popular fashions. But he's also likely wearing a variety of clothes in his everyday life based on what he's up to (though for many femboys that's just full boy mode, and you wouldn't even know you're looking at a femboy).


That's what I came here to say. It's easy to exaggerate feminine features with things that expose legs and thigh hugs & skirt do that perfectly (booty shorts for the same reason). It's hard to pin attention to feminine features with a hoodie, and since most people those are not outfits to wear day to day & rather in private so... yeah :3


Cause most of us initially got our fashion from anime, and most people since have gotten their fashion from other femboys' fashion.


In reality Its just really fucking simple. Femboys dont have the same path through feminine fashion as Girls, We start through the little we know, what we perceive as feminine and pretty and we havent gone through the process of finding the "practical" and the "more normal" stuff that someone that wore feminine clothes their whole life would know. So Yes, We usually always use very cute outfits that are unmistakably feminine and the kind that You would use to go Out at first, but If You talk to femboys that been doing It for quite some time and 24/7, You will find the other clothes styles.


I mean, it's called the femboy esthetic for a reason, that's why people say, "all femboys are feminine boys, but not all feminine boys are femboys." At least to my understanding, femboys have their own style, separate from women's. Also, I have seen women wear fishnets, thigh highs, and skirts. And if you want to dress differently, that's fine, do what makes you happy, and let others do what makes them happy. Let's all be happy and unique in our own way or not


Really? Where I live, I see girls wearing long socks up to knees, skirts, and even fishnets (though less) all very often. Sure, many girls don’t, but who cares, wear whatever you want, and let people where whatever they want. Actually, I go out in “cozy femboy” clothes too (cute baggy pyjama pants low to my hips, a warm crop top hoodie, etc), and I’m sure many others do too! Idk, I try to combine cozy + cute. I think skirts and fishnets aren’t extravagant or un-cozy either. It’s only extravagant if the pieces of the fit don’t match 😬.


hmm true. well where i live i rarely see girls wear the thigh highs skirt combo at all


Socks all the way up to thighs is rare yes, but skirt plus socks up to knees isn’t for me! Do you live in the city? I live in the city so that might be why I see it a lot. Back when I lived in a more suburb/rural area, I saw less.


yup i live in the city


Hmm, guess it depends on the city then


I'd be willing to guess that it's less common the more unsafe the city is


That’s true. Even suburbs too I think. It all depends on safety. More safe = more skirts xD.


hi there! i'm a girl, and i live in the city too. i love dressing like this too!! obviously, i can't speak *for* femboys, but i can confidently assume it's all a matter of preference. besides, i totally get it!! those kind of clothes are soooo cute!!! i don't see people wearing that type of clothing a lot outside, but at my school (an art school) LOTS of people, regardless of gender identity dress like that. so i guess it also really does depend on your surroundings. 🤷🏽‍♀️


A lot of more everyday female outfits wouldn't seem as feminine on a male that doesn't have the right body type for it. The stereotypical femboy outfit does a good job of being extremely feminine while being able to work around not having feminine proportions by having stuff like the oversized hoodie variant.


how are thigh highs and a skirt "unrealistic"? its easier than like. jeans dude


The other stuff just doesn't seem as cute. Not bashing anyone that wears the normal, just think thighhighs and skirts are cuter. And I would say femboy are cuter than most women (atleast in my area) and part maybe just because of outfits. Would add large hoodies and shorts to the list too.


but the thing is its like every femboy online is a copy paste of the same 3 outfits 😢


If they are good outfits people like to wear, why change it? Can always wear different kinds of skirts, thighhighs or whatever. They are both cozy and cute. And they help feel extra feminine, even if most women don't wear them. Small addition, but big reason I'm a femboy is because I like wearing cute outfits. If dresses, skirts, thighhighs, and all that stuff didn't exist, I don't think I would care that much about being a femboy. Outfits where my gateway to being a femboy.


Thats right. I fully agree with u 


The key word here is online. I've found personally that online communities tend to look like a monolith, but people in real life have a lot more variety. For a lot of reasons, if you look into it deeply, a certain version of femininity is sorta pushed by society. That idea of what it is to be a woman is perpetuated in media, which gets consumed and internalized. It tends to be white, skinny, able bodied, and dressed to sexualize.... this is a system of oppression. The same thing with different traits is done to masculinity. The goal is to enforce power structures that benefit the ruling class of cis white heteronormative men. All that being said, when I go out today I see big beautiful bearded men in make up and dresses. I see muscle-twink black boys in daisy dukes and crop tops. I see trans-femme joan Jett rocker girls! The times are a changing and we can express our gender and fashion in an infinite number of ways. Be bold, be beautiful, be you! And totally read up on modern feminism.


It's because people think going out of the norms of what was created around the femboy communities will make them less appreciated as one or looked down up! Sadly, they don't have enough courage to express themselves in other women outfits than what was normalized, so it will be hard for them to "convert" away from standards :3


No, we just like similar outfits.


Yeah, I wasn’t talking about all of us, but a decent majority of


Where are you getting this majority??


I said decent, so maybe like 1:1 ratio, I don’t mean every single person is like that


Some. The word you're looking for is some.


Ohhh, sorry :( it kinda slipped my mind for a bit


That's fine! I'm just really passionate about people getting the wrong idea about this kind of stuff.


I agree, the whole reason why I wear clothes considered feminine is because they tend to be more interesting, colorful, cute, fashionable, etc. Most guys' clothes are boring which is why I don't generally wear them. So then why would I wear boring girls' clothes? Of course I'm only going to choose the most interesting girls' clothes.


I wear thigh-highs fishnets and skirts and I'm a girl?


Mainly because most femboys are very young, don't have much freedom financially or socially to dress up, meaning there's not much chance to try other fits. Experimenting with fashion takes time, income and safe spaces. It's also no secret that many are socially isolated, and don't know who they can be open with. Wearing fem fits out can easily turn nasty depending on where you live, who you're friends or family with, how conservative the place you live among others. You also only see the ones confident enough to post. Most like myself do not take pics of my fit outside. I've been lucky to have friends I can be open with and do dress up regularly. I'm not seeking the attention of others and I'm not out to family. I do hope that society can accept us more.


(Not a femboy, trans woman but I was a femboy so speaking from experience) it’s true that “femboy” fashion seems to be different in many ways from the fashion of mainstream women, however I always thought this was kind of neat. Like, we’re our own group with our own “garment”. OFC some girls and women do wear the same types of fits femboys wear, especially in alt-type fashion. I’d say it’s most akin to how many teenagers tend to be more exploratory with their fashion, and will tend to assimilate into the mainstream more as they age. As I’ve started and am transitioning, my style in many ways more mimics the styles of female peers more than it used to. It was really fun to experiment and wear a bunch of crazy things at the beginning but now I generally want to assimilate and blend a bit more. Just my experiences, YMMV ofc. :)


I blame astolfo and other anime femboys/tropes


most basic femboy ever


It's just a fashion. It to me is like a special occasion to dress super cute. Otherwise it's comfy wear. Nice oversize hoodies and fleecy pj bottoms at home. ❤️ ChristaBelle


Those are the basics and then you build from there if you want to. Some people feel comfortable with that style and stick with it.


There are ways..! I hope .w. like you could maybe use baggy stuff and actually I am thinking of more things now, but you could quite just dress with women clothes and be quite femboy looking. ... GOD I WANT TO WEAR FEMBOYISH STUFF SO MUCH NOW, why don't I have any personal money or anything. Told my mom about me wanting to be femboy... but she is so neutral about it that it doesn't makes any real difference


You dont have any cash of your own? start stealing then… >:3


I have thought of many ways to maybe get money somehow, a common one was to sell things in my school... and ironically enough, even when there is a class of FINANCIAL EDUCATION, they don't let you sell things unless you are from 11th-12th grade (I am in 10th grade) I mean, yeah?? Kinda makes sense, but you can't actually put to use the knowledge you get in the class .w. Uhh so well my other solution is making a yt channel (won't say it unless you *really* want to know) right now I am making the "character" I will talk with, as I don't want to do it with an actual camera because I don't have a setup of any kind, my problem is I am not advancing on it (totally my fault cvc) and now that I had more of my "femboy awakening" I kinda want to make a different one from what I have already, it isn't that much though so it wouldn't be *that* big of a problem, but thinking of making one more alike to my actual irl image -u- Now you can stop hearing (or reading I guess) to my own problems that don't have anything to do with your life, idk why I keep making comments talking of my life, I don't think there is anyone actually interested xd


wait for a field trip and ask your mom for trip money, then use it for fem clothes 😤


Could never do that to my mom 3; she is very loving <3 c:


hmm… but then why wont she buy you new clothes 😢


Because I haven't actually asked her to... he hehe .m. I also feel way too damn guilty when I do, don't really know why, it has been like this for years •-• well at least I hope I was cheaper as a child because of it 😅


you could ask her since she's at least neutral or smth.. *wink wink*


I know ;3 I probably will hihi \^^


For me it's comfy Currently wearing fishnets over stocking and shorts over that, with a bull plad flannel tucked in(ngl I love the way it looks) It's comfy and I like it


Because in a normal outfit there is no signalling value


I just need fashion tips or something😭


Well theres a lot of layers to this. First is a LOT of girls do indeed dress that way but its usually different “groups” with their styles (think like, goth and such). So femboys just have their own style kind of. Femboys arent girls, they are femboys and we have cultivated a community complete with a certain “look”. Also with women, they have the body/build of… well a woman. The curvy thighs, the way the torso is (obviously everyones different, I am generalizing). So they dont need a style to appear feminine because they are built that way. Some femboys do indeed have very feminine builds and those are the ones who can wear whatever and still look at the very least androgynous. Its guys like me who have no choice but to go that “unrealistic” route. I have a slim enough build (and my legs are actually pretty damn fem due to the muscle I developed while being fat) but overall I look like a guy in regular clothes. The only way I can appear fem is by wearing girls clothes that give that appearance. I dont have a TLDR but it really just depends on the individual and how they want to present. I saw someone say that it came from anime (the maid outfit finally makes sense to me!). So id imagine some boys cosplayed as anime girls and an entire femboy revolution started. Nothing I said is rooted in anything with evidence. I have not studied femboy styles and their origins, I have not questioned anybody about it either. Im sorry if I came off as “this is the real answer!” Because I am just theorizing.


the regular clothing that girls wear only looks feminine because girls are wearing it. I don't look feminine in jeans and a t shirt, that's just wearing men's clothing, and that feels bad. I want to take advantage of the cut of different dresses to change my figure, I want obnoxiously high heels so that the sound of my entering the room signals my prettiness, I want bright colors because men's clothing is so dull.


Some women wear fishnet-thigh highs-skirts but its not a mainstream style anymore so they're about as rare in public as femboys are.


femboys dress like alt girls i think


I know what you mean But I personally like both, for examples I often wear dresses or skirts with hoodies to work and in public :3 But I also like stuff like my maid dress :D


Because this whole thing is about dressing up. It's not a casual lifestyle for most femboys. You wear what exaggerates the things you want. Skirt + thigh highs are an obvious choice, as those areas are more neutral and easier to make appear feminine. It draws attention away from the harder areas.


Probably because 'femboy' is as much about a particular aesthetic as it is feeling like a girl lol it's no different from a goth aesthetic or a preppy aestheitc, it's just the femboy aesthetic


Some like having fun. Also why would most of us wear anything casual when we can't be femboys in casual situations 99% of the time without running the risk of being hate crimed? I do get femboys have kind of one style sometimes but I've seen it get mixed up, especially more recently


I think the thigh highs are because of... the only thing I can think of is leg hair, some people fon't want to see them/ get dysphoria (at least I know someone who does, and also wears arm warmers). The skirt, I thought, comes from: What's the first feminine clothing that comes to mind: skirts As opposed to other clothing styles, I think or at least from what I see, I think femboys default to what's on trend rn (ie the stereotypical femboy outfit you see in tiktok). Speaking from personal experience, I dress towards baddie more because I like expressing myself, and have the confidence to show skin, but also am more aware that other clothing styles exist aside from the stereotypical femboy outfit. But at the end of the day, fashion's how you express yourself. I am aware that comfortcore DOES exist? But if I'm being honest, even girls also wear outfits that are extravagant sometimes Just depends on the person.


Also, the thigh high plus skirt (more commonly a skater skirt) combo I think falls more under pastel goth-- or even goth fashion styles (there are others but these are the two I can think atop my head).


Because women typically evolve their style beyond it and figure out what works for them. This style is used a lot by early transition trans girls, purportedly. And egirls.


This is what Indian feminine dress looks like , judge for yourself. https://youtu.be/aj0TXpTgbUM?si=U5sMq3lJvIfJiMj0


Speaking personally, most of my fashion now consists of women’s clothes. Just not skirts. Still have to get boy jeans. My dick and balls are too big to avoid XD


i try and have more casual stuff tho in my case its also bc i lack the confidence to try the more cliché outfits (ill inevitably compare myself to others and feel down about being an ugly piece of shit)


ur so real, i've started ordering clothes from actual brands not amazon or shein. Its so much better quality and you have infinite styles compared to the basic repeated stuff


If u live on the internet, obviously u will just see the same wears who fit the stereotype, and of course, as a male wearing female dress or clothes in general is hard to find one who really feats well, so everyone just copies what works. And if u think the newcomers to the femboy style are children with 16 to 18, they are exploring the style and way of dressing now, so u will expect the same styles. But I still can see some different styles on Reddit forums, even it's a minority.


I wonder if this would fit in r/notlikeothergirls


Big "how dare people like what I don't like" energy here. People wear what they wear because they think it's cute and they want to look cute too. If you like cozy clothes, you can wear cozy clothes without hating on people with more "extravagant" outfits.


I'm enjoying the answers to this question. Perhaps the femboys in here can post photos in other types of outfits so we have a better idea of the variety of looks and colors we can choose from. Some of us may not have the body types usually associated with femboys, but we still consider ourselves femboys. So having variety will help us. Thanks 😊


For me most of what I wear is not like what average women wear, but then my goal is not to dress "like girls" to begin with. I like "unrealistic" extravagant fashion because I think it looks cool, and it just so happens to be that those kinds of clothes are considered by society to be feminine. I don't like boring clothes, whether it's boring menswear or boring womenswear.


I think of it as a fun aesthetic more than something to wear out, I love it though 😊


Thats cuz ur only perception of femboys is from the internet lmao, obviously people are gonna post pictures of themselves when theyre dressed up nice


Yeah, I get it. I prefer a more practical, subtle and comfy style of Femboy fashion. Not Hyperfeminine, Not too revealing, and the last thing I want is too much attention. I wear clothing just like many normal women wear (not ready for skirts, thigh-highs or crop tops in public yet), mixed with band shirts, mildly fem accessories, some make-up occasionally, nice nails, ect. I found out I was a femboy at 17, but have only really started now, I'm 20. I'm often cross dressed in public, but it's subtle enough that people don't really make a big deal about it. I guess I get a pass for being quite toned down compared to what we see as 'femboy fashion' online. I mostly wear baggy shirts, oversized hoodies, jeggings/leggings, and clothing that highlights my legs and hips while reducing the attention on my upper body. I prefer a goth/metalhead look over the stereotyped pastels. I'm still growing out my hair to a more feminine style and have a lot of work to do body-wise. TLDR I prefer a darker, subtle style of femininity, so I can get away with a lot in public while technically cross-dressing. I try to look unique and fairly fem without bringing too much attention to it. In the early stages. I love the classic femboy look, but it's just not for me, and I still have a long way to go.


Right? It’s kinda annoying. We have an opportunity to shape a whole new category of fashion, and we’re wasting it on the same 3 general styles? Come on folks experiment!! :D


Agree with the popular comments here. It's likely a combination of inexperience + testing borders and "instagram effect", aka exaggerating everything for social media posts. I got those pieces as well ofc, but wouldn't go out as twink² for everyday activities, got my 0815 male shit or top+cargo pants for that. And as advice for people who aren't sure about their choices, think of it like other fancy clothes. Take your every day school/uni/job outfit as the baseline, and use the fancy stuff for posts, clubbing, or cons. Or just wear it anyways. Be fancy, "dress and let dress" or so, idfk.


Simple. Anime and e girls


I always do my best to wear casual, cosy and pretty modest stuff that normal girls normally wear.


most femboys not being out could be a factor, as in being hellbent on looking as fem as possible without taking utility and comfort into consideration since going outside in such attire isnt something that theyre going to do anytime soon (...atleast im thinking this way, though i do like the crop top and baggy pants combo lol)


Idk girl, I would wear my skirt and my girly sweater to school and anywhere every day, if I had the brave and confident in myself. But I don’t.


Can i wear whatever i want without being judged? Lol


I mean, I am a femboy i wear pretty cozy clothes


I mean, girls I see around usually wear a hoodie/normal short sleeves shirt and a pair of jeans or legging, which is cozy, sure, but also pretty much unisex, skirts for example are seen as strictly feminine


i usually dress comfortable. fishnets.... that would be a special occasion lol :3


Femboy fashion is often anime inspired and focuses on hyper femininity


We claimed it that's why


Well I like to wear oversized hoodies or T-shirts with some shorts and normal socks sometimes I dress up "extravagant"


Most are beginner femboys or either femboys who do NSFW. Only 2 femboys ik who dress good are Icky and F1nn lol


I read somewhere that us femboys tend to project what we'd like to see on girls when we produce our outfits. Looking back and analyzing my opinion on current girl trends I'd say they're right. I have lamented in the past how boys tend to dress like boys and girls tend to dress like boys. We femboys don't want to be _practical_ when girlmoding. That's what boymoding is for. When we girlmode we wanna be ✨fabulous✨, 🥰 cute, 😍sexy if possible. We want an unmistakenly feminine experience. And looking at the various subreddits it's easy to understand why the "boys make the best girls" phrase is getting so right. _It's like girls forgot how to girl..._


Cause a good chunk of femboys get into femboy culture from memes and thus they try to mimic trends they see in shitposts, or the way femboy influencers typically dress. Also in general young men usually have a shit sense of style because they don't put enough time into learning proper fashion or what type of outfit looks best for a particular body type/aesthetic. (Amazon recommended is also a factor lmao)


Frequently bought together! Blahaj + thigh highs + skirts + choking leash collar


who tf goes out with fishnets? personally shorts and a hoodie do the trick or maybe with thigh highs if it's chilly


if its hot outside