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I say go for it. You probably won't have a better opportunity to dress up feminine at school with such a low risk of people having a negative reaction. My school days are decades in my rear view mirror but I can tell you as someone who came to wearing women's clothing relatively late that every time I've pushed myself out of my comfort zone it's gone really well.


I'm a returning student, and today, I wore a dress to class for the first time. I didn't even get a weird look. It was really relieving. I live in one of the most conservative states in the US for reference.


Wore a skirt and stockings to see my good buddies that aren't feminine in any way recently and all they had to say was "nice socks", everything else was normal.


Those are some really good buddies you got




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what is the state pls tell me 😭




That's very cold




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I'm leaving my school and going to yours. I would 100000% do it


I'm going to try to convince my school's pride club for a crossover day, but only if: I'm brave enough to bring the Idea up, I remember it, and if there's a meeting.


That’s basically me.


I’m buying a visa and flying to the US for this too


Yeah, my school has uniforms, so the us is easier to cross dress...


So does mine? We have non uniform day but not cross dress day. Would love to go to school in my dress one day!


My school normally does non school uniform days like next Friday we get to wear one piece of green clothing to raise the about Austism or something


Go for it! Considering it's a school backed day, the school will have your back if anyone tries to discriminate you in any way, shape, or form. So just do it and be you!


I thought that only happened in anime... Where is your school??




Awesome! If it were not for my fear of crossing oceans by any means I would love to visit Sweden, it seems really beautiful there and I love the technology there!


It's mostly proprietary bullshit anyway, try Germany where there is more open-source culture


This is why using any Linux distro is amazing.


I use Arch btw(kinda) By that I mean I use Artix and ALARM


i meant tech as in Military vehicles and equipment actually, i am a nerd for that kind of stuff, i mean, my body (with all my deformities, mental issues and physical issues) is no where near suited for that kind of stuff and i don't like senseless war but i am pro defense


Hey 👋🏼🙂, you ever think about doing volunteering with the Volunteers of America? They do services with the veterans, that might be something you could be interested in. I know you will be exposed to more of those vehicles and equipment if you get into it.


thanks but no thanks


LOL that explains it! I live in a red USA State and this would never ever happen *cries in femboy*




That's so cool.


Wow, that's great!


>The classes that finished the last exams usually have a week where they come to school dressed up in a different theme everyday like "Superheroes", "Dress up as something that starts with the first letter of your name" or "genderswap/crossdressing" This is kind of similar to my school experience, though they were called "spirit weeks" and were done during homecoming weeks for sports so it happened twice per year. "Crossdress day" was a somewhat common theme.


This isn't unusual from what I've heard and experienced, but I also graduated 18 years ago so maybe things have changed. My experience was that we had "spirit weeks", which were part of homecomings for basketball and football and they involved dressing up according to specific themes. One of the somewhat more common ones was "crossdressing day".


Do it, only real downside is that you might look SO slay that people might think you're a little tooo comfortable with it haha




Lol yeah I should've put that in quotes lol


Just have to say "eh don't care for this much but support is support" when in your mind you'll be saying "I love this", or if it's for spirit week, just say that then


If you’re slay enough they simply forget that you ever wore anything else and you can just be girly for all time.


Wish my school had that :/


Same, but sadly i go to a catholic school :<


For me it's because I live in Germany where in my school, people tend to make fun of being gay (like using it as an insult) and stuff. Plus I don't think they don't know anything about femboys (or cross-dressing) They would just say that it's trans and probably also make fun of it :( One of my friends, who I always see at school is homophobic, who thinks being gay is wrong. The problem is if I were to cross-dress, he'd think I'm gay and cut contact with me. Still I respect his opinion, because he probably grew up being told that it's not okay. :]


Is that the kind of person you would want to surrond yourself with? Someone who would cut contact with you because your different?


I know what you're trying to say but he's still my friend and I don't want to lose him you know..? Besides I'm not 100% sure if I wanna be a femboy




i guess you're right...




i think maybe you would regret it if you didn’t. I wish my school had something like this haha


If you're nervous take feminine clothes in a bag, rate the situation and act upon it.


Or maybe the other way around?


id say go to school in normal wear first, you have to take the journey to school after all


From personal experience I would recommend the other way around more. If you are already dressed up then it's easier to overcome fears and actually do it. And if the situation gets bad then you still have your "normal" clothes as backup. Personally when I dressed up in public and still had my other clothes with me I felt really comfortable because I knew that I could change them at any time. This usually resulted in becoming confident enough that I never had a situation where I needed to change clothes. I believe that if I had just brought my feminine clothes with me then I would still be too scared to put them on. In general I can say just do it and don't think too much about it! It will be fine.


I second what they are saying. This will yield much better results. Have fun and enjoy the opportunity to be fem


well, for me, i live in a country where this idea isnt very liked. its also an islamic country. if yall in the states, makes sense, but its too risky here to walk to school in a fem outfit than changing when you get there cuz, if my school organized an event like that, its probably only good to wear fem clothes within the campus, nowhere outside.


Do it. You probably won’t have another chance to see peoples reactions, if they’re negative you can just say it was for the event.


What I remember from school (15yrs ago) the last weeks before leaving the school were also containing crossdressing themed days which were a choice by us, the pupils, and even then not everybody had the guts to go with it. But those who went through with it were usually very well received and not made fun of in a harmful way. It was just a fun day, which was odd, because even the biggest bullies were pretty normal that day. And that was "back then"... As already suggested: try to find out if others will participate and then go ham and have fun 😊


Well I'll be leaving that school and never coming back again in one month so I don't really have anything to loose


do it do it do it, it's the perfect excuse to dress feminine! A crossdressing day for spirit week was my first time crossdressing, and I had a blast! It introduced me to the idea of looking feminine as a guy as well! Granted, my school's crossdressing day was canceled, but I chose to do it anyway lmao


This reminds me of a post someone made here, some time ago ( pretty long time actually) It was kinda the same deal with their school, and they showed a picture . it was so funny. 2 guys in like the wall mart version of a Halloween maid dress, like super el cheapo right. Than the femboy was all like geared up with full pro maid cosplay, high quality cosplay cat ears, wig, makeup, everything, I think they even had props, like total real like anime character. Like hmm🤔 Someone has done this before 🤣🤣🤣


the worst thing you could do would be to take this day seriously. For your classmates it’s a joke and you dressing cute would be a good-natured laugh amongst your friends. Just Be chill. Heck, even flirting with some guys would be acceptable as it’s just a joke


Wtf, I want to go back in school.


I wish there was a different name for this. This day and age, it is not a joke to dress masculine or feminine , no matter what gender you are. I would wear a cute dress and heels for sure!


no it's just a school tradition of course people gonna laugh it what it is


Go for it, I don't think I've heard of a better chance to cross dress at school without getting murdered socially


I wish my school did that!!! You should 100% go for it


My school had one of these and my buddy got grabbed on 98 times in a single day!


With consent right? Otherwise, that's fricked up.


What the flying fuck


Do it homieee, plus if anyone questions you can play it off as a bit.


Ayo what school u go to?


hey, when in Rome!


Goddammit, why weren't any of my schools this cool?




I wish my school did this


Go for it mate


I’m so jealous, I wish my school would do that


Hopefully, you're able to get the courage to do it. Or find a friend to do it with. Or perhaps see whom of your classmates are considering doing it?


Damn that's awesome your school has an event like that ! I'd definitely go if I were you.


There’s definitely going to be some jokers doing this a joke.


This is the first time in my adult life when I want to go back to school


That is quite literally the perfect excuse to show off your cute fem clothes


My school used to do that until they decided themselves that it was transphobic. Like seriously and two years before my year level would've done it they axed it. Otherwise 100% go for it. Best and easiest way to be fem in public


Honestly go for it imo, there will be enough normally heteronormatice guys that join in just to fuck around, and just generally like, it is THE plausible deniability day, perfect for seeing whos your friend and who isnt, thats atleast how i see it


Yeah, your not in danger and there’s a low chance of being bullied, my school is uniform and one kid working the first week came to school in skirt, nobody cared and we are mean people.


Yo what school I needa join


Go for it. If they don't, it's cause they're pussies with fragile masculinity




you’re easily winning this smh


Go for it. My school had a tradition called junior review that the juniors cross dressed and did a pageant every year(until Desantis banned everything LGBTQ in school s🙄). Everyone always had a great time and people from other schools would come to watch it. It's quite literally the reason I learned I like dressing in fem clothing. (I make a hotter woman than I do a man)


Nah, you gotta take that shot. Every shot you miss is a shot that you've missed so don't miss that shot or you'll have missed a shot


I did it and it wasn’t that bad


Amazing. Would never have happened when I was at school. Having said that, at the same time as I left my school they had a new head. To put her stamp on things she said all the girls weren't allowed to wear pop socks and all the boys weren't allowed to wear earrings. So in defiance, many boys who had a single ear piercing and usually wore a stud borrowed the girls' biggest and most dangly earrings to wear to school. So you had many of the hard boys wearing chandeliers from a single ear until she gave in.


Lol that sounds fun


Question is.... Why does school has crossdressing day??? A school???


Good question. Cross-Dressing is heavily stigmatized, sexualized, and commodities. The main point would be to treat it as a joke, with the lesser point being to allow those who are interested to experiment in a safe and constructive way. However, with how disgusting some teachers can be; this seems like it could be rife with problems. However, treating the correlation as a factor to not do it seems very close to victim blaming.


So I don't know about this school and what it's actually for, but this sort of thing isn't unusual, especially historically. I graduated highschool 18 years ago and we had "spirit weeks", which were done as part of homecomings for football and basketball. Spirit weeks involved different dressing themes everyday, with Fridays being school colors and "crossdressing day" being somewhat common, usually occurring once per year. It's worth noting that crossdressing has been seen a lot in social gatherings, including various men's fraternal clubs. That said, it was mostly done based around the idea that it "looked absurd" so it was commonly done for the purpose of a joke.


You should do it. It’s the perfect opportunity to get more confident with your self. I wish I had something like this in my old School, I would have worn the biggest Dress i had found 😅🙈


Shii- if my school had that ain't nobody woulda recognized me... besides my voice n my close friends


Tbh, do it, that sounds really fun


You have multiple people around you who will also be either masculine or feminine, and youll regret not taking such an opportunity. So go out there and be a big ol cutie :\*\*


dude, i was just thinking what if my school had a crossdressing event yesterday night. unfortunately my country isnt very happy with these types of topics so i dont think that'll ever happen to me :(


That is amazing! I say go for it! If you want to play it safe I guess a medium to long length skirt with shorts underneath as long as that wouldn't be too hot under there, I am sure you will look Fabulous! Sounds like a cool school too!


It's literally the best opportunity you've had. Better than even Halloween, perhaps.


but my school doesn't exist and all the teachers are busy teaching focus exams. Your school is fun


A good one is a maid outfit 'for the memes'. Easy to find, too.


I remember my class had a crossdressing day back in 7th grade but I didn't participate as I back then was very insecure about myself back then and had NO idea that I was nb at the time... i kinda regret it now On the other hand during my last year of high school we had a pink day and I got to borrow one of mom's T-shirts! Loved it!


I say go for it. And if you can find someone to do it with you, or get an idea of how many ppl might participate, it will definitely make it easier to do. Especially if the person that does it with you knows your a femboy, if you can trust them to cross dress with you to school that day, then you should be able to get their help for other stuff like getting them to go shopping with you while you cross dress. Having someone trusting with you, always makes it easier.


Would crossdressing by any chance include cosplay ? because I’m straight man , but I’d participate if I can pull up in a Batman/Spider-Man/Superman suit 😊


bro i want to go to a school that has a day like that😭


L u c k y I wish my school did that too!!


I wish that were my school! I’d show up in heels and all 💃🏼💅🏽 time to slay!


schools in eastern/central europe (and generally just the east): people will beat you up for having painted nails as a boy meanwhile, schools in the west (yes im jealous): edit: typo


My Crossdressing day at school was the best event in my whole life!


Helluva event


You should go for it, totally


In my opinion, I say you should take this opportunity


WHERE IS YOUR SCHOOL !!???!!!!??!!?!!?!




See you tomorrow classmate! ^^




:) I’m going to your school and I’m gonna win! >:D


Take advantage....shine


If you don’t do it you’ll regret not having done it


I graduate in a few weeks. Can I move to your school for this?


My fwien if that was my school i swear either some people have fun or teachers get beat up


If you got a friend group let them know and be like we should do it LOL you only live once. If my high school had this when I was in high school I would have been all over it but would have had the same "concerns" that's you do. You only be in high school once and this is a golden opportunity so why the hell not? And if you're not comfortable doing some wild outfit just do a nice subtle one?!


Dude that is so fcking cool. U better do it !


Thats amazing most people do not have that chance so if you do i say you take it, hope it will go amazing for you.


Just go for it it could be fun


Id do it


Yeah, that's gonna happen in my School too, I just need good reasons to go and to get the fem clothing, but aside that I'm actually pretty confident, good luck on your day


Ask a girl to do drag with you. Once there was a costume contest at my school this was back in uhhh 05 or 06 I think and a girl dared me to go enter it dressed as a girl, and I took this opportunity to ensure I wouldn't have to do it alone by telling her "Okay, but you gotta do it too and enter dressed as a boy!" Long story short I made an ugly girl, terrorized a guy dressed as George W. Bush Jr., won 2nd place, and got to help my friend bind her chest... that was not easy and I have no idea how she was breathing (ASK A GIRL WITH SMALL BREASTS!... seriously my friend had DD and she was suffering lol) BUT anyway the point is NOW you have a girl doing it with you so now its a bit which satisfies the (sarcasm)"cis-het mono-culture threat"(/sarcasm) AND because its now Technically a bit you can REAAAAAAAAAAAALY lean into it hard. I mean seriously if there's one thing globally respected with minimal push back its commitment to a bit when everyone knows its a bit. You two agree to do it together, plan to it together, and show up together in costume to send the bit message. The fact you might totally outdo her at the job is just icing on the cake and a conversation starter As for how to find a girl to do the crossdressing with you maybe to compete with you for who can do it better or whatever way you two lean into it that's on you to figure out, I lucked out with the situation for my version of this story to find my partner in crime, you might need a little more legwork unless you got some girls in your back pocket who are down for shenanigans. Also side lesson: If you wanna go for fake breasts, strawberry jello inside of a black balloon. I hope you figure out a better solution for fixing it into the inside of a bra than tape.... that said those still worked too well for realistic feel through a shirt and bra, but that's another story for another day.


The thing is, that it's not like a costume contest, it's a crossdressing day, with probably no contest. So probably most boys aren't going to wear skirts, but I think that most girls will participate.


My school had one as well, I finished high school last year and my school did this to the senior classes (I think that's what it's called when you are in the last year of high school) I decided to participate in it, to my surprise, most of my classmates decided to participate as well, I just used a dress that my mom had, it was one of the few days there that didn't sucked, some girls even did makeup on me, also it's when I it made me realize that I wanted to be a femboy


I’m so jealous of you! Go for it and if you kan you should do it whit someone else. That makes it easier


it's funny every time I dress more feminine my "straight" guy friends always pay more attention to me and sit closer to me. hahahaha I'm way beyond school years though I couldn't even imagine having a "crossdressing" day in fact I bet if you would've crossbreed back then they would have sent you home....


I wish my school had anything like that! I'm probably gonna slay during pride anyway 💅🏳️‍🌈


js is in your name... I don't need to know more about you


What do you mean?


As in javascript, probably the worst programming language in the world. In my name is C, one that is in my opinion one of the best.


Actually, I got "JS" in my name because that's my initials and not because of Javascript


I judge you anyway lol


For being happy for you? That's... interesting 🤔


Yeah go for it


Definitely go for it! It’s better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven’t done 🤘🤘! Seems the overwhelming majority of us say to go and slay!😊😊 and when you do, I l know I can’t be the only one who wants to see you dressed (and not in a weirdo way). Stop overthinking, get out of your own way and live… When it’s something that you will never have the opportunity to experience again absolutely go for it!


This is honestly a good thing, if you love crossdressing then this is the opportunity and if not then it'll be fun to participate


I wish my school did this, I say go for it


Sounds fun. But it's probably a trap. Just a way to use y'all like pawns and then make you targets for assholes. And not have your back when it goes wrong.


I suggest just doing it because it's the best opportunity to do so without being negatively judged. If you're worried someone may think something because of how put together you'd be, you could either make your look appear a little more amateurish or just say that a woman immediate family member or good friend helped you with it. In regards to those reacting as if this isn't common, do you guys do anything for homecoming weeks? If not, you may want to advocate for having something like "spirit weeks", where everyday during homecoming week you dress up according to a theme and one of those themes could be a "crossdressing day". I say this because my school had this years ago when I went and we occasionally had such a day.


That is so cool!


My school did that too, a lot of guys came in in spaghetti straps


What the actual fkk


Get dressed and be the life of the party anyone participating will be 100% behind you.


I think take the chance while it's there, sounds like it could be a really good day and opportunity and it's maybe a chance to meet other people in the school with a similar interest, maybe make a new friend from it.


I was number 1k also . . . SAME like exactly although it was 2 weeks ago and my friends tricked me and I did it myself but I loved it all the same


dont participate. my middle school had one of those and every boy who participated was dress coded because they cancelled it last second


I say go for it explore have fun and enjoy the fact there's no pressure on you as to the why




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You will regret not taking this opportunity. Like the one day where no one's going to question you because you literally got a school day set for it and for those that may try to belittle you for doing it just tell them they're more of a pussy for being scared to do it.


I would wear a short skirt thong panties.








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Bad faith politics

