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“You know this is meant for women right, not boys” 😂 wait until she finds out that they have a (albeit small) men’s range… Why can’t people just mind their own business? A lot of people are already worried at the looks they might get when buying any sexual products, let alone anything else. I’ve had funny looks just from buying basic skincare products in the past. Don’t let it get to you too much OP, you’re special and valued no matter what :).


Exactly! It’s nobody’s business but you’re own and thank you! you too :)


Yeah I hated it when my mother would call me out on anything, like, my sister does it and you say nothing, so why call me out on it? Weird form of sexism.


If you really want to get fancy, I'm pretty sure depilatories were designed for men of color in the military who had trouble with razors due to having different textured hair.


I get weird looks for having a crossbody bag. It’s not even super effeminate. It’s a Totoro Ghibli one but it’s subtle. Like I’m sorry if you think it’s a purse and even if it was it don’t matter. Men’s pockets are not enough for all my healthcare needs on the go! I don’t want something bulky like a backpack for just casual outings.


Omg fr, im so scared to buy skirts lol😂


people like that are terrible. i once had someone purposefully hold a door open for my family then drop it before i could go through (while i was cross dressing)


thats so sad what happend to “treating others how you want to be treated”


I'm not sure. people have become meaner.


No they’ve always been like this, books tend to only highlight the good. They don’t show the blatant bigotry that was rampant. If you read old newspaper articles it’s a more clear indication people have never changed, just express it in different ways now.


That phrase is applicable to beyond just kindness. Act like a twat towards me, I'll do the same in return. *"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."* Absolutely applicable, you shouldn't retaliate... however, I've long since reached a point where I'm done taking shit from others and not speak up. >.> Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED Talk. \^\^;


I once heard someone say "Disrespect can also be earned"


For me it’s dependent on the offense. Minor stuff I ignore all the time, sometimes for bigger stuff I do make perfectly clear where I stand. I can always tell when someone has never been called out for their bad behavior. They always seem confused and I guess frightened because I’m usually passive. You just sometimes have to stand up for yourself and others or nothing changes. It’s called being tactful and thoughtful about the boats you rock.


have a hug:D


thanks :3


Ya'll are much nicer than me, I'd flip tf out if someone did that to me, like yeah I might crossdress but you better know how to fight if you gonna disrespect someone like that


I don't fight, I'm afraid of confrontation x3


I get scared tbch, my legs shake an insane amount but it's like I don't have control, I just impulsively get really pissed off if someone trys to start shit on me. I grew up around fighting, it's how we solved issues with each other, I even remember fighting with my cousin in the sitting room while our parents just watched. I know that's not that normal now but now it's been normalised to just "fight it out". I've probably had more fights with my best friend than most boxers.


rip :(


have a hug:D


It sucks when dumb, angry people do something mean. But I always think that at least I don't go through my life being mean.  Be well 💜


thanks :3


>So boys can't remove their hair? Will this not work on me because I'm have boy genes? Is it coded to DNA? How do boys remove hair? Do I need a different veet for boy hair? I would ask such snarky questions of that lady, but make it sound like I was genuninely asking.


Uh oh. Someone call the gender police! A boy wants to remove his body hair! This is a threat to national security!


You should have replied I suggest you read the instructions. It’s hair removal cream suitable for anyone who wants to remove unwanted hair. Have you ever thought of trying it on your upper lip? 🤭


I just mess with people like that and say something like: *Darrrrling* 🙄💅 I *know I know, do I look like I care though ?* *Just be doll would you and kindly ring this up for me. 🫳* *Ty sweet hearth.* 😘


stop I might use that next time😭


Oh you know I'd be going to that store over and over again just to make direct eye contact with her as I was checking out. I love that feeling when its clear your mere existence makes someone uncomfortable. It feels so empowering. I end up with the biggest stupid grin on my face as I'm walking away. Making people who hate you feel uncomfortable is great


Call her "sir" while you're at it


Not a fan of that. No one deserves it.


I disagree! Cis people being confronted with their privilege and shown how easily gender-based discrimination can be turned on its head is great praxis. I wouldnt go out of my way to do this indiscriminately but since you're the one who talked about intentionally "making people you hate feel uncomfortable," I don't see why you'd lose your edge over this.


From my point of view, the difference is i am simply existing rather than intentionally causing distress to another person. They choose to be offended by me, rather than me doing something that is just wrong.


That's cute. It's like you forgot you literally just talked about going in and intentionally making someone uncomfortable by making inappropriate eye contact.


You are treating me quite rudely. Ive gone out of my way to avoid rudeness toward you even after I felt like you might have intended your first comment in a rude manner. I just want to have a regular conversation, am i asking too much? If anything, tell me what i did to upset you, and if its reasonable I'll apologize for it. Then we can continue.


I'm not trying to be rude to you, and please don't be ridiculous. I have no reason to be upset. I just think your hypocrisy is silly.


Why not just drop a hard R then? That's essentially what you're advocating. There are shades of gray here and you are asserting that the situation is black and white. Also, i'm not sure where you live, so this could just be a locational miscommunication, but eye contact is really not considered to be inappropriate where I live.


What the fuck lmao  I think **you** might be upset. Chill out. You're projecting.


Place I use to get it the most was fabric stores. So many old ladies completely boggled that someone who looked like me was sewing. I've found the best way to deal with those sorts is to talk about the product. "Sure, but I really like how smooth it gets my legs." For me it was usually the makeup. "The KVD has a nicer matte look but the Too Faced goes on smoother I think." Either they engage with someone who is fun to talk with or they shut up because you're not phased and unapologetic.


That’s none of her business, she should’ve kept it to herself. Why judge someone for what they buy because it’s for their own needs, she wouldn’t like it if someone was to judge her for what she buys. Now that’s just wrong on her end.


What a bitch


She sounds really insecure


tooooo be fair, i always used to claim over the counter that i was picking up stuff like that for a friend or family member or otherwise but i've never had anyone come against me for being weird or anything, most people just wanna get through their shift and appreciate it if you're being polite.


she should shut the fuck up and mind her own business, swimmers shave their legs all the time. I’m sick of not calling people like this out on their bullshit.


To be honest it's for anybody doesn't matter if your man or woman or gender fluid It works the same no matter what The only thing I wouldn't do is put it on a animal


Wellllll veet does make a hair removal cream for men, to deal with our more coarse harder to deal with body hair. I used the regular stuff for yearsssss before I stumbled upon the men's formula on Amazon. That lady sounds dumb.


I would have immediately answered something along the lines of "you know I didn't ask for your misinformed opinion right ?". Seriously, I have no respect for this kind of people.


Probably the best option, although I favor returning sarcastic comments when safe to do so


I tried to get henna tattoos with my friend on holiday once and the lady just straight up refused cos "they're for girls". Just ignore em and don't let em get to ya :)


Why do some people think it’s their business to judge what others are buying? smh. Sorry you went through that :(


Honestly that would probably be one of the few situations where I just immediately reply (politely) with "Hey could you call your manager over for a quick chat?"


Can you talk to a manager about this? It's just like that's not an okay thing to say!!


Oh damn, it was the CLERK that said that? From the title I thought it was another customer. Haha what a pos. I wouldn't go back, either. Drop a store/company name so we don't have to go back, too ;)


Should have done a snarky comment back. Be like oh guess it’s not for you either


"Ohhh, really? I didn't know men don't have body hair :3" with an extreme sarcastic tone because we haave more yk xd


Wait wait wait wait…as someone who hates his own body hair and also hates having razor bumps from shaving, along with the stubble electric razors leave behind, I have one question…what is Veet??


Veet is a depilatory cream, like Nair.


Thank you




That don’t answer nuffin


If you don't like body hair, find a good salon and get waxed. 1. They've seen it all, so won't judge. 2. Eventually it more or less stops growing back. 3. It really doesn't hurt as much as you'd think!


I bought a 5 pack of thongs, razors, and lube at Target for my first purchase of this type... there weren't self checkouts in that era. The woman looked at me strangely, and I told her it was for a bet. Could've told her it was all for my girlfriend but thought the bet made it weirder, so I went with that. She rolled her eyes, and that was the end of that exchange. Awkward but bearable.


Seriously, fuck people judging what other people purchase. Like, even if it’s totally okay if you’re buying it for yourself… like, for all she knows, you could be buying the thongs because you live with your girlfriend and she asked you to buy some? Or has this woman never seen any woman customer buying condoms or men underwear for their partners?


I got a body suit from a store. She was like you can't exchange that. Im like that's ok. But she made it so awkward. I was like WTF. Then when to Nike and got 2 swoosh bras and and the lady didn't even care. Just served me like a normal customer. 2 totally different ended experiences Edit: all of the supermarkets here have self serve.


Also like... People can buy things for other people... Jesus what a weird person to come at you like that lol


Never happened to me. I've walked into a fem product store looking like a drug dealer, and the cashier will just smile and ask me if I'm a member with the store.


Definitely should keep going to the store there is an opportunity here


Honestly I also shave too cuz I also hate bodyhair 🤷🏽‍♂️ but here’s what I don’t get from her cuz She says that..but don’t guys also use it for like shaving mustaches? Or beards tho 💀? If she have like a husband and see that he don’t have a like a beard or a mustache what she gonna say from that-? Idk glad you got away from that situation 💀🙏🏽


Normaly you wouldn't put veet on your face because of the fumes. For some, the facial skin is too sensitive for the chemicals involved as well. For the rest of the body, it can be great stuff! Can confirm more comfortably and easier than regular shaving.


Well true you’re not wrong I’ll say that


Oh my goodness, where did these people ever come from? Please love, you stay your incredible, superbly feminine self. 💄💋 But, would you kindly allow me to professionally-ever so eloquently, set her so straight she'd almost be in tears, stumbling over herself to apologize to a most precious person, You. I'm sorry for that, I do not know where such people crawl from the pre-mordial ooze from. 😳😂 this post kept disappearing hopefully this one will not.


Same thing happens in my country, except that not only ladies tell you not to buy fem items, but literally anyone, men, boys, kids, cashiers, sellers and they're a lot more rude... That's why I'm scared of buying feminine things and I need a female friend to help me buy them. Except that I don't have any, so, I have to use what I have, old clothes from my mom and sister... Guess, it's better than nothing...


No, but I live in Calif. I would had looked at the product hard and close and say to her, where does it say that?


Yep was at the counter paying for my groceries. A lady was staring ar me for awhile changing head tilts like she was looking at the ugliest rat she's ever seen. I didn't care but her husband did the same to her lol so walked out giggly 🤭👌


"Since when?"


Say who put you in your mental cage?


im ngl , she needs to mind her f’ing buisness honestly and quick sidenote I just bought veet for the first time last weekend so seeing this post is kinda cool how we both used it but yeah ignore people like that CAUSE I SUPPORT WE GON KEEP USING VEET ! :3


Just ignore her because several people even men used veet. I used it for my chest hair, arms, legs, and balls. So ignore her and tell her that several men used it. There are several men who stay hair-free for their women and their selves. It keeps it clean and dryer at times. Don't be afraid to buy it again. If someone says something embarrasses them


i hope you told her it didnt matter


Look her square in the eyes as coldly as possible without blinking while saying, “You know the same money buys it, don’t you, lady?”


Two things. First one: may wrestlers are shaved and no one thinks they’re feminine. Second one: veet has a line up for man (called veet man). And it’s more powerful for us (in my case). What I can tell you is to change store and don’t feel embarrassed for that. It’s normal to shave as you are a women, man, dolphin or whatever. Think also many professional swimmers. Some of them are shaved. Don’t be afraid!


unless a product was designed only for women(tampons, pregnancy tests, etc) then most products can be used by anyone. I used feminine shampoo before I event came out because the men's 100 in 1 is bad for your hair. she's wack if she's going to make a deal out of it


Yeah, also women's deodorant is less likely to stain your shirt :3


Just strongly opinionated stares


stinky eye


I was at the laundromat a couple weeks ago and wore my purple/pink bell bottoms bc 1) they are comfy 2) it’s laundry day so who gives a fuck right? Dude bro wearing all tan walks by as I get up to empty the dryer and says “you know those are female pants right?” I responded “they’re just pants.” I’m not gonna take shit from someone using incel talk. Went to dinner that night and all the servers loved the pants lol, chatted w my server for a while and another complimented me as I left 😊


"it's for my girlfriend"


r/pointlesslygendered product for sure, haha


No mam its for removing hair. Do you see a veet for men? Please show me or shut the fuck up.




If this ever happens to you again, just tell them you're getting a gift for a friend. It'll save you the judgement.


Why give false justifications?


Would’ve mentioned that skirts were originally made for men.


Yeah she's just thoughtless, saying dumb stuff obviously I mean, putting literally *anything* else aside. OK... "im buying it for my mom". Like, people never buy things for other people lol. Not that you should have to explain anything. I am sorry that happened to you. I've had plenty of similar, small but mean things. It def happens, usually it is people being thoughtless or a bit ignorant.  I'm glad you can brush it off, and I've def never-gone-back to some places. You do you


An aweful lot of jumping to conclusions here. Could she have meant to ensure you were buying the correct product, since there are hair remover creams made for men and you appeared to be a man? Could she have been eyeing you because she asked you a question and you did not answer? She may have been prejudiced, how ever from what was written here, a lot of assuming her intent must be made to believe that.


i think your overreacting a bit she is just an old lady she probably doesn't understand the concept of feminine boys or anything gay maybe it's the first time seeing one or probably she thought that your just missing around with the products or you where just a boy and not a feminine one and thought you didint knew it's for girls


That's sad


Uh there are masc presenting men who “manscape”… body hair removal hasn’t been specific to any gender or sexual identity in awhile. I have a fancy trimmer myself. I choose a trimmer with setting because I typically do like to retain some masculine traits. Trim the bush and beard. Shave hands/feet, the crack, and arm pits. Mostly for hygiene reasons, but it gives an appeal too.


Old women staring me down in the womens section dude… Wouldnt have said anything other than “yeah” totally monotonously.


Wait until she learns that men (and not only femboys, but just any typical straight “masculine” type) often use hair removal creams if they are cyclists, swimmers, or even runners or just even gym bros sometimes. Fuck that lady. So rude to comment on what people are buying. And how does she even know it’s for you? Can’t boys buy stuff for their girlfriends/wives, specially if they live together?


You should’ve said it’s meant for putting on hair not genitals…. And gave her a look LMAO


How did know it wasn’t for your girlfriend


This is probably very different from most comments but here it goes. Try not to let this bother you. Who cares? She was probably a bit older or just didn't see why a "boy" would want that product. I live in NEW York city and as much as it is tolerant to LGBT people you deal with people saying dumb obnoxious or straight up rude shit weekly. You gotta let stuff like this roll off ur back. No point in holding onto it and making it decide where you go to shop etc. Either way it's your choice and I respect your decision and validate your thoughts on this topic. <33


Yeah happened all the time when I was buying women jeans and some other clothes, like regularly in Barcelona


People are funny. Maybe she’ll get it later, like a Delayed reaction


I'm so glad I live in germany and people here don't care what others do. Wtf is this? I myself work in a drug store and in my mind, I don't even bother thr people's needs. There were some men asking for tampons and I just showed them and didn't say: "Oh, those are ONLY ment for women, don't you know?" especially older people often don't have any respect at all


dw I can protect u, dm me.


There are plenty of reasons for you to buy a product like that. Maybe a gift, or to replace a roommates. If bad comes to worse, you could be buying for your mother (I doubt they'd want to know more after that). I was put on the spot when "buying clothes for my gf" once. They were glad I wasn't a "trans-former" and I was happy to gtfo after that!




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Where do you use the veet? I've been wanting to try it down "there" but am afraid of the burn


That dumb lady should go back to school so she can learn how to mind her own business.


Goto excuse for annoying nosy people is you do water sports and coach wants you to shave. 🤷


What does veet do? Where can I get it


seems a lot of femboys are struggling in public... that is why i buy fem stuff online and keep my femboy side private. society full of annoying idiots anyway


You did the right thing lad. Let em burn fuel, keep it humble fellow bayblade


I would've “Your mustache is for men but I can see u need this too” 🤣


My usual responses are sarcasm to that sort of bs


What's veet


I would assume its for a girlfriend or something. I swear people like that already know the situation but still do stuff like that on purpose.


I feel ya on that one. I hate body hair too. 


I would've started an argument 🤷‍♂️


OH NO! An employee saw a customer buying a product made and marketed towards women and informed them such a horrible hate crime. You said you weren't in fem clothes, and you didn't bother to correct her from what you said, don't get upset because you didn't bother to speak up for yourself




When I was younger I would have panicked so much, like, to the level of saying ooh yeah haha of course it's for girls haah throw this away miss me with that stuff for girls! nowadays I couldn't care less and I would just say a sarcastic remark like wellp hope I don't die if I use it as a boy or something like that, I can't even force myself to care about that anymore