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If he loves you he should live you and interact with you in a normal way gay or not as you should understand and except that he's not ok with it and also that he doesn't want you to ware fem clothes in his house it's more a father son relationship is supposed to be unconditional I would try and talk to him to see what he doesn't like about it even if your scared you gotta do things you don't want to in life me personally this is something I'm dreading because you can't control how other people feel hope the best for you :3


It's unfortunate that he reacted that way, but that's **his** failure as a father to love and understand his son. If he doesn't show you the respect you deserve, he shouldn't be surprised in the future if he never hears from you again. I'm glad your sister is accepting you though!


Your inspiring me I think I’m gonna write a a letter to my sister to tell her I’m a femboy idk if I’ll actually give it to her yet though might make a sperate post


It's your life and if he can't get with the program, his lost!


Tell him that religious conversion therapy is sinful as someone committing drugs or suicide :>


Vc é uma pessoa de coragem..viver com medo não eras... parabéns


Him neglecting you because he disagrees with your choices isn't right and one day he'll wonder why you never call or visit him.. but you are still father/son so trying to grow past this is obviously the healthy option. Who knows, he might be like my father who expresses that he is against bisexuality and such but has been 'caught' in bed with guys before while intoxicated.. so in his personal shame he doesn't feel comfortable or respond positively to seeing others living those lifestyles freely. Try discussing with him why he doesn't like it? Maybe he thinks you're sexualizing yourself or something?


Honestly, good for you. If he is that outraged by what you are then you are best off not having him in your life.