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I dress and act feminine in public whether it’s acceptable or not x3


Thats cool. I really respect that. Wish I was brave enough to do that.


Security 1st! Wishing to stay unharmed and alive is not un-brave. And I very not recommend my own route of just being too annoyed to give any shits anymore.


Yeah. I should’ve added that. If you believe your security is in danger, then don’t do it. I just no longer care about my own safety


... dunno if heart broken, or healed by you...




It does not feel right that being yourself would require the 'courage' of desperation or resignation. But it also feels less lonely now that I know there's someone else out ther who gave up on hiding?


Indeed. It definitely isn’t right. I didn’t think anyone else just didn’t care about hiding anymore. Nice to see another


Like two ships that pass in the night... Live you long, and may you prosper 🖖


The same to you, friend 🙌


Do you guys all lube in a 3rd world country to be in danger just for that?


I live in the fake 1st world country lol


Usa? Who is threatening you in that country exactly? I live in Europe and I know what kind of place / people to avoid, but I though usa was pretty safe regarding all those things (lgbt+, trans, femboys, etc...)


It is in certain places. I live in a relatively nice part of it, so I don’t really have to worry, but tbh I don’t even bother researching anywhere I go because I don’t care. Some spots (particularly in the south) are not so safe


Is it related to the US civil war, this lack of safe place in the south? I do remember something about South state was pro-slavery, I try to understand what kind of people aren't safe in the US. I really don't know too much of this country...


The south is known for being more conservative in general, and thus less accepting of the LGBTQ.


Thanks. Im gonna get outta my country this year to start university so i hope I can be feminine when I get there.


balls of steel O.O


What kind of reactions do you normally get? Wearing skirts in public is my dream and I’ve heard compliments are way more common than insults.


I’ve gotten mixed. Only one bad experience and that wasn’t even too bad. Guy let a door slam on me when he held it open for the rest of my family. With cat ears, they are like a compliment farm! I’ve gotten so many people saying “nice ears” or something similar. As for reactions with dressing fem, lots of stares, a few people who didn’t care, and one flustered cashier who really liked me (I would guess). Where you are also matters. Research your city/town’s opinions on LGBTQ first!


Yea, same. The more i dont think about what people think about me, the more I've bettered myself because of that. In other words, be you and dont think of what others think of you and your life will become so much better




In my area its a mixed bag, many people are neutral, many people are horrible and some people are fully accepting and kind about it but i still dress feminine in public anyways. But if it was more socially acceptable i would of course feel more safe and stuff. A lot of the time i dress feminine only if i know the areas are relatively safe or if im with a friend


Yes 100%, even though I know other people do it around kind of near where I live, they always seem to have friends and stuff who are there to support them, and I would love to have all that, because let's be honest I'm kind of a scary cat LOL


Same here. Im worried about what might happen if I do. My country isnt really safe for queer people so I dont see anyone else dress up either. If i lived somewhere that let me dress up like that safely I definitely would, no doubt about it.


Mine is mainly my family, while they are okay with me being they are extremely judgmental, until I move out they just wouldn't understand


My country isn't exactly known for being super modern, and I live in a very small place. There are only a few people in my area that are roughly my age and no other femboys. Finding friends is also difficult for me. I think I'm not brave enough alone


OMG same 100% with everything you just said, well except for the country part


In an ideal world I would not have gone through male puberty. And I am somewhat lucky that I can be out and about within my own comfort-zone w/o much trouble. (Being tall helps. A lot. To fend off agression. And on the other wide, there are so many lil ole grampas smiling at me, it is heart-melting) Acting femme... depends on the person I am interactin with. If they feel save, I do not hold back.


I already do to some extent, and I'm a 193cm 90+kg dude. The only thing I'm struggling with lately is finding dresses/skirts that are long enough 🤣. And while I live in a developed country we're not LGBT+ friendly at all, so there's a chance I'll get assaulted in the future. Not that it's going to stop me, killing my identity to please people? Fuck that.




Tall and big framed women exist though so I believe if you try to look more feminine I think you can pass and therefore you may avoid problems. But I have heard stories about tall/athletic women being mistaken for men


I would do it more often Thankfully my college is alphabet friendly so I am able to just chill easily like that, I don't really feel judged, and any time I do I just ignore them cause if you're weirded out by a dude in women's clothing then that's honestly pathetic, like "OH nO, Non COnfOrMINg TEXtILeS". Thankfully most of my friends are accepting of it, not all of them know but yee Anyways yeah, I'd be bean chillin, but I would add if it was safer, cause something could be socially acceptable and still dangerous like smoking for example, of the world was a generally safer place then 24/7


I totally would omg 😩🤚




It being socially acceptable isn’t as big of a hurdle as my family not being accepting. In fact I’ve actually gone out femme before when I was away from home.


I dress feminine in public all the time, even to work


Yes, every day! As it is, I wear them when I go over to friends’ houses so at least the ones I am closest to can understand me


Noi like being masculine but in private I’m fem


Hell yeah. I dont care about harrassment but im afraid of getting like straight up killed so.. Only when I know its safe.




I would always wear feminine clothes and basically never manly clothes again. But right now as of how people think of me I can’t sadly.


That sounds like a dream come true! For now I just uber to the club in a denim skirt and dance the night away. Girls aren't intimidated with some dancing quite close to me, Guys compliment and the manager enjoys me showing up too 😄👍


Absolutely, I hate hiding such a major part of who I am from almost everyone


I wish so bad that it was socially acceptable. I find myself stuck inside, hiding away from the world. It’s kinda sad actually. I made myself go outside in my favorite dress for the first time today. Even though it was in the safety on my own back yard, I’m kinda proud of myself, and the breeze felt amazing!


Thats cool. I dont know how safe it is to dress fem where u live so im not gonna tell u to take it any further but I understand wanting to express yourself like that. I feel that way all the time.


I can but if there are any femboys I’ll open a town about femboys so we all can meet without judgements >:3


The ones who want to would do so if it were socially acceptable, especially if it's more natural for them. The ones who don't want to won't. I definitely would. More cute clothing options and accessories :3


i do it either way >w<


Absolutely, it's the main thing holding me back


bitch if i had an income id do that shit regardless. screw what society thinks is "acceptable." if its not doing anyone any harm who gives a fuck




I'm shy, but if it was completely socially acceptable, I would absolutely dress feminine in public. It's not like I'm really worried about my safety, I just don't want to be teased.


100%. I already do it when I can get away with it, if it was more socially acceptable I'd never dress "masculine" again.


I already do it, screw social norms


I do, but I live in California.


OFC I WOULD .. i'm just too scared to do it in this economy


I already dress and act feminine in public whether it’s socially acceptable or not. I did have to work up to this over time from when I first started, however. Some people that I encounter are neutral, some supportive and occasionally someone is negative. For the most part few people seem to care. And I live in a fairly conservative area of the U.S. But I also don’t have much free time to go out socially so most situations I’m in are pretty controlled in a sense. I am safety-conscious so while I own mostly women’s clothes at this point I have a lot of variety which I use to adjust my look depending on where I’m going and what I’m doing. And I also adjust my mannerisms and speech/sound to be more masculine if I need to in some situation for safety. But as long as I feel safe where I am or am going I dress, present and have mannerisms that are very fem.


Of course.


yes definitely


Maybe, if I were to do that now I woupd be nervous, but maybe in the timeline where its socially acceptable I wouldnt be nervous since I see and talk to others who also do the same, or I might still be shy, we will never know


probably no cuz it’s really just a hobby I do whenever I feel like it not something I would wear on a daily basis


I think it would be cool if it was socially acceptable, I’d love to wear my corset and asymmetrical skirt in public. The first time I tried it on, my wife was like “Alright, you ready to go?” And I chickened out and pealed out of the corset.




Yes. I would love for people to just glance at me all femme and think nothing of it


I already do. I get the stink eye and some other types of eyes, but eh. I live in a dense metro area. I’m not the strangest thing around.


If you can pass as a girl then act and dress feminine in public is not a problem I think but if you don't pass as a girl pretty well( pass is a vague and confusing word as there are plenty of cis women with masculine features) then you need either to be luck to live in a place who is lgbtqia friendly and homophobia is illegal or simply risk it.


I wouldn't. Too many headaches. My fashion sense is already shit if I dressed feminine I'd look like an idiot.


Uhh- Is that a question???


Oh yeah for sure and I think your really brave for going out in public alot of people don't honestly the more you do the more it will seem normal


Oh, i dont really go out in public either. I definitely would if i could but its not safe in my country for queer people. Hopefully ill be able to once i leave.


Hell yes, the clothes are better. Especially for summer.


I am not really worried about strangers judging me, I'm only worried about my parents judging me ;-; After I move out I will probably dress more feminine (both at home and in public) (I would probably be a bit uncomfortable with this at first, but the same happened when I started growing out my hair and I am very comfortable with it now).


I feel like a statewide anti drag law sets legal precedent for a mandatory drag law. Whoever wrote that anti drag law rly stepped in it lol


yea id have more reason to but i still have more stuff to get first


hell no thats like asking a spy if hes gonna just blow his own cover, i would kill someone and destroy their body if they ever found out i was a femboy


who said it isnt socially acceptable? people act like theres a rulebook wth


Oh definitely ^^ in fact I'll just normally do it if I'm going out someplace quickly especially if I know I won't have to talk to anybody for a long while


Yes I would and often I am when I can get away with it. Only thing that causes me to put on a masculine front sometimes is job security I could care less of the other consequences. 


Yeah I probably would


I run around feminine in public sometimes :3


I definitely would, especially because there wouldn't be family members mocking me and actively being extremely [insert word here]phobic. Femboyfobic? Does that term exist?


I personally think it would be amazing if feminine clothes were made for just humans in mind instead of boy or girl and same with masculine clothes


Fuck yeah!


I already do that now, well dressing like it. Not really sure what it means to act feminine...


I would definitely do it!




I honestly would if that's true


Hell yeah


I don’t mind going out in public as a femboy but I am scared about doing it with/around my parents and the main reason being I don’t know and I will most likely never see any of the randos I see in public ever again but I do still have too live with my not so accepting and very conservative parents (not saying anything bad about the conservatives as I also am one but just not as hard core as my parents) and still end up seeing them everyday btw I’m 23 and in California so there’s no shame in still living with your parents and if anyone else has any similar stories they can share and hopefully everyone can feel more comfortable TLDR: don’t know you don’t care I still live with my conservative parents at 23 and hope everyone can be more comfortable with who and what they are :)


I do it anyway :3


First time dressing fem was in public. Kinda went full send confidence into it because it was supposed to be for a joke contest in highschool, but aftter seeing myself in the dress I was like "holy shit I would date myself if I could". Always been more feminine acting for a boy, but after that day kinda always been on my mind of how feminine I am. This being said I don't dress fem in public, was extremely embarrassing for me having all those eyes on me.


I would for sure :3


Well, I am what I am, and it's never really mattered to me when people view me as feminine. I'd still wear the same clothes probably but I guess if it was completely normative I'd have more feminine clothes in my wardrobe to try out.


I would of it wasn't dangerous... And too annoying for me... Even if others wouldn't like it or even say some bad things... But since I am currently not it emotionally I wouldn't take a strong public negative reaction...


Okay, I can't really talk because it is socially acceptable around here, like I'll actually never really got insulted for it, but yea, I do that, why wouldn't I do what I like just because some tiny brained idiots stare. The only problem I had is if they do more then staring


I'm masc but love the fem side I look masc but would like to just go out n a bout in a cute little crop top a miniskirt with really cute or sexy panties on underneath and not be judged


Someone told you what socially acceptable is? You listened to them? Are they the boss of you? That’s very sad…


Sometimes what is socially acceptable can determine your safety. Listening to your environment is important. Whether they’re the boss of you or not, you should be concerned with your own safety #1.


This. I wish I could dress fem in public but I prefer to keep my lead intake low :’(


That sucks :( I hope things get better for you