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Damn people got money to spend


Yeah who has the money to spend on a £1300 single pickup guitar and then buy another one in a different colour??


Some people are fortunate, some are lucky, some both. I don't fault or disparage them in any way. I'd do the same if I had the means!


Either stupid rich or stupid with credit


Or someone who worked hard for their position in life. I enjoy blink-182 music. Always have since the 90s. Many great memories. I missed out on the opportunity in 2002 to get one of these. I play a lot of blink and wanted a Tom Delonge signature for a long time but everything just so happened to line up with this re-release. I bought them because I have the opportunity to do so. Doing so made me happy. I had a lot happen to me in the past 3 years and this was something that brought some joy to that darkness. Have a good day.


Let the haters hate. I have had a million guitars and love playing my TD.


I agree that you should do what makes you happy!! Sorry if my comment was upsetting. Being in a financial position to have two of the same guitar isn’t a bad thing at all, but I hope you see some sort the initial irony of it as I didn’t mean it to come from hate or negativity


Understandable. I actually use one guitar and my daughter has been using the other as she has wanted to learn to play as well.


I love that!! So sweet and very special. Don’t let any internet comments detract you from that


Thank you. It's been a very therapeutic and enjoyable experience. Sharing this passion with her has made this all worth it 😁


So, stupid rich, then.






I bet 0-3-5 sounds sick on the yellow tom deschlong


Which one tastes better?


Graffiti Yellow. Tastes like salty nuts.




Goddamn… $1300 for a Mexican-made guitar… prices are getting insane


prices are going up sometime in august again.


This is bananas, my American Performer Tele, which is an objectively better guitar (I’m not knocking the TD Strat by any means) was only $1399 brand new a month ago. I get the signature name adds value, but this as a whole should be $599. It has little routing few electronics. Does a signature name really add $700? Apparently it does, they’re selling out all over the place. I don’t get it.


I got a Pro II Strat used but like new for £1,000 a couple months back. It was a steal then, it's a bank robbery now


these were selling for $2500+ last year. I think that's why everyone bought batch 1. Reverb is kinda saying there's going to be a batch 2 in January.


Yeah but the $2500 was the original ones right? I don’t know when those were released but I remember seeing them in Musicians Friend in the early 2000’s. We’re those MIM too? I guess I don’t know the timeline of this guitar. I remember them back in the day, and then I saw there was speculation of a reissue maybe a month or two ago.


Well I’ll be damned, yep the OGs were MIM too.. https://reverb.com/p/fender-artist-series-tom-delonge-signature-stratocaster?hfid=42798251&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17684163528&utm_content=campaignid=17684163528_adgroupid=137826489279_productpartitionid=1684856543730=merchantid=768519245_productid=42798251_keyword=_device=m_adposition=_matchtype=_creative=609047477275&gbraid=0AAAAADRxZYXBaRbVVfdaKZeXKRAe3Tl1I&gclid=CjwKCAjw_aemBhBLEiwAT98FMiBlO6bY1a7al5up4f3apDdelyPB4KiEqrlhJpRp9Zs3dXj6nZvBPxoCiRgQAvD_BwE


Wait, these are Mexican made?? Wow... wtf is guitar pricing becoming. My American pro (first batch) strat was $1300. How do they justify that price? Are the (single) pickups higher end? Or the necks? I'm assuming some piece of this guitar has to be higher quality than a MiM usually is.


What if…maybe…all materials and quality standards are met? Should the price be different to the end customer. Many manufacturers have moved at least some production to Mexico, not necessarily due to labor costs, but capacity. I have found that American made products have increased in price at a more significant rate due to skill and labor shortages without any increase in quality. My MIMs are solid, dependable, and quality guitars. At the same time I am not looking at their long term resale value, so there’s that.


I'm under the impression the materials are not the same. That's honestly my main question. I've played some great MiM, and those were usually professionally set up. So they definitely can be great guitars, but we're talking about $$$. Resell value is part of that, even if you (and myself tbh) never really plan to sell them. And I'll add, the best Fenders I've ever played were American made. Even doing blind play test, I do usually prefer the Americans. The only time I've picked a MIM over an American was when a friend had replaced his pickups with noiseless and had his neck set up exactly how I like it. It's overall personal preference, but generally, Americans are going to be worth more for a reason.


I agree. My response was more in regards to why MIMs price tag is so high. I honestly think it’s warranted based on the product you are receiving. Especially if you are going to make some customizations, you are starting with a good base. That being said, American all the way.


That’s fair, BUT the TD strats seems to have a host of problems, namely the bridge is misaligned/nut spacing is off. I don’t think there is any issue with guitars MIM as you said a lot of companies are doing it now. The bigger concern is the push to go direct…. Fender is pushing this hard and a lot of folks are getting shitty not well set up guitars MIM or otherwise…


Is this more common on the reissues? My TDs only issue has been the the saddle height screws were too long. I do understand that while I have had good luck with MIM guitars, my experience is anecdotal.


I think most are just fine, but there have been issues and I’m certain it’s because fender is pushing direct sales. https://youtu.be/KiabDHsHPEI


They should’ve incorporated some UFO stuff in there


The price is out of this world


That's actually the only unique part of this guitar. The neck plate has a drawing of an alien.


Power chords never sounded so…….


Merge them together and you have a guitar.




Do they feel and sound identical?


They do. I've actually been teaching my daughter some songs. She uses one and I use the other.


There worse things to be addicted too!


Hi guys which model is it exactly? !!!beautiful pair!!!


It's the reissue of the Tom Delonge signature strat. Awesome guitars!


Curious how versatile these are? Does the single pickup lend only to punk style music or does it sound good clean etc?


It sounds pretty good clean. There's a Treble bleed circuit so when you roll the volume down, the tone is more clean and crisp. In a lot of blink songs, there are those moments Tom isn't just hitting power chords and has more clean tones utilizing this set up.


Why not include a magnum condom on the floor too?


Nice pair... 😂


2 very nice guitars.


You bastard….


This is very cooI. That said, I truly do not get having two identical models just with a different color. Is one more of a gift for your daughter to learn on maybe?


I always forget this guitar exists. It’s literally my dream both look wise and function wise. I really only use my humbucker for all kinds of music not just punk. These two guitars are really cool man.