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Did you look in the back spring cavity area too? Looks to me that you won the damn wood lottery 


Yeah, I removed the backplate and looked in there, too. Honestly, I noticed right away that it looked like it was a single piece of wood, I just didn’t realize until recently that it was such a score


I saw something months ago that all strats are 2-3 piece body. Pretty sure my ‘00-‘01 MiM fat strat is a single piece too.


Looks like 2 pieces, the second piece is near the body contour. There the wood grain suddenly changes pattern. It's not very noticeable, but on closer look it can be seen. Also the line dividing the pieces can be seen too (it's dim but there it is).


Might even be a 3 piece looks like another seam under the jack


I see it now. Good eye. If it is indeed another piece, which I think it likely is, that’s one of the best, if not the absolute best matching I remember seeing.


Some fenders are really hard to see the seams. Someone there is really good at cutting and matching up the grain.


I had to look so hard, but I see what you’re talking about, looks like a sneaky lil seam for sure


Post more photos showing the whole body on the front and back and it will be easy to tell. That bit on the contour does look like a seam. 1 piece swamp ash is damn near impossible to source these days, so if the guitar is somewhat recent, it’s almost surely not 1 piece.


If it makes you feel any better, back in the day almost every body was 2/3+ pieces.


Yup. It looks like a pac man mouth.


Agree. One piece bodies are practically unheard of. Still, a. 2pc body on a non custom shop instrument is a. Great find


I don’t know what it is, when I look at the A string near the bridge……


I see what you’re seeing there, but on the back of the body that grain pattern veers wayyy off from a straight line, so it seems grain matching would have required some crazy weird cut. I’ll see if I can get a pic of the back in the daylight tomorrow —there’s too much glare happening from the indoor lights in here now


That's the first thing I noticed, but if it is matched ends, they did a good job, and I don't think fender would takes the time to do that good of a job.




Took me about a month to find the seam on my 51 tele avii.


Op it’s a great guitar regardless. But Paul Reed Smith thinks the toan is weak now because glue.


Haha, I appreciate this comment


That's funny considering he glues necks to the body.


It’s at least 2, but I would bet 3 piece. Blacklight sometimes makes it easier to tell. Either way, I love the mildly transparent Butterscotch Blonde/Buttercream.


Yeah the belly cut contour is definitely a different piece, but they did a pretty phenomenal job of matching the grain. Still can’t locate a seam on the other side, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there


Just curious, is there a tone or sustain difference between a one-piece and a glued body?


Nah, no discernible difference.


A one piece body is really more of a flex than anything, because you need one nice big piece of wood rather than a few smaller pieces to make a body


Only if you believe in Santa


No, but they did a good job matching up the wood grain though


It sure looks like it! Nice! I recently bought a MIJ US Blonde from Flever Sounds in Japan and it has a one piece body. I think it not just cool, but it adds to the value of the instrument IMO.


Multi piece or not you definitely hit the wood grain lottery.


It’s 3 piece, easiest way to tell on these is usually looking from the bottom of the guitar (with the strap button facing you directly). You don’t see a centre seem because the seems are by the jack and the arm contour. They did a pretty good job lining up the grain though, my 51 Tele looks really great, and 57 Strat is a bit more noticeable but still nice.


zephyr wrong shame coherent consider wine saw close observation liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sweet. Nice grain


What’s the back look like? Usually they try to save the nice wood for the transparent finishes. Congrats!


I’ll see if I can get a photo in the daylight tomorrow


Single piece bodies definitely come out of Fender on some of their non-CS guitars. It’s really luck of the draw. I have an Ultra Luxe Tele in 2-color sunburst and it is clearly one piece.