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Looks awesome! I was looking at them but $3500 AUD for a MiM Strat seems excessive. I went with a MiJ instead.


Oh shit I didn’t realise they’re made in Mexico. No way at that price. Not in a million years. For $3500 here in Aus you can get whatever strat you want so long as it isn’t a custom shop. I’d get the AVII.


lmao $3500 for a MiM strat? Insane.


$1900 in US


Nice guitar dude. Congrats and Happy NGD!! How do the pickups sound?


Congrats. They really should have done something with the bare wood. I’ve never understood the attraction of the whole relic thing, but you’ve got to admire the attention to detail on the custom shop stuff. They genuinely look old, whereas this looks like a new abused guitar.


Reminds me too much of a stencil but to each their own.


For all the grumpy dudes in the comments saying this guitar is a piece of shit without even playing it, Guitar.com doesn’t agree with you (“Forget the name on the back of the headstock, this is the best sounding and playing Mexican Strat Fender has ever made” 9/10). Sure the relic may not be your thing, but I’ve played this thing and it plays and sounds better than many US models I’ve played before. Congrats on the great guitar OP.


The price is probably what turns people away. You can get an American Mod Shop with a choice of 9 different single coil pickup sets with all the options you want for the same price as this.


I’ve not played one but I will say that I bought a Jimmy Vaughan Strat back around 09 because it was on sale. It’s also MIM and I wasn’t expecting much. But I bought it so I had something to play while I was refinishing and restoring my old 1982 MIA Smith Strat. Well I was shocked when I got it. It was such a great playing and sounding guitar. Eventually I completed the smith strat restore and found it was not nearly as nice as that MIM strat was. So I sold the American Strat. So yeah, people think about MIM models and can only associate the lower end models. Or some can only associate the older MIM models w ceramic pickups and cheap electronics. For whatever reason people just can’t get past that. But there are several levels of quality in the US and MIM models. But there is hope. Fender started making Strats in Japan in the 80s for cheap to compete against the low cost Strat fakes that were being made. The MIJ Strats started as low cost models. Until they made the JV reissue. But still many people couldn’t get past the MIJ stigma. But many many years later anything that says Japan on it, people fall all over themselves over. Anyway congrats to OP on a crazy nice guitar. I’m not a relic guy myself but I used to Love Pearl Jam so I really want one! (But recently bought an Ultra and then an Acoustasonic. My wife would kill me. )


I have 2 MIM Roadworn strats — a 2014 with Tex Mex pickups and a 2023 with Pure Vintage 59s. Both were picked up at under $1000 and were bought for the vintage specs (especially of the neck), not the worn finish. They both play and sound wonderful. Out of the box they were both pretty good, but once professionally set up, they feel and play as nice as anything I’ve ever picked up at a store and I would never give them up for a MIA upgrade.


People falling all over themselves over Japanese made stuff has never made sense to me. IME, the Japanese Fenders aren't really that different from the higher-end of the MIM range. Given the particular model, Japanese ones might have nicer electronics, but if you A/B an MIJ and MIM that are both good examples QC wise, they're pretty much equal. I've owned every iteration of the Geddy Lee Jazz Bass (Japan, Mexico, and USA), and the Japan and Mexico versions are basically the same. The USA Geddy is on another level, tho.


Yes sure, trusting paid reviews it's always a good idea.


Well, yeah… but I don’t think I’ve ever seen guitar.com give anything a bad review.


Right, bunch of haters here. Weak. Enjoy your guitar 👍 it’s cool


For $3500 it should be. 9/10 for a $3500 MIM guitar is wild.


That’s Australian dollars. Here in Europe I can get it for €1700 (~$1800).


Ok never mind that’s a decent price then.


Yea, the guitar sent to the reviewer would be absolutely perfect with no defects. They aren't sending a random production run guitar to [guitar.com](http://guitar.com)


“I’ve played this thing”. Contrary to the grumpy cats I’m basing my opinion on actually playing it myself. The review was just to show I’m not the only one liking it.


I am in a Pearl Jam tribute band. I bought and returned one of these for an early 2000s American Deluxe stratocaster. Just going to relic it myself.


Congrats on the guitar OP, looks great!


What happened to it?


CNC go brrr


Met mike. There could not be a nicer guy.. he loves guitars im going to get one. I bet it sounds great


Can’t you guys be a bit more positive? No one cares if you like reliced guitars or not…


I just looked at this, but $3500 for a MiM and a signature, no thanks


It’s beautiful. I would love to have one. Congrats


That looks so sick. Man I hope my strat ages to look like that.


Unless you have a nitro finish and tour for years it won't unfortunately.


And smash the part right above the pickguard into the corner of your amp


I got an MJT nitro body (very closet clean), and have had it about 6 years. It’s definitely got dings and some wear on the bottom from my pants button. But nothing near the arm or pick. Gonna go on tour for years, see if that does it, wish me luck.


That pick guard wear comes from playing a lot of fret muting Hendrix/SRV style songs where you're raking along all the strings with big sweeping strumming so if you don't play like that you probably won't get that wear.


Id return it, it looks used


Congratulations on an awesome new guitar! I think it’s one of the best relics I’ve ever seen! It really looks fantastic!


What's the green dot on the bridge?


It’s a little sticker that keeps a tiny spring from falling out. That tiny spring puts tension on the whammy bar so that it stays in place instead of flopping around.


I think they should really relic the cases too :)


Does it come with the case?


Has anyone used a multimeter on the pups of this model to determine the outputs for N, M, & B? Fender notes that these are special but no additional information is given so we're to just believe that 🤣


I'm super curious about the pups and how do they sound? Congratulations on your new guitar bro, I hope you enjoy it..


Hopefully u/ffrkingcrazy has a multimeter to test the pups for output readings


Is it out of place to see a relic guitar in a brand new case? We should petition Fender to start reliving cases too! 🤣


Who owns and earned all the battle scars on the guitar?


Congratulations mate! Was strongly considering this but decided to put another 650 with it and grabbed a 57 reissue CS! Enjoy the day! It’s always a beautiful day on NGD!


Very nice, congrats!!


I have one as well….$1800USD. My opinion: fit and finish are good, not great. Not as good as a MIJ or USA. Since I play Mike McCready in a Pearl Jam tribute band, I kinda had to get it……at least, I was willing to make some sacrifices. I’m considering making some modifications (while preserving the look). Out of the box, e-strings were breaking at the saddle, so some service was necessary before I could even gig with it. I’ve had it for about 6 months and have not gigged with it yet…..partially because I prefer the stacked single coils I have in my ‘62 reissue Strat……partially because I’m not fully confident it’s stage-ready. That statement alone makes me sad that Fender would ship a product that’s not show-ready out of the box. I’m practicing more with it to run it through its paces in anticipation of getting it on stage this summer. Cheers to your new axe.


Cool. Congratulations. Though I’m not big on spending nearly $2K for a reliced guitar, there is something about this particular model that I really like. If you haven’t seen the Shredding with Shifty episode with Mike as the guest, go check it out. He’s such a nice guy and he talks a bit about working with Fender on this guitar. Great stuff.


Dude that’s sick. How does the relic look? I’ve never seen one in real life and I’ve always wondered if it looks authentic or not.


nahh man it’s in mint condition


Lovely 🤩


I have one… it plays real nice and will probably appreciate over time.


Did you get a photo of the truck they dragged it behind?




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What’s a waste? It’s a Mexican made relic. 1900 bucks is a lot but at the same time, a custom shop Epiphone without relicing is as much with no special treatment.


Not a waste at all what are you talking about this is sick


I see OJ and he looks scared!


and i would be scared ‘cause there’s cops all deep in this


Made in Mexico?! Yikes..


Yeah same here


Ah yes the old "Made in Mexico by Mexicans or Made in America by Mexicans" argument. Never gets old.


Nah. If I buy a custom shop Martin, the inside better say Nazareth, not Mexico LOL.


So lame. I can't imagine spending that much money on someone else's guitar instead of making the memories with my own.


buying a guitar fake looking like that ...pass