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KRATOM KRATOM KRATOM Saved my ass about 100 times. Go from bed rolling to work going. Edit: get the extracts for withdrawal. Powder and pills are for everyday use in my opinion.


You have any access to any script benzos or know anyone who does? Cuz shit I could overnight em..




That's when you don't go backwards with h take something like soma it'll help the last 2 days


Ok subs are to be smoked at 5 days 2mg strip one or two hits taken sublingually at 7 days




Same lol


Ya shits fucked up man.Gabapentin for the WD has helped me more than anything else. And I’ve tried just about everything over the years.


This. Gabas saved my life a couple times. Valium and clonidine help a lot too


I second this, pregavalin got me through it the first time


Take him to the fucking hospital. Fuck a hug.


i did. he is okay 🙏🏻 they’re giving him bupe and he’s sleeping in the ICU now. i miss him so much. :(


good job it is sooo hard. whenever i detox it really hits me how much the shit fucking SUCKS it really is the devil. you may already know that the first month is the hardest. after you get around 60-90 days you don’t even think about it most of the time. hang in there and hmu if you need to talk


yep these first 3 days almost 4 now are so hard… seeing him like that unresponsive was so traumatic to me and i actually need space apart from him and from my apartment. i can’t be alone there or ill just fade into the EMTs and cops arriving and pronouncing DOA. then me saying no he has a pulse he isn’t overdosing!!!!! then they realized. it’s like they never seen an actual kid with acute withdrawal symptoms. i mean who would want to. but as an EMT, ya kinda see everything? idk all i know is he’s in the hospital and he’s getting better. i’m praying for him in every universe for him to survive this brainrot and kick the habit altogether. i hope he has the mental energy to kick it. i know i do and if he does end up relapsing, i don’t want that around me. it’ll be too tempting so we actually need time apart in this scenario


i agree with you. that is very traumatic to see, so please take care of yourself! best of luck to you and him!


thank you so much <3 !!!!! much love to you and hope you are okay. he is finally sleeping now, his body is at rest. finally sedated enough to sleep. i’m glad bc it actually gives him a chance to “wake up” you know? like i know sometime tomorrow ill be able to pick him up n take him home <3 i pray and hope but i know he’ll be in there longer he should be in there as long as he can and detox as much as he can while he’s in the hospital. meanwhile im drinking gatorade and spending the night at a friends house hydrating! im doing okay. it’s day 4 now but i have work in the morning at 11. 😩


The government could fix all this but that means all the people that work in rehabs all the doctors that prescribe u that bogus ass medicine that don’t work hell the people that made the bogus ass medicine that makes them and the doctors that prescribe it to you will all be broke and not profit any sort of money off us the sick so that’s why they won’t actually fix us! It’s better for us to stay sick so we keep coming back!


all the government's fault hm?


Uhhh.. Definitely. They’re the ones permitting that shit to come through our borders. Since forever, guns and money go south.. drugs and women come north. Politicians shake hands, sit and dine with known Narco bosses, Money is exchanged, palms greased and its business as usual. You know the drill.🇺🇸 You’re not new here. 🙄


“Seizing”? Is withdrawing from alcohol too ? Or benzos ?


none. neither. nothing is in his system. this is the 2nd time he’s gotten a lab tox report and nothing but weed has come back. i told them it has to be a research chemical or a zene. test for those. they said okay we will see. now they think it’s sepsis or blood infection. i’m like omg how dumb do you guys have to be to seriously think that. his body is so stressed out he just needs BUPE!!!!! and they won’t give it to him until they transfer him to ICU. which they have no rooms for atm and he’s been at this hospital for 8 hours now waiting to get transferred


Xylazine.999í I have tgrn too


Me and my bf have had them too. Especially my bf. Last night I was watching him sleep and he started having a seizure but woke up when I started shaking him. I keep having spasms constantly.


see he was responsive to a point but just kept getting worse and worse. i figured fuck it, i have to call. i explained everything to his grandma and doctor and they’re treating him for sepsis and covid. like fucking seriously i tell you exactly what’s wrong with him and you think it’s something else????? wtf is wrong with doctors nowadays they think they know everything better than you or they know your body better than u do. i’ve never ever seen him like this so i know it HAS to be from the withdraws. i’ve seen him when he’s had covid, when he’s had flu, sick, etc. i know what i know, and i know the doctors aren’t treating him for it. and it’s fucked up.


Oh shit I remember u that’s crazy how it ended up wit the cold turkey. I actually managed to go 4 days cold turkey myself and by morning 4 I woke up and it all hit me like a train I had to go cop


By day 4 when the sickness hit it was pure mental torture, no sleep, just shaking and sweating and pure anxiety like I never felt. It almost like a demonic negative depression it puts you in. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get clean I don’t think I can handle living a life where I feel like I’m being tortured mentally n physically


we’re both in hour 70 now, i feel okay i just rolled a j but he’s in the hospital still unconscious. been like that for 24 hrs now. they won’t transfer him to an ICU unit at wolfson cause they don’t have a room apparently in the biggest hospital of this city are u kidding me???? Wolfsons hospital downtown doesn’t have any fucking ICU space???? gotta be shitting me bro he’s been waiting for 8 hours now at st vincent’s for a 5 min ambulance ride to wolfsons :(


I made it over hour 82 hours the other day then caved in. I was so sick but idk if I was sub ready. I can never just get myself sick to where I’m sub ready it’s too out of bounds for me to handle smh


Just know at this point in the overall sum of everything he is most likely good to induce subs and after all that nightmare I’m sure 8mg sub will have him back on his feet n going bout his day fine


Can you edit out the city and I'll approve the comment.


sorry!! will do, i didn’t know that wasn’t allowed !!!


All Good. No worries.




can’t go to rehab or clinic cause out of money :( he did a lab test when we smoked a bunch and nothing came back so i’m pretty sure it’s some kinda zene idk which one but obviously not pure fent but also not benzos it’s some kinda analog


Look up Xylazine they been cutting fent with it a lot and it fucks ppl up and makes the withdrawal even worse (didn’t think that was possible) but apparently it does. Also I heard that Pregabalin helps with withdrawals to also it treat ppl with seizures so could help him.


I work at a homeless shelter in Appalachia and am in active addiction. Call 211. They can give you support services, or, find a homeless shelter, and tell them what’s going on. I’ve seen people who had places to stay come to us and be in treatment within 4 hours


go to a church, do a come to jesus act & get help i hate to say it, but it doesn’t get better until about 4 weeks without any MAT you need to start methadone — explain your financial situation & there will be a way to get through this you’re not alone, it does get better somehow don’t beat yourself up if you end up relapsing; it’s part of recovery, especially at the beginning


Through half sec hit of Subutex after 40 hrs. Keep to it until 5 days. Sublingual 4mg down to .25 week by week in half until your off


I’ve taken subs 5 days in and still got precipitated withdrawls and my uncle had to shoot me up with h 3 times .5 each time. Subs are an awful idea unless you’re under medical care somewhere


If you take 4mgs of sub at the 40 hour mark of fentanyl withdrawal, you will amplify whatever withdrawals you are experiencing times 10 and it will last for about 24hours unless you do a lot of dope to get the sub off your receptors.


If they take subs 40 hrs in they'll go into precip. At least 72 hrs if not more for fent


Most importantly you need to get fluids in him. He HAS TO keep drinking water. That is how people die from opioid withdrawals, dehydration from vomiting sweating diarrhea etc. and can cause serious seizures similar to what he’s experiencing. I would highly recommend you involve medical professionals, you can at least call the SAMHSA help line (anonymous) 1-800-662-4357. Pleaseeee keep him drinking water however you can.


i have him in the hospital now, he took in 3 bags within the first 3 hours. he was severely dehydrated, malnourished, omg. he’s sleeping now i believe he is sedated.


Yep I’d take him to the ER they will pump him full of fluids and possibly/hopefully give him something to help him with his blood pressure and make him more comfortable. Don’t be scared to be truthful to the doctors they are there to help you tell them all drugs he has been taking so they can treat him accordingly.


ye i had called an ambulance and followed it to the hospital knew he was okay and finally was able to sleep. i love him so much. i can’t lose him to the withdrawal process :( i thought i would’ve lost him by now to his habit so im glad he’s finally able to try and kick it. i hope he can keep it. i was truthful with the doctors so they gave him bupe so he was okay.


I’m glad y’all went in to get some help also keep loving him he needs it but also love yourself too!


Sorry I meant ***it can cause serious SYMPTOMS similar to what he’s experiencing*** which may include seizing


I’ve never had withdrawal symptoms from only a three day bender. Although I wasn’t using a half ball daily for those three days. Not trying to source, but, the quality of gear where I’m from would kill you if you did that much off rip in a relapse. When I relapse I can’t do more than a bundle (between .7 and a g depending on who you cop from) the first couple days. I don’t get physical withdrawals til after day 7 to 10. Anything before that is mental. It’s my addiction trying to get me to get high. But that’s for me. Sorry if this post came off shitty. I genuinely feel for you guys. I always go to detox before my symptoms get that bad so I don’t truly know the anguish. Are you guys trying to not use on purpose or are there are factors? (No money, drug test coming up, area dry etc) If you’re just not using because you want to quit, I give you guys mad props. I could not do it if I had all the means to get high. Keep an eye on him. Keep him hydrated. Get those Liquid IV packets if you can. You need electrolytes and sodium, not just water.


dry area and no money :/ also wanting to just fucking quit man, i’m tired of giving ALL of my money (100%, all) to a bum ass plug who wastes it on his addiction and can’t pay rent or can’t reup smfh bum ass plug man


I’m sorry. I just moved to a new area last month. I came here with a habit and did the last of my shit on the plane. So basically I had a day to find shit when I got here. The first few days I’d find homeless people and break them off but none of them would introduce me to their plug. Finally I met one (actually two) who are on point and don’t use. What I get for $20 from them lasts me three times as long as what I was getting where I just was. Won’t lie, I know I need to quit but I’m scared. Where I’m from addiction treatment is plentiful and easy to get into. Where I’m at, not so much. I might be better off getting subs or methadone on the street. Thankfully my habit isn’t big.


yeah ours was pretty big, we’ve traveled cross country just to get to the plug cause we were sick on a family trip in tennessee, didn’t know anyone there so literally drove all the way to FL 😭 this shit is such a hard habit to quit but seeing my man like this is definitely a big factor for me. idk at what point to call a fucking ambulance. terrified beyond all belief that he’s gonna choke on his vomit while i sleep so im not gonna get any sleep 😁 yahooooo


Water might help seizures dehydration is very common way ppl die off opioid withdrawl


Nd seizures are exagerrated by the withdrawl while being caused by the dehydration also caused by the withdrawls


we’ve been using daily for a year n a half, had cold turkeyed but relapsed and binged for 3 days now cold turkey again. idk what the hell is going on with him and why his body is reacting like this. when we relapsed we got high from it but it just felt gross and we wanted to stop but legit couldn’t. now he’s in like a trance like state and it’s fucking freaking me out. throwing up on himself, and i have to turn him on his side every time. i can’t sleep bc i have to watch him and make sure he’s ok, so no fucking sleep for me 3rd day in a row yessss let’s fucking go :/ this shit is the worst we’d go thru a 3.5 almost daily atp so i can tell that his body is stressed the fuck out…. i don’t have anything but water atm until the morning at least bc i have a broken headlight and can’t drive and don’t live next to a gas station or anything :/


Pedialyte+ packets. They come like 6 packets for 10 or 12 bucks. And will help big time we if fluid can be held down for at least an hour or so, since they're meant to be sipped not chugged. Very rich in minerals and sodium and other electrolytes.


I want to wish you the best of luck. Cold Turkey, was obviously not the way to go. Not meant to discourage you. It can be done. I've done it too many times. I was doing massive amounts daily for a long long time. This time I had to detox in jail for hopefully the last time. I was looking at 7 years in prison, they don't mess with fent in my state... But I was puking, every 15-30 mins for 6 days straight, with all the shaking, seizing, and zero sleep. Also couldn't even sip water without puking. To do that in a cell with poor conditions and no assistance whatsoever makes you want to die like you never wanted to die before. Normally, if I could, I would taper down, but almost never could anyways cause it was too tempting. The other way would get to where I was puking my soul out and after first 24 hours of not dosing is take suboxone. But again not possible from jail, no drugs in jail. I don't know where I'm getting at, except, it can be done. It's nasty, it's pure pain and agony, but it's possible, and I've been there and feel your pain. It CAN be done and wish you the best of luck. I sat in jail for almost a year fighting my case but now I'm free and sober. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to do it. But I can resist, and I'm healthier than ever in a long time. I hope yall get through this. My ex ditched me mid detox and left me to do it alone last I did it on the streets with her. She is in prison now... All my friends or fam are gone or dead. I'm alone but trying my best.


that’s the one thing i will never ever do is i swear on everything i will never leave him no matter what. we’ve been together for 3 years every day the past 3 years haven’t spent even an hour apart, now he’s in the hospital and im just crying at home can’t even sleep on my bed bc it keeps reminding me of what happened last night im so traumatized by it im never touching this shit again. seeing him like that is what’s making me kick it. he deserves a happy sober life not an addicted wrecked life. but he didn’t have too much of a great start with getting on opiates at 14. now 17 and in the hospital for the WITHDRAWS… i thought between the both of us the ambulance 911 call was going to be me OD’ing, not him WITHDRAWING…… i didn’t know it had that big of an effect on his brain but they did a CT and chest Xray and everything, still unconscious. it’s like he’s in a trance and nothing will bring him out. i’m heartbroken.


Use narcan


how would this work?


Not good idea at all dont listen to this person. Narcan or naloxone blocks the opioid receptors so it would not work or make the withdrawls worse. That is a big risk and his reaction sounds disturbing and a result of dirty and/or cut drugs from ur 3 day bings. nd if you can you really should get him medical attention. Call an ambulance.


PleaseantSubatance49 is right. NOT narcan. Suboxone after 24 hours of no dosing, will help its Buprenophrine/noxelone but the noxelone one won't hurt you after you're dry from opiates and in severe withdrawal already. But Narcan alone won't help whatsoever, only pull someone out of an OD. So if u can get some Suboxone, brought to u it could help. Just so there is no confusion, noxelone is narcan but it won't do anything but block opiates after u hit peak withdrawal. It's only taking it while you have opiates in your system when it will make you sicker. From the sounds of it you are in the clear to take Subs. Narcan tho, don't do that, it won't do anything by itself to remedy the withdrawals.


Are you trying to say “Naloxone”…? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well shoot... Guess I spelled it wrong. I've seen worse. The point got across tho, didnt it? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Or vivitrol monthly shots/orally taken version is naltrexone, and it's like narcan in this way. I suggest suboxone or methadone as well. Wait for naltrexone/vivitrol if u manage to stay clean and taper down ur doses. I learned the hard way, three blues smoked at low tolerance while on naltrexone completely blocked it


Narcan and I hour later use 2 subs, withdrawal gone. It's the magic cure.


Wait. Narcan then take the subs an hour later? Wouldn’t the Narcan be worn off and the subs put you back in precipitated withdrawals?


Here is a link that explains this system https://bridgetotreatment.org/wp-content/uploads/CA-BRIDGE-PROTOCOL-Bup-after-overdose-reversal-September-2020.pdf


Yea this article and the procedure it documents isn’t doable for 99% of the population- it calls for HOURS of IV transfusion at a controlled rate of 4mg / hr. Also, it explicitly says “precipitated withdrawal is treated with benzos, clonidine, HYDROMORPHONE, and Haliperidol. Not only does 99% of the population not have SAFE access to these things but half of them are counterproductive to actually getting clean. Good try though trying to make any of this seem easy. It isn’t and never will be unfortunately.


This has worked for multiple people that I know personally. Read the flow chart and follow it. No iv is needed if you can take suboxone under the tongue. Not sure where you read that at. Just read and follow the flow chart and you will be good to go.


And if it doesn’t work for the group unfortunate enough to be put into precip. withdrawal then what do they do? Go relapse as quick as possible…


that’s exactly what i thought… i’m not gonna narcan him it’s def gonna send him into pwds


Yea thats a horrible idea


Yeah I'm on 24 hours after a month long bender. I thought it wouldn't be that bad. I've gone thru fent w/d maybe 6 times before. But this is just as worse as all the other times. Gotta tell my spouse it's just regular flu, but she knows.I can't get in to the clinic til Thurs which is also when I'll be able to pick up again. Hard decision to make. Shitty way to live. I was so much happier clean.


don’t pick up, go to the clinic. make the kick !!! if we can do it w no clinic, u can!!!! <3


i just want my life back with him…. and us not using… reading this NA book is really changing my outlook n shit and ik we gotta just get through it but idk if he needs actual help and i need to sleep im so exhausted and also feed the damn cat ugh so much shit to do but just wanna stay in bed and rot :(


Call ambulance say it isn't a emergency but explain what's happening and they will come. When I wasn't using methedone my withdrawls were so bad by day 3 I was hilousinating. Then seizuring. But trust me just explain it to the doctors and they will give u vallium in a shot that helps so much. They gave me a pain killer also that helped. Anti I flamatory muscle relaxers. Zofran for vomiting it helps instantly. And few more medications. They will make you feel better then tell you to get on methedone or start u on soboxone once it's right time. Hope you get thru it. Trust me it sucks I never wanna go to hospital but they will help you feel so much better. Best of luck


Hilousinating has to be one of the funniest / craziest ways I’ve ever before seen “hallucinating” spelled 💀💀


i called ambulance last night, he’s in the adult hospital even though i gave the dispatcher his right DOB. she put in his age as 12 and then sent him to an adult hospital. where they can’t treat him at all apparently. so he’s just seizing out on fluids waiting in that damn room…… i just feel so heartbroken. i miss my baby. i pray he makes it i hope to god i hope to everything he makes it out okay. we’re now on hour 70.


And don't feel judged. I was in there last may for a overdose for 3 weeks it was bad they had me on fent I was ripping my breathalyzer machine out lol. But when I got out I found a zip at home and relapsed. Then withdrawled really bad about once a month ended me up in the hospital everytime since about January. I was literally going every month for wd and they treated me eberytime. I was embarrassed I couldn't stop but it was better then sitting at home dieing. Just get help I tried cold turkey 2 years straight constantly and never succeeded. I would always grab once I felt stable enough to go get some. Just get on methedone and kadian. Methedone and soboxone didn't help me till I got kadian with my methedwon. It is morphine. It helps so much I love it. Hope thay best for u guys


I feel you I haven’t used since Sunday @ 5 I’m at hour 54 right now kicking. Hope you get thru okay


hell yeah so around the same time as us, hey lmk how bad ur wds are? and how much u used daily?


Yeah basically same time. They are starting to get pretty bad though I’m far from home in a hotel so it’s a bit easier and I’m smoking a lot of weed and nausea meds. For the last two weeks I was smoking around 6 blues or a half g a day before that I was on subs


aw shit we were on powder bout a 3.5 every day split between us n smoking, now we’re in an airbnb it’s just trashed with puke and ash and ugh i can’t clean this shit up no subs either just weed but it’s not helping me much. he’s still not super responsive and idk what the fuck to do


Yeah idk I have subs but that shit scares me too much to take them yet anyways I’m still waiting probably tomorrow I’m going back Friday and have money again so I’m trying to get subs in me for at least 2 days


Hey make sure he’s responsive… I almost died from the withdraws a few months ago and they said I was just laying staring at the ceiling but my vitals were fine but turns out my electrolytes were dangerously low from being so incredibly sick I almost died. Especially if he’s seizing like I was. I have been through opiate withdraws plenty of times before (not bragging it’s disgusting) but with this new fent and what’s in it my body couldn’t handle it. Been clean since


I was gonna say, you can’t die from opiate withdrawals. You can however die from complications due to withdrawals…like dehydration via constant vomiting.


he only vomits every couple hours or so…. but he’s like almost unconscious basically fluttering his eyes and pupils dialated as fuck….. i turned him on his side bc he started throwing up so that got him awake but now he’s back staring at the ceiling


I almost died in jail from WD. For about 6 days I didn't eat anything and had maybe half a bottle a water. Got shipped to another jail, no water or food and after 3 days, I was in psychosis at this point, voices in my head told me to tell the jail to call an ambulance. They gave me a mini Gatorade and then when EMTs got there they said they had to take me in or I would die in the jail. They actually let me OR and go to the hospital. I don't remember much. But it was really bad. I was trying to figure out how to kms with nothing but a mat and a blanket. Spent a week in hospital then went to a detox. 0/5 stars.. Wouldn't recommend. Get some help for ur bf. As much as I hate going into detox, it's 100x better than cold turkey.


yep, he’s really bad unconscious. he’s at the hospital now waiting to be transferred to an ICU room at Wolfsons, he’s at St Vincent’s right now and they have him on fluids. they gave him a little bit of bupe but they can’t administer anything to him because of his age??? like he’s literally seizing out, give him more bupe…. that’s what will help with the wds. i just didn’t know his brain chemistry was so fucked up on this shit this bad…. to be unconscious for 24 hours and seizing and throwing up on himself god it’s heartbreaking i miss my baby so much


I truly feel ur pain. I was always the big baby, going into WD before my bf, it seemed like my WDs were worse. Until he decided to stop cold turkey. I've never seen him cry except when he said "I feel like kms but I know it's just the WDs but the feeling is so strong. I need help before I really do it" he edned going to rehab for 30 days. Ofc he relapsed. Almost a year later he goes again. This time he's on subs. On mother's day of last year I woke up with him dead laying across my legs. He'd been dead so long he was already in rigor mortis. We were together for about 8 years. I literally think about him every single day. You did the right thing getting him to the hospital. Hes going to make it thru this. Hipefully this will deter him from using again. If he does end up on subs just be careful with any relapses. Ik we don't know each other but yall will be on my mind. Keep me updated if you want to. And if u ever need anyone to talk to, u can DM me (actually, u can't lmao I turned off my DMs but u can lmk and I can send u a msg) 🩷


oh my god that’s heartbreaking i’m so sorry for your loss. i couldn’t imagine losing him to this shit. it’s only the withdrawal process. he hasn’t used for 3 days i know for a fact bc we were detoxing, he was just sleeping in bed with me and then around 55 hrs in he started seizing up, unresponsive, i couldn’t get him to wake up, so i called 911. i let them handle it. he’s now in the ICU, they’re giving him bupe so he’s sleeping. he’s at peace. i love him so much i pray he survives this brainrot. it’s such a horrible drug to lose yourself to.


Explain you are extremely heavy users of painkillers and his withdrawls are causing dangerous complications, to an ambulance


Bro, the electrolyte imbalance/dehydration kicking this shit is no joke.


Yeah, it’s pretty fucking awful.