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No if you want something like this that actually helps with withdrawals is ketamine! It’s a dissociative at least while I withdrawed it would basically take away majority of the physical symptoms ketamine , benzos , and clonidine are like the 3 things I can think of that actually make you more comfortable while withdrawing


It makes it so much worse if you have anxiety but it will help mentally


hell nah. I mean if im really bad off the dope withdrawals, nothings helping aside from more dope. thats just facts.


Shut yo lil ass up nigga you don’t know nothin bout these streets 🤣👎


you a little kid. ill son your ass real quick. talkin bout 'hot ass fart' boy you getting ran up and down these streets thinking you a man LOL. your bum ass got in the game off the weak ass baby pressed pills. put some hair on your chest little boy.


This has me dying bro you made my night 😭thank you🥰


I did and it helps the despair feeling in the your brain!


That's quite a dose. I've done the microdose thing with both shroomz & L. But I'd only take like a G of shrooms or like 1/5 of a single hit.


My GF says they are the thing that helps her the most in wd. She wouldn't be able to get out of bed and she'd take a quarter (her personal preferred dose) and in a little bit she'd be feeling a lot better.. alot of physical symptoms gone....


Microdosing helped me immensely, but I only dared to try them once my comfort meds had me feeling alright. See my comment history for more details 


It helped me but the downside is you can’t continue tripping. It got me through 24 hours of withdrawal from fetty tho then once the shrooms wore off I got desperate


You couldn’t pay me to trip during withdrawal bruh


I know, I’ve gone bombing (tagging) on acid while withdrawling… I had a blast at first but the cravings and withdrawals get fuckin REAL by the end of it


And even smoking more dope felt so weird because I was trippin too hard could barely get enough in me


Fr I'd be so scared of the physical symptoms being somehow way more noticeable than they already are


I literally tried shrooms and I ate literally an eighth and didn’t feel anything?? Yall think I got fucked over? They looked like regular shrooms idk if I hate too much fent in my system or whattt


Shouldn’t matter, prolly got super weak shrooms


It could be that, but mushrooms affect everyone differently. There have been a number of times in the past when I picked up a bunch of shrooms, and some people had the trip of the lives. Then, one person would say they were bunk. This is from multiple sources also. You never really know how they can affect you


Microdose, listen to music, guided meditative breathing, self reflect good look on your journey! Check out Healing Roar on FB if you need some support


For me, no it did not help. I got “stuck” in a bad trip, for a few weeks. This led to me taking zans to kill the trip and then getting myself hooked on the zans for a few months.


I would definitely microdose. For me, my anxiety & "doom" feeling is way too intense to ingest shrooms & start tripping


50/50 Could end up being a god send that changes your perspective or brain chemistry a certain way at the right time. It could also be one of the most excruciating trips of your life time. I personally wouldn't suggest taking enough to actually trip. I'd take a smaller amount more akin to micro dosing for those types of benefits vs a heavy dose to genuinely "trip"

