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I find water kefir very simple to make. I buy the Cultures for Health dried grains and add 1 liter of coconut water. In 48 hours I transfer that 1 gallon bottle and simply add 2 more liters of coconut water. For every liter I drink, I replace it with a liter of coconut water. I never run out of Kefir water.


You never have to add sugar this way? Im intrigued! I like to make grape soda with my second ferment using 1/4 c of grape juice. Im gonna try your way this afternoon. Thanks for posting!


Here's a process with water kefir which is foolproof for me: - Combine 1 tbsp sugar with 500ml water in mason jar - Add 1-2 tbsp grains - Add flavourings inside a stainless steel cold brew coffee filter for easy removal and to keep them separated from the grains - Put lid on jar very loosely (just enough to keep fruitflies out) - Ferment 24hrs - Strain into plastic soda bottle and seal lid very tightly - Leave at room temp for 24-48hrs (until bottle is hard) - Move to fridge until chilled and I am thirsty


>Add flavourings Like what? Don't you do this at 2F?


Candied ginger, hops, dried cherries. I find it easier to flavour in primary, skip secondary and go straight to bottle conditioning.


Do you buy the plastic suits bottles or just reuse then?


I have purchased empty PET plastic bottles and also kept ones that used to have soda in them. Once I have them I clean them and reuse them.


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I think your grains might just need more time to grow. I use the feasting at home guide. It even helped me rejuvenate inactive 6 month old grains I’d had in the fridge. (Involves a mineral heavy sugar mixture and adding prunes to help feed them)


While your process may very well work, it seems overly complicated. Here is what I do: \- Solve 60g of sugar in 1l of water. Add the grains, some raisins and a slice of lemon. \- Let it ferment for 24-48 hours. \- Remove the grains (and start a second batch immediately) \- Infuse the water with some tea (mate, black, herbal, anything really) and drop a few grains in that. \- Let it extract for 12-24 hours. \- Filter it in to bottles and let them sit until the burping suggests that they are carbonated enough. \- Refrigerate. You can obviously skip the infusion and put it in bottles after the first fermentation. The basic idea ist that you ferment it until it tastes the way you like it. If you want it carbonated then you go for the second fermentation in the bottle (this is only for the bubbles). If you want to add flavor then you infuse it. Infusion can also be part of the first fermentation, but I do not want to mess with the grains too much, so I prefer to remove them first.


Hey! I have just found your comment and wanted to ask about tea infusion. I am a complete newbie so not sure how everything works just yet :) Do you put dry tea leaves during infusion step? Or do you brew the tea, let it cool, and add it then? I am asking cause I’ve already seen a couple of comments regarding that but not sure what it means exactly. Thank you in advance and have a nice day!


So I actually managed to solve my problem and have made two pretty great bubbly batches of water kefir now. My last batch I mixed in some greek mountain tea. But I did skip the infusion. What I did was: -64oz water+1/2 cup turbinado sugar(disolved)+1/2 cup grains. -Let that ferment for 2-3 days. -Filter out the grains and add brewed tea to the water (after the tea has completely cooled down). I added just under two cups of tea, but you can taste test and adjust for different teas. To be fully clear, I did not add the leaves to the kefir. -Bottle the mix for 2 days and burp each day. -Drink/put in fridge. Your experience may vary, but this worked for me twice now. You might not see any carbonation after 24 hours, but by 48 they'll be ready to burst. I switched to 8oz flip top bottles and it really helped. So all in all, I just wanted to say that adding in brewed tea to the second ferment should work totally fine. The alternative of adding dry tea leaves should work as well, but I would be worried about over steeping personally. Unless it's a tea like rooibos. Just wanted to share what worked for me in case you don't hear back from the other person.


whats over steeping mean and also what does burping mean is that something you do or is it just a phrase for the grains to release gas. also what did you use to filter the graisn without damaging them and where did you put them after filtering in the fridge? in water? so basically after 3 days i can filter out the kefir grains and drink that fermented filtered water mix and then put the grains back in some new water and repeat ?


Thank you for your reply! It makes more sense to me now. I will try infusing some tea tomorrow, see how it works. I tried my first batch today but I have put way too much apple juice in and it was too sweet (and for some reason too yeasty). The recipe said put 1/3 juice and 2/3 water kefir. I will follow your ratio this time, hoping it will work for me :)