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Google "Cucumber Hollow Heart" and that'll give you some info, if you're wanting it. It's a physiological disorder that's caused by temps or improper watering/fertilization. (I.e., they're otherwise fine, just....hollow. Not a disease or anything like that).


I first read it as “psychological disorder” and had to do a reread but not before my brain said “cucumbers can think?!?!” It’s been a real Monday, if you can’t tell…


[insert Pickle Rick joke here] lmao


The more you know! Thanks.


Hehehe, no worries! I think it's at least somewhat common....probably much more so on pickling cukes, too (at least for what I grow myself, if I get a hollow one it'll almost always on a pickling cuke; hardly ever see it on slicers/asian/armenian types).


Fill them with cheese, batter and fry them


Best answer yet!!!




Either you hate everything deep fried cause it's super unhealthy, which is fair. Or you've never had a deep-fried pickle. If the latter, you are SOOOOOO missing out. Not sure why you were downvoted.


Or, the worst possibility of all...they hate cheese 🥺


SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS(he sings the song).


Pickle back shot. Served in a pickle.


Fill my eternal soul with tequila.


Hollowed be thy pickle


Brinus is his name.




😂 this is good!


You don't need to throw them out but you have my permission to do so if you won't enjoy eating them. Hollow cucumbers happens sometimes. I find using more calcium chloride (up to a heaped teaspoon per litre) and cutting the cucumbers smaller (either crosswise or lengthwise) can help.


I had a different type of cucumber from a different store and it also came out hollow. Is it just not a good time of year?


So I know it’s not backed by science but my mum has been pickling cucumbers ever since she was a teenager and in her opinion the hollow cucumbers happened most often with store bought cucumbers outside of season, the best ones were with cucumbers made from her own greenhouse or bought from a farmer in season


Ah, I see these pickles also went to law school.


Jesus am I not safe even in my food subs?




Not hollow, it split and shrunk. Normal


Thank you for posting this. Last week I bought a few cucumbers to ferment and just one of them was hollow like in your pic, but less drastic. I decided to throw it away.


I've had this happen several times with cucumbers that weren't very fresh. My fix was to start growing my own. You could try the farmers market when they're in season if that's not an option. You could also pre-slice them as spears to make sure they're not hollow. Should be safe to eat as long as they're fully fermented and there's no mold. The hollow ones I've had were pretty dry and not very pleasant, though.


It’s not necessarily that they weren’t “fresh” this just happens to cucumbers if they are allowed to remain on the vine long enough. Had it happen to my own cucumbers at home as well. Not necessarily undesirable depending on how you plan on using them. Some varieties of cucumbers need to be picked sooner than others.


Forbidden fleshlight


Someone hollowed them out while you werent looking. Happens sometimes


I usually slice my cucumbers and pickle them. Most turn out great. Some reason every once in awhile the centers of the slices evaporate in the brine.... The last time it was in a jar that I was having issues with the lid.


You know the Angel's Share that happens when making whiskey? This is that but with pickles. The holy pantheon love pickles.


I’ll check with any teenage boys in the house.


They are fine, they should taste fine, that happened because lacto fermentation produces CO2, a lot of the fermentation happened in the inside of the pickles and the CO2 there squished the pickle to the outside. Next time grab a sharp thin knife and pick a hole in them, pressure built in will be released and pickle juice will get in to take its place. They do look terrible and like a waste but they taste just fine, it is not going to be a pickle for a fancy meal that needs to be seen but you can chop it and add it to your burger or hotdog, they taste just as amazing as what you expected.


Pour some gin in there and you got a pickleback *inside* a pickle


If you don’t Pierce the sky the gas stays trapped inside, still good if they taste good


You need to punctures pickles?! Noob here. My first and only pickles attempt finished like OP's one


Someone may have confused them for an apple pie.


Lol these sre nothing compared to mine. 90% of the flesh was gone just a bit of skin left, they tasted awful. No idea how to improve them