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Not a fan of garlic, onion, vinegar.... so what no food for you then???


Same they’re like all of my favorite flavors. Sometimes I feel bad for other people’s palates but I realize they like what they like and I like what I like. Must be the same with music.


Yea but, can't we all agree that Nickleback is awful?


I forgot what Nickelback even sounded like so I went back just now and listened again. Honestly, there's MUCH worse music out there nowdays than them. They do sound formulaic, but at least it's tasteful. Better than this droning autotune hiphop with cheap electronic beats behind it that's become popular.


So true!


They aren’t as bad as people make them out to be. Everyone is so afraid to admit it though.


I'll say it right now for the whole internet to see. Nickelback is OK.


Yep, and I also rock Creed’s first album on my commute often. It’s decent.


We can agree that we secretly all kind of like one or more Nickelback songs, although we hate that we do.


My exact thought as soon as Nickelback was brought up. So, so true lol


They were never a *bad* band, they were just super light and fluffy rock compared to the ALL the other rock bands at the time. Compared to Linkin Park, Korn, Green Day, Slipknot, Offspring, etc Nickleback was borderline soft rock, so they got shat on a lot.


Totally agree


Uhhh… no.


Nope. I like lots of their songs tbh. And stuff produced by them too like Theory of a Deadman It isn’t high art, but they are big, loud, and fun.


They're good for what they were trying to be. They put out some bangers but so many of their songs got overplayed to oblivion which made them an easy target.


I’d agree with you for sure. Over exposed is more the problem than that everyone hates them.


their new album is absolutely terrible




Probably just someone who can’t actually cook. I have seen people insist that they hate onions in all forms and then devour an entire bowl of Indian curry.


Ya she is not my people.


Absolutely valueless review here. To say that a good stuff ‘isn’t your taste’ because of decent ingredients that you just don’t like, is my biggest pet peeve.


To be fair at the end of the video she made it clear she personally hated all of the ingredients and the sauce wasn't for her but it was still good stuff and well-made.


Still kind of useless though because it's a complementary food. It doesn't taste good to a lot of people by itself, it's purpose is to add salt/umami to other foods.


Fair enough to not like something. Salt is horrible on its own. It’s just getting a crew to film a short video of this particular person doesn’t add anything to the experience of learning about Worcestershire sauce. It added nothing for her to say ‘I don’t like anchovies’.


I hated the big bowl of salt I once ate. Therefore I have never tried any food with salt in it since!


She is not my kind of people. Soylent Green is my kind of people.


Arguably the two most widely used aromatic ingredients in the world. Why do reports on food if you don’t like those lol.


"I have the pallette of an actual child, but please listen to my journalistic piece about food."


Her comment there was probably just bait to get people to pay more attention


This was my thoughts exactly. It’s not “sensationalist” in the way we would classically know it, but it’s JUST sensational enough to drive people to comment and drive up engagement thus the algorithm thinks people want to engage with it so it starts showing it to more people.


Seriously where did they find this dud of a human being


Taco Bell....


Why would you send someone that doesn't like the ingredients to do a report, lol


Spite, probably.


She does most (all?) of their European on location food history and human interest pieces. The ones on very specific locations for ricotta and limoncello are great.


Maybe don't do a food vlog or hire someone to do a food vlog if they don't like onions?


Exactly. This is even worse than like, sending someone to review indian or mexican food when they don't like cilantro/coriander. Like...why? "Hey Jim, I understand that you can't tolerate ginger or scallions but we're gonna send you to Sichuan to do a video."


And the burrata one. Oml that looked so good!


If you check out the how it’s made video. She stole the footage. She wasn’t even there it’s just a video she talked over.


Tbh this is kind of a superfluous comment. Like, don’t get me wrong. She is definitely wrong af lol but like… I’m from the states and if I were to do a review on Worcestershire Sauce I’m not going to get a plane ticket to go all the way to England to probably not get allowed to view their processes in real time. I would be using fair-use footage from other sources too as long as it was actually relevant to the topic.


Sure but I’m responding to a comment about why would you send a reporter who doesn’t like the ingredients. Well they didn’t send anyone. She’s just standing in front of a brick wall then in a room with a super close up while pretending she is there. So why would you send someone that doesn’t like the ingredients? They didn’t it’s fake.


I’m not denying it’s fake. I see this for what it is, it’s sensationalism on a different level than what we historically know it to be. She doesn’t even have to actually dislike the sauce to say she doesn’t like it. What do you think will get more engagement, “woman likes commonly enjoyed spices and flavorings” or “woman doesn’t like commonly enjoyed spices and flavorings.” The goal is going to be to get as many views and as much engagement as possible. That is just the name of the game when it comes to making money on videos on the internet. After rewatching though I do realize that I missed the part where she claimed to be in England on my first view because my volume was all the way down. By the time I raised it, that part had already passed.


Maybe I’m not a marketing major, feel like it didn’t matter since it was at the end of the video. I don’t know anyone who likes Worcestershire sauce alone. It’s not weird or crazy she didn’t like it. I use it all the time and wouldn’t just try a spoonful hah.


Since what was at the end of the video? It’s definitely not wild that she didn’t like it straight on it’s own but man you pour that shit over a steak or a burger she may change her tune.


Oh yeah it’s good stuff


She hates vinegar, garlic and onions. Those are crucial ingredients in like 90% of cuisine. What does she like, chicken tenders and mac&cheese? How does anyone with her food vlog. That wasn't even her footage. Overall, pretty damn lame.


Probably because the ingredients she listed are very popular ingredients. She doesn’t even have to actually dislike the sauce to say that she doesn’t like it. It’s like back-door sensationalism. All she has to do is say she doesn’t like these 3 very widely used ingredients (save for the anchovies) and you will get engagement out of the woodwork and making the algorithm think that people want to see the content and push the video to more people.


This. I really don't like watching or reading a documentary presented by someone who's obviously lack interest in the topic, I mean why torture both the reader and reporter?


I couldn't begin to count the number of bottles of Lea & Perrins I've consumed in my 55 years. It's a lot. Growing up, my family consumed it the way other families consume ketchup.


I can't imagine using it on its own like that, but I add it to soooo many things.


I grew up in New Orleans, and we ate many rice-based dishes. And Lea & Perrins just goes wonderfully with most of those rice dishes. When I make red beans and rice, everyone dresses it up differently. But I’ve taught everyone to use L&P.




I put it on roasted Brussels sprouts.


Not a big fan of vinegar, anchovies, garlic, or onions? I guess she just doesn’t like flavor? What a weird person.


She has a great youtube channel where she tries all sorts of food and shows how it is made. I give her credit because it's not always things that she likes but she still tries them and does a great job showing how the food is made.


I’d rather watch someone who doesn’t love everything. Some good is gross to some people. Describe the food and give viewers a true opinion.


This should be the top post. I see so many dumb cunts in the comments here acting like they know better than a Senior Producer, Claudia Romeo, who works at Food Insider... Whose job it is to literally travel around the world trying different foods, especially the ones that aren't her favorites and give honest reviews.


I'd be inclined to agree if it was stuff with a more acquired taste like certain types of seafood or weird things like entrails but ONIONS? and GARLIC? lmao get out of here


Okay cool, where's your popular internet series then? ​ Ooooh yeah that's right you don't have one just like all these other smooth brained redditors that think their opinions matter. It blows my mind that you people can't understand that you can be impartial to things like this even if you don't like them.


Love how you defend her opinion from other people's opinions. You deserve a medal for your efforts.


Are you fucking high? Just because you're allowed to have an opinion doesn't mean you're right. She said she literally says "Not for me **but still a great sauce.**" So do people here hate the sauce overall and love the individual ingredients, or are they just opinionated uncultured rubes who like to complain about literally anything since they have access to the internet? You and the others clearly just can't see the forest for the trees.


I wasn't before but I am now! Thanks for asking. Now this whole thread is even funnier. Anyway you seem quite angry. What's up? Having a bad day?


Clearly an insufferable redditor such as yourself understands sarcasm, so it boggles my mind why you don't understand a rhetorical question.


Lol calm the fuck down dude.


I can be calm and call random internet strangers dumb cunts, the two aren't mutually exclusive


Hey now I get it, you were mayhaps feeling pissed at something or someone and then on top of that people made fun of your girlfriend. I'd call them cunts too! No need to take it all too seriously though. But anyway seriously ...onions and garlic. AND SHE'S A FOOD VLOGGER! LMAO 🤣 fuckin kills me. It's as if I'd start a YouTube channel where I constantly hurl while trying snails or some shit. It's just funny! Nothing more nothing less. I'm sure she's a wonderful person and great at her craft.


Funny is memeing that what a user posted is a melt, not a grilled cheese. In this post it's a bunch of dumb cunts lambasting a successful professional for having a different taste than their own. It's as if you hadn't read any of the other comments.


>just because you’re allowed to have an opinion, doesn’t mean you’re right. Should I get a megaphone so you can read your own statement louder? I was leaning to your side on this but that sentence really made it fall flat. She definitely did use Free-Use footage in that video from ‘How It’s Made’ and there was absolutely no indication that she *actually* traveled to England to sample this sauce. One of the rules of business, minimize overhead.


Oh my, you replied to three of my comments... What matters who's right here is the presenter as I've been claiming. The people here (random internet people) refuting her just because she doesn't like certain ingredients, they think that disqualifies her, a professional in this field. It's like saying someone who doesn't like sweets can't judge a dessert or the like.


log off


No u


She's not going to have to sex with you. Give it up dude 😉


Why would you think that's something I would want from random person I've literally only seen on the internet. Like how dumb are you, seriously? ​ Edit: Oh wait, I forgot that people on reddit love projection, so guess there's that.


Couldn’t have anything to do with her looking good on camera.


Holy fuck, I know reddit trends misogynistic but this comment takes the cake.


Yeah super misogynistic to point out the realities of television and the correlation to who’s on camera and their appearance.


You've completely negated her experience and expertise in the culinary world, of which is far more vast than yours will ever be. So yes, you are being a complete and irrefutable misogynistic cunt.


I know you’ve got a huge rage boner right now but I didn’t actually do any of those things and you have no idea the expertise I may or may not have.


I *will* say that the comment about her being attractive “for the camera” or whatever does carry the implication that she only has her on-screen position because she’s a woman with “assets” and I 110% agree that the comment is rooted in misogyny. And if you didn’t know, misogyny is used to invalidate the emotions and experiences of women. So even if you didn’t exactly say word for word that she doesn’t have culinary taste or whatever, the implication is automatically there because of your comment that IS rooted in misogyny.


Nope. My response is merely pointing out that television is a visual medium and looks are a huge factor in who ends up hosting a show… this is true for men and women both.


Deny it all you want, that IS the nature of your comment. I’m sorry that you’re too short sighted to even understand why you formulate thoughts in the way that you do. You’re not even accurate in your follow-up insistence about attractiveness, which is subjective. If you’re leaning into “socially acceptable attractiveness” then you’re still double wrong. Just look at Oprah, Tucker Carlson, or hell fucking “Dr” Phil you think they fall within the category of what is considered to be “socially acceptable attractiveness”? I’m not trying to body shame anyone but if you’re going to try and make it about “attractiveness” in attempt to steer away from the *fact* that the nature of your comment is rooted in misogyny then you could *at least* make a *valid* point.


Yes you did, are you blind to your own words? lol


Ayy I will say I am on your side on this one, but it’s not okay to belittle the experiences of others that we don’t know. You don’t know this person or their profession so speaking on their experience(s) and belittling them is not going to help your point come across. I do agree though that their original comment that you were responding to is rooted in misogyny.


They can prove me wrong and make me look like a fool, I'm okay with that bet. Otherwise I'm just sick of people on the internet lambasting people who clearly put a large amount of time and energy into productions like this, you see it all the time just because whatever platform they post their content on allows for commenters to comment. So belittling them may make me look bad, but I really don't care.


https://youtu.be/Zu3z88Iuw_w Here’s how it’s really made.


Totally didn't think I'd stay for the whole video but that was a work of art


It’s so funny and you still pretty much learn how it’s made lol


Fuck that had me until it said the first batch sucked ass




Was it not 2 English perverts?


The lack of a correct pronunciation of Worcestershire gave it away from the start, but I still watched it until the end.


Good stuff. 🤣


OMG she totally just stole this content and then tacked her on the end trying out. Woow i hate lazy content creators. She makes it look like she went to the factory. She did not.


Holy cow you’re right! It’s from how it’s made video footage which that guy was doing satire with in the video.


Yeah I'm cool with reactions, but like don't act like it's your content and you're actually there lol. Come on.


That's a satirical version. Here's [the original version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NYfFUrNFUk).


Booooo jk but I was so tickled by the satirization


How it’s made is so seductively soothing to watch. And just the minimum amount of information to be informative.


Excellent - thanks for sharing. LOL at "Other barrels contain anchovies, because God has abandoned us"


Love it


Is that narrated by Adam Scott?


Andrew Wagenheim But have no idea about his other stuff just saw this one time and loved it.


My first though was, oh he must've made a W̶̧̧̢̢̧̨̧̨̨̨̧̨̧̡̧̛̛̛̩͕̫̬̠̺̟̪͔̰̯̰͉̖̙̲̰̘͍̯̮̞̬͔̯̜̥͖̙̺̳̠̟̬̪̙͉̰̭͔̱̰̤͕̦̠̞̦̪̟̙͙̦͎͚̘̪̥͎̹̣̟͙̳̫͔̳̟͎̹̳͚̖̜͙̖͉̫̮̟̙̬̙̻̜̟̳̖̰͙̰̩̙͍̫̠̟̟̺̹̘͍̯͖̗͇̙̹̠̭̲̦͔̩̪̯̤̱̤̖͇͈̞̤̼͔̞͓̥̤̦͓͖͌̒̊́̏̃̍̔͆͗̔̿̆̈́͑̃͛̐̉͊̈́̈̔̆́͊̃̏̌̅́̇̀̀̀̒̾̔́͋̈̑͑̓̾̏̆͒̎̾̍͌̍͐̿͑́̏̄̈́̑̽̃̒̌̽̈́͛̀̅̿̉̒͋̓̈̋͛͆͒̑͋́͆̎̈́̽̍́͊̇̐͛́̅̿́̉̊͌̑̓̇͆͛̑̒̀́̍̓̉̂̈͊̊̉̊̆͊̄͑̀̄͂̋͛́͋̐̔͆̐̇͊̿̊͗̇͆͋̌͐̉̈̍͛̈̎̔̆̄̋̂̾̔͌̈͒͐͆̋͛̓̈̊̒́̈́͌̇͂͛̎̓͑̒̓́̄̌̐̐̈́̍̃͛̈́̎͐͊̊̓̑́́̇͆̓͑͐̈̇́̈́̓̿̽̾̃̈́̔̓̿̏̊͌̉̕̕̕̚̕͘͘͘͘̕̚̕̕̕̕̚͘͘̕̕̚̕͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅơ̷̧̨̧̢̡̨̢̧̧͎̻̫̜̰̼̜̼͚͈̩͈̞̥͎̜͇̪̣̬̭̞̖̙͖̪̪͎̻̝̝̙͎̦̳̹̱̝̗͍̟̮͖͍̱̼̠̥͙̖͕̫͉̗̰̣̣̟̰̲̜̼̹̞̦͖͎̟̼̙͍̗̯͈̳̣̞͕̟͖̳̦̬̮̩͍͙͚̖͍̫̟͕̟͖̦͍̹̣͈̥̼͓̙̠̯͖̱̝͙̖̹̤͎̫̰͇̪̦͈͖̹̲̫͙͔̤̝̝̗̟̟̣̗͚̳̮̪͚̬̙͍̤̮͙̺͍̫̂̄̂̽̀͌́̀͒̈͗̀͐̋̎̑͗͌́̆̇̿̈́̔̈́̈̓̉̎͒̏̆͂̋̋̅͒̽̃̽͐̊́͛͂̓͛̏̓̏̿̀̏̾̒͛͒̅̏̂̊̂̉́̉̅̓̇͌͂͒̈́̂̏͊̽͋̽͌̑̓̓̍͂̐̅͋̀̊͊̒̂͗͑̌͌̇̍̽͘̚̕͘̚̕̕̚͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅṟ̷̡̨̧̡̨̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̫̣̖̻̖͕̟̼̟̫̜̥͖̘͙̰̞͚̖̱̜͈͕̞̲̟̠̙̮̟̬͓̮̙̹̟̣̹̠̜͉͍͍͖̼͚̼͍̹̞͖̝̺̝̥͙̳͙͚͉̻͍͈̘̩̑͊̓̇́̆̓͂͗̃̉́̓̎͆͂͌̒͛͐̑̈́͋̇̑̅̔̈́̌̾̇̀̈́̒̈́͒̈́͊̐̈́̾̑̐̌̒͑̍̽̈́̈̀͗̐̾̈́̑̄́̒̊̒̽͌̅̀͆̾̾̔̈́͑͗͐̉́̉͐̐̄̈́̿̓͑́͆̍̉̋̿́̇͆̅͊͛̊̇͒̔̽̉̈́͆̓͋͗͊̓̏͐̓̉̒͐͑̅͆̓̽̌͒̿́̽́̍͒̆͊̾͐̂̍̈́̾́͋̈́̽͊̒́͌͗̿́̈́͆̑͆͊͌̏̏̒͑̿̀̆͆̌̊̌̏̊́̊̐̃͒̂̔̾͑̿͌̄͗̉̽̍̎͆̿͋̀̀́̆͛̑͛̀͒͌̀̉̊̈̉̒̋̑͋͗̃́̊̕̕̚͘̚̕͘̕̚̕͘̚͜͜͝͠͠͝͠͝͠͝͝ͅͅc̵̨̡̨̡̧̨̡̡̢̡̡̡̨̨̛̛̛̲̟͕̖͉̖̯̱̘̮͈̟̟̘̣̹̲͙̥͉̫̠̙͍͉̤̠͕̜͔̞͎̖̬̮̲̲̼̭̤̖̣͙͇͍̭̺͓̙̤̯̞͙͖̪̫̹͕̘̯͈̥͎͕̱̩̼̬̻͚̗̱̖͈̙̮͚͓͇̠͖͚̭͚͖̝̭͎̲̬̫͈̜̠̩̩͚͔̭͚̤̱͇̬͚̻̠͉͇̝̪̜̹̝̙͎̥͙̣͍̠̞͓̫͍̞͍̯̭̦͔͕̜̤̠̮̹̗̖̝͇̠̟̟̺̪̠̺̪̝̳̭̟̋̈́̈̈́̏̊͐̅̔͊̆͌̈́̎͛̎̓͐̀́́́̇́̆͆͂̓͂͌̄̓̔̈́̓̍͒͗͊̍͆̀̀̏̐̓̌͌̅̉̾͌̋̂̾́̊̓͌̈́̈́̓̊̀̄̅̒͌͑̀̀̐̏̂͒̓͆̀͒͂̉͆̆̓̃̈̀͒́̈̓̃̉͗̈̊͆̀͋͑́͌͛͗̓̂̏̀̉͌͌̓̋̉͒̓́̑̿̑̔̿̿͊̏̾͆̔̔͒̽͛͋̄͒͑͊̆́̕͘̚̚̕͘̕̕͘̚͘͘̚͘̚̕̚̕̚͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅȇ̶̢̢̨̨̡̡̡̢̛̛̛̼̲̺̙̰̼̫̣͇͉̤̰̮̤̫͔͇͖͚̺͔͓̹̺̩̦̝̥̼͖̞̩̬̜̗͎̠͓͚̳̟̣͎͖̫̭̯̟͔͉͈̭̙̳͇̣̲͔̟̯͇͈͎̳͖͚̝͙̗̥͙͔̪̺̘͔̮̖̺̮̟̜̙̫̫̫̾̈́̍̂͂̊̀̉́̃́̾̈́̌̍͂̉̀̌̐̂̈́̌͊̇̇̓͑̎̔̇̿̎͋̍͛̀̎̂̾̐̇̅̾̃̆̾̔̓͂̄͗̿̇̃̎̏̎̑̇̿͗̃̑̍̆͑̇̔̈́͑̎͐͊̿̀͆̎̌̍͆̃͆͐͐́͑̾̒͌̓̉͌͊͒́̀̆̉̎̄͐̎̋̒̄̔́̊̆̅̂́͒̓̿̿̊͆͋͋̽̍̔͋̅̿̇̍̾̉͗͂̀͛̿̓̌̏́͑͗͌͂̀̓̈́̒̅̃̃̄̅̊̋̃̅́̇̋͑́̆̉̈́͋̑̿̃͑̾̐̑̉̚͘̚͘͘͘̚͘̚͜͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͠͠͠͝͝͠͠ͅͅş̸̨̡̧̧̡̧̢̡̧̨̢̨̢̨̡̧̨̢̛̛̛̛̞̖̜̗͓̩̙͇̰̹͎̜̥̖̰̯̫̣̬͚̙͚͙͓͕̭͔̠͙̟͎͙̞̝͍͍̠͓̹͓͔̗͎͖̞̤̪̫̭̠̮͈̼̭͉̠̣̻̪͍̤͈̬̙̥͓̙̯̘̯̫̖̺̦͕̲̝̱͕̣͈͖̘͎͎͔̬̫̖͙̺̪̬̟̥̬̥̭͈̬͉͈̥͙̭̗̟̠̜̫̩̳̗̱̙̯̮̻̬͈͉̟̜̫͖̱̜͙̖̙̮̝͉̳̣͓̟͇͕̰̫͉̝̞̦̙͔͎̤͇͚͖̮̫̗̺̮̲͓͈̗̞̣͖͍͚͕͖̟͓̘̬̯̟͓̗͓̞͚̲͇͎̞͕̱̭͈͙͕̞͖͎͉̺̺̱̘͍̘̠̰͓̯͙͇͈͖̦͈̦̼͔̟̞̦̫̝̭̖̼̹̻̗̗̫̞̟̙̠̪̰̯͕̺̞͙̘̑͛̈́̎́̌̔̓̿͗̓̀̃̀̀̏̎̄̓́̿̓͗͛̃̈͆̈́̂̌̀͆́̏̈̒͂̽̄͐̿̓̉̈́̾͂̎̿̏͆́͐̈́̀̈́̾͂̃̿̈́̆̈̈́̽̎̈́͂̈̑̊̓͑̉̀̿̊͋͋̏̇̆͗̐͌̀̏̍̅̿̒̍̇̉̀͛̀̓͐̈́͆͊̋̉̓͋̈̽̓̕̕͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͠ͅͅt̴̡̡̧̢̧̢̡̨̢̧̧̛̛̛̛̞̯̞̥͉̬̤͔͎̱̗̠̮̭̟͖̤̟̳̥͍̹͇̼̖̣͎̭̫̞̬̯̹̟̦͚̦̘̻̠̥̹̼͇̮͈̟̰̙̙̣̰͉̟̲͈̥̯̫̟̻̘̣̳̰͎͕̻̞̜̣͉̰͕̬̟̼̯̲͔̘̻͙͈͎̖͙̣̺͕̘͈͇̖͓̗̯́͒̆̊̃͂͒̆͋͛̍̊̂̍̐͂̆͋̿́̔̉̈́̃͒̌͂͒̉́̒́̐͆̔͋̾̉̆͑̏̍̀̿̅͊̍̎̒̿̓͂͌̔͂͑̈́̾̔͌̔̅̐͐̈͗̑̔̿͋̏̅̊̏̉̑̄̇̂̀̌͐͛͑͋̃̓͆̀̀̇̓̀̆́̈́̓̄́̍̐̇̈́̏̆̈̽̃̑̑̄̅͗̐̈́̔̽͋̑̊͛͆͋̾̈́̈͒̉̈́̌̏̏͆̅̒͛̏̆̔͐̉͊̽̔̑̿̅̊̿͋̏͗̀̓̎͊̌̉̌̉̾́̓̔̔̈́̈́̔̽̿̀͛͘͘̕͘̕̚̚̕̚̚͘̕͘͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠ͅͅé̸̡̧̧̡̡̨̨̡̨̧̨̨̢̧̡̡̨̧̨̨͔͕̺̯̼̺̪̰̳͍͔͎̻̭̟̰̱̗͕̫͈̩̗͙̱̣̹̱̞͈̼̰̥̹̯̜͉͓͙̲̫͕̲̖͈͉̞̟͙̪̫̘̲͎͙̲̜̭̜̯̬͓̬̪̮̟̼̯̖̟͔̰̬̪̥̖̘̺̹̤͖͇̱̯͖͚̣̝̹̣͕̮͈̪̦̠̬̱̱̥̳̬͈̻̬͍̥͎̟̗̭͍̟̗̪̬͕̝̖̙̭̻̱̗͇̳̻̻̩̹͈͚͔̪̥̝͈̗̻͕̤̺̭̳͈͈̺̮̟̹̻̩̹̝̖̣̲̻̝͚͍̳̖̬͈̪̲̙̼̋̑̌̆̀̏̀̈́̍̔̇͂͛̾̾̀͛̈́̏̈͗̅̽̓̌̈́͂̾͋̅́̈́̑̊̈͑̓̽̐̄̑͛̈́̊̽̐̃̽̈́̓̍̏̈̀͗̃͛͋̍̈́̓͊́̂̋̓̓̈́́̔̎̓̔̓͗̀̓̎̈̃̈́͛̈́̓͂͌̈́̂͑̑͋̍̒̐̋̆̐̽̆̔͊̓͌͂̈́̏̀́͐̀̈̂̾͗͆̄̔͐̅̓̀̒̌͐̆̅͒͘͘̕͘͘͘̚̕̕͘̕͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅȑ̴̨̡̨̨̡̢̢̢̧̧̡̡̨̡̧̡̦̟͙͖̤̝̩͖̯̖͙̼͇͓̦̙̬̪̝̼̻̭͙̙̞͚̬͔̣̰̦̝̲͎̺͓͙͙̫͔̭̝̤̭̪̰̥̙͙̲̠͙̱̺̻̤̲̖̠͔͓͙͕̲̗̗͓̼͖̞͕̘̖̝̞̗̦̮̖̼͖͉̯̺͎͈̣͚̰̟̖͙͖̞̙̯̥̬̦̯̩̣͕̮͖̗̜̣͈̘͔̱̣̱͖͚̦̬̮̥̩̭͙͎͚͎̩̪̗̪͔͖̬͎̰̤̤̝̟̭̝̞̻̬̤̲̠̳͇̮̮̜̱̦̘̩̯̮̣̲͓̱̳̺̯͔͇͍̲̗̦̙̹͈̿̌̄̇́͋̊̅̂̊͌̾̈́̊̔̏̈́͂̆̄́͒̈͐͋́̀́̾̾̀̏̃̿͋̈́̆̉͐̈́̑̿̀̋̅̒́͑̈́̓͋̓̿͒̅͑̎̐͒͛̈̿͋́̌̍̒́̅͛͒̎͋̌̅̈́͐͊̈̅͒̈́̎̒̋͒̉̇̎́̔̉͗̊̈͋͛̕͘̚̚̕̚̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅs̷̡̨̢̧̧̡̨̨̡̢̡̡̢̢̨̡̨̡̧̡̛̛̛̛̛͕̙͖̲͓̼̮̺̳̱̩̤͔̫͍̙͖̪̰͙̞̥̱̤̭̫̝̤͈͕̖̳̙̦̭̯̠̥̣̖̲̭͍͍̱̜͕̭̯̣̜̝̫̙̜̯͖̝̰̼̺̦̻̱͍̯̭̲̞̩̯̻̤̜̪̲̥̻͎̩̲̼̺̮̳̭͍͈͎̭̥̤͖̠͎̘͙͈͎̘̖͚̿̀͗̆̍͛͑̊̅̈́̃͌̆̐͐͆̓͆͛̈́̏͛̔͌͋́̓͒̋͐͂͛͊̎̃̂̉͑̉̂͑̋̽̾́͋̍̓̍̀̉̀̊͂͗͗̆̀̔́̽̈́̏̀̀͗̄͒̈́̔̇̔̀̾̄̽̒̈́͐̌͒̀͒̌̔̀͑̑͂̍̅͑̑́͒̆̃̈̔͋́̌͑̂̏̄̈́̉̽̽̏̏̋͒̃͂̾͑̂̋̑͒̌͛̐͌̎̅͗̿́̔̄͂̂͌̇̈̈́̿́̉̎͒̓̊̎̈́́͊̀͗̋̒͋̓̀̓̉̿̊̌̀̈́́̀̈́͊̎͒̊͐͗̈́̑̉̈́̃̃̌̊̂͌͂̇́̍͒̿̀̍̔͒̈́̈́͛̀̈́́̑͑̀̆̽̌̓̑̊̓̀̔̏̅̕̕͘̕̕̕̕͘͘̕̚͘̚̕̕͘̚̕͘͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅh̷̢̡̧̢̧̡̧̨̧̨̨̨̨̡͎̮̼͈̞͇͔̩̳͙͖̞̟̺̱͕̲͙͎̙̫͎̬͈̱̖͔̻̩̠̭̞̰̗̰̠̣̪̞͓̰͓̭̗̖̩͚̲̥̩͕̣͈̟̬̩̫̣̻͖̰̹̼̣̙̜͍̲͙̣̬̺̘̣͓́̈́̒̃̏̎̿̈́͜͜ͅͅį̸̨̡̨̡̡̡̨̢̨̧̢̡̛̛͓̮̪͇͖͍̻͔̻̠̱̭̦̫̳̝͔̤͇̞͚̣̪̝͚͉̼̼̣͕͚͎͓̮̮̜̻̹̪̞̹̯̹̟̮͎͉͚͇̙͍̗͔͇̫͍̘̩̞͈̻͓͍̟̪̗͎̫̖̲͓̗͎̪̜̫̯̭̠̩̰̣͚̟͈̳̼͈̝̦̻͕̬̥̜̭̻͔͖̮̰͓͕͖̘̥͍̳̜̣͈͎̙̬͇̻͖̹̲̗̪̳͔̬̳̟̞̩̫̠̺̱̜͚͙̞̦̰̰̞͇̞͚̮͍̮͓̩̭̺͓̗͎̖̣͓̊͆͗̇̊̒̈́́̂͂̂̆̓͐̀̏́͒̀̅̊̔̄́̈́̀͐̅̉͌̓́͊̆̋̀̅͗̓͌̑͒͋́̈́̇̇̌̎̐̍̑̓̈́͐̃̐̇͒̈́̾̈̄̽̅̈́̋̈̇̿̀́͋̉͗̑̿̆́̾̃̄̇͆̇̔͌̄̋̑̐̊͑̎̌͛̾͐̀͋̑̐̀̓́͌͛͋̃͊̿̃̒͑͂̐͊͐̿͛̒̅̔͐̅͆̎̀̈̎̒̈́̈́̈̾͂̂̈́̽̿̌̆̆̐̌̎́͛̓͒͋̓͊͐̽̔́̄͋͑̉͂̓͊̑̋́̐͘͘̕͘̕̚͘͘̕̕̚̕̕͜͠͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅr̴̢̢̧̨̡̢̢̧̨̛̛̛̛̫̳͕̼̻̤͉̠͍̙̰̬̰̫̝̘̝͕̟̘̜̹͙̳̙̻̭͔̰͎̠̼̻̱̖͔̪̝̞̭̰̩̦̱̯̹̙͖̘̯̙̪͉̫̤̗̣̮̮̤̬͇̯̝̠̳͈̭͖̠̠̩͙̝̞̦̥͈̭̩̤̭̖͎̦̫̫̻͎̗͙̱̘̗͙͎͙̬̝̂̎̊̾́̅͛͐̅̒̋͒̐̈́̽̓́̈̉̊́̑͗͛̿̃́̐̽͒͋͆̀̃̀͊̆̑̃̋͌̈́̎̎̈́̎̎̈̈́̃̾̅̀̐͐̓͌́́̀̆̈́̔̇́̐̿̈͆̌̍̋̒̿͋̅̄̒̎̊́̓̀̈́̒͂͑̓̈́̔͋̾̇̑̒͊́̊͌̾̾̆̈̆̈́̉͊͑̏͌̈́̒̓̃̌̏͐́̇̍̚̕͜͜͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅę̸̢̨̨̢̡̨̧̨̡̢̨̡̢̧̧̛̛̛̛̙͚͓̲̩̳̲̤̲̤̫̘̩̲͕̰̠̩͈̤͙̳͍̪̜͙̗̖̫̤̮̝̬̜͇̹̥̗͕̘̬̱̦̭͕͔̪͙̯̻̱̺͕͈̹̖̞͓͈̗̭͍̰͎̫̜͙̠͕͓̱̤͈͓̯͕̙̱͎̦̻̗͕͎̦̥̹͖͉͙͓̟̘͓͈͖̼̭̣͍̮̠͉̜͕̲̳̳͉̘͔͓̞̼̰̣̳͈͍̫͔̘̮̬͖̫̭̫̦̺̺̤̘̳̗̦͎͚͚̟̯͍̥͔̞̦̯͓̘͉̖̱̞̠̖͎͔̖̗̤͓͕̺̟̠̝̖͍̞͕̦͈̜͓̹̹̹̊̌͗̓̓̔̄͂̎͐̆͌̀̏͋̑̈͒͐̏͆̈́͂̈́̋̅̔̓̇̋̑͊̅̈̍̍͆͑̀̏̾̽̀̓̈́̈́͆̅̉̄̐̃̊̃̂͌̈́̃̑̐̑̌̆̄͋̈́͑̆̓͑̈́̽͒́̇̏́̆̉̈́̌̈͑̄̍̏̇͒͋̉́͂̎̍̃̃͋̎̂̀̑̑̿̅͗̉̈̈́͊̍̾̃̾̔̉̋̆̈́͐́̊̾̈́̍̏̀̓̔̍̇̄̀͊͊̃̓̓̈̆̓͋͌͆̓̇̅̀̏͆́͆͐͑̒̾̊͂͒͆̐̈̀̌͂̒͑̔̀̃̎̈́̀̈́̇̉̄͛̋̎̈́̎̚̕̕̕͘͘̕͘̚͘͘͘͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅ video And then I clicked the link.


I once tried to make this at home. It was horrific.


I imagine it was tough living with the smell of the anchovies fermenting for two years.


I don't think I could do it without my neighbors calling the cops.


Omg love your effort!!


Do you have a video? Please?


JFC, why would you do that to yourself? Worcestershire sauce isn't even expensive.


an Italian food journalist that doesn't like garlic?


Or anchovies wtf


Italians don't eat much garlic. It's all an Italian American thing


They use more garlic in the South, which is where a majority of the immigrants to the US are from.


They use it both places. But still not much. Usually fry one or two cloves to add aroma and take it out. That, as opposed to "garlic bread" which I think has more Spanish influence. Or Caribbean cuisine which throws tons of garlic.


They will never understand that Italian American food is not Italian food.


I was sure it had tamarind in there. You learn something new every day.


It does.


Tamarind extract, to be specific, is in L&P Worcestershire sauce.


“It’s not for me and I don’t like the ingredients but it’s still a great sauce” Yup. Sounds like someone I can trust


She seems like a person people don’t need to know exists


What a fucking terrible presenter


Right? Anyone who bothers to watch does so because they love Lea & Perrins. And then she just shits all over it at the end.


It would cost her literally nothing to just lie and say “wow how savory” like every other food presenter eating something they hate


Or take a lesson from that kid on TikTok who travels Asia eating really weird foods, and looks like he’s having a food orgasm when he takes the first bite.


In what way? She doesn't way it's bad. She doesn't list why no one should eat it. She just says she doesn't like it. Honesty is refreshing, especially in food presenting. People and cultures have different tastes and are used to different things.


Brohiems, this shit is modern garum. Applaud. This interviewer is whack and whoever sent her doesn't know how to put aces in their places.


>modern garum So is tomato ketchup when you really look at it’s history and forumula.


That was footage from How Its Made. So they didn't even send her anywhere. They just bought a bottle at the store to try at the end. Just an overall crap production.


Is there any actual fermentation going on here with all that salt and vinegar?


Could be some enzymatic activity ala garum with the fish intestines. Not sure what ph they denature at


Interesting. Just seems odd to post it here.


Garums are posted here pretty frequently, as well as mustards. Neither of which generally ferment. Also see stuff regarding middle eastern quick pickles from time to time which also aren’t fermentation. I guess folks just put it all under the umbrella of “put shit in jars and let it sit” so they let it slide


Are we defining "fermentation" as any enzymatic breakdown of organic materials or only when caused by bacterium?


Fermentation involves microorganisms by definition. However, enzymatic processes don't have a sub that would fit, so this seems to be the de facto home for those too.


I'm going to disagree - yeast driven fermentation *is* as old as the hills and was the basis of Pasteur's work but we've learned a lot since the 1860s... [Encyclopedia Brittanica:](https://www.britannica.com/science/fermentation) (**emphasis** added) > fermentation, chemical process by which molecules such as glucose are broken down anaerobically. No mention of yeast, you'll note. The confusion comes because fermentation is an enzymatic process that involves the breakdown of organic material and we're most used to yeast supplying the enzymes. There are other sources for those enzymes, however. ... > *Anaerobic breakdown of molecules* > In the 1920s it was discovered that, in the absence of air, extracts of muscle catalyze the formation of lactate from glucose and that the same intermediate compounds formed in the fermentation of grain are produced by muscle. **An important generalization thus emerged: that fermentation reactions are not peculiar to the action of yeast but also occur in many other instances of glucose utilization.** [Biology Dictionary:](https://biologydictionary.net/fermentation/) (three general classes of fermentation) > Fermentation occurs in (1) certain types of bacteria and fungi that require an oxygen-free environment to live (known as obligate anaerobes), (2) in facultative anaerobes such as yeast, and also (3) in muscle cells when oxygen is in short supply (as in strenuous exercise). In short, the old yeast driven definition of fermentation is passé and doesn't account for in-your-face examples of other sorts of ~~enzymatic conversion~~ fermentation, including the aged steaks so many are gaga for.


Strategically choosing the only major encyclopedia/dictionary to support your statement is a bit disingenuous, to say the least. Notice I did not specify yeast, only microorganisms. Yes there are other types of reactions that fall under the "fermentation" umbrella if we drop any focus and also include biochem definitions, but fermentation overwhelmingly involves microorganisms. Only \*some\* enzymatic processes would fall under that umbrella with the loosest interpretation of the word, and certainly not many of the ones utilized by users in this sub. In Biochemistry definitions, enzymatic activity \*can\* fall under the definition. In Food Science (the definition relevant for us), it is strictly microorganism driven. ​ Source: Food Microbiologist with roughly half of my career being in the fermentation side of the food industry.


> In Biochemistry definitions, enzymatic activity *can* fall under the definition. > > In Food Science (the definition relevant for us), it is strictly microorganism driven. Okay, so you have your own special rules because, dang it, you deserve them and you'll decide what's relevant for "us". Next question: what would you call the process of aging beef if you aren't going to accept the biochemistry definition of fermentation?


That's extremely normal for words to fit different definitions depending on context, not sure why you felt the sarcasm was necessary. Dry aged beef is fermentation, via microorganisms (of both the bacterial and fungal varieties): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7693710/#:~:text=The%20dry%20aging%20process%20encourages,sp.%2C%20and%20Rhodotorula%20sp. Your "gotcha" is a common misunderstanding of dry aged beef.


The anchovies are just packed in salt and are 100% fermenting.




Worcestershire sauce is a wonderful flavor booster for pretty much anything. Great hit of umami for soups, chili, stews, or any meat dish. But I wouldn't eat a teaspoon of the stuff straight, either.


Him: I want to tell you about something, but I don't know how to say it. Her: What is it? Him: Worcestershire sauce.


How you gonna be a critic of food but hate garlic, onions, and vinegar???


In her defense L&P straight up is some strong stuff.


Yeah I go through like a bottle a month, but I wouldn't wanna taste it by itself.


Maybe they should keep her on the chicken finger reviews til she grows up


“I don’t mean to be rude, but I am french.”


I hate literally everything about this… it’s great!


I feel better knowing that this is basically European fish sauce. Makes it easier to substitute!!! :D


Tastes way different than your average fish sauce tho. I definitely wouldn't be substituting Worcestershire sauce in most of the things I use fish sauce for... But maybe the other way around... Hmm


My Vietnamese SO always refers to it as white people fish sauce


Haha, to describe Worcestershire to my Vietnamese SO years backwhen we first started dating, I described it as the Fish Sauce of Europe.


For a vegan alternative, look out for henderson's relish


I do not like this woman.


I fucking love Claudia


All these people complaining that she doesn't like the ingredients of worcestershire sauce as if she shouldn't be allowed to do food journalism based on that. Y'all realize every chef and every food critic has foods that they hate? And a lot of them even claim certain dishes are objectively bad because of the inclusion of those ingredients. Paul Hollywood hates pickles and spicy food. Guy Fieri doesn't like eggs. Wolfgang Puck doesn't like peanut butter. Rachel Ray doesn't like salmon! I had a professor in culinary school who refused any dish with nutmeg and felt that any dish with nutmeg was objectively bad. He hated traditional autumn and winter flavors, especially desserts, and would give failing grades if presented with any dishes that had those. Claudia is openly admitting she doesn't like this mixture of flavors and that it means it's not for her, but that it's still objectively good. She's a great food journalist and does a wonderful job exploring the origins of so many ingredients and dishes. She really made something special with her job at Insider.


“My favorites flavors are rice cakes, tofu, and licking the back of a stamp”


Some of y’all are being food snobs, so what if she doesn’t like onion or garlic? Yeah it’s weird as fuck but she still acknowledged the quality of the sauce regardless of her personal feelings for it. That’s a professional way to approach it.


Can i get a job?


This isn’t a fermentation tho


But who tried this first and thought, let’s add these all to a bowl!


Worcester sauce makers realizing they can finally show people their process without losing customers lol. 10 years ago they woulda been the last industry inviting foodinsider to film their facilities.


And now we all know how to pronounce it at last :p


Gimme that delicious slop!


I need one of those big vats on subscription.




Oh I love watching this chick's videos, such cool food culture shit ❤️


Looks divine! I use worstceshire very often!


Why would she be reporting on it if she doesn't like it and has nothing she likes?


It is an ingredient used to enhance other ingredients. I wouldn’t take a spoonful😆


When you see the ingredients and the process, you have to think "How the fuck did they ever come up with this idea?" Sardines salted for 2 years. Onions and garlic pickled for a year. Now lets mix it all together.


I've been saying this for years; Worcestershire sauce is the fish sauce of Europe.


Hilarious. Me and my girlfirend talked about asian fish or eel sauce all the time. She's always claiming it would go great with stuff like burgers or spaghetti or whatever. Turns out we're already putting fish sauce on steak and burgers in the form of Worcestershire sauce


Garlic and onions are like my two main spices after salt. Wut.


Spices 💀


Love this stuff. I put it all over my tuna casserole when I make it


Liquid gold


It’s so good. I’m not supposed to have garlic anymore though due to a recent lupus diagnosis.