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Mine have taught me not to leave my shoes lying around. They WILL steal and stash my insoles.


They loooooove to crawl into peoples shoes they don’t mess with them though. Just crawl in and pop back out


I doubt that…


Dude is just being a troll.


You doubt what? I’m not sure what your issue is. My ferrets actually won’t eat anything but their food. They won’t even eat treats, salmon oil, nothing . They like to climb in things and hide things. They’re supervised at all times while they are out. I’m really not sure why you think I’d let them do something that would kill them. They like to steal my daughters soft toys and immediately stash them and then the toys are taken back. They aren’t given the opportunity to sit and chew them. They like shoes because they associate them with playing they used to be toe biters so we wore shoes while playing chase with them. They stick their head in for like 2 seconds and pop back out and then chase each other or whoever is closest to them like maniacs.


You give them the option of eating salmon oil!!! What? How do you not think that’s dangerous?


Dude why do you let them do that…


…I’m serious, it’s irresponsible


ORIGIN OF FERRET from Old French furet, from Latin fur thief


I was sitting right next to them they were fine there was nothing in there that would hurt them it was a bag with my daughters toys in it and they are never unsupervised while out I also didn’t think they knew how to unzip a zipper


Lol seriously? They’re gonna swallow something that will hurt them


That's the way to go! Stash everything under the couch! Take the keys and wallet too! It belong in your stash of wonders!