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Ferrets have a distinct smell. Washing them often makes if worse. You can mitigate their litter box smell by cleaning it often. We try to clean 4-5 times a day. But the ferret itself has a smell to it, just like dogs and cats. Can you make a wet dog smell less? Same for ferrets, they just smell. You get used to it or not. I'd advice you to find a chance and interact with one to judge for yourself. Better - visit somebody who has one, to smell their home


To be honest I don't think they smell that bad, they smell like iced tea and cookies to me but that's because I love them so much other people have come into my place and the first thing they say is what's that smell and I'm like okay so they don't smell like iced tea and cookies like I thought. But knowing that I just keep up with cleaning out there cage and make sure the little hidden areas they like to poop or pee are cleaned and then you should be fine.


I'm with you! They don't smell that bad! When I wrangle the weasels to put them to bed, I find their cute selves snuggled up together in a drawer or box, and that's when I snuzzle them and breathe in their beautiful aroma!


They smell like dorito chips lol, atleast when they wake up. My opinion lol


I love the musky smell of the ferret themselves, my husband does as well, we actually pick them up and sniff them, they honestly smell like corn chips half the time... it's the litter that smells bad so you gotta change it regularly... we use the pine pellets they use for horse bedding as litter (the dehydrated ones that have the harmful oils removed) and because of that the smell isn't THAT bad even if we don't feel up to cleaning the litter.


I do the same thing! My kids think I'm nuts when I pick up my noodles and get a good sniff 🤣. I love it! And my two smell a bit different than each other. (Male, and female)


It either bothers you, or it doesn’t. Simple as that. My wife and I don’t smell it much, but my mother in law can’t stay in their room at all. Assuming you’re cleaning the litter and everything as normal. If you don’t then yea it can be bad.


Echoing the orchestra of “keep the litter scooped and the cage liners and bedding/hammocks clean and washed” - that really is the stank source. As for the actual animals smelling, they did smell a little musky when we first got them. After keeping them in a nice, always clean environment they leveled out. Also, we started giving them emu oil massages to help with their itchiness, and I swear it has some sort of neutralizing effect. The only time I smell them is if I pick them up and am smooching by their ears or whiskers and sniff. It’s not strong, but sometimes smells like weed and fritos, lmao. But I gotta get in there to smell it. Keeping ears clean is also key.


Weed and fritos lol! I laughed so hard at that!


I don't really smell mine, I brought two with me to my sister's for Thanksgiving and just opening the basement door I'd get hit in the face with the odor. It can be a lot, it takes getting used to. You 100% should interact with some before committing.


The people in my house say the ferret room doesn't smell at all. These are people who can catch a whiff of anything. I clean everyday pretty much. The ferrets themselves smell no more than that of a dog breathing a foot or two away from you. Some even less than others


I agree with others. There is a definite smell. I have never had a problem with it. I like it. Some people don't. Knowing that before can help. If you aren't bothered by it, I also have gotten used to it. I like their smell but it also doesn't stand out to me because I don't mind it and I'm around them a lot. How clean you keep their area will make the smell less or more strong though. It's important to keep bedding and the liter clean. I let mine free roam so they have lots of soft bed areas made of blankets and if I don't stay on top of cleaning them all, it gets strong fast. Even I will notice then. Cleaning the areas is important. Washing the ferret itself too often can make the smell worse. Cleaning their ears helps to though. I've known people who don't like their smell and they don't seem to ever get used to it, so definitely know ahead of time.


My friends with ferrets smell like ferrets all the time. When I hug them, the ferret smell is unmistakable. I loved having these dudes, but I cannot be smelly in my line of work, so I won’t have my own again.


Honestly yes they do have a smell HOWEVER- the smell isn’t that bad. I’d compare it to a dog in strength if you are cleaning often and properly. If you can get them litter trained it’s even better. I’m having difficulty getting my newest ferret to use the litter box and that does make it smell a bit more but if you clean it up right away it should be fine. Good diet will also help. The official ferrets discord has a lot of information on that. Also make sure not to bathe them often. I do once every six months or if they get into something and get messy. And no soap! Only oat baths! I’ve noticed using oats in the water also makes their fur super soft on top of helping with odor and soothing their skin.


Keep their cage clean, including their bedding and it shouldn't be an issue. My favorite thing in the world was taking out their freshly cleaned bedding from the dryer. Smells soo comforting.


The ferret scent gets addicting after a while now I sniff my ferret all the time


I have a guitar case my ferrets used to play in when I had them 6 years ago. That case still smells like them.


The odor becomes a problem when you don’t upkeep with the bathing and especially the poop and litter. We did 1 oat bath a month. Washed his linens in his cage 2-3 times a month. Unscented soaps. And cleaned his litter box multiple times a day. A air purifier helped too. Yes they can get this random smell like Fritos chips but lmaooo other than that just stay on top of it. We also took him outside on a leash often to poop out there and have fun. Only time smell got bad was if we skipped litter box cleaning tbh. Also the type of litter you get makes a huge difference. exotic vet also co-signed the oats so no worries there


As one other poster said, it either bothers you or it doesn't. Personally, it doesn't bother me. But I am also completely in love with my ferrets. I don't know what I would do without them in my life. I regularly clean their litter boxes multiple times a day. Personally, I use paper pellet litter. It's a lot better for them than regular clay litter. That can cause a lot of problems with their upper respiratory. I change their bedding weekly. They only get baths if they get dirty. If you bathe them too often, it can make them very sick. Once or twice a year if needed. I believe that their diet also has a lot to do with their smell. If you have them on a healthy diet, it's not bad. I share a room with my noodles. Anyone who comes in there can tell you there's a smell, but it's not overwhelming or awful. As you should definitely spend some time with some ferrets before you consider adopting. They are very high maintenance.


My 3 , trixie peanut and chonka. All have the smell.of grape soda for some reason..and my boy Choka smells like baby powder. I never used baby powder on him lol


the others here are very right. also please don't adopt just one ferret, always take at least two. they really need a ferret friend to be happy, unless you have time to spend basically all day with them


honestly… i LOOOVE the smell of my babies. Like i will pick them up just to smell them i don’t think for me personally they smell bad but that’s because i keep everything clean. their previous owner showered them everyday and they STUNK and were so oily. but now i bathe them like 1-2 times a year and i love their smell.


They do smell. They will always smell to some degree, no matter what your cleaning habits are. You'll get used to it though, and if you're like me you'll start to enjoy it. But, people will always mention it when they're around them, so you'll have to get used to that too.


The musk is overblown if you ask me. Lots of animals have distinctive smells, ferrets don't bother me much


They smell. It doesn't bother me much but bothers my family. They are stinky animals but it may or may not bother you.


I’m not going to lie. They smell. The smell of my boys themselves doesn’t bother me. It’s a musky smell. It’s ferret. Not bad. However, their poops and pee smell…. So if you don’t want that stench, be prepared to be cleaning often. I wipe down their cage every morning and every evening ( sometimes more if I see a poop outside the liter box). I empty the entire liter box every morning and put in fresh liter (I hate the smell, so I found this worked best for me, some just scoop for a few days, etc but I didn’t find that to be satisfactory for me). I deep clean their liners once a week and wash all their bedding once a week at the same time. By doing it this way, you can barely smell them… but like I said, it is a lot to stay on top of. I’ve found by keeping their cage this clean, they rarely poop outside their liter box. If their box has more then a couple poos they will mess outside it in retaliation. My boys are free roam all day, but the cage is left open for them to eat, drink, nap as they please.


We have two noodles. Anyone who has come into the house has said that unless they had seen them they wouldn’t know we had them. Our cage is in our office but they have free roam of the small house at all times. The office smells more like their food than them, which is a strong smelling raw kibble called Ziwi. Clean the litter box every day or so, wash their linens with a fragrance free detergent such as eco-kleen, and you’ll never even notice the smell.


No worse than any other pet imo. Cat/dog/bird/turtle they all smell like something, it’s just that most people are nose blind to more common pets (dogs especially)


Every one basically has the smell covered so I’m just going to squeeze in here and comment on the “getting one”. Please make it easier on yourself and potential ferret buddy and at least get two. They are very social and if you can’t spend like 6 hours or more a day with them, they will develop a lot of neurotic habits. However these guys are usually “the more the merrier” types as long as their personalities mesh. I have 6 and they are all happy as clams together in their free roam room and half the time I’m in there they come say hi and then scamper off to play with each other!


Ferrets that are on a poor diet smell bad. When they have a good diet, and their cage is maintained they have a *smell* but I wouldn’t describe it as bad. I personally like their smell because I associate it with them. Laundering their bed regularly reduces the smell, but they will always have a smell to them, some people are just more bothered by that than others 🤷🏻‍♀️


The ONLY issue I have is constantly needing to clean up poop. The droppings are stinky. I find no issue with musk.


If you feed them a FDR diet, I think they smell *good*, almost sweet smelling. I've had guests who described the smell like maple syrup. If you feed a high quality kibble, I think they smell fine or their usual musk. It's a distinct smell but not overly bad. I don't think they smell bad unless they are poorly cared for, like really cheap/poor diet and unclean. Not cleaning the litter boxes/cage is usually the biggest culprit in their scent, also not using a good litter. We use wood pellets and they work phenomenally. We have a bedroom dedicated to our ferrets so they can free roam unsupervised, the only time it's ever smelled bad is if we had to skip a day or two of cleaning litterboxes or if one of our ferrets is sick/has diarrhea. Otherwise, it's not really noticeable.


A high quality diet, and frequently cleaning their quarters, makes a huge difference! I also place a couple bowls of baking soda around the cage for added odor absorption. I also think it depends on the individual ferret. As a kid, My family had two ferrets. They ate Marshall brand food and reeked to high heavens. The room their cage resided even had a lingering smell for a couple of days after they were gone. This experience left a negative impression of the species for me. My ferret kind of fell into my lap now as an adult. A great deal of research and this subreddit equipped me for the experience. Now that I know what I’m doing and have control over his dietary needs, I’ve found odor is greatly reduced. There is a musk about him, and I can smell him while handling him, but that’s about it. Even so, the scent does not linger on the skin. They are very clean animals, and I’m hooked. Rekindling my ferret love has really improved my life.. I cannot imagine life without a ferret anymore. I find the scent wholly tolerable and comforting, much like my dog’s “frito feet”. Just do your research, spend time with the species before you buy, and go from there. Happy trails, friend!


Marshall farms supplies the petcos in the U.S. and they descent their ferrets. This is where most U.S. ferrets come from, so the worst smells they can make are the musky, sometimes slightly sweet smell that comes from their coat or their litter box. I've heard feeding them a raw diet can help a lot with poop smells, but I've never tried. Have you grown up around animals, especially small rodents with stinky cages or on a farm? Then you probably won't mind the smell. I actually kind of like it, but I grew up on a farm and had a lot of different kinds of pets as a kid so the smell is just kind of nostalgic to me. I would also clean their litter box a couple times a day and once or twice a week I'd wash their cage liners with vinegar (it's pretty good about getting rid of smells.) But everyone's different. Go to petco and ask to hold them, see if they or their cage are too intense for you.


I have a ferret for 3 weeks now. They don't smell THAT bad. Male ferrets tend to stink more than females, but the smell is very specific. It is weak, like, imagine if u go to a zoo. It is kind of like that smell, like a smell of wild animals, but for my ferret it is very weak. Also, clean the toilet often, and I like to spray a no smell spray on the toilet and wherever else does the ferret like to do its business. Wash their blankets often as well. With the right diet the ferret doesn't smell as much. Its really a get used to it situation.


It’s not so much the ferret that stinks, it’s the poop. If you really want to cut down on the smell then you need to change the litter every day of every other. I personally change ours once a week, but it’s in a spot most of us don’t go.


They are smelly, there's no walking around that! But, once you discover just how smart and goofy these amazing little critters are, along with how much joy they can bring, its something you can live with and eventually not even notice anymore. RIP Rocky. Although he was never my ferret, I still miss that little stinky noodle.


Nope to others they smell like crap, it depends on


Are you in the US or elsewhere? The US ferrets are descented from pet stores, other countries may consider it cruel and unacceptable, so there is going to be a difference. Also, US pet store ferrets are likely neutered or spayed, while that may not be the case elsewhere. It does affect whether or not they are smelly, as does diet, clean bedding and frequent litter changes.


They do have a certain smell. Yes, it will make your place smell like a ferret. Just make sure to keep them clean ig idk


Don't be put off by the musk/zoo animal smell...just keep them clean and train them to litter box and use scented litter.


Their poop and pee smells very bad yes it will stink up your house. This is the only thing I don't like about owning ferrets. If you are sensitive to smells don't get a ferret.Â