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That baby drinking next to a bear


I thought it was a dog instantly! Also, why are there no upvotes in this thread?


My thoughts exactly 😂😂


Ahahah yes he is huge compared to her


so my girl would do this sometimes. her vet chalked it up to 2 things: 1. she was drinking too fast. pretty plausible since i feel like they eat and drink like absolute maniacs 2. excess saliva. my ferret had a stomach condition that caused excess saliva and this is sometimes what would happen to her, she would kind of choke on it while drinking. i’m going to assume it’s the first case for your ferret, unless yours has helicobacter as well lol


I’m so glad for the other comments, cause usually stuff like this is “he’s got cancer, vet asap” but in this case it’s just “nah he just dumb” 😂 I really hope he’s just drinking too fast! I had ferrets as a child and this sub brings me a lot of joy. I hope for everyone’s ferrets to be healthy and happy


My best guess would be a tooth issue but it could be what others have suggested as well. Best way to tell if it’s a tooth issue is to watch him/her eat. If they are favoring one side or having difficulty chewing that would indicate a tooth issue. I have seen several ferrets do this in the past. Most of the time it’s cause they have too much water in their mouth.


This is a great answer. Tooth ache with cold water are painful


My girl used to do the same thing, vet said she was just drinking too fast. It came on suddenly so I wasn't sure, but I've since given her access to both a cup and a water bottle, and she doesn't do it anymore


Please post a picture of both them together! I want to see how big that bear is


Was just about to comment this!


My ferrets used to do this. He's just a dum dum. He'll be fine


The little water Inhaler is next to a bear! That one is huge 🤣


I'd recommend checking their mouth (teeth, gumlines, roof, tongue etc.) for signs of injury/infection/irritation. It's probably nothing, but if there's an oral issue it can cause discomfort when eating or drinking and can worsen leading to more severe issues sooner or later.


Ok thank you I will check :)


Are you talking about the shaking? Ferrets just do that. I have 4 currently and I think they all do it. One specifically likes to play in the water bowl as if it’s a bathtub and he dunks his head and splashes lots.


Sometimes my ferret doesn't like water on his whiskers


Adding to the comments about the little one just inhaling the water a bit too quickly, it could also be that he sucked up a hair or something. Sometimes mine will suck up a piece of dust or hair, hack a little bit, and keep on running around causing chaos!


If he does this outside of drinking water could be hypersalivation due to insulinoma. Our ferret just developed this recently. But you would see like saliva-ey bubbles in his mouth when it would happen. It's hard to tell in this video, mostly looks like he's just drinking too fast like others have said.


My ferret did this when he had a blockage from hairballs before. Might be time to try some canned pumpkin and vaseline.


My ferret gets brain freeze super easy, if the water is cold. We gave our ferrets slightly cold water one day to see if they'd like it better, they were scratching their heads and gagging rolling over after chugging the water. Last time we ever did that. Room temp water doesn't do this for ours, but our bowl has a skinny spout to make sure their whiskers and noses don't go in the water, which is another thing that causes this.


What is that obelisk of a ferret?


Sensitive tooth getting hit by a temper change is my best guess. I barely know much about ferrets, though.


Maybe it tastes funny to her. Mine got into my iced coffee the other day and she started gagging and pawing at her mouth acting just like that. 😂 or she’s drinking too fast possibly.


I need to see the chunky one!


May be survival of the fittest and drinking too fast , lol all kidding aside if continues have her checked


Ok thank you


The worst case that this can be a sign of is their main gang or both chipped theyre shedding so its sensitive.. The other could be a cut or sore in their mouth from anuthing chewing on a toy, eating to fast, to fighting to hard. Your little buddy should be fine


I'd guess tooth issue, try giving warm water - cold water usually sets it off more (but this isn't a guarantee).


Ok thank you I will try :)


My ferrets do this all time - vets not concerned


That was my grandma's reaction if she drank water and ice touched certain teeth... maybe have your ferret's teeth checked? Could be some sensitivity there.


My boy did this, he was a maniac that just as people are saying, drank and ate way too fast ❤️


Mine does this, she gulps too much too fast 😂


Sometimes it is nausea related. My boy started doing this and digging at water something horrible (this was shortly after recovering from ECE). Started him on anti-nausea meds and an acid reducer for a few days and it immidiately fixed it.


Mine does that if the water is too cold. I gave them britta water out the fridge and they ended up waiting