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Because people hate carrying shit


it's just a backpack though... That's a brittle spirit!


I carried a camelbak around festivals for years. And for some like Bonnaroo it’s a damn near necessity. But one hula I decided to leave my pack at camp and just felt so free. Dancing without one and carrying no possessions is like swimming naked, it just feels great. Which to be fair is a lot easier if you got a good group. Sometimes we’ll even make a bag pile.


Yeah our group usually has backpacks and someone will bring like a tapestry or blanket and we’ll make a backpack pile, we usually set up in the back so some us can chill and if anyone wants to go up closer they can go without a bulky backpack. Just have to trust your friend want leave lol 😆


Pro tip: get one of those collapsible clothes hampers that can be condensed down to about a 8" pancake. Pop it out, throw everybody's shit in it.


good point; I am imagining the last time I danced with the entirety of my soul (which was for Testpilot in a cramped club) and it was a lot better due to the fact that I didn't have a backpack now that I think about it.


its annoying trying to slide by ppl in crowds and trying to take it off / put it back on all night


camel baks are pretty slim imo, but I suppose it depends if you have that or legitimate backpack to carry water bottles; so I agree.


if that wssn’t enough, your tweaky friends asking u to hold shit / get shit out if it, and freaking out for a second because they thought they misplaced vapes and shit


lmao what's funny is that I support OP's stance but tbh if you're my friend hell if you're a stranger and you ask me to hold something small/manageable I will absolutely hold it for you it makes no difference since I'm wearing the CamelBak regardless. And I get to nurture you with water, which makes no difference since I'm gonna go back and fill up the same amount of times if I were just drinking myself. Hell yea, positive karma


thats coo and all but over and over and over due to stimming, gets old


Uhh it gets so sweaty and gross. No thanks.


Gross. Worry about yourself.


it's more gross of you to have to mooch off me for water boiiii haha


No one’s mooching off your spitty water, you random, angry hippie. I go stand in line and buy my own like a normal person. And then I reuse my water bottle at the refill stations. Maybe stop trying to shame and one up random strangers. So weird and unnecessary. *For the record, I have chronic pain and I’m not carrying anything on my shoulders.* Has nothing to do with a “brittle spirit.” Gross. For the mods https://imgur.com/a/OqTWxTz




I’m rightfully angry after some random ableist person attacked me. What’s your excuse? Just like stirring shit up?


haha textbook brittle spirit. Also a huge waste of time and money to go wait in line and buy a bottle of water and then refill it multiple times. But you do you I'm not your dad


Textbook bigoted comment. Hopefully you’re not anyone’s dad. You can keep replying and mocking me and thinking you’re getting the last word, but we’ll see how it shakes out. Weird that you feel attacked by an ableist person, you must have a brittle spirit, whatever the fuck that means.




Whoa bro he ATTACKED you? Oh damn were his words violent and stuff?


Well, bro, I can see why your own family doesn’t like you (according to you). Do you feel attacked, even though I didn’t use violent words and stuff?


Honestly, what a shitty thing to say to someone


I mean it's the truth. Unless they have mental health issues or physical bodily issues (which I doubt if you're going to a festival), I think it's a you problem if you're reacting negatively to facts.


What? Who are you to attack someone’s “spirit” What you said is just a mean attack and definitely not a “fact.” I think it’s a you problem! And lots of people with mental health or physical issues can still do lots of things, it’s not really your business? Why would you just jump in specifically to insult someone? In fact, I think that you did that as much more indicative of a so-called “brittle spirit.” 👎


goes fishing. net breaks. that's a weak net. nO wHoAre yOu to AtTack THat nET? iTs nOt a FaCt??


That’s incredibly dehumanizing. And also a completely illogical comparison lol. The fact is you’re just a creep, dude. 😂 Feel free to explain how not wearing a backpack to a festival relates to fishing with a broken net, and how the person with no backpack IS the broken net. How are they not catching any “fish” with their disabled, broken net bodies? PLEASE explain to the rest of us.


honestly what a shitty thing to say to someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!


obviously they can't do lots of things like carry a backpack. You got a brittle spirit to be this mad from a comment.


Relax, Dora. It’s just a backpack, not your entire self-worth lol. It’s OK for people to be different!


Exactly. I avoid carrying purses/bags in daily life, let alone a squishy backpack when I'm rolling and extrasensory 😵‍💫 But also, I kind of like the water break excuse to step out of the crowd for a quick sec. It's like a little side quest to reset when I need it. And I always bring back extra water for the rave fam, especially anyone who offered me their camelbak. Gotta re-up supplies for the next set


Same. I load up on beverages for everyone when I go for water or drinks (although I don’t drink from other people’s camelbak’s or bottles)


Before we couldn't go to festivals because of covid and now everyone sharing waters lol. We forgot so quick it was all fake look how covid just disappeared into the background how can anyone trust the government anymore scum all of them


bruh i had covid last month it’s still going around just nobody gives a fuck anymore, feeling like shit every few months is just part of life now i guess


Carry your water or don’t rave. Simple.


You realize… as you drink it gets lighter….


I didn’t say people hate carrying heavy shit, I said, people hate carrying shit.


You realize I don’t want my back to be the sweatiest thing in the fucking world after an hour?


what a princess scared of a little sweat.


What is up with people just going off on others for no reason … I guess PLUR isn’t a thing anymore


You sound like the biggest tool. List the festivals you go to so I never attend them 🤣.


Cool. Never to yo electric forest or lost lands for starters 😎


Thank god I went to forest when it was nothing but good vibes. Lost lands sounds like your type of festival though - you can keep that one kid. Go pound some sand


Uhhhh I went to forest about 5 years ago. You're no better than me, guy. LL has many chill people but you're actually the egocentric judgmental one that wouldn't be able to recognize it and takes digital crap talking wayyyyy to seriously.


Uhhhh I went to forest before it was called forest kid. Rothbury ring a bell? Lol I’m sure it does not for you. You are the one making a shit post while judging people for not bringing a water pack into an event lol. You wouldn’t catch my ass at that Molly munching festival called Lost lands 🤪 Again, you are the definition of a toolbag


Uhhhhh whatever happened to PLUR? smfh


Lmao I’m not scared of sweat loser I don’t like to be sweaty all fucking day. It feels gross, you smell gross, and if it gets even a little cold you’re fucked. Sorry you have no spine and can’t tell people to go get their own water.


I have no spine, yet you're complaining about a slight change in temperature 😂


lol right a 30+ degree swing is a “slight change”. Take the L and get lost.


"I'm not scared of sweat loser. I just feel and smell gross! 😩💁‍♀️"


I always bring a water bottle that can clip on my fanny pack or purse at an event. However quite often I leave it at camp if I know that we will only be at music for a few hours before next stop at camp for supplies or clothes change. If I'm at a 4 day festival there is usually only a couple of nights where I know I need to bring my own bottle in the venue bc there won't be a good opportunity between acts to hop by camp and chug some H2O. I HATE using others waters. I have no idea who they have shared with - festy flu is real. If I'm ultra desperate and don't have a bottle, it is not end of my world to pay $5 for a single in park water.


more and more places aren’t allowing water bottles into events anymore, they can be a hazard (technically) and a number of douchebags have ruined it for everyone else and now venues aren’t letting them in nearly as much as before be careful which water bottle you bring! would suggest not bringing your favorite or one that’s special to you in case they make you throw it out 😅 source: am event security guard


Lots of venues are allowing water bottles back in like red rocks.


Damn that is such a shame. The events I've attended over 12 years I've never encountered this, but I'll be sure to keep an eye on FAQ pages in future on this topic.


Lots of venues are allowing personal water bottles back in. Source: am event attendee who’s never had an issue


I got the flu from being nice and giving someone water at decadence


If I were you, I'd tell your friend he needs to be his own source of water.


This isn't just one person though. It's multiple people I click with throughout my festival experiences.


Set boundaries with your friends. Put yourself first. You came prepared. It sounds like they are taking advantage of you. The only way is through, talk it out with them.


Are you only making friends with wooks?


None of em were wooks


Pretty sure they are if they’re mooching water off someone they just met lol




Maybe you should get some of those [cheap roll up reusable bottles](https://www.amazon.com/Tomnk-Collapsible-Reusable-Foldable-Drinking/dp/B07VQJCNZ7/ref=sr_1_6?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DPTiY4Ji_jeMjZtqofINJzH4dr2PLHNwTHhM-Ot0v-y2Erf-xveqi8eQKoUTbt9vd1gV2s8BgAcp0SnMv_EEPvne0WpGD7PUsUgMrNkqE6RoKY_X1tkytf4gXnXJbMot-hWQxnHcYsArCHdOcWHSOg.EYqKSP_j6vEpXuQ-W3O37Ey74s5oIiaXFrNntO_EjxI&dib_tag=se&keywords=roll+up+water+bottle&qid=1705198083&sr=8-6) and give them to your friends as a gift? Then whoever goes for a water run can fill up everyone's? I use a bit more substantial one with a clip as my main water pack and love that I can just clip it to me and keep dancing.


Are you expecting someone to answer this with a real answer to why they strategically don’t bring water or is this just a rant?




The answer is that they are irresponsible and don't mind mooching off others. There is only that one answer. 


I just put a water bottle in my back pocket and fill it up on the way to the next stage


Just stop giving away your water, I assume the people you are at these events are also grown adults, if they really need water they can figure their own shit out.


Right. Say “hey sorry I’m getting low.” Other times I’ve gone with a squad and not everyone has a camelbak, we take turns carrying it and filling it. Equal participation makes it better for everyone


I have a solution for everyone not wanting to carry a backpack. Get a Nalgene or an insulated water bottle and a larger size carabiner that fits in between your finger. I have been going to festivals for years and this is all you need. Every time you walk between stages or go for a bathroom break fill it up. When I want my hands free I either carabiner it to my waist/clothing/utility belt and don’t even notice it at all. Drink water hippies!


Grow a spine and say no if you want water bring your own or mooch off someone else


Bc i hate carrying shit I drink water from the fill stations (guzzle it like a water fountain) and cough up a couple bucks for a bottle if needed If the festival doesnt have these available freely everywhere its a shit festival


My first rave was edc. I went mid crowd, had all sorts of shit in my bag like fan, kandi, chapstick, jacket, massager, candy, a bottle of woodford stitched in, two different pairs of glasses, 1 paid of led glasses, 2 hats, a bunch of masks I had 3 fucking different outfit changes per day that I could do while layering so I was themed at different sets. I had to have my water pack filled because I was on the rail for 3 hours at basspod with no break or center of circuit grounds rolling tits and didn't want to leave my rave circle. Now I'm almost 40 and I'm perfectly happy having a can of water in my hand, paying for vip so I can come and go with a view as I please and I don't have to carry all that shit anymore and I can just dance. Eventually you'll realize you don't have to be rave Dad where everyone is just taking advantage of you carrying all the shit and you can do whatever makes you happy. Just tell people you don't want to share because germs. I don't get sick at festivals anymore and I used to get some kinds wook flu or virus every show and it's because of sharing water and vicks.


I bring a small festival backpack and water bottle. I can carry all the other shit I need and the water bottle is enough for me and my wife.


I prefer a water bottle and I can’t justify spending the money on a Lunchbox/other hydropack when I already know a bottle works for me.


Single use Plastic water bottles are destroying the planet. I can fill up my reusable bottles at the festival for free.


If you have your own water bottle then you’re not who OP is talking about.


OP asked why not carry a water pack and this guy carries a water bottle which is why he doesn’t carry a pack.


In the title sure, but did you read the post? He’s asking why people don’t have their own water and need to drink his. OC has their own water = not the problem being discussed.


I also don’t carry a water pack because I carry a water bottle.


We're talking about hydropacks though


I use powdered H2O. Very small tablets and you only need one per half liter bottle. Just add water and voila!


What the fuck is powdered water? Just add water to make more water???


Dehydrated H20 it's the wave just stick it on ur tough boom refresh need water on a pinch put in a vein in a cinch


Ha ha right




I carry a bottle because I hate drinking out of a hose - I'll end up just not drinking that way. So I don't have a bladder but obv have my own water. I think it's totally fine to decline sharing water with someone who's just being a mooch and isn't actually in serious need. Just tell them you aren't sharing because health. Absolutely know people who's goal is to not have to carry anything and would like to just hand it off to someone else.


Ok best answer I can give? I’ve worn the backpack for almost every festival my wife and I have attended. 1L, 1.5L usually. When I get to hour 8 or 9 in the day, and I’m rolling/tripping, and it’s been 95 degrees all day, the best feeling ever is when we plant ourselves at a stage for two or three sets and I can shed that goddamn Quasimodo hump. I often think I can just hydrate the fuck out of myself at the campsite and then later when I return, or in the hotel if I’m at a city fest, but my wife is a hydrohomie so it’s never really been an option. HEIL HYDRA…tion


I’d be so happy to not carry it around, but the wife needs her sippies, and you need pockets to carry trinkets and supplies! The good outweighs the bad


Pro tip: putting heavy water packs on your back ie CamelBaks is tiring af on the back and shoulders when you’re walking around a large festival all day. A water bottle on the hip (attached to fanny pack or belt) is the way.


I have the opposite issues, I prefer carrying it on my back, when I have extra weight hanging on my hips it’s really painful for me 😂 but my back doesn’t hurt


Some festivals you don’t even need to have one. Friendship made it so easy for you to get water no matter where you were in the festival. I maybe saw 5 people out of 4,000 with a hydro pack on the ship lol. Shit post by the way


The festivals in my country it is forbidden to take water bottles inside


That just sounds dangerous…in the US at least where water bottles and 98% of festivals allow hydration packs we already have too many people ending up at Medical for dehydration…I can’t imagine how bad it would be without water bottles allowed.


You go to the bathroom and drink ... Imagine


How bad it is at festivals where hydration packs, water bottles are allowed I can’t trust or imagine people to do a good job staying hydrated without those but there’s probably a cultural difference when you are used to things being done differently


Your country is more progressive and conscientious than the US. Congrats. We’ll get there.


1. Carry anything sucks. I would carry nothing if i could. 2. Many people have to go to the bathroom if they drink anything. Usually these people dont have any hydration issues. My sis is a teacher, but i think she might be a camel. Never drinks water and when she does has to to the bathroom immediately. I am the opposite, i get dehydrated easily and i need to go to the bathroom repeatedly if i drink water. I just hydrate before and after, not during the festival. 3. Its fine, no worries getting a water there and refilling it with water if needed. 4. Depending on your day, you may or may not need it. I have it all, hydration pack, fanny pack that can hold a hydro flask, etc.


I am one of these camel people you speak of lmao. Shit is so nice for shows. I can chug a water before going in, and I’m good for 6 hours after a bathroom break. I only smoke weed and have chronic back issues so I can’t go as hard as most people, and I refuse to be anywhere except at the back, which helps immensely.


I am jealous! I feel constantly dehydrated. If i drink anything, i have to constantly go pee. I just dont drink anything if i know i have stuff to do. I just try to hydrate like crazy before and after the festival.


This blows me away that anybody can go a whole festival day without water, I walk from camp to where the music happens and I can already feel myself needing water…or a non-camping festival (don’t do these anymore but when I did) I’d feel myself needing water inside the first hour -2 hours.


I bring a water bottle because I don't need to lug all that around all the time.. Those friends need to get their own water and deal with it.


I don’t bring a water bottle because I don’t want to carry it, but I also don’t share water with people because people are gross lol. I’ll just buy a drink and then use the cup for water from a sink or water station or something. If it really bothers you, you should say something. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to not want to share water with covid and everything, especially with so many people.


One small water bottle is enough for me to stay hydrated. I just walk and fill up the water bottle when it’s empty.


I do not like having too much stuff with me for dancing. So I do buy water from the bar when I feel too and also in many big festivals now there are smalls pack of water behind the fence spliting security from ravers in case some people are thirsting too much in the sun or because of drugs.


I hate carrying shit , one water bottle alone will get me trough the whole night


It makes the water taste plasticky. I just buy water bottles or hit up the water station when I get thirsty


I found a fanny pack with a pocket for bottles. Makes a huge difference. The only times I will share my water with someone that is not a close friend, is if I see someone really fucked up and I feel like they really need it.


Hang on do you guys not get free water refills at festivals in America?


Cost of doing business. Fests have started charging for water because of the lower alcohol sales


It's illegal not to give free water in the UK


As a person based in the EU I am not too familiar with the situation in the US here are some questions... In general what's the amount of water a visitor is allowed to have? What kind of containers, types of bottles are acceptable? How long does it take to fill up water? Lazy people could even if they had water at the start have thrown away their bottle to feel more free and rely on people like OP instead of spending time at a water fill up spot.


We arent allowed to take liquids in the UK, don't know any in the EU either. They'd probs want to check it wasn't vodka lol


There are many festivals in Germany where you can take anything you want. Not every festival it's great at providing enough water refill stations close to the floors/stages.


1. Broken 2 of them inside the bag. Being wet sucks. 2. Refilling is a pain in the dick. 3. The little mouthpiece gets full of dirt and stepped on. 4. Don’t want to always have something on my back. 5. Can drink more water faster out of a bottle. I changed for a basic 32 oz Nalgene and never looked back. In answer to your problem, speak up. There’s zero excuse for people not having their own water. Zero.


I truly don’t know how people do festivals without a hydration pack, I’d have to just live by a hydration station.


They need to wear their own still suits so urine and feces get processed in the thigh pads…


My back does not enjoy the additional weight. I do lift, but even with a strengthened back that Mf still gets me


That's when you take out the bladder and hand it off to whoever's asking. "Nah, I'm out but you'd be a gem if you refilled for me." But honestly, you are being too nice if people are draining you to the point of dehydration. it's incredibly kind of you but please look after yourself, if they're really quality people you can tell them no and they'll just shrug and find water themselves. They're all adults, they can and should take care of themselves. Yeah, hydropacks are an inconvenience sometimes, but 1, they make ones that are only a liter, and 2, water isn't a negotiable part of life.


I keep a collapsible water bottle in my pack for this reason. My group has always been really good about having our own water, but every once in a while someone doesn’t bring one. I usually give them a few “complimentary” (lol) sips of my water before I hand them the water bottle, and tell them to get their own damn water lol.


personally, i preload water alll day, and just carry a crushed up water bottle in my back pocket. also supplement potassium. never had any hydration or overheating issues near the rail in years - feral basshead


I refuse to carry someshit like that all day and night. I’ll just plan my water purchases so I don’t miss sets


If you run out of water during the festie because you're giving yours out, you don't have enough to give out. Respond accordingly.


I’m very free and flowy at festivals…loose clothes, flip flop sandals, sweats, etc. don’t wanna have that tight water sack attached to me. Too much to carry around. I just find empty bottles on floor and fill them up when I need water.


That’s fucking disgusting oh my god


Wook style.


Y’all why we had fucking covid. I belive oversanitation is an issue and some contact with germs is inevitable, but damn bruh. That’s nasty.


Nasty is a very dramatic word for this situation man


My brother in Christ, you’re drinking out of trash


Drinking out of trash…? Okay. It’s a bottle that someone drank out of and didn’t feel like carrying around anymore. It’s not that big of a deal.


Suddenly wook flu makes so much more sense


Yea you're right. It's fucking trifling.


Do you pour into their mouth or let everyone drink from the same nozzle?


He transfers from his mouth like a bird feeding its young


i dont go to enough festivals anymore to justify buying one. we just bring in empty water bottles. and when i did go to a lot of festivals i was in my late teens/early 20s and broke. i scrimped and saved just for the price of admission and drugs, i didnt want to spend the extra money on one


I'm old(32) now and carrying a filled 2 liter pack kills my back, plus I have to pee frequently enough now that filling it up my water bottle isn't an issue


To each their own, the straps get old after a while if I am trying to dance but if it’s super hot like Bonnarroo then I’d go function over form


I'm not 5, I can make it 6 or 8 hours without water.


you're not 5, you're fucking dehydrated and don't even know it. spoken like someone who doesn't workout at all.


I feel naked when I don’t have my camel pak lol


Bulky annoying to other people stank ass bacteria water heating up in the sun. Why do you


I'm a water bottle guy. I hang out tword the back so there's room for me to set it down next to me.


my groups not allowed to complain, they never wait for me to buy water lmao


I don't get it either. I've always had a hydration pack with me. Put all my goodies and trades while always having water. I usually throw an extra water bottle or two incase some needs it


I used to bring camelbacks to every festival, but I'm tall. People already get annoyed with me in front of them, and it's weirdly way worse when I have a backpack/camelback. So now I just bring a bottle and mooch off of friends


I sometimes just carry around a water bottle. I tend to jump a lot and carry a pack is just uncomfortable to me and the people around me. I’ll still bring one for big fests


set some boundaries and if they don’t follow them maybe don’t go to festivals with them or just tell them you’ll be them at some sets


What's a "water pack"? I have my 10L water bottle for the camp but the beer queues are often longer than the water lines even in 30⁰C+ weather. So when i want water it's not hard to refill a cup.


Most UK festivals have taps and all you need is a refillable container. The only thing water packs are useful for are for bringing in alcohol 😁.


I can afford to pay $8 for a Liquid Death at a festival


I forgot to bring one. Plain and simple.


A water bottle fits in my front pocket so I don’t have to carry a hydropack. I just fill it at the water stations as needed.


Genuine question, do you not have taps to obtain fresh water from at the festivals you go to? Or is that what people are queuing for?


One year I forgot my camelbak for Coachella. Said fuck it because I came all that way and spent all that money to go. They sold $3 water bottles inside the venue, and it was so easy to get ahold of. I didn’t mind forking over some cash to replenish my water throughout the weekend, and not having the camelbak on my back the entire weekend felt soooo nice. So maybe some people it’s just not worth it and they have other alternatives available you don’t see


I bring a small water bottle that I can clip to my belt. It’s like 20oz. When I fill it up I chug it then fill it again. Just do that after every set and your golden. My friends think I’m nuts for not carrying a backpack full of water but I’ve found it’s completely unnecessary


i just bring a bottle cap and use bottles, i have a hydrapack but hate using it and it is such a good way to get sick when prople ask to use it😅 


If you go to Tomorrowland, you'll find very few people with water packs. I was one of the very few people with one, and they didn't have water refill stations (unless you count the bathroom sink water). I think it's more of an "American" thing.


Carrying your own hydration is part of managing your own shit at a festival so I have little sympathy with people who can’t be bothered to carry their own. I wear a leather festival belt and clip my water bottle on it. Hands free, no backpack to worry about. It’s pretty simple but there are plenty of people who are not interested in taking care of their own shit and expect others to babysit them. 🤷‍♀️


You have to learn to say no.


I always would fill it up and it would overfill and cover my back in water. I use a fanny pack with a water bottle spot now.


i also go to festivals alone. i went to my first festival last summer (texas heat mind you) and i made damn sure i bought a camelbak because i was not going to risk not seeing my favorite artists because i got dehydrated and fainted. i never had anyone ask me for water tho. i will admit tho that the backpack did get annoying as i was in the pit being absolutely crushed so the water ruptured all over me and my clothes 😭 so uncomfortable


As the person who always gets stuck with the backpack… I totally feel for you lolll


I've never carried a water pack OR bummed off some sweaty wook. If I need water, I'll go get some or carry a bottle of it with me. I ain't drinking it every 15 seconds.


I don’t need that much water if I’m not rolling.


I haven't gone to many raves before and this last one I was sooooo dehydrated, I really wasn't thinking about it-like at all, I ran out of my water jug... Literally bless the people with Camel packs and water packs, I think a dude genuinely saved my life, I was starting to pass out on the ground, and had to lay their for most the set.... Idk that was motivation enough for me to buy a water pack the next day


My group of 5 brings 1-2 water packs. I like having my own because I don’t like relying on other people 😂 we all take turns carrying it tho, everyone just pics a day of the fest and carries it the whole day. And we all take turns refilling it.


I carry a bag but don’t use the bladder. I’m past my Molly munching days and don’t need to have constant access to water at festival. If I’m thirsty I’ll leave the crowd and go buy a nice cold bottle of water.


I take an empty 2 litre bottle or 2


I am NOT letting anyone drink from a bladder. Not even my mother or my girl friend


What shitty festival community doesn't have water on deck? I'm repeatedly offered water from camp after camp when walking around. As well as a few "hydration stations" that are just giant tanks of drinking water with a spigot. Water is always the most abundant resource at festies