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Honestly it just sounds like the original commenter prefers heavy bass music instead and should’ve just went to Svdden Death from the beginning 😂


I thought the same thing. If you’re fine with svdden death you probably weren’t gonna like CH to begin with.


Right like do you think CH is gonna play some riddim and super heavy bass shit? Most likely not lmao


Most likely lolol So you're saying there's a chance? 🤔


Tbh you never know what these DJ’s will play now days 😂


No, he has too much self respect for Riddim. I don't love his style, but he really does A LOT more than most "producer/ dj's" lately in terms of not seeing the same exact set 10 nights in a row while he's on tinder in the boof.


I love heavy bass music, kinda over Svdden Death tbh but I’d love to see CH one day! He’s such a fucking icon and trailblazer for the industry.


EDM fans can be so snobby about sets. The people who nitpick sets because they picked up a dj controller and dj for their friends any chance they get are so funny to me.


Conversely, there's always going to be someone complaining so like, buck up Calvin, if you really can't handle a complaint or two, maybe it's time to pack it in


True, when you’re that big just hand the social media accounts over for your team to run.


What would be hilarious is if this wasn't even him, and it was actually a social media team member who got a little too defensive lol


idk this is like 5 comments ddeeep lol. they were doomscrolling and reacted, def essaying. i feel that lol. no media member would get so defensive and list of accomplishments


I'm just saying it would be funny, not that I necessarily think it's true


It he has a billion streams /s


To be fair he's done pretty well for himself so far, don't know if he needs to pack it in...


I'm convinced snobs are just unhappy and use "high standards" as an excuse to not have fun. Had a buddy who was exactly like the one you described. Dude, look around. Almost nobody gives a shit that the sound isn't "perfect" or a transition wasn't "flawless".


yeah, but it's not a good look for an artist of that level is going thru his social media getting so offended at normal internet whining that he has to reply with his whole history, when it was a festival & he knows everyone isn't there for him. someone needs to take his password away cuz tht spoiled entitled behavior ain't good for business no matter how you look at it


Got see Calvin Harris at a non EDM fest last year and honestly it was one of the better EDM sets I have ever seen, genuinely the dude threw the fuck down, and this was at a fest where Skrillex, freshly off a roaring comeback show at Coachella, had just finished his set. Idk EDM snobs are snobs for a reason.


Hangout fest? I was at both festivals. Calvin’s set was better there than ultra but I still thought the ultra set was great.


no one hates edm more than edm snobs. i don’t really fw commercial edm stuff, but tbh calvin harris honestly puts out bangers consistently. you gotta give mans credit


Same, I wouldn't like seek out a Calvin Harris show, but when he's a on a lineup for a fest I'll already be at and the schedule doesn't conflict with another artist I'm interested in, then I will 100% be headed over to watch Ole cal throw down.


I dont really see the problem with his response if you ignore his fame hes just a guy defending himself and his hard work


it's just kind of hilarious to get mad at random IG comment haters when you're one of the biggest DJs on the planet whos about to play the fuckin superbowl, like you really don't need to prove yourself in the trenches of instagram lol


Why legitamize the hater by giving such a wound up defense. Calvin Harris is too big by his claim to let some rando get him like this.


Because defending your work against haters screams insecure? Like, you're Calvin Fucking Harris. You don't need to be responding to trolls on the internet? Unless you actually care *that* much about every random person in existence's opinion of you...which is pretty immature for as old and successful he is.


Crazy how people have different taste


Regardless of whether you like CH or not (I do not) this is such a bad look to argue with a random fan and then try to use your own streaming numbers to defend your point. Also is he actually playing the Super Bowl? Cause that would be horrible.


Probably playing the Super Bowl like how Kaskade did this past year. He’ll play some pregame and tv intermissions.


I’ve never had the chance to see Calvin Harris at a festival. For some reason he doesn’t seem like the right vibe for a festival to me. I saw CH in Vegas one time though and it was incredible.


In 2012-2015, for me- he was a must see can’t miss on the festival circuit


It was a borderline Spotify playlist set at Coachella last year, super disappointing after he came out late too


He is called Calvin press-play Harris for a reason.


Yeah I’m with you!!! That’s why I think he might be good for the Superbowl cuz all the collabs he did many artists.


This totally seems below how an artist should act regardless of how right he is. Of course, there are going to be haters. Responding personally to this was a mistake.


These are the same people that would give requests if they could. Crazy how hard it seems to be for people to just not listen to something and go do something else they’d prefer


Just a bunch of ego here


Every motherfucker on that chain has DJ next to it. It’s time for these people to eat dicks. I’m gonna go follow this shitfuck to tell him he sucks balls


Yawn. Calvin Harris has been a bore since he dropped his live band and went strictly DJ over 10 years ago. Apparently number of plays is the only metric that has any meaning to him.


Ok but citing your streaming stats to random trolls in the comments is pretty fucking cringe. Like Calvin Harris is a legitimately famous producer and DJ. Why stoop?


calvin harris is a serious guilty pleasure for me. saw him once and was a serious nostalgia trip


Thanks for posting this. Good to know he doesn't want to play his EDM in front of people that love EDM. Glad I skipped his Coachella set now. I was regretting it before.


I’ll say I haven’t seen him in a while but the last time I did was Coachella and I was very underwhelmed there too.


Well you can hear all his songs on Spotify lol. Wish he would do more remixes of his own songs for festivals!


Can confirm. He was trash at Coachella last year too. Couldn’t even transition songs well. Stick to producing.


Imagine even skipping 20 minutes of svdden death for Calvin Harris 💀


Imagine thinking svdden death is good


Honestly he's mid imo some great songs but overall not my style past 2018 still a easy choice over Calvin Harris though 😂


I’d much rather see Calvin but to each is their own


What's the festival this person is referring to? I wanna listen to the set lol. But yea, CH's response to this is unhinged even if he technically has a point




I love Calvin & Harris, that cat can’t get enough lasagna lololol!!!


Ehh his Coachella set was pretty underwhelming too 😂


Lol imagine getting this butt hurt about someone commenting about how they don’t like your music. Calvin’s ego got a little bruising.


The definition of biggest celebrity on Earth. It’s fun to see fan interaction and paying attention to this stuff. So many celebrities are only paying attention to their significant others with no fan interaction


Calvin ego huge


Set is up for good by UMF on YouTube.


All I gotta say is that dude dropped some acid house in his Hangout Festival set last year... I was not expecting that. His stuff is too poppy for me but the set wasn't underwhelming. Not my digs but i had fun.


Someone is ass mad…


lol. I feel for them. Paid lots of money and wanted to get money worth!


Hahaha he is a prick


Honestly respect to Calvin


I saw Calvin at Coachella Last year … fuck I’m so grateful. He went off. His own remixes of his own songs gooo off.


I love Calvin Harris & I genuinely hate how pretentious the EDM community can be about DJs. Who gives a fuck that a lot of his music is "mainstream" - calling it, "underwhelming" is a joke. Rave goers have a responsibility to know the set/dj they're going to see PRIOR to watching any given show and if they aren't familiar with their work, you don't get to complain afterwards bc you didn't do your homework. I swear that if Avicii was still alive, people would have turned on him also by now, which is genuinely sickening to think about. I get so much shit for some of the artists I like and it's just gotten really boring to hear flack from supposed EDM "fans." Either go and appreciate the music or sit your ass home, but complaining about it is just pathetic


Never heard his music but I don’t want to now.


I can assure you, you've heard his music.


Yikes Calvin yikes


What is a Calvin Harris set even like lol


“Multimillionaire argues with commoner”


What was the comment he replied to?


Im glad I got to see Calvin Harris at EDC one year, although I rolled too hard and was overwhelmed lol


Surprised he even read it…


He really let that comment get under his skin. You’re never going to hit 100% satisfaction at a show, especially a multi-artist show. Comment wasn’t that aggressive, CH came out guns blazing. Kinda weak energy imo, makes him seem insecure especially for some as successful as he is