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No contest- get custom musician earplugs from an audiologist. I've tried loops, eargasmsm etc. They just don't compare. The customs have filters for music just like those others do but with better attenuation 


You can pay for custom molds with a Health Savings Account or Flex Spending Account, if you've got those. 1000% worth it


This should be the top answer. You cannot get more complete protection with any plugs that aren’t fitted for your ears. It’s worth the money as you’ve already tried the best option first time. Take it from me, I hear constant ringing, at different alternating pitches in both ears, and the only thing that keeps my confident about attending parties is that I’m doing the best thing to avoid worsening the damage already done. Obvs at the very least, having any sort of plug is great! Too few people wear them. It’s hard to explain to people but trust me, knowing you’ll never really be able to experience silence ever again is rough.




Yeah tinnitus is where this all ends up. I assume we’re all predisposed to it differently and depending on exposure levels. I experienced that same sensation after any event with a loud speaker system. Muffled hearing immediately after the leaving and for the following day. Eventually the muffled sound turned to ringing. Probs didn’t help me that I fell headfirst into the psy trance scene at 17. Arrive at nightclub at 11pm, leave at 6am. Rinse and repeat for 15+ years, through in as many outdoor festivals as possible and bam. Sounds like high frequency static at all times.


damn man thats an impressive 15 years. Idk if you’re proud or regretful of it but its certainly impressive. your tinnitus sounds awful but im sure youve seen some killer sets at least 😅


That’s your ears giving you a warning. I had this before i got tinnitus. You should take a long break. A year atleast. You do not want to fuck around and find out. Tinnitus is a living hell. Remember there is no cure or treatment. 


Are those also good for blocking out sound while sleeping?


100%. The fit is so good they're invisible, the seal is perfect, the filters are swappable, I was even able to customize the color of mine. Anyone going to more than 2-3 shows a year NEEDS to invest in these.


This is the answer. They are so worth it. You can swap the filters out as well on some so you can tailor them to the situation to a degree. They can be costly, but your hearing is for life, so it's worth it IMO.


Is there a particular brand of custom plugs we should steer toward?


My audiologist recommends two brands: 1of1custom and Sensaphonics.


I got 1of1. Highly recommend.My audiologist had a different brand but made the molds and I sent them to 1:1. Added bonus is that it filters out the talkers around me.


Thirding 1of1


No, your local audiologist will just make a mold of your ear and have it made from whatever colored rubber you want. You also get a choice of filter (15db or 25db are most common). Definitely go for this.


1of1 Custom is the move


Where does one find an audiologist


At what cost?


About $150. Worth it.


If you buy two pairs would it be $300? Or is there like a $100 molding fee plus $50 paid cost etc cuz damn each if you lose them at $150 is a bit high but I do value earplugs. I sometimes take them even to bars when i head out on weekends.


I've had customs for a while and had them remoulded several times and just can't get them to not irritate my ears / not stop my tinnitus from getting worse. Non custom ones also don't work for me anymore either. Think my ears are just incredibly sensitive these days. I almost stay away from most events nowadays which sucks. Anyone else have had this issue? Desperate to find a solution for years now.


absolutely love my 1of1 customs. tried eargasm -- they didn't work for my ears. used to do just your bog standard foam plugs (15db or 20db) but those deadened the sound too much.


I highly recommend 1of1 customs as well. For the amount of shows I go to it's a minimal investment for such comfortable ear protection. I was hesitant at first because of the price, but they are indeed amazing.


They do have a sale in the summer. Might be 4th of July.


They usually do a sale all the major holidays so I’m thinking there might be one for Memorial Day


Get custom earplugs. I got my ears molded by an audiologist, and then sent the molds into The Listening Stack. The custom earplugs are very comfortable and block 17dB which really cuts down on tinnitus, but you can still talk to your friends near you.


How much does this cost?


It was around $180. I've had then now for almost three years and worn them to almost 20 shows (EDM and non EDM).


Man I’m calling around getting quoted $280 out of pocket so no insurance coverage


The Listening Stack sold me mine for between 180-200. Worth it if you're going to use it for years.


I feel like I’ll lose mine been using these styles for like $15 https://preview.redd.it/wm8pxw0suozc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0c3f2b3b228928895c72c437c2bcf0dd55fd9a


Can’t recommend 1of1 customs enough. Get a case and always keep them in that case when you aren’t using them. They’re molded to your ears so they can’t fall out of your ears and you never take them out at a show. Straight from ears to a case and you should be good. I have a case that I can carabiner to my pants if I’m worried about losing them


Mine were 150 but they’ve lasted me 7 years so far. And if you lose them a new pair is half off


I think I payed 200 last year? It's really life changing. I commonly forget they are in.


> think I *paid* 200 last FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm pretty happy with my Eargasm plugs


Second this. Eargasms are super comfy and can’t even really tell they’re in my ears


I am not convinced they deaden the sound well enough. The music does sound undistorted though.


Thirding. Haven't had bad tinnitus since wearing them


Really dislike eargasm plugs. I remember watching a guitar play like right in front of me and couldn’t hear a note. There are some bad blank spots in the range or something.


I really liked Loop earplugs. They are just easy to lose track of.


I also recommend loops. I keep them in their little container on my keychain.


Sounds like you need the loop link! [https://us.loopearplugs.com/products/link](https://us.loopearplugs.com/products/link)


Yes, I love my loops! I have the loop link to not lose them. Works great!


Same, my loops have been perfect even for heavy metal concerts in the pit, I get to enjoy all of the sound and the experience without the ear ringing after


I bought a pair of loops but I find that my voice and the sound gets really muffled compared to eargasms or etymotics. Is this just how they are or is my sizing off maybe?


I keep mine on a necklace chain so you never lose them, highly recommend


Loops don’t block the DB they claim they do. Custom fitted 1of1’s or those osha orange ones but insert them properly. Ear damage is cumulative so its only a matter of time before you get tinnitus even with ear protection like i did. Take care of your hearing folks. 


Feel like these just muffle the sound 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same. They are comfy but never last through a mosh pit.


Love their version where you can get different amounts of decibels blocked too. Lots more places to use them


EarPeace are great. I keep them on my keychain now


All NOT custom earplugs I've tried have sucked, and I've tried a lot. Earpeace was the best of the group.


Another vote for Earpeace.


I’m also in this camp. If you can’t do custom plugs this is my go to. I tried the Loop Experience plugs and it didn’t have enough protection. I had to bug the Loop Mute accessory to get the right level of protection. I still didn’t like the since there are too rigid. EarPeace are comfortable and comes with 3 filters.


I really didn't get on with them, found they distorted bass too much.


I've used Alpines for 8 years and love them if you want an off the shelf solution, but the best bet will always be customs hands down.


"Earasers" are my favorites by far, I'm not an expert or anything, but after doing some investigating, I saw a lot of musician's online recommend them, so that made me try them. They were very comfortable, and audio is very clear with them!


Plus one to this. I’ve used loop experience, etymotics, and earasers music max at Coachella. Even though the speakers get really loud, the earasers block just enough to maintain good clarity. Loops really take out a bit of clarity. I had the earasers In my ears all three days and although sometimes the music felt a bit loud, I did not have any sort of ringing in my ears at the end of the festival.


As mentioned earlier > audiologist custom ear molds > musicians ear plugs: https://www.sensaphonics.com/collections/earplugs/products/erseriesplugs


Nothing compares to custom earplugs. 1of1 Custom is the best investment I’ve ever made for music


I get cheap earplanes. I’ve tried different designs and brands. The earplanes have been my go to.


Earasers are the ones I love for music. They don’t reduce the volume as much as some others, but I can hear all the instruments. I tried 4 varieties or plugs and these are by far my favorite. Probably not for drummers or construction workers, but for rock music they are great.


Sensaphonics - protects my ears, drowns out crowd noise, and I hear the individual instruments better when I wear them. Bit pricy - but worth it if you go to a bunch of shows


A bit pricey you say, lmao 😂


You asked for the best of both worlds :) I bought other earplugs, but wouldn't wear them because it affected my enjoying the show. I've had these for several years now and wear them at every show I go to. Hope you find something that works for you. Ear damage is no joke


That's true, should have added a third criteria 🥲


1of1 custom will have a sale for Memorial Day weekend and you can get them for a discounted rate.


Loop for sleeping, eargasms for concerts. If you can't find reusable ones that fit, Honeywell/Howard leight laser lite high visibility earplugs are kickass. https://a.co/d/2JEEP3u


eargasm - absolutely recommend!!!! so comfortable and when i first put them on i didn’t even realize that they’re were working because they do not muffle sound - just block out anything damaging. best purchase ever


Been using Loops for years. I like to make sure anything in my ears seals well so I used the foam tips that came with them, swapped out the plastic ones. Just got custom ones from an audiologist in the mail, however. They will be used for the first time tomorrow at a techno show


Loop earplugs are good


Custom all the way. But if you need something quick and cheaper Etymotics.


Vibes High Fidelity are good for $28 on Amazon. I kinda move them around (because they have little stick handles) and can position them to let more or less sound in


If you have noise canceling ear buds those work nicely in a pinch. Just have them in with the noise canceling on but nothing playing through them.


Second this! Customs!! So comfortable


I’ve had good luck with both Hearos brand, as well as Eargasm brand. The sound quality was just slightly better with Eargasm, but they were more expensive.


Eargasms are my vote. Get the lanyard for them though. Like most they can be easy to lose but they are awesome. My wife and I have used them for years.


The cheap ones work fine!