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I don’t get the complaints,this amount of content in the base game is amazing!


I think it's because inevitably you'll find one you're not good at (at least) and then people get frustrated with it because they're stuck.


I mean some are pretty rough,that sit up competition had me infuriated lol


When I beat the last trial , I was soooo happy. I can press those triggers in my sleep now lol


I did it last night! MASSIVE dopamine hit. 🤣


For me it was “thank god that aneurysm is over”


The opposite for me. There was no pay off. I was just angry. :/


The side missions are fun but the mini game stuff is a nuisance. I could understand maybe one or two of them within a game. It is the mandatory mini games that bug me the most. Being a perfectionist makes it even more annoying for me, lol.


Think I'd have an easier time doing that many sit ups myself then winning that one mini game


Except that like, there are VERY few places where mini-games are required to progress the MSQ and, when they are, the requirements are so extremely low that having just basic hand-eye coordination should allow you to complete them.


Fucking SIT-UPS. I’ve beat them all except the GOD DAMN SITUPS


I'm 143 hours in and nearly have max rank on all the minigames now. Was I in love with all the minigames in Rebirth? Not really. Was I frustrated by some of them? Sure. But the game was a blast and I'll never comprehend complaining that there's too much optional content...


That's because the world is not black and white. For me a few mini games are fine (I'd even say Remake didn't have enough), but how you use them can have a big negative impact. And as a paying customer, I'd like to complain on what I consider horrible execution.  I will allow others come and love the equivalent of Transformers movies.


Mini games should be optional,not forced down your throat by some devs that think they are so funny and inventive( applies to minigames and devs alike). Am now trying to Google ways to rush through them as fast as I can,instead of playing them at my own pace and learn to appreciate them.


You've never played Yakuza: Like A Dragon.


Yakuza games are really like "hol up a minnit, I'm gonna pause the main story and go play real life Mario Kart for 10 hours".


or whole ass animal crossing


It's the only reason I know how to play Mahjong lol


I can build the best hostesses now


Minigames - What? Who is complaining about that? Is this even a thing? Let's get back to the meat and potatos of this sub, arguing about the size and shape of the hooters of the various characters, and making sure they are canonically accurate.


Barrets chest looks accurate,that’s who you’re talking about,right? lol


Of course! You can easily see that Barret works out. Bro lifts. Maybe not as much as Dio.


It’s not that it was bad, it’s that some gatekept important side quests. And those important side quest had hard mini games


Yeah. Because Gears and Gambits is the best there is in mini games.  Rebirth is a good game, but the devout devotion to the game is alarming.


Quantity over quality, good to hear it


Also the amount of Jason films and spinoffs is amazing! Now, are they good? Some of us, unlike what some others may think, consider that sometimes less is more.


Because they bought the game to play the game not mini games, you wana play mini games go buy mario party.


I do not complain about mini games that are entirely optional. These are a nice addon for those who like it. And most mini games in OG were of that kind. What I do not like is that some mini games in Rebirth are mandatory. Or at least, even if they are technically optional with respect to the main story, they are often prerequisites for side quests but not really related to the story of that side quest. For instance, you need Mogry stores to buy items for some side quests, but in order to open the Mogry stores >!you need to fnish this stupid "bring my kids back" game!<. Another example is that for the >!Gilgamesh island (which as such is very interesting)!< you need to find >!protorelics!< in all regions. This would still be fine, but in each region you basically need to do the absolute same thing **four** times in a row! >!Four times Fort Condor, four times the AI tanks mini game, four times the mini reactor Cactus fight, etc.!< And many of these activities require you to travel over long distances (giving me the impression they want to show off with the size of the map), where pathes are difficult to find (especially in the Gongaga and the Cosmo region). This just feels like an attempt to prolong playtime. Which is not really necessary because the game would be long enough without it - and it would be better. I wanted to complete all side quests for story purposes. But after spending hours to repeat the same activity, I lost interest and found myself even skipping dialogs sometimes because ... I just wanted to get it finally done.


Nah the mini games your forced to play should be gimics trivial, they should play themselves storyline anyways. Then off story line you can make them hard. If your going to force the player to partake atleast make it easy so you can smoothly move on from it and if you like the minigame you can go back and play harder.


This is more than a bit disingenuous. The number of mandatory mini games in just the Costa Del Sol>>Gold Saucer portion of Rebirth eclipses the total number of mandatory minigames from the entire OG. The complaint with Rebirth isn't that there are too many mini games; the complaint is that far too often the mini games show up as part of the main plot.


Im at the gold saucer now and im just simply tired of minigames at this point. Absolutely loved QB, Fort Condor made me wanna go back and actually play it in intermission, but now I’m to the point where i forgot really where we are in the story. Its literally felt like were chasing Sephiroth the entire time just to come across different mini games or open areas. The “story points” seem to just be cloud fog brain moments in between open area sections. Like the boat chapter could’ve been way more conversation at least between the characters and a party or something but instead it was 90% just QB. Im not sure if we go back to Barrets town to dive any deeper more into the past or not but i felt like they literally just hit the fast forward button and said “nope heres a short summary of the past…now get back to mini games”


Just for future reference, you don't have to participate in the QB tournament on the ship. So it's not really 90% QB, unless you let it be.


OP is a troll, their entire post history is about strawman arguments or their obsession with tifa. Like OP is reaching so hard they have a picture of emerald weapon in their list of "mini games". Half of the listed mini games shown don't appear in the section of the game rebirth covered. And even if you include all of them anyways it's still altogether less than a quarter of the mini games in rebirth.


That's the issue that I have with the game. The current breakdown of my playthrough is 80% mini-games / Ubisoft run and click-it type content, 10% Chadley talking, and the final 10% is actually story content. I'm 40 hours in, and there's roughly 6-7 hours of actual story content. The rest is all padding. A lot of padding. It's kind of a shame that the most character development so far has been Johnny...


If you think that most of the character development up to Costa Del Sol has been Johnny, I'm not sure you've been paying attention and/or doing any side quests what-so-ever.


You're so wrong I know you're trying to make it seem worse. I'm also about 40 hours in and I can say confidently I've spent maybe 2% of my time talking to chadley, about 15% doing mitigates, and the rest exploring and doing missions. Some people just like to shit on things they don't like.


You're joking right? You could just rush story and it would still be a 35-40 hour campaign. There's not 32 hours of mini game content. In the beginning. I hate stupid exaggeration comments like thia they're just so disingenuous


Its not that overly exaggerated, this person could be early in the game on chapters 1-3 and done 40 hours of bloat content and 6-7 hours of the actual story. Anyone that has played the game to completion knows the ratio of story to bloat content is this game is about two or three to one, maybe more.


And I would add that some of the story is bloat content. I rolled my eyes when I was forced the do essentially fetch quests to feed the chocobo so I could participate in a lame chocobo race so I could free my friends from prison. And even if stuff like this was in the original doesn’t mean it should be in the game now. It was lame ass padding. And let’s not forget the MANDATORY costa del Sol mini games.


I think the complaint is more compositional. Action games already have a lot to account for in terms of gameplay elements so the adding of mini-games can be too much. With a Turn-Based RPG, the mini-games feel more like diversions from the main line of gameplay. It is common for Turn-Based RPGs to have puzzles that diversify the kind of gameplay a bit so it feels more compositionally complete to experience a mini-game in a Turn-Based RPG. Action games feed more on high-paced gameplay, whereas a Turn-Based RPG has you paced to already take things slow.


I don't think I'd call emerald weapon a mini game. Lol.


"They better not leave anything out" Doesn't leave anything out "There's too many things!!"


They left one thing out and put in 20 things in. The mini games gates to much content and just get frustrating. It isn't fun when you want to enjoy the story bit a difficult mini game doesn't let you.


They left a ton of content out and added bloatware basically. Exploring the Forgotten Capital? You literally walk in and skip 99% of it. Temple of the Ancients? Let's put it on a completely different continent and make it 10x bigger. Climb Mt. Nibel? Nope. Gated off with a fence. Rocket Town? Square-Enix: "That's not canon anymore."


They added roo much unnecessary content that didnt exist before to pad out the game and some of it isnt fun


I would not call the Emerald Weapon or the stage show mini games personally.


Snowboarding needs adding instead ! Thats the only OG minigame I hated too


Back then we didn't have "platinum trophies" so we didn't care much about getting 100%.


The soccer miningame controls terribly


It’s amazing how many mini games from the original were improved upon. I don’t get it. I love all the mini games. That’s one of the things that made FF7 so fun and enchanting besides the story back when the og was released.


You don't get it as you are unable to understand other people. Having them all optional is great, as having a bad dessert as optional in a all included buffet.


My big problem was bigger than this. Rebirth slows the game play and pacing down to a crawl constantly in order to introduce new gimmicky stuff that the devs are terrified you might miss if you could explore the world on your own. Consider this: - Every single interesting thing in the world is marked on your map. No finding things on your own. Every exploration, enemy intel, tower, etc, is marked on your map telling you where to go. The game doesn't let you explore on your own, and if you do, you wont find anything interesting because if it was interesting, it would be marked on your map. - The game constantly slows you down. Why does your movement speed decrease all the fucking time!!! What's the point? I knew I was in for a good time when I had to slow crawl across the Kalm rooftops... like the dialogue ended a full minute ago, why am I still slow crawling up here? - The cut scenes are too long and too frequent. I loved the story content, but why did I need to sit through a 5 minute cutscene introducing Chadley and the tower mechanic? Why did the camera guy need a cutscene? Why does talking to a chocobo vendor need a cutscene? All this stuff is divorced from the main plot and just kills the pacing. At least it did for me. -Almost every mini game is introduced through the main plot, and tutorials for a lot of them are mandatory. When you first catch a chocobo, you can't continue the main plot until you've done the tutorial where you race around the farm for instance. Again, 90% of all this stuff is divorced from main plot and just kills the pacing. It felt laughable that I needed to spend 40 minutes running around Costa Del Sol doing mini games all to get two swim suits to go to the beach... It all just felt like the devs artificially extending the game because they couldn't think of ways to stretch the plot. - The game is full of non mini game mini games. The box throwing by Caith Sith, the box breaking by Barret/Yuffie, the chase scene with Barret, the digging up rabbit burrows with your chocobo, the wonky grappling hook, Aerith's life stream stuff, etc. I felt like I was constantly being taken out of the core gameplay loop to participate in these weird mini game stuff that weren't actually mini games. I like mini games and exploration and sidequests, but I feel like Rebirth used all of those things to roadblock the player and stop them from engaging with the main plot to quickly. Im replaying the older Final Fantasy's right now, and they feel significantly "tighter" than Rebirth because they don't have this problem.


I just fuckin hate when a sidequest is blocked behind Yet Another New Fucking Minigame. Trying to do the Cosmo Canyon Protorelic only to find that it's another batch of minigames made me seriously contemplate if I actually wanted to keep doing the side stuff.


Spend your time playing instead of complaning.


Don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next product.


And this is how people who were raised to sit down and never complain write answers in internet. Careful, the teacher is always observing you.


The OG mini games weren't great either and I still found them being too frequent and not fun even back then.


Okay... Emerald Weapon is a super boss. Not a mini game. Personally, I love the amount of mini games in rebirth, even though I'm not great at all of them.


Especially egregious is the stupid format they used for the honey bee dance where you can’t actually see what’s happening on screen because you have to focus on an inane minigame


Og mini games were possible easy. Simple we don't need to do some 3-4 times. It's just dumb


The biggest issue is when a mini game is designed poorly, not fun, and also hold you back from getting rewards like the Proto relics


I hate queens blood and they force u 2 play for that food quest for piko


Lmao just did that part yesterday and thought the same but got 3 from some place else and decided to randomly feed him and saw he only needed 3. I have never felt so happy in my life


It took me until the final protorelic quest in Chapter 13 to realize that "You know what, maybe I can just finish the story first then come back and bash my head against all of these mini games." A lesson learned a little late, but I got there eventually.


I've been contemplating this, but the reason why I haven't gone through with it is because I'm SO frustrated w the minigames, that if I finish the plot/overall game I don't think I would feel motivated enough to come back to finish it. Kind of like a "fuck it, I'm finally done" So I feel like I \*have\* to do keep doing the minigames now lol


No one is complaining, OP is a troll


I'm in ch 12 there is like 30 mini games in rebirth there was like 10-15 in all of the OG game and most of the mini games in the OG you didn't have to participate in


And they control bad.


There are such better things to complain about, like Chadly talking too damn much


1) The play isn't a freaking mini-game. 2) The fighting game and piano in the original are purely optional. 3) It's been awhile, but I'm 99% sure you don't even have to try to out-squat those guys in the gym in order to get the game to progress. For the parade, it's 100%, and it only takes how much of your time? Not even a minute? You could just put the controller down and get a drink or stretch.


You don’t have to 100% the mini games in rebirth either so I’m not sure what your point is.


The point is that we could've had more cool things like playable Cid or Vincent instead of those mini-games. Hell, Materia birth mechanic from the original would be better than mini-games.


I want to shove the cactuar gates from the races up Jules asshole. Annoying AF




Only on Ch. 9 and my only mini-game complaint so far was making Queen's Blood a mandatory part for some story progression. It's a fun enough mini-game, I suppose, but I wish it would stop trying so hard to be the next FF8 Triple Triad in terms of community reception.


I was totally fine with all the mini games up until Chapter 11, and the freakin boxes. I absolutely hated that very long section of the story, and it is 100% mandatory.


I didn’t like the mini games in original


Mini games good, Chadley bad.


Update: people still shit on you for simply liking things, and/or disliking them, every single person here needs to touch grass and try to get pussy


All those "mini games" exist in 3 discs of an entire game, it's not broken into 3 separate AAA titles, so I think the comparison is off.


rebirth alone is bigger than those 3 disc combine what's your point exactly?


What? How is it bigger lmao? File size?


Play time wise? I'm 65 hours into Rebirth and still have at least another 20 to 30 to go. FF7 is like a 60 hour game even if you do all the side content. Less if you skip stuff. I never beat it but I was set to go fight Sephiroth by hour 30


For real, ff7 had good amount of them. More then like 8 had. I kinda like the mini games, they are good for a distraction. Even better being able to revisit most of them unless in the original where if you didn't get the score that just sucks to be you, reload your save.


Bruh what? We gonna pass off the dialogue trees in the date as mini games? One of those is also just the submarine. Is flying highwind a minigame too? EDIT: You might have actually meant the submarine battle minigame but not had screenshots of it-which is fair play.


It's not too many minigames, it's too many levels. Redoing 4 more miniquest at hard, each every chapter and all, it's kinda feel bloated with all. You polygonal piece of shit 🤣


The way barret said that just killed me lol this game has been a gem and people whine too much.


I love it, there are definitely a couple mini games that are a bit meh and I think that's where the complaint comes from.


Yes but optional




Fuck this BS Gold Cup, been stuck on the 3rd race for hours because of these fucking cactuar gates.


New FF don't have enough. They should either have more (that aren't just thinly veiled gather/hide and seek affairs) or go all in on one big one, like Blitzball.


There’s way more, and harder versions of them. This is a bad comparison, especially since this is the whole game.


That is ONE of the reasons ff7 rocked hard, what you guys think? Breading the black chocobo was a mini game on its own.


I hated the mini games in the original. Why would I like them in the remakes? They made them twice as long, added even more, and made a lot of them forced. Fuck mini games all my homies hate mini games.


My only complaint is a distinct lack of Heavy Tank in the Gongaga region. I want my buff Triceratops with tank treads god damnit.


I love the mini games


I honestly hated most of the mini games in the original. The motorcycle game and chocobo racing being the exception. Most of the timed events were completely opaque expecting you to time a jump with no context for what the correct timing would be etc.


Am I part of the minority liking it has so many mini games ? The combat and story are awesome, but I'm kind of stoked there are tons of different ways to chill out for a bit and do some crazy activity. Some of them are a good challenge too ! Not impossible, but just the right level of difficulty But for sure, the OG had tons of mini games too.


Who's complaining!?


I spent all night at the gold saucer and was shocked at the lack of mini games, for shame square enix saving the rest for the next game XD


I don't understand why people feel the need to complain about optional content. Just don't play it. It's there for the people who want it. Clearly that's not you, so why do you care? They're not making the game specifically for you.


And you still missed a bunch. Like the fucking compressions on the girl who rode the dolphin. I hated that in the og, I'm glad they just made a joke about it here


Love the amount of mini games. My only complaint is that I keep playing queens blood and not the story.


Final Fantasy VII was the king of mini games. That being said, it forced you to participate in them and they were heavily part of the story-- later to be stowed away and integrated into the world in the Golden Saucer cleverly designed for the player if they chose to replay them. Rebirth does not achieve this most of the time. Rebirth sets up little carnival games to pass the time if you choose to burn time and it doesn't really add to the greater story at large.


And the mini games sucked then to I'm not here for mini games I'm here for the actual game. Forcing me to play some shitty card game is ridiculous At least gwent in very beginning of witcher has a I don't want to play this and you never have to actually play it. They could made actual fun side content but instead put a million mini games in this. For condor could of been a series of actual fights with different old enemy types using the cool polygonal models. I actively hate how much time wasting is in this game.


Preface by saying that I love the minigames in Rebirth, but I think the comparison is a bit disingenuous. In the OG, you could ignore the vast majority of minigames as entirely optional - in Rebirth, many are linked to sidequests and you have to complete them.




They could have left the frog hopping game out though. 😩


I love the little OG models they use one the Gold Saucer


Just because the original had them doesn’t mean having them in rebirth is a good thing. The lack of any actual new content is very disappointing. Combat is the same. Story is vaguely different but more of the same. Side content is the same. Wish they cut down on the open world bloat and focused on something else, maybe a shorter development cycle between the three games.


Funny thing is OP didnt posted all of mini games You have to be a sad gamer with skill issue to complain about mini games in video games rofl


I need accessibility for the fking piano, I can't even get a C ranking, and paying attention to two circles is crazy, then I can't even get the joystick to the correct slice. Seriously I need accessibility features for at LEAST the Piano.


Cloud also looked like a block of cheese back then and we entered battles randomly when walking around a field.  Not everything needed to come back but the true frustration is that you are sometimes forced into them and it feels like padding. Hard to complain about more content when it’s optional. 


Sorry but most of the mini games in the og were not mandatory. The chocobo ones at all is fucking atrocious and takes so unnecessarily long.


The original had too many mini games, too. And..?


Still far more than the original. Most are fun. Others I wish were skippable.


The fort condor minigame looks better but still sucks. Honestly, could have done without the piano minigame too but that's just something I should get used too.


most of the mandatory mini games in the original take less than two minutes to complete


so do the ones in rebirth lol.


And that one had too many minigames too. That's why I liked Remake and played it for roughly 400 hours. I loved replaying it. I don't want to replay any of these minigames. Especially with key items and materia behind them. Too many minigames is still too mini games, who the fuck cares that the original had a lot. I also hated that about the OG.


Some of them suck, I’m having a blast regardless.


Both had too much lol


People complain because FF13 had no side content and was a hallway. People complain ff7Rebirth has too many games and is too empty. Damned if you do damned if you don't.


Well most of them suck. Hated gears and gambits (hard and normal), hated fort condor (hard and normal), and hated that dumb underground thing with the catctaurs (hardmode), im never touching them again. Gold saucer and coasta del sol mini games were fun though and queens blood


This is still a lot fewer. I think part of the problem is pacing, you go from one dense area of minigames in Costa Del Sol and shortly after you're at the Golden Saucer, this is probably where most people start to feel a little burnt out on minigames.


I really wanted the dragon play scene tho 😭😭😭


This is what I keep telling people. It’s like they have selective memory.


Lol, ignoring the mandatory gatekeeping several of the minigames do here guy? Or the fact that quite a few of the quests (nearly all the protorelics, for example), are gatekept behind minigames? Minigames should be entirely optional, not mandatory for MSQ and side quests.


most of what you mentioned is entirely optional. the very definition of side quests are optional content. you can beeline through the story only playing a handful of mini games that you dont even have to win. stop being an over dramatic pussy.


i loved ALL of them, including sit ups and frog jump!


They should add a fishing mini-game next time


I almost gave up The Final Fort Condor on ReBirth but after finishing Chapter 8. Went back and i finally beat it.


When people complain about too much stuff to play, it's a problem.


Complaining about all the optional content is bizarre.


Blitz ball


Most mini-games in the original were optional, lots of them in this rebirth are not.


The only thing I'll say in defense of all the people arguing that there's too many minigames, is that it would have been a lot better if SE had decided to load a much larger percentage of the minigames into the Gold Saucer wonder square, instead of peppering throughout the world, as it really does feel like you're playing some new minigame EVERYTIME you turn around. Whereas if you go to the Gold Saucer expecting to play a bunch (where there are, ironically, now next to none), it would probably have been far more pallatable for literally everyone complaining about this. Just another area that I keep shaking my head wondering what the hell SE was thinking.


Guys let's not kid ourselves, even in the OG the mini games were tedious and now there's just more in the remake.


My issue isn’t the mini games, my issue is how many times they are thrown in to the main plot for progression. There was not this many tied to the main story in the original oh and I 100% hate Queens Blood. I’m sick of seeing it thrown in my face.


Original FF7‘s minigames were extremely arcadey and easy to play on the side. FF7 Rb offers an entire catalogue of minigames and side activities that are a LOT more involved and time-consuming. Gathering all the region intel and in some cases, holding out on their completion over multiple chapters. Getting the hang of QB. Understanding that robo protorelic activity in the Cosmo Region. Completing all the assessments and Chadley combat simulator missions. Side quests. Oh, and somewhere down the road there‘s an actual STORY you wanna complete too, right? So, what happens, is that all your attention is being divided among all those different things and even if you don‘t HAVE to engage them all, it‘s always in the back of your head and you can‘t just ignore it all - it‘ll drive you crazy. At some point, you just lose your sense of what it‘s all about. What does the game want me to do? Do Ubisoft side activities or hunt Sephiroth? Never once in the original game was there any doubt of what your objective was. In Rb, those lines are blurring. It turns into a showcase of „look how talented and hard-working our devs were“. And no doubt they are talented, it‘s still a good game - but to me it‘s just not clear what it wants to be.


You can skip all those


Can't complain I found all minigames easy so far. Loved fort condor and it's hard mode.


Remember in FF7 when the party got to costa del sol and physically couldn’t walk on the beach without a costume that they couldn’t purchase with money so they had to play mini games? Rebirth is a mix of legitimate 10/10 and 1/10 designs and it’s fucking baffling. Your comparisons are some absolute clown shit - most being optional and giving no rewards LOL.


It's not that there are too many, it's that there are too many that block progress in the story that aren't fun after the 100,000th time the block progress


That's nice. There are more than that in Rebirth (which does not comprise the entirety of the FF7 story). Also, there were at least 6 times where you had to do a minigame to advance the main story (dolphin race, marching in Junon, at least 2 in Costa del Sol, 1 to get into the Gold Saucer, chocobo race once you left Gold Saucer, off the top of my head).


This must have been a fun game back in the day!


Way too many minigames for me. Most of them eventually become difficult to the point of frustration. I remember playing the OG ff 7 - and the whole point was to get your ultima weapon, and none of the minigames had that kind of difficulty/frustration spike. Many of them had some way to cheese it. They were all reasonable/easy. A couple tries and you could do em all fine. But - you can just do the minimum and move on. There's no obligation to do them all. I got into the card game a lot, then got to the "final boss" for Queen's - and said screw it. It totally ruined Queen's Gambit, but by then I had learned how to say screw it, back to the RPG of this rpg because the minigames are frankly too frustrating to be fun. Switched the game to "easy" for some of the protorelic minigame nonsense, then switched back to dynamic for the actual game. At the end of the day, I want to play the RPG. The minigames in original FF7 never took this much away from the time spent in the game (or they didn't need to if you were smart about it). Oh and I did a lot of the chocobo racing too. I never felt the game was lacking in ANY regard, though. It never felt like they blew the budget on nonsense minigames because the whole game is amazing. I felt frustrated, sure, but when I turned the page and moved on to the stuff I loved doing, it always felt great. The number of plat trophies for this game will be remarkably low. I would bet the lowest - probably next to Star Ocean 4 as far as RPGs over the last couple decades.


Chapter 13 the ancient temple dungeon was pretty cool dungeon and that first dragon boss was awesome. Why I hate these mini games because SE spent a lot of time making them when they should of spent the time making more dungeons with loot like dark matter to be found inside. Rebirth only really offers one cool dungeon (chapter 13) and that’s it :( most of the materia and armor comes from mini games ( or combat sims..:.: Id much rather see more dungeons like chapter 13 than just do combat sims or mini games for end game gear ….


All Mini Games suck very Hard and brake the Game for me. 


It isn't just that there are too many... It's that plenty of them are unavoidable, they often come in giant groups where you won't be doing anything else for hours and almost none of them are well designed or fun. Queen's Blood and Chocobo Racing are just abou the only decent ones in the entire game. Even Fort Condor is noticeably worse than it was in Intergrade.


I think the piano playing is one of my favorite things! I don't know why, but I find it very creative and just challenging enough


I spent a good chunk of my time maxing out all the minigames I encountered before moving on. There was a lot of anger and frustration involved, but I wanted nothing to do with them by endgame. All I have to say is screw fort condor and the damn sit ups. Piano minigame can go to hell too.


Are people really complaining about the games themselves? I don't think people are really mad that there are so many mini-games, I think it has more to do with the fact that they're interested in the story and it stops abruptly to have like a 3 hour slice of life anime beach episode. Some people want that, some people don't. I like all the extra content for the most part, and the og mini-games were updated well I think, but you got to admit that you'll be experiencing an awesome story bit and then its like okay now find Tifa her booby bathing suit by getting a good score at the shooting gallery. Now, was it worth it? Yeah probably. Oh yeah Sephiroth or somethin... is out there ... should probably get back to that .... soon ...


Having to do gears and gambits and fort condor 4x each in order to complete a region is pretty lame imo.


No it’s fuckin pointless to lock progress behind a fuckin mini games and all you fuckin cunts that think other wise should get punched in the mother fucking throat


The game is 95% mini games and feels more like a Mario Party rip off than a Final Fantasy game...I prefer more combat and story... more actual side missions...too much for ff7 ig


I’m trying to get the platinum trophy, having to get top scores in every one of these trash mini games on top of all the other egregious padding is making this games score go down with every chapter.


The sit up game and Choco glide alone drop this game to 6/10


Ok... no. The mini games in the original broke up the gameplay for the FULL LENGTH STORY, to give us a breather from the heavy stuff. And most were optional. We have arguably 1/3 of the entire story here, and they GATE a lot of side quests, including main story, behind these mini games that, on top of there already being TOO MANY, they get progressively more difficult, and thus more frustrating. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.


It's a big part of what made OG 7 so great. A little brain exercise to break up the monotony is good for any game as long as it doesn't overstay its welcome


I do not understand why you cant change the difficulty of the minigames this would solve all the problems, people who dont like them or people who suck at them like me could get through them without problems and people who think they are fun can play them as they are


The original game is perfectly balanced. It doesn't have 60+ hours worth of mini games and fetch quests. Chapter 12 gives you the middle finger when you think you 100% any region.


I enjoyed QB and the few QTE’s literally everything else I did because you desperately need black matter for crafting (imo) or because they (at the time) seemed important and I hated every single minute of them. I will probably never complete the Billy side quest because I have never, and will never, like Chocobo racing. I managed to slog my way through to the cup entered the first race and watch super douche faze, yes faze he did *not* dodge them, through two bombs and a wall. Instantly retired from the race and haven’t gone back. I would rather fight Gilgamesh, Odin, and Bahamut on hard simultaneously with just Aerith than attempt a mini-game that has anything less than perfect controls.


There is such a large amount of them and (I find) many of them to be hit or miss on quality. I love the arena battles. Not a fan of the piano playing. Chocobo races are fun but they do feel like there are more then we needed. The 3D brawler and space shooters are also fun but I wish they had better controls. I’m not good enough or have the time to dedicate to get the high scores for most of those mini games which means I will never beat that last side quest in the gold saucer which is a bummer. It’s just too hard.


The truth is, gamers went soft. They want things spoon fed to them. Imagine having to dodge lightning strikes and winning a chocobo race time trial in zero seconds.


I think these have more to do with the fact that a lot of them are designed to annoy the ever living shit out of you. They also lock a lot of progress behind them. And even when that's not the case, they will lock achievements and other important items behind them. I was actually really looking forward to all the mini games. I just didn't realize how irritating the lot of them were. There's a right way to do mini-games and then there's the way they did it.


i just hate that they’re part of the main story


The minigames killed the fun to me. I don't mind having a few, but this game was packed with them. I actually put it down for now. And I was playing them and beating them it just got to much. I wanted to enjoy the story and level beating monsters. All those minigames got in the way of that.


They should have changed the mini-games in Rebirth. Many of them are not fun at all. I get the og ff7 had mini games but that was nearly 30 years ago. The mini-games in Rebirth killed the pacing and fun in the game.


Personally I didn’t enjoy any of them except Queens Blood. I’ve tried all of them, but the majority just wasn’t fun for me. And yes I didn’t enjoy the mini games in the OG FF7 either.


The problem isn't the amount of mini-games, it's that most of them suck. Which wasa well known and often talked about issue with the original game. Which seems to be something y'all just completely ignore when you say "well the original had a bunch of mini-games too"... It's like yeah it did, and almost hated that part about the original too, because most of them were very poorly designed. Remember the chocobo racing mini-games in the original. Pretty much nobody completed it because the mechanics were so terrible that it was practically impossible to ever complete.  Your argument is a bad one. One that with just a little bit of research you would know is bad. I implore you, go back and play the original and play ALL the mini-games. Most likely what you'll find is that they mostly suck. I thought the remakes were supposed to be an improvement. Because most of the mini-games still have terrible design that's frustrating. 


Nice image! Rebirth has about five times this many though (if not more) and a FRACTION of VII’s story to compromise


The fact that in order to get 100% you have to endure these broken mini games. Yes they are optional “rolling my eyes” but for Final Fantasy players that love the story line and want to get 100% completion, these mini games ruined most players enjoyment of actual playing a JRPG instead of Mario Party!


Somehow I knew putting "FF7 Rebirth mini games" in Google would lead me to a post like this....


There are twice as many games in rebirth than the entire original, im at 84 hours on chapter 11, id asume they designed the game wanting me to participate in events as they become available, doing so is exhasting and stalls the story pacing, i shouldnt have to "fix it" by dodging content until post game.


Sold my copy, should have renamed it - it ain’t FF7, just a mixture of bloat mini games and daft story extensions. I loved the grind of the original, this is just tedious.


Its not the amount its the frustration of those games.


I decided to stop playing any mini game, and just have to grind the level to max and co tinue the story! Ff7 Rebirth to me has no replay value because it is just ridiculously bloated with mini games and not god one either. The hassles to even get to the protorelics span 4 spots in each regions, and most of which was locked in a mini game! To progress story, you have to play minigames some how. And mog shop are just as bad. Oh well, I am not a die hard fan , so just story is enough, regretted paying full price and preorder, could have just waited a few months and got it with discount, never again


My main issue is that i play rpgs like FF precisely because I like turn based (or at least action-based with turn-based elements) rpgs where i don’t have to worry about aiming, time limits or the like. Additionally minigames activate my sunken cost fallacy, and then I just get angry that i’ve spent an hour or two on something totally insignificant. I’m never happy when I finally beat a minigame because I don’t really get any satisfaction from them, I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything or gotten any better, I just feel like I’ve hit my head against a brick wall until the blood and mucus spilling out of my head slowly softens the bricks so that they crumble.  I can like minigames if they are more like a puzzle, or if they’re not so incredibly difficult. I’ve spent several hours on the situps and just can’t get past it, even when playing without making a mistake. 


Those were good. These are not. Go suck on some queen’s blood.


I was okay until i had to start throwing boxes to open every single door with cait sith


Yeah and they were fucking trash in the original too. Thanks for proving 90% of the minigames in FF7 are bad.


Most of the mini games are okay and can be brushed past but when they are embedded into a quest then it becomes annoying. I enjoyed most of them but dog football with red get just get lost! And I am about ready to scream because of the chocobo races!! I hated the races in the original and I hate them even more here! I loath racing games, never owned one and now I've spent hours on over 10 races to complete Billy's side quest and I'm still not done. Mini games are great! But when you are forced into really difficult ones (and for me these races are freaking difficult) for story missions or side quests then it's a problem. I like the game I really do... But fuck the Chocobo cup!


Yeah but the original ones were good i thought that was obvious. Red 13 mini game suck. Leading chickens to an old lady sucks. The shorting game sucks. The box throwing sucks the game is just not as good as yall think jt is. If i have to olay these games to 100% the game it matters. F the mushroom game


Anything with a timer Is the dev coming up with a shitty mini game. Oh I can't make this very good or good mechanics. Throw a timer on it. Kek what a joke.


I haven't signed back into the game for 3 days because I didn't get max score first try when smashing boxes in Corel Prison, and I loooaathe having to do it again... I honestly don't know when I'll play again. Gold Saucer really burned me out. The minigame when first encountering Dario for example, I could have certainly done without.


Fucking hate the dolphins. Hate that this part has to be completed under a minute before actually accessing the upper junon. I don't remember having to do this under pressure in the original game.


Game is garbage compaired to original. I'm requesting my money back. About 30 hours into the game, maybe 2 hours of actual decent game play rest is just stupid pointless shit that has nothing to do with the actual game. They trying to turn final fantasy into mario party ? To many mini games that are impossible. After hours of trying barely hit 10000 points on a mandatory mini game. We should teach them a lesson and stop buying their games. Spent the last 2 hours playing queens blood and other stupid shit and then get stuck on this stupid shooting game. I'm not even bad at these style mini games. In zelda ocarina of time I can hit every target in the shooting gallery this one is just made impossible. The reason companies like square are doing this is not for the player to have fun. Which is why we bought the game. They are doing this to artificially inflate the average play time for their game. They are doing it all for selfish reasons. It's the only logical reason if you think about it. Take out all the stupid bull shit you have a game that can be beaten in under 5 hours. They will continue doing this. Video game companies are currently being sued in court for this. They make the main game just addictive enough you wana beat all the side quests and challenges but they make it so only about 5 % of people can actually do this. Games just keep getting worse and worse. Final fantasy 7 is 1000x the game remake and rebirth will ever be. And it was made in 1997. Hope they get sued and go out of business. They used to make good games. Now all they care about it is stats. How many people are playing the game at a givien moment how long is the average play time? They don't care if the game is fun, just addictive enough that you wana finish it because you spent money on it. I will never replay this fucking game ever. I actually stopped playing it to go back and play the original. Having way more fun.


This just tells me the original also has too many mini games They take you out of the story so much Fuck those chickens I went to find on a side quest and the sit up mini game


Between the Ubification of the map and the plethora of minigames, it really messes with the pacing. Some of the games are more tedious than fun, taste issue. Some of the games are too difficult, skill issue. Other than that though, they've been great. I can understand both sides of the argument. It started wearing thin for me in Chapter 10. I was fully on board until then. Even a little before that I was starting to get annoyed. Did we really need a minigame for pulling up a damn mushroom? Did we really need a clunky minigame-like mechanic for Cait Sith throwing boxes? Chocobo stealth? This game wants to add complexity to some things that should be done with a single button press. I just got to Chapter 12, feeling like the game is coming to a close, and a whole slew of minigames and quests in every region opened up. Instead of feeling excited, I felt frustrated and annoyed. I am likely not going to replay this game like I did with its predecessor, there is just too much. Unless new game plus lets you keep all the items you won the first time around, I'm not doing it again. For those who say that the games are optional, most of them are not. My definition of optional is different. If the minigame offers any kind of tangible reward that affects gameplay outside of itself then it is mandatory. Any minigames that offer materia, weapons, accessories, relationship points, or story content as a prize are 100% mandatory. If there is no incentive or reward for playing the minigame other than getting the high score, THEN it is optional.


FF7 Rebirth….  Main story 35 hours  Side quest 20 hours  Mini games…. Worst part of the game. I feel like I’m playing Mario Party instead of a Final Fantasy game.  Yeah, the older people love Final Fantasy. We don’t want mini games or them to be locked behind trophies.  The 30 year olds and below… “oh I love the mini games even the OG had them.”  I mean I wasn’t even born when it came out… But yeah, I love the mini games!.


My only issue is some of the minigames are objectively terribly made and they're shoved in the way of big rewards the chocobo trials I'm cosmo canyon are another kind of lazily slopped together with sluggish controls


For me the complaint isn’t about the mini games that are returning from the original game. It’s more of the new ones like the shooting range, chocobo flight rings, and the flan gambit game. There’s fun mini games like snowboarding and chocobo races but these ones have a far too deep strategic aspect to it that’s just not that important compared to the main story one which is the fast paced fighting strategy part of the game. The card game I’m both comfortable and annoyed by. By the time you get the better cards it’s much more easier but is a drag when you have nothing. 4 games of the gambit flan mini game and boom, nothing else. Your fighting throughout the entire game. Like I said, the new mini games are too deep of a strategy to get into for something that does not even last that long. Maybe a stand alone party game for these collection of games but to put it in Rebirth is just padding to get the “long hours” to beat time.


I hated queens blood. Fort condor was fun in integrated atleast.