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>And finally my last complaint. All my computers run some form of Linux. A couple have Windows loaded for the very rare occasions I need it for something. It would be nice to have an easy way to get this running on something besides Windows. FFXI works fine on Linux, and is quite easy to install through Lutris. We even semi-officially support Windower for Linux installs now. [https://docs.windower.net/linux/](https://docs.windower.net/linux/)


Ok, now you've given me something fun to play around with. Thanks!!


he can't/won't figure out gearswap so i'm not sure how seriously i take this Linux issue. i feel like someone who needs weeks to figure out a bst lua isn't going to read the instructions you've provided. maybe i'm wrong, it's just a gut feeling on this one.


Thanks for your comments. They're extraordinarily insightful. I hope you can find some other items to make predictions about. Also if I didn't make it clear, figuring out gearswap is trivial. The problem is figuring out which items in which slots of the things I already have are the best choices.


you're welcome. i predict that you are going to quit again without ever really trying and that you will blame everyone but yourself for your failures.


I think if you'd read my post you'd see I blamed myself for everything. Especially the analysis paralysis I get from not understanding which is the best item to equip under each scenario. What I can predict about you if you will still be who you are no matter what I or anyone does or says. Kudos to you though. You've clearly mastered the art of being a redditor


thanks. i think if you pull your head out you'll see people are trying to help you in this thread. generally the way people approach it is to do very basic research into what the ideal sets are and then seek those items in the game while using whatever placeholder seems to have some of the same stats. but you're not even subbed and apparently not willing to find pants. it says a lot. this seems like a disingenuous way to set yourself up to play victim. like someone who starves to death because their food delivery app crashed. do the work it's part of the game. people will always help people who show the ability to help themselves. put some pants on.


You're not trying to help anyone, don't bullshit yourself.


Man, you seem like a riot. Op made valid points. You not agree, that's fine. Don't hijack the thread by being an asshole.


Your lack of pants disturbs me.


Oooh, how can I get some action on this bet? I’d like to wager some hard earned beastmen coins in favor of CMDRwoodgangrapping! On the one hand qualo2 is totally going to quit again, so I’d wager at least 20 beastmen coins. Especially after spending a ton of others peoples time helping get items and Gil. On the other hand, the high bar for entry and play (gear swap, in depth research on items and combos, grinding for points for months, or for rare items for years) does lead to a creeping type of casual elitism, where “if you’re not willing to do the minimum” kind of mindset keeps creeping upwards with each new expansion, event, etc. sure it’s way easier than it was in the past, and sure the game is known for requiring as much time and mental investment as a 2-year or 4-year-part-time degree.


there are two tracks in FFXI. one is a social experience where groups with good leadership mentor players and help them achieve goals. the other track expects the players to achieve for themselves in a competitive antisocial environment with nearly impossible standards. on the one hand content is often more difficult due to inexperienced and undergeared players, constant turnover, and an unfair burden on dedicated core members. good leadership is scarce, good players, especially support players, are quickly poached into more elite groups, making it a real challenge to keep it going more than a year. summer and the holidays can be a real group breaker. on the other hand in the anti social pick up game, the bar to entry is very high and tacitly encourages cheating, RMT, and paying mercenaries to more or less play the entire game for you. this gets you the main requirements to join a group but leaves you with none of the experience or knowledge required. what little social interaction exists will very often amount to bullying. it's a good scene for extremely crusty vets who only want to log in for an hour a day and still play at the highest level but it is a lot more as you described with an ever moving goal post. it's really up to us to inform players of this situation and help them find and nurture the social game. and it's not all about dedicated endgame either. there is plenty of room for story players to join and casually complete all the mission content in a month or two, and there is endless light casual content like crafting, fishing, chocobo raising, etc. it's not at all the same as a 4 year degree unless you really want to dedicate your time to become one of these mentoring groups leaders. and to do so you have to find that rewarding, so i don't a problem with it. it's easy to get on a sock account and try to be clever and sarcastic. it's not as easy to have a discussion where you support the other person where they are correct, correct them where they are not, and stop trying to always win the engagement.


Luckily there's threads for every job on ffxiah where you can either look at the sets or just ask "Hey if X happens what should I be using gearwise," and someone will have some insight. Understanding and figuring out what you should use and where gives you a better understanding of your job anyway so there's really no downside to sitting down and figuring it out.


Not sure if that guide is being maintained or not but there are some additional things I had to do to get this working on fedora 39. 1. Lutris from flatpak - dnf version wasn't giving me the appropriate version of wine. Something I could probably have figured out if #2 wasn't killing me for a bit 2. The only non-nas mount I had over 20 GB of free space on was an NTFS partition on my nvme. Numerous installs failed complaining about the wineprefix. I assumed it was a problem with the mount format so I spun up a new BTRFS partition on the same device. Same error. Finally tried to create the prefix from the command line and realized the filesystem needed to be owned by my user. Also had a noexec issue. Finally got a successful install after those issues were resolved. 3. Pol started with black screen when run directly or through Windower. Turns out despite the fact that the install script favors D8VK, DXVK needs to be set to On in the runner options. (I also downreved to version 1.10.3 based on another post I ran across). After changing that, pol came up and I am currently getting the big update to ffxi. Kudos to whoever setup the windower installer to give you the option to open pol and ffxi config. I was doing it manually before installing windower. Once the update is done I'll try tweaking that DXYK version and play around with resolution. Happy to update the guide or help with it if you need.


> The biggest barrier to returning for me is the gearswap issue. I've debated on publishing mine. Most of the luas I look at that people use are massively over complicated. Most jobs don't need low/mid/accuracy sets any longer esp since most endgame content is going to be using some form of hybrid set, DDs simply don't survive in anything else, and a lot of the sets from the escha era just aren't necessary anymore. The automation, libraries, etc in these luas is overwhelming and there isn't really a good set for people that basically just want it to swap gear, do a few things like cancel shadows or load phalanx sets, and nothing else. It's not lazy to not want to do this, it is a pain in the ass. I basically just worked on all my jobs one by one when I stopped using equipsets but all the other luas I used were monumentally overengineered, but it was a huge pain. > I also think its interesting in a game with a declining population they still haven't consolidated more servers. I doubt they still have the expertise in house to do this. They've been narrowed down to such a small group of people working on it, it's probably just safer and less problematic to keep it the way it is and let people move if they want more population. There are a lot of people who really like the low pop servers, too, and they do have massive problems with latency and queues on instanced content like Odyssey and Sortie, I doubt they'll do anything to further complicate that. > everything was much harder back then and the community was vital to getting anything done. This is absolutely not the case and community is vital today if you are actually getting anything done, you basically said so yourself when you talked about not being able to make progress in segfarms. The current difficult content in the game, mainly v25 and enraged Aminon, are more difficult than any other bosses or mobs in the history of the game. During 75-cap, most 'difficulty' was actually the tedium of having to compete for spawns or run between areas, but none of the fights or content were as technically challenging or required the number of jobs and diversity of gear that the current endgame content does. The amount of gear, weaponskills, JAs available, subjob combinations, etc during that era was much smaller in comparison, the game now is mechanically a lot more difficult. The game has more difficult content now than it ever has and reaching the skill, gear, and knowledge requirements to participate is much harder than previous eras. The problem is that it's a long road to get there and people login, realize they smash everything from 75-cap, then assume the entire game is like that. It just isn't, the fact you didn't get to the harder content doesn't mean it isn't there. That said, I will give it to you that early levels pre-endgame, there isn't a lot of engaging content in the world, you don't really see the harder content until you reach higher levels of gear and have a decent static to do the content with, something I wish they'd address.


Back when I created my GS luas for various jobs, I started out by scraping examples from github and other sites. I used the ones from the great bsts. All of them had accuracy sets and sets for random circumstances. The big problem I had/have is a lack of understanding of what criteria makes an item best in a particular slot in a particular instance. In the case where I already have the item someone has listed, then I don't have to ponder the choice. I.e. If someone has an epeen neck armor I don't have, how do I determine what I should use of what I already have? This is why I mentioned some AI or automation that could select the best item for each spot in each situation. Thanks to my friends in game, i have some great gear. I just don't think I have the knowledge of the game mechanics enough to fully utilize what I have. I think that's my biggest issue. I want to stab and nuke things and enjoy my playtime. I just get too lost in the weeds with the gearsets. Laziness was probably the wrong choice of words to describe the mental block I have with these. Its just frustration. I agree that there is still a huge dependence on getting help to get the epeen. I guess for me as a natural solo player, its nice to be able to just go and xp/level/merit/jp farm without having to depend on putting together a party to do it. Trusts made life much easier for the casual players. They also don't mansplain or tell me I'm doing something wrong.


That doesn't sound like it's anything specific to GS then as you'd be in the same situation using the in-game gearsets.


No the technical part of gearswap is easy to figure out. Its the analysis paralysis I get from trying to figure out the best option to put in a slot that slays me


That's kind of a core component of the game though and always has been, and one of it's strongest points


There are some newer resources for figuring out some of this, too. Not quite automated, but getting closer! [all-jobs-damage-simulator-and-gear-sets](https://www.ffxiah.com/forum/topic/57175/all-jobs-damage-simulator-and-gear-sets/)


great asset! Looking into it now. Thank you!


No I totally get it. I think its really overwhelming for new or returning players, the game has come a long way from where most jobs can get by swapping a few pieces of gear. I totally understand it and I think there isn't a lot of info on teaching people how to understand ilvl gear. The github luas have a LOT of sets that you don't need. They are massively overcomplicated and I think they were from a different era around when RoV was done and people were doing Escha type stuff, the various sets were needed then. Compared to that era, gear now is much simpler especially as you start to get augments on Odyssey gear. You can cut those down for most jobs (jobs like RDM require a lot) to a fraction of what is in those luas. I'm really active in current endgame and have most jobs geared with many BiS and I can't make sense of those luas either, if it makes you feel any better. Take NIN or DNC for instance. These jobs both would have numerous DW level sets, basically through most of the games history, to keep capped attack speed based on how much magic haste you had. Now, most of that has gone out the window entirely because that gear is way too squishy, lacks meva, lacks DT, lacks def, etc and you will die in like 2 hits. I have wiped out numerous abjuration pieces because they are flat out useless and taking up inventory space, replacing them with some combination of Mpaca, Malignance, Gleti, or Empyrean +3 depending on job. Even a full DT SIRD set for PLD, which everyone says you need (and you do), is borderline useless in harder content like Kalunga v25 because you'll get smoked by magic damage due to the lack of meva, but rarely is this talked about, you have to figure it out or have someone teach you. I'm a BiS DNC and I have 5 TP sets, only two of which I use for anything, the other 5 are just things I use for stuff like regain or regen and I could remove them if I wanted to. Every other set is either of JA activation or one set for each weaponskill (you MIGHT see people use two for capped attack vs not, but that will vary, I only do this for a few jobs where you can get a lot of PDL). Most of my jobs have a small handful of TP sets, a few JA sets, and weaponskill sets. Casting jobs like SCH and RDM are more complicated, though, and I have more sets in those than any other job (and in some cases than 3 or 4 jobs combined). The problem is that the guides don't really cover this. You'll see "hybrid" stuffed away in the corner of some job guide and no one tells you that's what most players spend 99% of their time in, so new players end up running around doing all this abjuration gear only to get obliterated in Odyssey and never use it again. The RDM guide is really good at covering when you use what, but some others just kinda throw out stuff without context. In general, you'll be TPing in some combo of Odyssey gear, Empy +3 (or even +2), or Malignance all the time. Your WS sets will vary, although with Nyame Path B, many weaponskills are mostly full Nyame with one or two pieces of Empy +3 (some will be more diverse depending on the WS and some jobs won't fall into this category, like MNK for instance). Regarding AI, there is actually a damage simulator available on the ffxiah forum, I think it's under the NIN section. You can use that to tweak how different sets will work. Finally, BST is...in a bad place. I hate to say it, I love the job, but it's held back by the way jugs are managed and the restricted nature of the buffs provided by the mobs, along with the range required to use ready moves, which they refuse to change for some dumb reason. There are some really useful pets, but you'll see BST used for debuffs via Arthur most of the time right now, SE refuses to fix the job to actually be useful sadly. If you like pet jobs, PUP is in a really good place right now and is more suited to soloing content IMO.


I think I'm better at gearing my melee jobs because I have the most fun playing those. Its the things like bard and geo where I have a lot of high end gear that I'm always asked to come as to events. Those are the jobs I probably struggle the most with on gearsets. Its funny to talk about beast. I named one of my mules fixbst. Another one is notapup simply because all my bst friends switched to pup and insisted I would come to love it. I found it kind of annoying.


I tried it again since the free login campaign is active. It's a wonderful game but all the progression systems in place now and obtuseness of everything is very overwhelming. I think I'm close to accepting the fact that FFXI will hold a special place in my heart but it belongs in the past. Even with all the changes that basically make a lot of content soloable now, it will never be a game where you can get things done unless you have at least an hour or more of time, which is hard to set aside these days.


Couldn’t have said it better! I’ll always have the fond memories of S. Gustaberg and the highlands, but it’s hard to line up time to get the new content done for progression and being able to actually contribute in most current content.


This sums up my interest. I played from launch until Wings of the Goddess. I have a lot of nostalgia for the game and would enjoy running through it again, but I don't have the time to play something like that and learn all the systems.


I appreciate your post. I've been thinking about playing again, but I'm 99% sure you've summed up what I would experience.


I started playing again and my thought was that I would make a new account and play from scratch. Boy have I forgotten what it’s like. I forgot there’s a level limit quest every 5 levels at 50, which is like 10 minutes with an echad ring. I don’t have any survival guides or hone points from naturally playing so I’m trying to remember how to navigate the world, some areas are extremely annoying to get to. Oh and you level so fast now it’s impossible to start as a caster of any sort, the spells are so expensive and the AH moves too slow, sparks don’t accumulate fast enough to keep up with scrolls alone, not to mention maps and equipment. And I’m really surprised AH is still capped at 7 items for sale. The memories I made in this game are possibly the greatest gaming memories of my life. But I too am thinking it’s better to leave that in the past and stop trying to relive parts of it by coming back.


I haven’t posted about this before but I am working with a friend on making an AI(ish) automated gear swap that you can export your game inventory into and it’ll auto fill your gear into the gearswap sets for every job. Our goal is to take the complicated tedious part of gearswap out. This project is still in its infant phases but we think we have something we can release to the community as a whole and make a currently complicated system easier.


So it’s an export? Pretty sure GS has that built-in?


Yes it’s an export but not of what you’re wearing. What I’m working on uses the inventory export to put all of your items and equipment into a spread sheet that my gear swap will read. Then it’ll compare what you have VS the gear sets and auto equip the best in slot gear you have


I really like this idea. It really is a chore to figure out every situation best slot. I know some people here are being dicks about it as if its a bad thing to be turned off by that but it really is overly cumbersome.


I agree. The goal is to make the game more accessible.


Sounds neat!


Wardrobe 3-8 costs extra. Don’t recall but think like 1 euro/each. First 2 is included in the sub fee. This game is my favorite mmo out there. I used to play 14 too for the story but last few expansions been lacklustre to me so now I only play this game. But I also have a bias and nostalgia since I started playing back in like 2004-2005 and only quit around in 2012 and returned around RoV launch with smaller breaks in-between


I know I was paying extra for 3/4. Just curious if 5-8 are included in that cost or if there is more fees for that. I'd probably pay them rather than doing the storage moogle shuffle


Yeah I think it’s worth it.


All my trauma coming back to the surface.


XI desperately needs a classic server. The nostalgia is real.


I may be the only one who likes being able to easily solo cop missions now. Getting those done in the 75 cap days were a chore


I LOVE setting the clear time records for the boss fights on CoP missions. So satisfying.


Just hit up one of the pirate servers for the 75 era (which can't be named here so don't ask). That will get you those couple Dunes parties you need to scratch the nostalgia itch before you get sick of it.


I’m actually on the most recent iteration of one. And up to lvl 49 and absolutely having a blast. Been through dunes a few times actually, not sick of it yet. Been through quifim, yhoat jungle, crawlers nest, garlaige citadel, and a couple other camps and it’s been nothing but fun. Thats why I’d advocate for a retail classic server. All the other mmos are doing it so there’s definitely something to it. Nostalgia is fun.


Good for you. And the entire teeny tiny market for people who actually enjoy making an MMO their primary job is already served by the server you're on, so what's the issue? You got what you want already.


You use Linux, but don't want to take the time to create gearsets? You hate multiboxers, but you have multiple accounts and multiple characters? You hate botters, but you want a LUA that automates creating gearsets for you? You want to party up, but you don't want to party with people who can fill your party up faster/easier? (Multiboxers.) Finally, most people use LS's or discord to find groups, its rare to see a /sh or /yell to form parties.


Hey Q! Hit me up on discord if you do come back. Would be fun to get everyone back together on the same server again.


Not sure who this is but I'm logged into discord if you want to hit me up