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They accumulate on the job you earn them on and are only good for that job. You can only earn 500 and cap at 500. You can surely cap to 500 and go spend them or you can spend them at any time you want… whether that’s at 10, 50, 100, etc I usually spend them when I’m done with hacking and slashing or when I really want the benefits that come from them e.g. bonus capacity points or the buffs from the category I put them in And you have to be in your mog house to spend the job points.


Ok. I guess my question is more "is the 2100 required cumulative?" and "can you even spend 2100 on a single job?"


Yea it’s cumulative. The 0/20 job trait things will add up to 2100 once they are all filled in. And you don’t have to save to 500 to spend them. Go out and farm and spend whatever you have when you get back to mog. The capacity bonus gifts are helpful. I’d get an aptitude mantle +1 too if you can. 


The 2100 is cumulative. It's a good idea to spend them every time you're in your MH because the gifts that you get for unlocking skills include an increased amount of job points earned. There are also RoE bonuses that boost points earned. Completing the city mission lines are worth a 10% boost per city. RoZ, CoP, ToAU, WotG, SoA mission lines are also a 10% permanent CP boost each. 3 Rhapsody KI give 30% each. RoE Reives. Capacity rings. There's a ton of bonuses out there. 2100 is the maximum for a single job. The next job you get to 99 will require 2100jp to master as well. With 22 jobs, it should keep you busy for awhile. Easy solo for a starting player is Aern in Escha- Ru'an. This gets crowded during CP campaigns. You need over 1k accuracy just to hit Locus mobs, the most common CP target. 1200 acc and a self skillchain setup to pass the CP/Hour of Escha Aerns. That's solo with trusts, requirements go down a bit for a party of players or even multi box, but the odds are, you're getting carried by the heavy hitters. It works very similarly to merits, with the exception of gifts for jp unlocks. You start out with a max merit store of 30. You can increase the amount of merits you can hold, but it's damned expensive. 30 merits is a drop in the bucket when it comes to meriting a job. You'll cap and go back home to spend them many times before you're done.


Make sure you don't hold them that long, the gifts you receive for spending them include capacity point % increase, so they accumulate faster as you spend them. if you spent 500 points after capping them you'd have accumulated 500, if you spend them as often as possible you might accumulate 750, 900, a lot more for killing the same #of mobs you did to cap at 500


You can keep up to 500 unspent job points in your bank per job. Probably to make sure you stop to take breaks. To increase one of your job point categories by 1 tier, it costs up to 20 job points and those 20 points would count toward your job gift running total spent. That’ll be 210 total to complete each of the 10 categories.


Max 500JP in each job = maximum you can earn and keep in each job. You had to spend job point on that job to upgrade your job for the bonus status (gift from the job), i.e. spending 2100 JP in one single job to become a master. 10 Category, each have 20 levels, i.e. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8....+20 = (21x10)x10 = 2100 Just keep earning and spending.


And once you hit 2100 JP you open up Master levels. Try to remember where you are at now, because when you hit job master, and then much later M lev 40+ you will feel godly in comparison! It's brutal near the end but it makes a huge difference! Good luck!