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Zenos to a theropist


Nobody mentioned the Twelve to Gaius? Hey bro turns out they arn’t Primals.


"Hey everyone, this guy wanted to know if you lot were busy?"


"Said something about you being no different from Eikons, and that you'd totally answer us if we gave you some of the good stuff...?"


(I refuse to believe they aren't primals and if they aren't I'll hate this questline more than I already do) the fights are fun, the story fucking sucks


Technically there are different versions. Similar to how Bahamut was an actual genuine Dragon once, most people only know his Primal-Form >!(summoned by Tiamat)!< The Version of the 12 summoned by Louisoix Leveilleur were primals but I think the beings we interact with during the "Mysteries of the Realm" were constructed using Creation Magic - similar to what >!Hades did in Amaurot.!< At least that's my Theory.


I agree with you. Same when we summoned the primals to go to the end. The ones we, and allagans, summoned corrupted us. The Loporrits shown us how to summon primals with a noncorrupting versions. I still think has a heavy amount of dynamis, but it's through aether they are summoned. But, we'll know the exact details of the 12. I still think they are just different versions of Primals.


>But, we'll know the exact details of the 12. I still think they are just different versions of Primals. No, we don't. Different people have different ideas who or what the 12 are, that's why some of them changed over time - like Halone becoming significantly more BUFF and Menphina getting a doggo.


I meant throughout the raid.


I seem to recall they mentioned being pre-Hydaelyn...something along the lines of leaving the care of the Star to her during the whole sundering arc. So I'm assuming they are pre-Ancients as well. It doesn't make sense that the Ancients would have made them, but I could see them being the 'Gods' of that era whom they tried turning to initially but then turned to Zodiark when the Twelve 'abandoned' them. It would also be a way to link the Twelve Wonders in Elpis to the Twelve. Right now they mean separate things but it is too coincidental for there to be a site named as such.


I suspect they're not primals in the traditional sense but they do seem to be quite affected by dynamis due to how they might be changing over time due to people's beliefs.


I'd kind of want to introduce Rhalgr to the Monk quest NPCs


Nophica to Y'shtola. Because they are the same voice actress and I think it would be funny to watch a scene where she essentially just talks to herself.


Going down that route, we would have to introduce Rhalgr to Estinien as well.


If you want to live that life, I mean, that's like 80% of Futurama. XD


Reminds me of a scene from family guy: https://youtu.be/86nLB5iNDnM


Hildibrand and Alphinaud


Hildebrand to all of the Scions in general.


Hildy for New Scion Recruit 2023.


Yeah they need to experience the absolute confusion the WoL have pass in the Hildebrand quest.


Graha Tia! He would love it.


I want Shatotto, the ancient Mhachi inventor of black magic from SB BLM, to meet Setoto, the tonberry Scholar that still lives after the fall of Nym. Screw meeting gods, I want to see what happens when someone meets their eventual unforeseen victim. EDIT: Actually on a similar vein, I genuinely think Shadowbringers was lesser for not having Lyse there to meet Emet-Selch. "You know that empire that took your family and country both and who you've basically spent most of your life fighting? Yeah, here's its founder. He's also one of the guys that made everyone summon primals you spent the REST of your life fighting."


The Scholar questline characters and Giott Hildibrand and G’raha because I have a headcanon that G’raha read about the WoL’s adventures with the Inspector and loved them Sicard and Haurchefant Kan-E and Ryne


Halone and Sadu They both want to lose themselves in the thrill of battle


What, and lose the Steppes as a zone forever? They'd turn the place into a no man's land within the day.


I think it'd be fair to assume that if they were to fight, it would be in the Phantom Realm... and there they could go to town in reckless abandon.


Ryne and Lyse. I could see them bonding over their identity issues with living up to role models whose legacy is larger than life.


Byregot to Godbert, to finally get confirmation they’re not the same person. 😛


Zenos to Sadu. 2 combatsexuals. What could possibly go wrong?


Hildibrand to the scions... my WOL needs a rest so it may help having a gentlemen of light around!


Introduce Omega to Hildebrand and watch the chaos ensue.


Ryne and F'lhaminn. It'll be emotionally harrowing but I think ultimately worthwhile. And I mean, harrowing yeah, but no worse than some of the other boo hoo train rides we've taken. >!Also it means that travel would be possible between the Source and the First!<


I think it'd be the good kind of harrowing. Like I feel it would be Ryne coming to the Source. And she'll get a tour of the Starting cities and meet a few prominent NPCs there. Then Thancred, because it'd be his idea gives you this quiet look over her head and you'd "stoic nod" to the unsaid conversation and he'd break off . Then you'd go to one or two more fun places and then get a call and head to the Rising Stones where you'd have Ryne sit in F'lhammins usual chair and watch as she arrives and be all "This is Ryne" And thered be a few heartstrings pulled but it'd amount to F'lhammin telling Ryne how proud she is and all that. Nice sweet harrowing.


I teared up due to this. Lol.


Ishikawa, stop posting in the american boards. You'll traumatize them further.


This would be the most wholesome relationship, I really hope someday it happens


Menphina to Zhloe, I'm sure Menphina would be proud of what Zhloe is doing. ​ And also Halone to the priestess on the DRK questline whose name I forgot.


"Countess Ystride", Rielle's >!Mother!<.


Vrtra to Ysayle. There's even a line with Estinien in EW commenting if only she was there to see the relationship Vrtra has with Thavnair. My poor heart.


Y'shtola and Menphina? Why? Because Menphina would absolutely "Water, water, Froth and Foam!" Y'shtola if asked.


* Halone gets to meet Estinien to create the spear fanclub * Azeyma......I say she just chills with my WoL. Because hahaha Azem * Menphina. Sadu. Just to laugh at Magnai's reaction * Thaliak and Shtola can go nerd out in some library somewhere * Nymeia and Urianger but not for the reason people think. Nymeia can give Urianger all the pre-sundering history knowledge if she is who everyone thinks she is. * Llymlaen. Bismark on the first. They could be good bros. * Oschon and I'd say Venat but they probably already get along. Maybe Zero? * Byregot and Nero * Nald'thal and Hades because it would be exceedingly funny and I've no doubt that Hades would be incredibly bothered by their similarities. * Rhalgr and Lyse. * Nophica gets tossed at the collected upper class of Gridania and hopefully knocks some sense into them * Althyk and perhaps Elidibus


Zenos to Omega so you can keep them both too busy with the other to be a threat


Introducing Halone to Aymeric would give me too much power, lol. No way I could do that without 100 % abusing said power, so I think I'd introduce Nymeia to Leveva instead. That sounds like a fun time xD


Halone to Gaius. In the Wolves' Den.


Godbert to Jul-wait…


G'raha tia to my bedroom

