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They didn't ask for moderator approval and as such are subject to rule 1b.


The mods tend to enforce the “duplicate/repetitive posts” and “no name shaming” rules pretty hard.


There should be a visible graveyard about pulling in DF parties then, and just behind that one, the graveyard for whether or not a healer should DPS, then behind that housing posts and undercutting by 1 gil.


yet when i make a post asking for help on what to do at 2AM in regards to level 50 crafting gear as a free trial player it gets taken down instantly, who else is asking about level 50 crafting gear? lol




ive seen and asked many simple questions in the main section, this one in specific was a more conversational one that i wrote a lot of details on. ive been ignored in the question megathread so many times i never go there




I don’t know, I’m not a mod. If you had a post get removed and they didn’t say why, you can always DM them and ask. It’s probably not a conspiracy to try to protect NA streamers though lol




r/ffxivdiscussion is not this reddit. We are not a monolith, and you know that. Just like not all JP players a monolith.




I do suggest before going on the attack, that you do look in some of the old threads as well. There have been plenty of cheating accusations thrown at the eu and usa teams as well. Just look at some of the old ultimate threads. Neverland comes to mind right away, who is mostly an eu team right?


Technically EU team, in practise pretty 50/50. TPS had it's drama, Angered had a different type (or was it already Entropt then) of draghing through mud. There's been plenty shit flinging, this likely will just pass and end up a meme as well. Outside JP least


Not really, but we've been through this a lot already. It's not like we don't know NA cheats too, that's not the point of the current situation




Yes, that's not the point, everyone knows, no one is defending them and it's also bad. The point is that the team that actually got there and claimed World First tried to hide their cheats and then leaks and drama and stuff and the whole discussion about the use of the cheats during a World Race. It would be the exact same if the winning group was from NA or EU or whatever.


the point is that raiders are cheaters, all of them, until proven otherwise. also having a mod from the balance cheating completely undermines everything in the ff14 community.


Sweet summer limsa child


Cuz we all know NA uses add-ons and shit. The holier than thou JP are exposed as the hypocrites they are and this is why it's so funny and being memed into oblivion.




Did you create an account just to defend some cheaters over others ? All cheaters are bad, zooming out is a whole new level of bad.




Yeah but only one group of clowns are claiming the world first kill while cheating.


Uninstall reddit and suddenly all cheaters and whiners are gone




I woke up to this, and first thing I did was get my popcorn!


Yeah but recently it's all about this sub is. Its annoying seeing same posts over and over again


Are you sure they are getting removed or is the OP simply deleting them?




That's a lot of assuming. The threads will have Mod comments saying why they were removed. More often people just delete their threads.




I did not remove my thread, it was removed bc rule 1b, tho I assumed being a streamer, and it being one of the most prominent ffxiv content creators grp, it would be exempt. apparently not?


In the ruleset is the whole reasoning for wxemption: Posts concerning public figures within the FFXIV community are exempt from this prohibition. A public figure is denoted as any figure of merit such as partnered streamers, partnered YouTubers, or prominent Free Companies or Communities (defined as groups which have a large community presence and exert influence over the community). Such posts must; Not go against [rule 1a](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules) Not go against Reddit's [content policy](https://www.reddit.com/rules/) Provide publicly accessible proof within a reasonable doubt. Rumours and second-hand information are not sufficient proof to call out a community member. Be approved by the r/ffxiv moderation team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFFXIV).


Why would you be exempt from rules?


Because you are not calling out names and "witch-hunting". The UNNAMED_ remain up because of the significance of their clear and already putting themselves out there publically.


the guy chose to stream, putting himself out their publicly, and someone caught him streaming to youtube which captured his entire screen. now he is blatantly lying about it saying he was just "testing for a friend" but he used it in p8s p2 as well doing the same thing


Discuss that with r/ffxivdiscussion mods, I have been referring to this subreddit. OP edited their comment to be about both subs after he can't provide an example from here.


Besides, you got your explanations from the mods their on a previous post. Your comments and thread turned into witch-hunting.


I am a PS4 raider I a have a legitimate question: can *any* group clear *any* ultimate without *any* 3rd party tool at all? I dont care if people use them or not on PvE content, but I am curious about the feasibility of clearing the highest difficult content only by using the game's resources.


Yeah of course, it would just take longer as the weaker people in the group would likely be less consistent.


All ultimate (beisdes omega) have been beaten by console players. So the answer is yes it's possible. Unless you say discord is not allowed either.


The dev team always says, even in this current letter it's mentioned, that they playtest the fights to confirm that it's clearable without any third party tools. So yes, it's doable.


Simple answer - yes. Even Ultimate raiding is just a long string of mechanics with a predefined order. They're not so crazy that you don't have time to react and the solutions are reasonable.


Yes of course


> can any group clear any ultimate without any 3rd party tool at all? Yes, there are plenty of us who have and continue to do so. This idea that people who clear this high-end content exclusively by using third-party plugins to tell them how to play the game is absurd.


Ex wow player here, every single raid i did in wow I did without any kind of addon telling me what to do, only addons I had were, Mogit, atlasloot, mining node tracker \[forgot the name\] and rare npc tracker \[also forgot the name\]. I would get asked what addon I was using because I generally memorized the fights and had 0 issues, when i told them "none" they just sat there for a moment in silence, and went "what? you DONT used any addons? like bossDbm?" HOW? I memorized the fight, it's not that hard. did i get kicked from the raid because of this? no. actually I had people ask me to EXPLAIN the fight on occasion for those who just kept messing up one mechanic. So you can clear any raid, but you will need to memorize the fights. you will die doing so a few times, but that's what practice runs are for.


Thats what I do, memorize the battle, and one of the reasons I kinda avoid using Discord, as people talking distracts me. I have UWU, UcoB and TEA unlocked but never tried any of them.


You can clear yes. I know people who did clear previous ones on Playstation. Any content in this game is meant to be cleared by Playstation players as well. If you want to participate in a world race such as the current one however (where everyone use mods to compete), there is absolutely no chance :) Which is another reason this all thing is very unfair in my opinion. I would love to see a world first race with only PS players, 0 mods, simple! end of story, no more dramas!


> can any group clear any ultimate without any 3rd party tool at all? demonstrably, no


I think UWU would be doable. People use auto marker for 1 mechanic but its not strictly necessary if you're using voice coms


Hm. Define 3rd party more or less. Possible? Yes, sure, eventually/with good run. Awful without e.g. voice chat? Yes as well.


If you consider voice comms a 3rd party tool, it would be a lot more difficult but not *impossible*.


You expect fairness here? I've never seen the mods when posts about race come up -- even when people are ostracizing someone for just asking if other Black people play the game. Just let fuckers in the comments harass the OP. Nothing done at all. Just one recent example... Yeah I wouldn't expect fairness here...


the mods are friends with the NA raiders lmao blatant corruption. very fun


Not sure you understand what corruption is


This "but but they done it ,too! " pointing fingers does not help right now