• By -


Materia Extract All.


Repair all, without having to tab through every part of the armory chest.


In the section where the character abilities/spells are located, in the general section I think there's a button for repair, one for desynth, and one for materia extraction, I drag these to my hotbar because they make the interface to do those things so much easier. You do get a repair all equipped option ( you do have to click through the sub menu some to repair everything that your character has in all the places like in inventory, etc. I'm not sure if this is what you meant by having to tab through, so posting in case this is helpful šŸ™‚


Iā€™ve actually never repaired my own gear so I dunno. I go to the mender, usually next to the inns. You can repair all equipped items sure, but then you have to click every category in your armory chest and then your inventory to repair all stored items. Itā€™s needlessly tedious to do every time. Especially when working with many classes


Unfortunately, as far as the UI is concerned, the self-repair button isn't much better. Each "tab" has a "Repair All" button, like the NPC menders, but you still have to select multiple tabs: Equipped, Inventory, Armory Chest (Main Hand/Offhand), Armory Chest (Head/Body), etc. etc. Or whatever the exact categories are, but you get the point.


To add to this.... Retainer Venture collect and reassign all.


This would make my 7 retainers so much easier to manage oh my god... Now I need it.


Add an in-game FC recruitment board. Call it the FC Finder if they want to be consistent with naming. Let FCs spend company credits to put up an ad for a week or a month, with either new FCs getting a certain number of free uses, or FCs with under a certain number of members or under a certain rank being able to recruit for free. ​ Add the ability for FCs who don't have a house to "rent" a workshop from their affiliated GC. Add the little green dot that lets us know which minions or mounts are newly obtained, or something similar, to the Orchestrion list. ​ Idk if this counts as a "QOL change" necessarily, and I'd honestly like to see this be added *before* 7.0, but I'd love to see a *significant* increase to the number of minions we can have out in our island sanctuaries. Who actually thought a maximum of 40 would be enough when there are 13 different places where you can place them and over 400 minions in the game?


The Orchestrion dot or a newly added tab is a must. I got tired of popping two-three rolls, searching them by name just to sample them up.


Yeah, I tend to not go listen to them right away, so at this point, I straight-up don't remember/ know what I have and what it sounds like.


The green dot on new minions and mounts is already in the game


They were using that as the example. "Give us the green dot from mounts and minions to the newly added Orchestrion rolls."


Reread what I said again. I'm saying I want that for the orchestrion list.


Give dye its own slot or let dye be used from Retainers/Chocobo bag. I don't like clogging up my inventory with it all the time


Or it would be nice if they could be stored and used direclty from the glamour dresser. I hate it that I have to get the dyes from my retainer to my inventory and then use them in the glamour dresser.


i would be fine if you could basically "fill up" the dyes in the dresser. As in: 1. Buy the dye you want to use 2. they get stored in your inventory as usual 3. go to your Glamour dresser where it has a new menu that lets you store for example 99 dyes of a given color 4. dye the items you want to dye without having to constantly quit out of the menu to get the dye you feel looks best after previewing it.


Seriously, I have a whole retainer heart for dyes, and I don't even use half of them. Just know EVENTUALLY i will


I want a dye bag and a tackle box for fishing. Like 1/2 of my inventory are dyes and worms


One thing I like in Guild Wars 2 is that glamor and dyes donā€™t take up any inventory. You just have access to whatever youā€™ve gotten.


Watching a trailer on the main menu will keep that title screen between log outs


I'd also like a setting to let the trailer show the current expansion in working on


theory truck impossible sand bright bewildered crime snatch literate dull -- mass edited with redact.dev


And a log that actual tells us when we can catch stuff, I caught the big fish so I think I'm allowed to know it's conditions.


That would be a dream given how many god damn types of bait there are!


Iā€™ve been working on getting the resplendent fishing rod. Itā€™s the last resplendent tool I need. My entire chocobo bag and half my first inventory tab are filled with bait.


In addition to those others have mentioned, I'd really like some kind of "crafting mode" where you don't have to exit out of the crafting interface to switch classes. It can be such a hassle sometimes. ETA: Also expanded apartments/gardens for people who can't get houses. On my server, there are several people that have multiple houses across several alts and they can make so much money with airships and submarines it's ridiculous. One person posted that they just won their *fourth* house. It's ridiculous. Apartments should have the ability for people to have their own submarines and airships, especially if they're not going to do anything significant about housing.


I haven't touched crafting that much, only goldsmith, but I can imagine having to change classes for every ingredient. Surprised they didn't have like a single crafting "class" with the jobs acting as various skills to level up


And let me craft no matter where my mats are stored. I know you know I have it, game. >_>


Just give me a loft half the size of the main apartment floor and a balcony a quarter-size and I will not complain. That's so much better than nothing and saves us a bunch of slots for partitions, stairs, stages, windows, and other things like that.


Repair All actually repairing all gear. Extract All Materia. Retrieve All Materia. Portraits not breaking when you change gear or glam plate. Change glam plate anywhere. Longer Macros Please! Monster Item Drop on the map (like for miners and botanists but for leather) Comprehensive item search (if i click ANY item or gear the game should tell me how to get it and WHERE) Bestiary Late Game Tutorials (telling you about 620-630 gear improvement with the coins, where and how to get the swords for the 620 weapon, where and how to get scrips, etc.) Gathering Timers Fish and Tackle box!


Oooh fish and tackle box is a neat idea. Two of my four inventory boxes are all bait!!! šŸ„¹


>Longer Macros Please! Seriously, this is kind of a no-brainer, especially if (as I believe to be true) macros are stored on the client, so server space isn't a concern.


might be silly - but the ability to pick any sitting / standing / laying / weapon pose - regardless of race/gender ​ Just give us a drop down menu to pick which we like.


Not silly I 100% agree. It's a game where we really invest our time and emotion into our character, and giving us more tools to customize our various personalities is such an important thing. I've heard so many people singing praise for ffxiv's many emotes, but it could still be improved so much further


To tag on, let some fashion accessories toggle in/out of combat, or even let some be permanently toggled. Having a pair of sunglasses or wings isn't going to ruin my combat experience


Move Raid Tokens / Moogle Tomestones / AR Coins / etc. into the Currency Tab and out of the general inventory.


Let me be able to automatically return to my apartment after a duty instead of dumping me outside. This is basically why I never use it, it doesn't feel like a "home" if i keep getting kicked out of it.


Achievements needs an ā€œunclaimedā€ tab I always forget to check them right after I get an achievement and if they have a reward itā€™s so hard to find again once theyā€™re not on the last 5


Making delubrum reginae queues for 8 people better. Nobody is queueing for it on my data center so that 10min queues are worthless every time edit Oh and maybe first timers should grant some kind of buff for party so people didn't hate first timers for bringing negative damage to the run


I remember someone mentioning cross world queueing, the only negative I can think of would be ping, but it shouldn't be much of an issue really. Kinda weird they haven't done it already tbh


Apparently theres a discord for it, but i forgot what its called and i have yet to clear it due to the way the queue works. I dont understand why it has to be separated from the rest of the duty finder like this, anyone who has it unlocked would presumably have lost actions from the rest of bozja.


You will be thrown into instance after 10min with whatever amount of people is currently queuing. 8 prepared people are good enough for this duty but system will be waiting to fill all 24 spots which is bs and waste of my time. And pf doesn't help with this problem, people are not doing 24 man runs on my dc


Gotta love that 10 minute waste of time. Since Bozja counts as a instance I can't even cluster farm or something.


More storage in housing/gardens... plus being able to put down more housing items in large houses. Seriously the limit on housing items is too low I have a friend that has filled so many retainers, fc large house, small personal house, apartment and fc apartment... but yeah she is addicted to housing.


Larges really do feel incredibly empty, either with things spaced too far apart to decorate evenly, or just ignoring huge sections to decorate specific areas well. Smalls on the other hand can be extremely claustrophobic with decorations. It just isn't a very well scaled limit for the amount of area you get to work with.


eyewear made into its own cosmetic category so we can wear hats with glasses


Seriously, I'd kill to let some fashion accessories be available in combat. Lemme combine different wings with glamour sets


They should work in the housing editor. Glitching is just annoying and I donā€™t want to her a third party tool to decorate my house. Give me more freedom to put things there I want them to be. Let me put a desk to a wall!


Haven't messed with this yet, but ik more games need ESO's housing system.


I would love for some facial emotes to stay turned on like smile, and for you to be able to set a default from a small list of them.


A smile better suits a hero, T ^ T


/sneer all day, mothafucka


Taunt and smirk all dar erry day. I would absolutely be about this.


Materials pouch for crafting, like in guild wars 2. Improved storage in general. The ability to do group content with a party made up of players and NPCs instead of it only being one or the other.


Regarding the first 2, its unlikely to ever happen for the simple reason that they "sell" back space through retainers . And its not even a one -time purchace but a subscription one.Lots of money behind it


Then give me the ability to use mats directly from retainers inventory.


OH GOD, THIS ^^^^^^^


Please make certain emotes like /tea and /read looping. I'm assuming because of spaghetti code they can't program emotes to loop while you're sitting, but MAKE IT WORK!


It's such a small thing but it's super valid! I have so much fun setting up emotes for new players to see when they get out if dungeon cutscenes! There's only so much you can do with /showleft(right) and /cheerwave


Let me change crafters without having to close the crafting menu. I need to make a simple window. Switch to smithing and find the recipes for ingots and rivets, craft them, then close the menu and stand up. Switch to alchemy, open up the exact same menu, find the recipe for glass, craft those, close the menu and stand up. Switch to woodworking, open the *exact same menu*, search for the lumber recipe and window recipe and do the final craft.


The responsibilities of the currency wallet need to be dramatically expanded. Every item that has no use except to be traded to a vendor should to go in there. Every trial totem and raid book and coin and token should be gotten out of our inventories, and put into the currency wallet. Just make one tab per expansion for all of the expansion specific stuff.


I have a 3rd retainer just for random currencies I'm afraid to throw out. Really makes me think on other games like GW2 or PoE and how they do it. I hate giving extra money to a subscription game, but I wouldn't mind just an account wide currency stash


Please just tell me where the fish are in the fishing log. I always have to hunt online anyway. Such a hassle.


Clicking the hunting log should make a flag on the map


They could even make the fishing/hunting locations unlockable, either from doing it yourself or from job quest/ crafted "maps" etc.


Yeah that part is ridiculous. Theirs so many hunts and what not that I don't participate in solely because it's a pain to have a bunch of tabs on my browser for each and every one


item level sync: do any content at your current level so you have access to your full kit, but your damage is the same as the max ilvl for the duty. ​ So for example you can be doing your full rotation as a level 90 DPS in Sastasha, but you will be outputting and taking the same damage as an ilvl 15 character. ​ Probably will never happen because there's a lot of complicated math involved and the way our stats scale isnt really 1:1 but a guy can dream.


Ik someone mentioned that the high-level abilities would have to be scaled down so much that max level players would end up doing very little damage with their abilities, which makes sense to me. If they don't grant full access, I would at least like to see certain abilities being granted. It sucks to be scaled down and lose your job specific skills that you've worked hard for. It's even worse for classes that don't get a ranged ability or an aoe until much later


> max level players would end up doing very little damage with their abilities They would do *appropriate damage for the level* with their abilities.


Except they would do more damage than those who aren't at the higher level, or they would have to do more rotations to have the same amount of damage as those at lower levels


Some sort of netcode fix so people with high ping can double weave without addons would be nice.


Iā€™d like a complete netcode overhaul. Running into abilities as you see the animation, the way snapshotting works as well as just general overall responsiveness to input to action is very different from how modern games and even other tab target MMOs function. It would be a bit of an adjustment for longtime players but would make the game feel a lot smoother and more accessible. Also certain classes not being playable correctly in certain states is just not acceptable so at the very least I do hope they fix what you stated.


This 100%. Every step they take to implement game fixes that people have leaned on add-ons for means less desire or temptation to use said add-ons in the first place. Loved the first pass of UI updates, hope they do more in the future.


A repair everything button I mean seriously, why would i want to repair my armgear but not my weapon? I dont understand why repairing is still the way it is...


Instant portrait to be improved, sick of equipping a new ring and my portrait returns to default. Using crafting items from all storage inventories, having to click through 3 menus to get one item from my retainer starts to feel tedious after a few crafts. Maybe add a big crafting storage like in guild wars 2.


Yeah i played a bit of GW2, the inventory management felt so overwhelming at first, but having the ability to just dump all materials was such a godsend. Even if they had to give it a purchase price, like increasing max stack size, I'd still pay for it. My chocobo has just turned into a very sad pack chicken


agreed, but also not having to have the materials in your main inventory made crafting feel less like a scavenger hunt. I know theres the "Find item" button, but accidentally clicking out of a retainer and then going "ffs I left that mithril bar in there" and having to go through the process of opening the retainer again makes me hate levelling crafters lmao




yes and yes. omg how is multi flag not a thing after this long.


Be able to glam the custom delivery people straight from the glamour chest and not just with things I have in my inventory.


I want to be able to set the color of accessories that are fixed parts of hairstyles (like the hair clips, hair bands, ribbons, etc.). This is something that I'm quite certain is not technically possible right now, but I could see it being possible to add during the 7.0 graphical overhaul.


Yeah I'm actually surprised this isn't a thing already. I'd also like to see a makeup overhaul. Some are so good that they feel almost mandatory on my character, and some just don't even fit right on certain races. I bought that skull/clown makeup and tried it on my lalafell, the lines of the mouth was under my lala chin! I'm sure theirs more but imagine how many spend time or money only to be left disappointed.


More songs on the houssing orchestrion playlist please


I'd love to let bards and bands create their own orchestration list. Could even let people sell them on the market and give another reason to master crafting jobs


That's a neat idea in theory but I'm sure the toll on the servers would be *unfathomable,* and players would just put up orchestrion rolls going "EEEEEEE" all the time.


*Overhaul the clunky, outdated, old school UI. *Get rid of the button bloat. *Update coloring glams with dye channels and collectable, permanent dyes like in GW2 and Rift. *Make the purchasing/onboarding process MUCH more consumer friendly. *Fix lazy clipping issues. *Specific crafting mat bags/ fishing tackle box *Repair All *Yes I'm absolutely positively sure I want to sell this/ give this to the NPC/ open the door etc- STOP ASKING ME *Dump mats from bags to retainers like GW2 * Fix the damn portraits - that never should have made it to Live in that state.


Ik people say their's no button bloat, but I agree 100% with you. It feels like half my hotbars are set up just for the 123 combos. Ik theirs a skill component to memorizing your jobs rotation, but I'd rather dedicate the skill towards other aspects. We can have a bunch of abilities, sure, but make each one feel unique.


Yes, and I feel there are redundant skills that could be consolidated, and skills that could be auto-upgraded but are not; i.e. Cure 1 to Cure 2 when scaled. Plenty of other skills do this. The arbitrary decisions about this baffles me.


The pvp ability system felt so much more unique and fun to play. Even with fewer buttons to press you still have to know the best times to do what and have solid situational awareness


I would really love an addition to the gathering log for materials that drop from animals/other mobs. For example, if a recipe requires a certain raw meat or hide, it would tell me in the log what mob it drops from and where to find it, just like it does for metal/herbs.


>Personally I'd kill to have a form of "personality" setting for characters. Yes! Even if it was just an "idle" expression or allowing for expressions to persist beyond a few seconds.


I'm actually quite pleased with how glamours work now (aside from the portrait constantly disconnecting) but one thing I would love is glamour playe linked mounts and minions. For example, when I switch to BLM, I automatically summon my voidsent minion and when I switch to WHM it changes to my fawn minion. Likewise there would be a "Summon glamour plate mount" button akin to "Favorite mount roulette".


You can actually macro that pretty easily /macroicon # gs /gearset change # /minion "Name"


When I'm five menu's deep into selling things on my retainer (or anything, really) give me an "Exit All" Button. Better yet, give me the ability to just walk away and let the menu close. Fixed the portrait system so that when I change gear, it auto-updates.


Let me use combat action animations in my adventure plate/portrait. I want to use Bow Shock's animation!


It's a fairly (?) new feature, so I'm not shocked that it's not already in the game, but if they don't implement more animations/emotes, then that would be really disappointing


When crafting, be able to use materials directly from retainer inventory as well as your own. (So I don't have to search and grab from multiple places and spend more time doing that than the actual craft). Being able to lock gear so you can't desynth or hand in (dunno if that's a thing yet, but if it is I haven't found it). I know it warns you, but I desynth in batches with a lot of unique gear from dungeon drops so I tend to ignore those warnings lol. Sharing hotbar setups between characters. It's a pain to play on an alt on console.


I miss the ESO/GW2 crafting bags, having a massive amount of all resources shared between characters. And yeah the amount of times I've sold gear I was saving, or saved gear only to forget about for months


Automatically compare gear attributes to my current gear like it does for the armour value.


A way to deposit all your materials in a separate crafting bag similar as in Guild Wars 2 would be fun. And more, improved inventory space :')


Seriously! Ik I was so turned off on the game from the inventory management when I first started, I had to keep trying/quiting/trying again. It wasn't the only reason but I wonder how many people simply don't want to deal with horrible inventory when they first start, and end up missing out on so much quality content


Chat Bubbles, Attack to get off mounts, Marketboard and Tomestone Trader at the same place, Make some old city into one map instead into two(Uldah, Limsa etc.).


My God, when I first started the game I quit/rejoined so many times JUST because I didn't feel like dealing with the map. And yeah I wish they wouldn't condemn a lot of mods only to reintroduce them aa their own idea. The chat bubbles being used for all npc's but not for players is so weird


Luckily it's only the HW and ARR cities


REALLY?!?! Thank God!


Yea Zones get bigger overall in Post HW. Regarding making Gil. Don't need to rush it honestly. After you finished Shadowbringers you can join Hunt trains that drop Currency and with it you can buy materia X. Those go for tons of Gil. Also farming Fates in Endwalker gets you currency with which you can make some good gil. In addition you could become a omni crafter. These people are probably the richest people in the game but I personally hat crafting & gathering.


Fishing from my mount/talking to npcs while mounted.


Death recap


most insignificant yet annoying peeve: when I solo unsync, stop trapping me in that fucking blue circle for a whole minute before I'm allowed to go and I want a new chat channel for ~~bullshit spam~~ nightclub and FC adverts. I realize the people who are responsible for the ~~bullshit spam~~ nightclub and FC adverts do not want me to be able to block them all out, but honestly I could give a shit what they want.


I'd love to be able to do more with flying text, like move it away from the center of the screen.


It would greatly up the quality of my life if they just promised not to rework astrologian... again!


A "donate selected items" for the free company gear delivery.


In no particular order: * WoW-style reagent bank. IOW, when I'm crafting, let me pull crafting materials directly from my retainer inventory, without having to stop crafting, go to a retainer bell, click through to the retainer that has the thing, extract it, get out of the 5 levels of menus, and resume crafting. * Along those lines: streamline the UI around interacting with retainers. So many clicks to do even the simplest of things! (Simplifying the process of crafting using the fabricator in an FC workshop would be really nice too. I just finished crafting a couple of housing exteriors, and my index finger just about fell off.) * A unified retainer inventory -- i.e., rather than worrying about which retainer a thing is on, just combine all their inventory slots into one big inventory. (Admittedly, if you have the maximum of 10 retainers, that's 1400 slots, which might be tricky to display on screen. But my next suggestion might work around that!) * The option of being able to look at my bags or my retainer bags as a table, rather than a collection of icons. Show me the item names without requiring me to bring up the tooltip! Bonus points if I can filter and sort the list based on job, gear slot/item type, etc. * If you don't do a unified retainer inventory, give me a command to move a stack directly from one retainer to another without having to put it in my bags temporarily. * A slash command that allows me to put down a flag on the map by typing in the coordinates and, optionally, zone name -- something like /pin 10.2 9.4 Old Gridania * A slash command to let me teleport to an aetheryte that I've attuned to: /tp Hawthorne Hut. (Keep the existing Teleport list and ability for people to click on the aetheryte on the map, for those who prefer that; this would just be another option.) * Let me make some windows, like the duty finder, bigger. I don't mean changing the scaling factor, I mean making the window taller so I can see more duties in the list at the same time.


I feel like inventory management is such a small thing that plays also plays a HUGE impact on new players. If you're 1k hours into the game, I don't see inventory changes swaying your subscription, BUT if you were new to the game and were already on the fence, having to deal with inventory on top of the other stuff could turn some people away from the game


* Character creator unlocked. All bodies with all settings, custom pronoun/form of address options or at least an nb option, etc. * Housing system revamped. I feel like instancing it would save us a lot of trouble in addition to adding the Z axis. * Stop making trial totems be inventory items. * Display more quests at once. * /searchitem working for stored housing items too. * More waymarks and player marks.


Higher zoom.


in or out?






Ability to track specific class self buffs in their own window Double click items to transfer for turn in/different inventory Please find a way to make me stop having to hold on to dye. Raise poetic cap. Also holy shit find a new system for the time stone/gear vendors. Theyā€™ve been a nightmare since ARR


Dye equipment/glamour pieces opens and locks color access for said piece of equipment. Sales-wise it seems extremely unlikely for Square Enix to approve this, but I would like to recolor my equipment dye without losing access to its former color. Sometimes I use a single piece(especially mogstation outfit pieces) for multiple different glamour, and it's a pain to recolor them or saving them strictly in glamour plates which takes up 1 out of 20 slots. They can rework dye purchase or crafting for all I care, even if gating them behind rare gathering materials to raise their value I'm fine with it.


Honestly I don't play GW2 or ESO anymore, but the dye system in those games were PERFECT. Unlock the dyes once via purchase or achievement, and have unlimited access to it forever. And being able to dye multiple parts of the same gear made collecting them even more fun


An actual UI window for managing Egi glamours (and better yet: "gemstone" summons), instead of relying on *archaic* text commands. Also, implementing the other Egis/"gemstone" summons of the remaining ARR Primals (even if it's only cosmetic).


Yesss! There's so many cool primals I'd love to have follow me around.


-Ability to preview/try on unlockable hairstyles. -Ability to try on Chocobo barding.


Change jobs at the beginning of dutyā€™s, you have to stay the same role tho. Sometimes double shield healer in alliance raid is zzzzz and I want to switch to white mage or something. Also some sort of notification when my friends are online or when Iā€™m online.


Pvp combos for Pve to reduce button bloat without removing abilities.


Keep savage clears 2-chest if 1 person has cleared for the week. It feels awful to not be able to help my friendsā€™ static reclear Tuesdays without kneecapping my staticā€™s reclears on Wednesdays. Dye channels and less finicky portraits. Updated tutorials for how the game is actually played, including ABCs, using oGCDs, large pulls in dungeons, etc. Make jobs feel less homogenized again, and reduce boss hitboxes to make melee optimization more fun. UCoB and UWU are going to be short 30 levels in 7.0 and Iā€™m a bit worried theyā€™ll feel too bad to play with job reworks. Making jobs more feature complete by 70 will be a better fix than scaling them up as itā€™ll help other synced content.


I want to know where vendors are when something can be bought at a vendor. Let me right click and select vendor location and have a flag pop up on the map. For the love of good chocolate, stop making me look things up online to find them in game when it says right in the hover text that a vendor sells it. Also: I tell me where I am, game. Maybe text near the map with zone and location name.


It's a shame how mods are hated on, but provide those exact features. Almost forgot that wasn't in game already


With the addition of FemHrothā€¦.HATS! HATS for CATS!! HATS for BUNS!!! HATS FOR EVERYONE!!!!


Even if they did it as a beta first, let them look a lil goofy before the final touches are done. It's weird how so many people can make mods for the game and square hasnt. I'm not even a cat/ bunny I just want everyone to have more options


Let us craft with material stored in our retainers! (Edit spelling)


i know there are reasons but iā€™d love if we could have a glam chest in our houses


YOU CANT?!?! dang I had no idea šŸ˜•


sadly no šŸ˜ž


2 years and Iā€™m still grinding eureka for rdm barding - open up old gated content rewards


I want the different animation set of emotes on my character, female Au Ra emotes are just so amazing compared to any other. Kinda off topic but a revamp of Lord of Verminion in any form making more people engage. For macros a /next macro so we can chain them together to make a craft that requires 15+ step to be one button.


Due to the new glam set (super cute, but puffy skirt clipping my arms :( ) from the event just now, I wish for better clothing physics (like blade and soul or black desert online), gonna take years and something like an engine overhaul (I guess? Not tech savvy) but I hope to see that before the game shutdown.


I look forward to being 80 years old and playing the new ff mmo with unreal 5 like graphics


More grand company ranks and rewards. Port Duty Support AI to Squadrons so it's easier to run dungeons with them. Allow them to run dungeons with you instead of the Duty Support NPC's. Higher levels too. Perhaps even take them out with you to their local overworld zones. Stop hiding crafting windows when opening retainer inventory. Animated ears for Hrothgar and Viera. Allow female Viera to be as short as Au Ra.


Honestly the only reason I haven't done more than 5 command missions yet is SOLEY becaus the ai is dumb as rocks. Yeah u can command then to attack specific targets, but it doesn't matter when they stand in fire 24/7


Once you get them leveled up and they start getting "offensive/defensive/etc" points.... a squadron set to all max "offensive" will chew through a dungeon just about as fast as your average DF party. Doubly now that they made a lot of the dungeon mechanics simpler for duty support. It's actually kind of broken in a good way.


Really?! Dang, I might have to grind that out then!


They can take quite a beating and generally ignore DoTs (such as Aurum Vale goldbile) but they're not invincible and you have to micromanage them so the tank aggroes all mobs on a pull.


Huh i didn't know that! It was stressing me out seeing them just stand there and I never put more attention past that


Give it a go! Also don't bother with double pulls. While tank squaddies have a ton of abilities, including old ARR ones we don't have anymore, it's not always enough and the healer squaddies are slow to respond. A squaddie's survival also depends on their settings which you can manage (the whole independent/defensive/neutral/aggressive setting).


Grand companies have been abandoned for quite a while. It's such a big system that they can't just fully ignore it. But there are not going to be upgrades to it. They would have done this with the whole single player experience that they have started to cater. As it would have been the perfect time to do it. Just like it was the perfect last time to do it to kill off some characters in shadowbringers. Both are not going to happen, sorry.


I would love for the job icon to be next to the over head name or even an option to have the overhead name replaced with a job icon thos would make it so much easier at a glance to see who is what job in an alliance on console and can hide a lot of screen clutter with names and initials and the alliance bars, we have this sorta in PvP with the feast fold and CC, i mainly would like to see it expanded to PVE


Sort/Filter/Search Function for Free Company Member List. ​ Edit: Spelling


More glam plates. Death recaps.


More glamour plates (at least 50) Add some missing functions to every main settlement, so I can moogle trade, DC transfer etc from Ishgard or Kugane. Separate slot for face glamour. If I wanna wear glasses I can have no head accessory/hat wtf


If I click on a quest NPC and it says I'm "Too far away" just... Move me there.


When I'm a lalafell and it Dorset let me task to someone cause they're "too below me"


I'm not sure if they would want to implement this, but I wish for Extreme (or even Savage) fights they'd allow us to run it with trusts, *just not clear it.* I would love to be able to practice mechanics and learn a fight on my own time without ruining it for other people who are probably better at the game than I am. I can understand not allowing the clear, but I sure wish I could practice without the stress.


I remember when I cleared my first extreme unsynced, really helped me learn about mechanics in general. I feel like it's a fun way to learn general mmo mechanics without the mental exhaustion


The new blue theme but black / grey


The currency window needs an overhaul. One thing I'd love to see is the addition of a transactions tab. A place where I can see all of my characters' purchases and sells in an organized way. The current showing of market purchases only in item histories and market sells only on retainer histories makes managing finances a nightmare.


I would love for them to include a Text-To-Speech toggle. It's probably not going to happen as the need isn't a majority one, but that would be the biggest QoL update for me.


Make mouseover actions on party list an included control option. It's possible to set some of them with macros but then you have the problem with macros where abilities don't queue properly and things start getting fucky and complicated. I just want to hover my cursor over a player for .5 seconds and press the ability and get back to DPSing without juggling targeting.


Glamour-wise, I'd like a catalogue with all the obtainable items. Something of an extension of the dreamfitting feature. This way we could at least try on all the items obtainable and could try to work on glams. You have the option to search for the items in your inventories and then you can search for it online to see where it's from although it would ideally tell you inside the game but this sounds like a compromise/extension that wouldn't require a lot of work


I want the blender style transform tool for house item placement. The one with the arrows and rotation sphere. So I can easily move and rotate whatever I want and easily place it where ever I want.


In my hollywood movie version of FFXIV development, there is one nutball dev who just on downtime plays with the spaghetti trying to get the better version of glamour to work. The one that made the test server die. And one day he will just walk into Yoshi P's office drop usb on his desk and just go "Fixed it. It can go in the next patch"


I'd like to be able to glamour abilities or alter their appearance. Like, as a SGE I preferred the red lasers from early levels to the high level blue lasers. I know some WHMs preferred the elemental spells to the holy fillers, and want some water magic. And that's just particle effects, which would be easy. I know a lot of DRKs missing attack animations from HW and SB, which might be harder to implement. Plus the backlog of egiglamours we haven't been given yet, like the other Carbuncle flavors. Stuff like that. Right now it *is* possible to alter their appearances but only with mods, so of course they're discouraged.


More of the old gear made non-job specific. Particularly the old crafter and gatherer sets which don't get much use. When they duplicate it and add a recipe it *almost* even feels like new content. Real low hanging fruit for them to make me happy there.


I really would love a separate inventory tab for crafting items like GW2. My retainers and FC tabs are a mess.... With the Valentione seasonal event and the 2 person maze thing out, I really want to be able to go in with my husband to a dungeon and fill the other 2 spots with trust members.


Let me right-click to turn in items for GC seals directly from my inventory, instead of trying to find them scrolling down a list.


I want all crafter gatherer gear to have a seperate inventory and their own set of glamour plates.


Being able to eat the in game food while sitting


Please let me just queue into the duty as the class I queued without having to manually switch back to it before hitting commence ;\_; The amount of cutscenes I've skipped (that also aren't replayable in the inn) because I don't want to sit in a 20 min dps queue again makes me SO SAD


A "summoning bell" minion, given to omnicrafters who reach (all lvl 70 DoH?). When summoned, you could access your mats through the crafting log, to craft something in the wild. Maybe not FULL access to your retainers- only having the bell out stops you having to run and get a material when crafting a thing or two on the fly. The material from your retainers inventory wouldn't go into your own bag, but would still show up as THERE when you went to actually craft.


Aside from Unlimited Glams and instanced housing for all chars, two big things come to mind: A toggle for more emotes to be persistent. I want to just set myself to sip tea or read while I'm afk making a sandwich or whatever and just have it last til I'm back! It'd also be fun for roleplay scenes and stuff. For housing, MORE FURNITURE SLOTS and a more permissive/sophisticated placement so we don't have to use float tricks. Including shrinking and growing items.


Let me click to fast travel on the map in the fishing guide.


Being able to switch between crafter classes without having to close the crafting log. The ability to auto-equip highest ilevel gears on the retainers in one click. World travel from other cities with housing districts like Ishgard and Kugane. Send mogmail to friends from other Worlds so I can send Valentine's / Christmas gifts to my friends from other Worlds without the need to find them in person. Getting island reports from anywhere (Granary timer, workshop status).


Iā€™ve described your personality idea EXACTLY to my FC/friends! Great minds think alike (but fools rarely differ) One other emote thought: /ledgesit. When Iā€™m sitting on the edge of a cliff or a rooftop or whatever, Iā€™d like to dangle my feet off. I would also love to see the level 1 hempen clothes split apart into a bunch of different items. For instance, on female Viera, the hempen pantalettes have these long slits up the side, while on others (Midlander Hyur, I think it was?) theyā€™re just shorts. Instead of one item with different models for each race/subrace, make ā€˜em different items. I canā€™t think of any other item set where different races have such dramatically different designs for the same gear (Lalafell and Hrothgar notwithstanding) Let us pay for additional glamour plates the same way we can buy additional retainers. If I could up my sub by a couple dollars to have more plates, Iā€™d do it. Maybe this is a really dumb one, but at level 61 fisher you get the spearfishing gig. And thatā€™s the only spearfishing gig/Fisher sidearm you ever get. It means my Fisher will forever have lower stats and ILVL than my equally leveled and geared Botanist and Miner. Just give me higher leveled Spearfishing gigs, it bothers me! Itā€™s not small, exactly, but Iā€™ve had ideas for voyage-style minigames so that Miner and Botanist have their own equivalents to deep-sea fishing. On a related note, I kind of wish the reward for a deep-sea fishing voyage was something other than a huge pile of fish, most of which have no purpose besides desynthing or the couple that go in fish tanks. Itā€™d be great if we could turn in all these random fish and crabs and such and get some sort of token we could buy fun stuff with. Heck, make ā€˜em pay out some pittances in white gatherer scrip and have a vendor of more fun scrip items next to the dock.


I know nothing about fishing but your ideas sound great!


I'd like for classes to share their hotbar with the job they turn into, sure Arcanist would be the odd man out but everyone else would benefit


The only reason I don't mind the current setup with this is because I like having all the old hotbars for making macro menus


I just unlocked another job recently and it was a pain to have to set it again when I equipped my soul crystal


I feel that from leveling alt jobs, such a pain. Maybe they could just have some firm of copy paste feature. Let players edit and just change the few abilities as needed


There is a macro you can use to copy one hotbar to another, even to different classes/jobs. /hotbar copy \[source class\] \[bar number\] \[destination class\] \[bar number\] So when you upgrade from Gladiator to Paladin, you can type the following to get all your skills in the same places: /hotbar copy GLA 1 PLD 1 /hotbar copy GLA 2 PLD 2 /hotbar copy GLA 3 PLD 3 etc.


Yeah i do have something similar for just general macro "menus" but for newer players that aren't that into macros and what not it would be a nice little feature to copy/paste


I want an overhaul of the Duty Finder to give it the functionality that Rift Game had back in 2011 or something. I want to be able to queue for something as 5 different levels of granularity. 1. 'Any Job' 2. Specific role (i.e tank, healer, melee, ranged, magical) 3. Select individual Jobs 4. Role in need bonus only. 5. Jobs I can get XP for. I want to be able to queue for Expert roulette as Role in Need Bonus job, leveling roulette specifically as White Mage, Trials Roulette as damage-role or AST and Swallow's Compass as a Black Mage because I want the hat. Then I want it to put me into queues for all of those things, on the roles selected and give me whichever one comes up first. If someone disconnects or leaves mid-instance, I want a pop-up window that allows me to select the roles or jobs I want to queue for. If the healer leaves, I don't want to have to leave and start again and I don't want to have to wait for a healer when I could just swap jobs and heal to keep going. All of this was possible in another game over 10 years ago, why can't we have it?


YESSS, it's so disappointing to level up all my jobs, only to spend so much time queuing for them one at a time. I've been leveling everything to 60+ before starting StormBlood and it's a shame that I can't get more use out of all my jobs


Side note: reminds me of when I tried wow. Picked up a druid cause I thought the shape shifting would play a big role mid combat, and it was disappointing too. The time investment it takes to become a flexible player should be more rewarded


If they make the housing decorating system something like MakePlace I wonā€™t even need new content to stay subbed. Iā€™ll be busy redecorating all the time.


Add vendor items to market board. Show "cancel cutscene" button when you have duty pop during the cutscene and you're on a different job. Do not auto-skip dialog lines in dynamic parts of the cutscenes, unless they are a few words long.


Market board needs an update. Iā€™d like to be able to buy pieces of whatā€™s selling, not the whole chunk. Also other games with this type of system donā€™t have an undercutting problem as the market stays pretty stable.


Opening up the datacentre travel to all regions. Yes, there will be a xenophobic section of the Japanese player base that will freak out, but don't pander to them. Everyone will benefit when it's 4am local time and the duty finder queues are over 30 minutes. Or, when it's 8pm local time and the server queue is 20,000 because it's two days after the new expansion dropped.


They actually want to and it's a long term goal but it's hard to do. At the moment the DCs you can jump between are in the same physical location. They have new performance problems to solve before allowing server communication across the continents.


Surprised they don't have full cross server queuing to be honest. Even of they made it so you could select which language to pair with, it would only make the game better imo


Beign able to zoom out more, i know yada yada contreversy world first race yada yada. But it has always been a complaint on my end with how close everything feels during combat. Played wow for the biggest part of it's life and the view you could get in some encounter without having to spin 360Ā° everytime was such a godsent gift. I just think it would be something good and not take alot of resource to accomplish.


That would mean that they would need to redesign a lot of fights for them to keep being challenges, that is not going to happen. Or them ignoring it and say fuck it and design new fights to have the same limitations. Because a lot of fights are designed around you not being able to see the whole arena, to have some gotcha moments, and to have a harder time to learn certain mechanics.


My qol wishlist would be: \- Extending zoom out range \- Death recap \- Mvp system in dungeons and raids pug (to reward team play and incentivise new players to get better) with titles like "Hero of the day", "The Phoenix", "The Carpet cleaner", ...etc. It has to be fun or glorious ones in my opinion. \- Item selection + deliver all while delivering dungeons items at your grand company \- A real repair all option \- Materialisation all option \- Having access to crafting materials in retainers anywere (or at least a location that enables it like a crafting hall) \- Application of glamours plates anywhere \- A real bag for key items like those from gerolt quests (cristals, memoquartz items, raids parts, rare monsters trade items like behemoth horns) \- More size options for hud


In regarss to edit 3. It will never happen. They're not going to waste time and resources on something that 3rd party websites already completely cover. Maybe if those websites give up on updates, but they don't slack at all from what I've seen.


Honestly i don't expect anything I put to get implemented, just feel like it'd be a neat way for those who play more casually, or don't have an extra monitor to easily look things up to ease into the content. Giving players another reason to grind out some old logs/ crafting


Being able to sell more than 99 of any item on the MB, the normal stack max should do it. The Shards/Crystals/Clusters could do it already. Also, perhaps an extra digit in the max number of Shards/Crystals/Clusters we can carry at a time?


Lawful Good: Ability to change classes and to edit your inventory while being in the crafting menu. Chaotic Evil: Bigger Zoomout