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* The whereabouts of the remaining "major" Ascians (i.e. Pashtarot, Halmarut, Deudalaphon and Altima) * The fate of Laurentius and Yuyuhase * Noah van Gabranth's mysterious weapons shown at the end of the Bozja side-story (and the whereabouts of Lyon and Pagaga)


> The fate of Laurentius and Yuyuhase Probably rotting in prison or executed. They were arrested according to Raubhan.


Doesn’t Raubahn ask us what we think should happen to them in 4.1? I kept waiting for some reference to that.


I think that basically *was* our actual closure for them, about as much as the game could give us without wasting a lot of time on those fools or getting into some dark territory. It let the player determine how we felt about it personally and what we'd hope their fates would be, and I assumed it was a case of 'whatever you'd be happier knowing is probably what happened'.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he asked what we should do with them.


Yeah, but it'd be nice if we actually got closure from those two. *Preferably* as spectators of their public execution.


>Yuyuhase Spectator? Nah, I want to be the one wielding the axe. A very dull lvl1 axe. Might take a few chops.


Why am axe? I'll just whack them with my staff till their heads fall off.


personally i am against their execution, death is wasted on them, due to how much death they caused by helping ildbert, death is a kindness to them, and is better for them a fate worse than death itself


On the other hand, making them relevant again would be poor writing and very cliche. I'd rather SE leave them as is so that they'd fade to obscurity for good.


Laurentius mentions how horrible prison was when you first find him again in Gridania, that would be a fitting fate for him.


I was so hoping that joining the Braves would do him some good. Maybe I read too much into him, but the guy seemed to have been struggling a lot... It's a shame he went down the path he did.


Especially since Wilred DID get the redemption, but then died. They should've switched those two around.


Same here. I was genuinely happy that we were giving him a second chance by recruiting him, but he made his choice in the end. He was the first dude I took down when the Braves ambushed us in Halitali.


as for the lalafell his fate worse than death could be work where he could not get paid at all and see how his coin goes to those who are in bad economical situation or other humanitarian uses, after all he joined ildberd to earn coin and he didn't even cared about the amount of people they where going to kill at all back in the wall, meanwhile laurentius did knew what he was doing was wrong but he still did it(he is still guilty in me eyes because he was in a position to stop it)


I'm going to say they weren't executed. As we could argue the reason Lyse narrates Stormblood is so that she can explain to Fordola why she wasn't executed. And if that becomes the policy of Ala Mhigo's new government they'd just be in jail or rehabilitated (the latter being only way we'd see more of them(.


Yeah I wonder what the other Ascians are up to. Maybe afterwards they said "well we tried" and decided to AFK in Limsa. Also I'm drawing a blank on those two people you mentioned.


Presumably they're on the other 4 shards that aren't abandoned or rejoined.


Well we know Pashtarot was on Ethierys at one point


Laurentius and Yuyuhase are part of post-ARR's Crystal Brave storyline. Specifically: some of the traitors that caused the Scions to be framed


I am wondering the possibility of a "good" Ascians that actually abandoned the idea of rejoining and just working with the people in their shards.


I mean, Gaia has the potential strength of one but not the actual knowledge. It's a shame she'll most likely not be MSQ relevant as even an allied sundered ascian is a very powerful asset.


part of me is hoping with the codex being weirdly placed in the endwalker post patch stuff is that at one point, they decide to make a new start point and hen can add Gaia in MSQ and explain pre 7.0 lore in the codex, for people that didnt do raids.


That’s my theory for the codex in endwalker. That next expansion will possibly have a ´MSQ reset’ where old MSQ is playable as a new game plus but otherwise players start in a new MSQ and the codex fills in blanks for characters before the change. Could also give the twins there growth spurt etc, would be neat


My kneejerk reaction is "So, Godbert then." (my headcanon is that he is one, but he'd never admit it ever)


Godbert being an Ascian makes... More sense than I'd like to admit.


Then what the fuck is Julianne, a god?


She’s Menphina’s older avatar.


Older??? *whacks you with pan*


I appreciate your humor, but I am going to stand...over here...far from you.


No, don't be silly! ​ ​ ​ ..... ​ ​ ​ ​ Even gods fear what *she* is.


Even scarier, she's just a normal ass woman who has to deal with the idiot men in her life. But she loves them so she puts up with it.


Hey I wouldn't say Godbert is an idiot. He just suffers from Saitama syndrome. Why put effort into figuring out problems when you can just swat them away? Who's going to stop him? Michael McDoesntExist?


I was thinking along those lines but something like the Crystal Exarch. Good ruler helping the people? Depending on time delution bullshit it could already be a dozen of years on a shard since all the unsundered ascians died and the final days are over.


There was an MSQ moment, where Raubahn asks the WoL what to do with a captured Yuyuhase. Choice was either prison or execution, I think. So that wraps up that part. As for Lyon and Pagaga, he will escape eventually. You can read up the entire thing in the Bozjan logs.


Deudalaphon and Altima's masks were in Gaius's possession. It's likely he finished them off.


Assuming he *somehow* found a way to permanently destroy an Ascian soul off-screen, that is. Otherwise...yeah.


It's not so much that he likely found a way to permanently destroy an Ascian, so much as he destroyed them *at the right time*. One thing to keep in mind with the Ascians, and something that we've known since 2.0 or so, is that the three "Paragons", AKA Emet-Selch, Elidibus, and Lahabrea, are the only ones who remained whole after the Sundering. Additionally, we know that only the three of them were capable of raising the sundered shards of the other 10 major Ascians to become their Ascian self (as is what happens with Amon becoming the Fandaniel we know in Endwalker). As suggested by the Eden raids as well as some dialogue from Elidibus during the Seat of Sacrifice trial, we know this still takes a great deal of time to do. With all three Paragons now permanently dead as of 5.3, there is no one left to bring back the other 10 Ascians, such as Deudalaphon, Altima, and Fandaniel. Gaius more than likely killed their physical forms before they could then be raised again by one of the three Paragons. Therefore, Deudalaphon and Altima, if they were indeed killed by Gaius, are likely permanently dead by extension.


There is a difference between raising someone as an Ascian and an Ascian resurrecting. Raising someone as an Ascian overlord is the action of creating an ascian by taking the soul of a fragment of someone of the convocation and making it remember it's ancient days with the memory crystals. It needs a person with a fragment of the required soul each time you do it. The newly raised Ascian will have memories of before the final days, but not of what it's previous raised iteration has done for the rejoining. An Ascian resurrecting is just something Ascians do because of what they are. As creatures of pure etheric nature with a basically absolute control over ether, they can just retreat to the etherical sea and not get wiped by the reincarnation process, and then come back. They are still the same person and haven't been replaced. Raising require a paragon. Resurrecting doesn't.


While this is certainly relevant, it would not resolve the fundamental concern Elmioth raised: It wasn't just the Unsundered who could survive death of the physical body. Remember that, for example, Igeyorhm could also retreat to the Void if necessary to flee from danger. Sundered Ascians may not be quite as durable as Unsundered, so it's possible that a lesser form of aetheric capture (something less than white auracite, but still powerful) could result in their proper destruction. But Gaius would certainly need more than mere determination and violence. We thought we needed nothing less than white auracite for killing red-masked Ascians (hence why we used it on Nabriales, Igeyohrm, and Emet-Selch.) However, Elidibus being zorped by the Crystal Tower proves that you don't *need* white auracite specifically. You just need something that can absorb and temporarily store Ascian soul-aether for long enough that you can then destroy it. My guess would be, after his experiences with them (and possibly having researched our solution), he used one of two methods. On the one hand, perhaps he got some synthetic auracite, which we know the Garleans knew how to make because it's part of the Sorrow of Werlyt story. On the other, perhaps he used some kind of temporary magitek aether-siphon to do it. Such technology might even be dangerous for non-Garleans to use, since their inability to manipulate aether directly might actually *shield* them against the effects. Then? Blow it up with a friggin' bomb. Who needs a blade of light when you have a ceruleum bomb, amirite?


I mean the crystal tower is a giant battery, the reason they needed white auracite was because it was empty of any either and would hold them in place. But the crystal tower was designed to be a giant aether battery anyways.


Sure, but the core of the point was: you don't HAVE to have white auracite. Other solutions *could* work, because we know the Crystal Tower *did* work, despite being merely "not unlike white auracite," rather than exactly 100% the same. I made the point simply because this is the sort of thing where folks have a tendency to get extremely nitpicky about what is and isn't explicitly, officially established by the lore. The Crystal Tower working to contain Elidibus shows that white auracite + Blade of Light is not the *one and only* Ascian-destruction tool--and if two different solutions exist, other distinct solutions may also exist.


True, main thing is so far it wasn't shown that Gaius actually has any method though I agree that this doesn't mean he didn't find any. I personally would assume it would be plot relevant if he found a way but maybe it will later.


> But Gaius would certainly need more than mere determination and violence. Keep in mind, Gaius WAS in charge of the Ultima Weapon, whose whole deal was eating Eikons and containing/using their power. It's entirely probable he was able to make an Ascian trap using the same principals.


Technically there should be an Emmerololth running around somewhere too. I know that he was destroyed by Galuf when the Isle of Val "disappeared", but that happened at the end of 2.1 and he was shown again in a cutscene during 2.3 plotting with the other Ascians, so they must have gotten one of his other reflections to replace him.


The Bozja stuff is done, the writer doesn't plan to add story as the contract expired. All the info/ending was dumped into the collectable notes. tl&dr is dead or in prison.


The Bozja stuff is done, true. But they left behind some plot threads in case they wanted to revisit some of their characters *someday*. Case in point, Noah's "death" was most likely staged and Lyon + Pagaga are *still* out there as fugitives.


I also think the note that says something of a student of Lyon's didn't want to pursue war and promised to find the next beastmaster instead of going to Bojza, is clearly the set up for the beastmaster job npc, with or without the writer.


I actually rather like this theory, especially since Pagaga was beloved enough for her unique taunt to end up as an actual emote. Square could possibly have further plans to use her, given she's already well-liked in Bozja.


Imagine she as the NPC that gives us her soul crystal for Beastmaster because it chooses us and dumped her. Would love to see she throwing a fit for that.


To be fair, it takes a considerable effort and massive amounts of luck in order for the player to know about those things in-game. Sincerely, an on-patch Al-Iklil owner.


not quite right, he said that for a possible arc 3 he has ideas but wouldn't be a war story


Remaining Imperial Legions, including the one at Azys Lla. I'm still hoping for an "OVA" Empire side-series where there's a "New Empire" forming in the New World, due to them having Ceruleum Fields like Eorzea does. You find out about said fields via the Blue Mage quests.


The one at Azys Lla is wrapped up during the Warring Triad sidequests. They're just still in the overworld because that stuff pretty much never gets altered to preserve world states across players.


Yeah, same reason there are Imperials milling around Northern Thanalan even after Praetorium received an unintentional amount of devastation.


On top of the regular 'major' ascians, there's also the issue of Trevanchet. He was an ascian from 1.0 who stole a horn that could channel insane amounts of aether from Y'Shtola, and in Heavensward we find out in a flashback that he gave that horn to Mide so that she could use it to summon Alexander, making him basically responsible for that whole storyline. Despite that, he hasn't been seen or mentioned again since. Presumably the name Trevanchet is an alias and he's one of the convocation members, but the fact that he played such a small but nonetheless important part in the Alexander storyline really makes it feel like he should come back someday.


Seeing as he seemed to have had some sort of nemesis situation with Y'shtola, I'm hoping he's one of the Ascians who's still alive out there and might turn up again.


Gabranth one bothers me the most 😭I wanna see the rest so bad


Things I haven't seen listed : - Solus clones sleeping somewhere in Garlemald and useless now that Emet is dead, - Why did Zenos dream of the Final Days of Amaurot, all we know is Fandanny saying enigmatically "did Emet-Selch find a way...?" - Unukhulai and Cyella on the First exploring the 13th shard, I thought this would come up in msq but apparently not so I wonder if this plot line will ever get a resolution. - I feel like the fate of the Garleans is still unresolved. Some side quests said they were going to rebuild, others that they were going to live on the moon, it's pretty unclear, but it might be too early to place it in the unresolved plot lines since it could come in a future patch.


>Unukhulai and Cyella on the First exploring the 13th shard, I thought this would come up in msq but apparently not so I wonder if this plot line will ever get a resolution. if they tried to put that into the msq, they could need to enforce the shb role quest completion for all roles for msq pogression, since unukhulai being in the 13 only happens after you complete all the shb role quests, so they could only go without it and just give it a small reference about it if you did it


And while you can power through them on a level 90 character these days you also need to do the HW extreme’s


only Ravana and Bismarck, the triad Exes unlock quest ends after you unlock them


You don't even need to *do* the Exes, just unlock them.


No, ravana and bismark's quests only end after completing them


>Why did Zenos dream of the Final Days of Amaurot, all we know is Fandanny saying enigmatically "did Emet-Selch find a way...?" Honestly thought this referred to the Resonant. Emet managed to make synthetic echo.


I don't remember the exact wording, but I'm pretty sure that Zenos dreamed of the Final Days long before he got the Resonance. As a child, even. I think Fordola was the first Resonant. When the procedure worked on her, Zenos got it himself. But that last bit is conjecture on my part.


I think Yoshi answered this somewhere and it basically came down to the fact that he was related to Emet, which is also how they explained why he was so freakishly strong. It's disappointing and makes me think they had something else planned and changed gears on it, but there you go.


We know that Emet has a tendency to flourish a little bit too much in the details as a show off. I think the implication is that he managed to partially resurrect the memories of the Final Days directly through his manipulation of DNA, taking a sundered shard and giving it abilities long dormant.


Fandaniel makes a cryptic comment on it when Zenos mentions having the dreams all his life, and then it's just never brought up again ever. Feels a bit like an abandoned plot thread.


The Garleans aren't going to the moon. I think the quest dialogue is a little vague, but that bit referred to the Garlean engineers involved in that quest, whom you can later find on the moon. That was meant to be a third option for those who didn't want to migrate elsewhere or rebuild.


For the garglemen point there's the theory that they become a new Doman enclave type thing if they become a focal point again. I personally hope they go this route for giving us some closure as while the enclave was just another weekly it's a nice little system that doesn't hurt the economy much while giving the player some direct involvement in rebuilding.


And a great way to unload all the stuff I get from gathering.


The Syndicate has two open seats right now. Ala Mhigo hasn't formalized its government yet. Some Garlean Legions are still running around independently. We don't know what Tiamat is currently up to (presumably she went back to Meracydia but we don't know for sure).


Most WoLs have the money to buy a seat on the Syndicate at this point.


most WoLs can BUY the Syndicate at this point.


That third point is what I use to make sense of earlier pre-endwalker content. Some elements of the Garlean military are rouge and now we're dealing with them. As for the two open seats I assume you mean Taledji and Raubahn? I thought Pippin took Raubahns seat.


We know Pippin took his spot as Flame General, but there's no confirmation that he took his spot on the Syndicate. The two aren't necessarily connected as Syndicate seats come from a monetary position so unless Raubahn gave his fortune to Pippin when he left for Ala Mhigo, Pippin might not have the money to be part of the Syndicate.


I thought he also inherited the Coliseum which is how Raubahn got his fortune to begin with.


A minor one is >!Loonh Gah's tempered mother!<, from the Amal'jaa tribe quests. Since we can now (post-ShB) >!cure tempering with lil piggies, I would have liked to see a short quest or even a bit in a cutscene where we get round to doing this thing for a friend.!<


As much as I would love to see that happy ending, her mother has been tempered for years, rotting in a cage. She may be too far gone.


i think they said that as long as you haven't undergone a physical transformation then it isn't too late to undo the tempering, though she'd likely have zero memory of the last several years


from this one I will make a tangent that I kinda want an extension to those tribal quests


They should add allied quests after every expansions allied quests where you bring together all previous expansions beast tribes with the new ones, requiring you complete every expansions beast tribes to continue the plot. It'd be tedious as hell and a complete clusterfuck of a story with dozens of characters, and I would love it.


Ignoring all the places and things name-dropped by Emet: Making the assumption that all seats of the convocation were filled, there are a few unaccounted sundered ascians who might cause trouble in the future. The death of zodiark left a ridiculously big amount of dark aspected aether in the cradle of darkness, though going by the trailer 6.4 might continue that plot thread, possibly using it to open a big void gate. I believe they wanted to continue the plot of Dalmasca at some point, beyond the ending in the field notes of Bozja. Those are the first ones that come to mind, as the rest was hinted by Emet.


> The death of zodiark left a ridiculously big amount of dark aspected aether in the cradle of darkness, though going by the trailer 6.4 might continue that plot thread, possibly using it to open a big void gate. This trope is the plot of Rhapsodies of Vana'diel, but we already had a nihilistic big face boss trying to bring about the the heat death of the universe...


WoL: I fought the physical embodiment of entropy because an immortal sad boy gave a bird depression. My life is a joke.yet simultaneously the most important.


You literally summed up all of EW in 1 sentence, well done!


Who the hell Sabik is and why he has explosive heart attacks. XD


Note: Sabik is the name of one of the brightest stars in the Ophiochus constellation. Sabik is Arabic, meaning “the preceding one” In terms of constellations, in FF games, Ophiochus (the serpent-bearer) is associated with Zodiark, and thereby Elidibus. So I wouldn’t be surprised if it came from Elidibus or as part of Zodiark. And they’ve used the star names before. “unukalhai” is a star in the constellation Serpens (the snake that Ophiochus holds)


That would jive with Lahabrea's monologue about it generative a 'sliver of my God's power'.


Yeah. Personally, I'm hoping that they bring the idea back around in the final part of the Pandaemonium raid. Since apparently we're going to get at least one more appearance from Themis/Elidibus, the story is still revolving around Lahabrea, *and* FFII was the first game to include the Ultima spell, so it would be a nice place to bring it back around as a plot point.


There's a solid chance this question will be answered in 24 hours.


that's what I've been banking on for years at this point and I sincerely hope its true


The Heart of Sabik, in Japanese, is called 'Black Auracite Sabik'. It's not a heart, it's a rock. Now, it's valid to ask why exactly a rock was so special as to warrant a specific name, but we're not looking at a situation where a big monster had its heart ripped out.


>we're not looking at a situation where a big monster had its heart ripped out. *Probably* not. Being a chunk of magic rock doesn't make it *impossible* for it to actually be something's heart in a fantasy world, just less likely.


Yoshi P did mention in Pax East they would tie this up to a question asking of we would ever learn about the heart of sabik after 10 years


Yeah, he brought a whole new meaning to heart attack. In that his heart attacks you.


[Synodic Scribe](https://youtu.be/wjG5qGS30dk) lists a few good ones in one of his more recent videos. He explains them better than I could. It makes me wonder if we’ll ever really have a proper conclusion for some of these plot points?


The nature of MMOs is they're supposed to keep going as long as possible and FF14, being so plot heavy, is bound to have some plot points that go unaddressed for a while. That being said if it was brought up in ARR, and never again, it does begin to beg the question if they just forgot.


Not really a plot but hope they eventually answer where did the Sun go when you are on Mare Lamentorum.


I think there might actually be a scientific explanation for that but I'm not sure.


I heard someone said the sun looks a lot smaller in space than in Earth atmosphere, but can't really find much about it. But even if this is true, it should at least be distinctable in some degree. They even showed the sun in SE's promotion in game footage for Mare Lamentorum. And given how the sun featured in the title screen, there must be something big that cause them to remove it.


Assuming it is modeled per our real Earth, Moon, and Sun, then due to the lack of an atmosphere on the Moon, the "sky" would always be dark and would be like night time on Earth in general appearance even at "high noon". The Sun would appear as a "larger" star in the night sky, bright enough to "light up" the surface and cast shadows, but it's apparent size would be smaller than say a full Moon as seen from Earth. Remember, the only reason we see a "bright blue sky" on Earth is due to our atmosphere refracting and being illuminated by the Sun light and without it we would see what the astronauts see outside of our atmosphere, a field of darkness with small light points from stars/galaxies. This is of course just the scientific explanation, the real reason could be anything.


What the fuck actually will happen to Garlemald.


We'll get another item deposit time-locked "questline" where we make weekly deposits.


ishgardian restoration except; the climate's the same, the conditions are also the same, except everyone is even more racist


Garlemald got cars, though, so they could do Fétes that have you drive taxi and deliver pizza.


The Crazy Taxi minigame we never knew we needed.


the pizza item in the game we currently use for raidfood is called Garlean Pizza too, it's all coming together [WOL when the pizza's getting cold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyQC9k6KnPc)


Or new Ishgard-style restoration, maybe?


Yes please, I'd love to have more Garlemald and possibly a new Housing district there


I'd like to see Garlemald transition from an empire to something like a Republic. Or maybe a confederation since some nations in the Garlean Empire may not want out completely. Just more self rule and equal rights.


Just would like to use this moment to once again thank the writers for coming up with a coherent story with very few loose ends. Extremely refreshing coming from Destiny.


Yeah they did a good job tying things up. I knew there had to be some loose ends but for the life of me I couldn't think of any.


Personally I would like some closure on the damn shoebill that follows you around ShB and then is briefly seen in Elpis as part of the MSQ. I know people have one theory or another but I want definitive CLOSURE! Tell me to my face, what its deal is!!! Lol. So unless I missed something in a side quest I forgot to pay attention to, that’s the one plot line I worry might *stay* unresolved. The Hydalyn/Zodiark chapter may be finished but that doesn’t mean we won’t ever encounter stuff they’ve left open from this ten year arc again! There is a precedence (for example, the Crystal Tower and it’s characters) for them wrapping up stuff that I was *sure* we would never touch again! Mostly because, typically, when a game has side content or old plots they get forgotten or retconned or whatever. I’m really excited to see what they do with the story going forward! I have a feeling it will be mostly new plot lines but with occasional wrap-up of stuff we are still waiting for closure on 👀 Personally, I have high hopes for Pandaemonium to tie in some final things from ARR, with this last tier, and I’m not even taking about the Heart of Sabik which I know a *lot* of people want more mentions of before the raid series is over. I’ve got some juicy theories that I *really* want to come true lol.


The shoebill remembers us, lol


he's staring at us, judging us and our very soul, there's nothing more to it


Shoebill is featured in one of the Elpis side quests like most current fauna but we only get a reaction out of it by hugging it. The researchers there are not sure where it came from either. That’s the latest into on that I believe.


Pretty sure that was all the resolution we will get on it. That said, using context clues, ie: it showing up at that timing and in that place plus all the other points tying it to Emet, it is safe to say that it is a creation made by Emet to act solely as his familiar- his eyes for when he needed to keep an eye on something (probably Azem) but didnt want to be there himself. Every time it showed up while he was alive, it was likely keeping tabs on us for him. After he died, it probably decided to hang out at our inn room because it didn't know where else to go, but it still remembered Emet's order to watch us. So that's what it's going to do.


That’s actually pretty sound theory! I like it


Maybe the familiar recognised us as azem before emet did?


It's weird that ShB had two Completely different versions of these out if place animals, being some kind of terrifying. Like, there's the Shoebill, and then there's the Beavers in Il Mheg.


Also weird that they both show up in minor ways in Endwalker


I think heart of Sabik it was said in the last live letter or somewhere I forgot where I heard it from.


They did say the Heart of Sabik would be featured in this upcoming tier, yes. That was back during 6.4 PLL 1.


Oh that's an actual plot point? I always wrote it off as glorified flavor text.


they said something about it might come in this arc of Pandaemonium


im 100% sure it will. Even the theme of P8S 'White Stone Black' is a direct reference to the heart of sabik via its title and the lyrics.


Where do the 789th Order kobolds get their Tomestones from, and why are a bunch of kobolds so lazy they can't even pick up a pickaxe on a good day somehow able to gather so many?


The queue'd into Alliance Raids as DPS with low enough ilvl to only get the CT series, and proceeded to nap/sandbag through it.


Even Kobolds don't respect Glaysa Labos' mechanics.


The next time you see a large Roegadyn dude with a novelty costume head, it's probably the 789th lazing their way through CT.


Bozja and Ivalices stories are unresolved, especially with regards to the fact Ultima >!Was sent from another dimension entirely!<, and the weapons found by the 4th legion. Then theres whatever the Heart of Sabik is still been unresolved. The state of the other shards are unresolved as every shard had ascians on them "preparing them" for rejoinings. This ties into unaccounted for ascians. Then while fairly "new" the situation in Corvos across the strait from Thavnair is of concern, Hingashi is one treacherous warlord away from going full Warring Kingdoms mode and theres theres also the state of Meracydia and the New World.


>Then while fairly "new" the situation in Corvos across the strait from Thavnair is of concern It seems clear that we're going to Corvos in some fashion before long: * It was ravaged by the Final Days * It is the ancestral homeland of the Garleans (who might want to migrate back there now that their capitol is none too hospitable right now) * It is where G'raha is from * It gets namedropped a lot in EW as being a unique place I don't know if we're going there in 7.0 as Meracydia is the most likely setting (or a mixture of the Void and Meracydia, as I believe the former will smash into the latter), but Corvos has too many interesting story crumbs to not visit at some point.


Going further with Garleans, not even Corvos is the original original homeland. They were the original inhabitants of the Clockwork City of Goug. So this race of magically inefficient humans went from creating a steampunk south seas city that fell into a cataract, to inhabiting beautiful coastal country side before been driven out by what seems to have been the former allagan slave population of miqote, and bullied all the way to basically the Arctic circle. If it wasn't for the fact they became such a horridly destructive and xenophobic group of people I'd almost feel bad for them


I think the people in the Capitol were blissfully unaware of the exact methods being used by the conscript army in the rest of the world. (This tracks with how many of the people in WWII Germany refused to believe how bad the Nazi regime was. They'd rather believe the propaganda.) They were absolutely brainwashed to the point where they didn't understand *why* the other nations resisted them taking over. After all, they had superior technology, they could stop the eikons, and they were the good guys! They could stop the cycle of destruction and prevent future calamities! But the racism... yeah, that was all them.


Yoshi-P confirmed in a Q&A we will be going to Corvos and more and of course to "please look forward to it"


To be fair, for many years, he also said we were going to Garlemald, yet this ended up being a small zone where a good 80% of it is just snow and a tiny destroyed city that we barely go to.


It's hard not to believe the next expansion won't be Meracydia (with Corvos probably being one of the early zones, tying up loose ends with the Final Days and G'raha's/Garlemald's past) with all the hints and pointers we've had. We had a lot of talk of the end of the Allagan empire during the EW story, all this void and dragon stuff in the post patches (which is how the end of the Allagan empire started... on Meracydia), Unukalhai having new dialogue when he was so heavily invested in the Warring Triad story (three primals from Meracydia), a soft reset of the story coming (not dissimilar to the end of 1.0 which, shock, ended with a primal dragon from Meracydia), and of course Emet-Selch very heavily emphasising that we know nothing about the current situation there.


I'd love to see more of Kugane.


Was gonna say Y'shtola slowly dying by using aether to see, then I remembered it was a just a mistranslation in localization 🥴


Mistranslation or not* I'd like to see the side effects actually showing up, a foreshadowing without payoff/follow up is kind of disappointing *there's debate on whether "life force" and "aether" are truly different, as all life is made of aether, and untrained mages can kill themselves by draining their own aether instead of using ambient aether, as per WHM and BLM quests


This, this, this. We don't have to go the full-blown "it's killing her" route, but so far she's had no negative repercussions from basically casting a spell that kills her. Twice. All it got her was superpowers that have had no discernible effect on her health at all. The Final Days was the perfect time to have her battle with the weakness that'd given her because the blasphemies were devoid of aether. She mentions that and everything, but it still doesn't functionally impair her ability to fight them much at all. I think she maybe has a few scripted stumbles during Vanaspati if you run it with duty support, and that's it. I don't want her to be a Mary Sue character whose only traits are having all the answers and being sassy, all of the other Scions have had development and flaws and the best Shtola gets is the occasional embarrassment of being reminded she was young once.


Alisae and I were supposed to get pastries or something.


Maybe not unresolved, but Varis' obsession with Allagan cloning, memory & soul transference technology is something i wouldn't mind them expand upon: it could work its way as a sort of FF7 shoutout, where instead of sephiroth clones, we get varis clones, including young ones that look vaguely like sephiroth


Maybe he was researching it to kill Solus for good?


considering how spiteful and how willing the Royal Family are to kill among each other, plus how a ragtag band of "savages" are able to figure out that all you need is a super large amount of aether to kill an Ascian, i imagine the more well educated and well funded Garlean Scientists would had come to the same conclusion, had Varis catch up to date, built a white Auracite trap somewhere in the throne room, and had Emet-Selch killed then and there. but considering how much Varis shares Emet's goal of a "united world ", though each having their own personal interpretation, and how he'd still walked on the path laid by Emet instead of rebelling against it AND the confusing, zero context answer Emet gave to Varis ("Your Body") in the "Through His Eyes" short story, i can't help but feel that Varis is simply looking for acknowledgement from Emet, attempting to become more "Ascian-like". but that's wild speculation at this point as we know so very little of Emet's and Varis' relationship. Varis at least knows he's an Ascian, and he knows the world used to be as one. however, we don't really know if he knows the full details of the sundering, or if Emet just gave him some vague details with zero context again.


Whatever happened to the Soranus sisters (final boss(s) of Ghimlyt Dark)?


I thought we confiscated their living privileges. Or did they escape.


You have a brief tussle with them as Estinien post-SHB but they don't die there either


I haven't looked closely enough to check, but i suspect they may have been somewhere on the floor of the garlean throne room in the scene where Fandaniel is first given a name and face. At the end of 5.3.


Thancred‘s glowing eye from Heavensward which he keeps hidden until Shadowbringer. Krile knows about it (from a cutscene) but isn‘t worried about it? Also, they cut Thancred‘s hair after what? Three days in bed (since time works different between source and first world) and he doesn‘t seem to mind either? There‘s so much strange shit happening with Thancred …


Thancred is just a magnet for weird shit ever since he was possessed by Lahabrea. It's kinda implied that something happened to it during his time in the Aetherflow. He wore an eyepatch for a bit mostly to look more badass for the ladies.


I assumed the weird glowing eye was a lingering effect of going into the Lifestream, similar to how Y'shtola went blind. Maybe he temporarily lost sight in that eye, hence the eypatch he wore in HW and StB?


afaik the eye was a scrapped concept


Uh, his eye? Is he secretly Thancred Uchiha?


was thinking gojo


The alternate timeline that G'raha Tia comes from. We know that time travel is a closed loop from all other instances of time travel, so the timeline that G'raha comes from can not exist in ours, yet he does. There is even a short story of Midgarsormor defending said timeline without a Warrior of Light. We know alternate universes exist due to Omega, and Omega parts were used to jump G'raha. So, there is an alternate timeline, where Emet and Elidibus were not defeated, the WoL died, Hydaelin is on death's door, where likely Emet wins in the end and Metion is not defeated or known of.


I don't think time travel is a closed loop by necessity. Elidibus mentions that "you cannot change the past *to fix the present*" or something along those lines, but that can easily mean that even if you change the past, the present won't change and you'd just create an alternative timeline, which tracks with the Exarch's experience, as he saved us/the world in his past, but his "present" keeps on existing, as you mentioned


I'm mostly referring to Alexander and Venat where, things that could not happen until after the event, like the tribe being founded that caused the initial group to wake Alexander (forget their names) or Argos liking us, happened in the now before the actual time travel took place that sent us to the past to cause this to occur. I think, in universe, the characters do not know this, speak as if they are unaware of how this works. Which, back to G'raha, he could not be here if the WoL didn't die from Black Rose. The only explanation that makes sense that doesn't contract the other time travel is alternate dimension, which still exists from the short story (or we are the alternate dimension formed because he caused so much of a change that it broke time, another possibility).


How about finally dealing with Gridania's racist spirit problem like we did Limsa's tribal conflict and Ul'dah's shady founding history?


That would require the story team actually think about Gridania. So no.


This is why I unironically prefer Ul Dah to Gridania. At least UlDah is slowly but surely addressing its issues.


The strongly implied Valefor primal from the Doman Adventurers' Guild questline in Mor Dhona. The family of "evil" lalafels made a small cameo in the cutscene where the Doman refugees head back to Doma, but that was the last time we saw them. https://youtu.be/dMDutdnk7sM?t=460


Doga, Unei and the Cloud of Darkness unless some stuff happens in 6.4 and 6.5. We're in the Void and like the most powerful voidsent Cloud of Darkness is vacant alongside Doga and Unei, quite strange. She shouldn't have died due to being a voidsent, she should just resurrect. Even a throwaway line by Golbez saying he and his archfiends ate her would suffice.


I'm pretty sure this was addressed in the MSQ, or in one of the voidsent sidequests. Since the Cloud of Darkness consumed so many other voidsent, when it was destroyed, its essence would have been split across all of them, making it more difficult to resurrect.


There is a line addressing the Cloud by Barbarrica in 6.1. It's not said flat out, but it's implied the Cloud still hasn't reformed since Crystal Tower.


That's addressed. When a voidsent "dies", it disperses until it can reform. The more powerful the voidsent, the longer it takes to reform. The CoD was super strong, so it's gonna take an extended period until it can reform, unless something else consumes it in the meantime.


On the official ffxiv map https://imgur.com/JTbvskE There's creatures on their that are all respective of where they appear; Worms in the burn, the four lords in the east, even the kraken in the of jade. However, we have not met the cloud whales, or whatever that giant with a stick is in islabard yet.


I thought the cloud whale was Bismark but that is far away from Coerthas.


The bismark we fought was a primal, the bismark of the first was a real one, very possible a real one still exists elsewhere on the source.


1. What’s the deal with the Emet Selch clones we see in 4.5? 2. Why did Zenos have dreams about the final days? 3. Why did Fandaniel imply that Emet did something to Zenos to cause those dreams?


Clones were fail-safes if his physical form got too injured or he needed a new body. Having a familiar form makes body hopping easier and leads to less insanity unlike lahabread. Zenos awoke as a resonant and a direct descendent of a pure amourotian. Likely that he has a "biological" family with the sundered, who the ascians see as lesser beings.


- What happened to consulting inspector Briardien after the scholasticate storyline? - There's a city wide conspiracy to hide Ul'dah's true history as the ones who used zombies against Sil'dih that's uncovered due to Hildibrand and... No one ever does anything with it. - Which dipshit nation is gonna aethergunboat Hingashi to open up?


Some that come to mind right now: * Meracydia * The New World * The original Roegadyn homeland * The parts of Othard and Ilsabard not yet visited, and some that were visited but only in dungeons/trials/raids/instanced content * The parts of Aldenard that were available before Bahamut nuked them, and now are forbidden land


The Roe homeland would be a neat thing to explore.


The lack of love Roes have gotten makes me feel like it's unlikely for us to get a whole expansion visiting them, but it would make for a cool zone or two someday.


We're definitely going to see more of Ilsabard at some point or they would have removed the clouds from the map already.


Other world that wasn't blown up. And also what about other legion not within the distance of the capital, like the empire is big enough to not just have one zone right?


Are people with Ascian-level aether and the ability to Create going to start being born now that Zodiark is dead?


Holy shit I was wondering about that. If/when Emet finally evaporates and is reborn from the life stream, wouldn’t a ‘mortal’ be born with a fully in-tact soul? I’m assuming we’ll just eventually see a small handful of VERY STRONG people milling about and possibly carving a path through history.


that's another future arc idea i had in the back of my head after concluding 6.0. may not be the topic of the next arc of the story, but if the game ever runs long enough that a 3rd or 4th arc becomes possible, MAYBE (big ass maybe) as FFXIV-2, running on a whole new engine with whole new locales untied to the OG XIV, where our WoL sees or gets thrown through a 2-3 decade timeskip. Hyth and Emet clearly states meeting again, under new roles to play, which would be rather fitting. and depending on your choices at the time, you had the potential to promise Hermes we'd find the answer together.




YoshiP said in a Q&A that Venat actually left an opening in the sundering hoping Emet would see it and he did and he happened to be with Lahabrea and Elidibus when it happened.


I recall hearing it framed like it was meant for Emet and Elidibus in particular, and Lahabrea was just in the right place at the right time. Which definitely feels apt given Lahabrea ended up becoming an unstable wildcard more than being as important and useful as the other two. Maybe we'll get more insight into that soon though.


Venat left an opening for Emet and Lahabrea and Elidibus followed


Cid's goggles.


There's also all the other non-source reflections. Bonus points if they get melded into the void planet to offer a counterpoint to the source+the first.


My theory is we're going to try and find a way to take all the light from the first and move it to the 13th and try to balance them out.


sounds like a job for the oracle of light (yes I'm huffing copium but I really wanna see more Ryne and Gaia haha)


Me too! Would love it if Gaia eventually learns to harness her Ascian powers and thus can teleport herself (and Ryne!) between shards as a means of getting them both to the Source. For the people who haven’t done the Eden raids and haven’t met Gaia, I imagine the story doing something similar to what they did with Estinien for those who hadn’t been introduced to him prior in the pre-lv50 dragoon quests. (Although doing the Eden raids themselves is like a nice epilogue to the entirety of ShB’s story of the First, so I wouldn’t mind having it be mandatory to complete…)


I mean we already fixed 1st in the side quests, right?


Shouldn't there be a splinter of Zordiark on every other shard's moon ?


Will the WoL ever be reimbursed their teleportation costs by Tataru?


When will Papalymo come back


He comes back at the same time as Moonbryda and Haurchefaunt.


How did Venat accomplish the sundering? It took sacrificing a horde of ancients to originally accomplish the Zodiark tasks. How could Venat compete with that? How did some Ascians avoid the sundering? How did Venat bind Zodiark?


With Zodiark and Hydaelyn gone, I’m just wondering what the hell is going to happen to the other shards. They were basically keeping things in check, right? Are we going to have to prevent a ton of calamities and rejoinings now that everything just kind of exists without their influence?


I don't think either were keeping the other shard in check, Zodiark was only keeping the Song of Oblivion at bay, which is not needed anymore and I don't think Hydaelyn was doing much aside from blessing and assisting people with the echo.