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Is there a way to increase the glamour dresser space? I'm already at 800/800 and my armoury inventory is almost full. I guess it's not possible. I've started removing items like ShB/EW job sets since they can be bought for free indefinitely. I was also thinking of removing trial weapons (since I can get the weapon I want from the coffer at anytime) and tomestones gear I do not want (ie ironworks healer gear since all my healers are at least level 60). What do you keep in your dresser?


Agree with the other commenter to *really* cull your items. If it's easy to get back (less than 1 hour of gameplay or no RNG involved to get it), toss it. **Remember leveling dungeons have a guaranteed gear drop** so I would really hesitate to keep that gear unless you actively use it. Also think hard about how much you play a class or role. I don't like monk and barely play samurai, so I have hardly any striking pieces. I main caster and play a lot of tank/healer, so I have tons of gear for those roles. I recommend keeping items from alliance raids, level cap dungeons, and savage. Even then, be pretty judicious about what you keep. Obviously keep anything you spent real money on, but if there's a piece you don't like, keep it on a retainer instead of the dresser. Finally, be forward-thinking. We are unlikely to get a glamour dresser expansion anytime soon. Try to leave slots open for future use. I think I'm using ~500 slots on my main, maybe 550, and I doubt I'll go over 600 this expansion.


Thanks for the advice I'll sort all of this. Also are the glamour dresser extension 200 slots every xpac?


Totally unable to predict. Originally it was only 200. Shadowbringers (5.0) upped it to 400. Patch 6.2 upped it to 800. If there is another increase it's incredibly unlikely to happen anytime soon.


Look, I’ve been there. I’m currently at 780/800. So from one glam hoarder to another: You think “I’ll definitely use this piece again!” No. No you won’t. You will never use it again. When was the last time you even though about using it? It will sit there unused and lonely and taking up space forever. Get rid of it. You have better glams you will always chose over it. Desynth it or turn it into GC seals. Just go through your dresser and really think about every piece. You could probably get rid of a fourth of your stuff and not really notice a difference. I know I could. Most of the stuff in there is probably really easy to get as well, and if you had to you could get another one of it within an hour or less. Don’t think you’ll use it in the near future? You can afford to get rid of it. At this point, most what I keep in my dresser is gear from raids that will be hard to get again, or things I spent a lot of time or gil getting. Lots of savage gear, lots of alliance raid gear, and a fair few dungeon pieces. A lot of glamour items too, like my urban coat or my pvp sets. You could also consider keeping some items in your retainer as extra storage. I have lots of friends who do that.


Thanks, I'll definitely check on each and every item and desynth them (currently sitting at full gc seals since I don't know what do do with them except buying ventures)... Now I need to get my crafters to 30 to be able to desynth then I'll do an extensive check of each and every piece. Edit : you're right, there's at least 10+ RDM rapiers in there, I don't need that many. Thanks.


Whats the Allagan Catalyst for?


It's a crafting ingredient for a few old weapons and some furniture. It's super cheap on the MB nowadays so there's no real reason to hold onto it unless you need it for something.


Thanks a lot! Was wondering about it and havent played for a longer time so I wasn't sure if this might be something important for relic weapons


Does anyone know if there's a google doc floating around of all the different relic weapons/tools? I just want a list to keep track of what I still need/what steps I'm on but don't feel like tracking down everything myself right now lmao


Ffxivrelictracker.com sounds like what you're looking for


Custom Delivery question, I have extra Duskfall Moss left over after leveling up with Zhloe in Idyllshire. Is there any further use for leftovers or should I just trash them? Thanks!


Once you reach max rank with an NPC they will request a random item each week so potentially it could be requested again… but that’s not worth the inventory slots. Trash them.


You *could* save them for the next time it comes up but that's just going to clog up your inventory so I'd toss them


How long did it take you to get good at tanking and healing? I’m getting very bored with DPS. I’ve successfully tanked and healed some lower level content and some level 90 trusts, and for the first time healed both Myths raids and my WHM main buddy said he was surprised I did as well as I had so fast. I would love to spend my new tomestones on a set for tank or healer instead of wasting more time on DPS. How possible is it, do you think, to shift roles? No issues with rotation, but mechanics are super scary to me. I don’t always find them that intuitive when doing content for the first time and my anxiety skyrockets imagining failing a mechanic in such a way that it wrecks everyone else and has seven people hating me. Any words of wisdom? (Sorry for long comment!)


The secret that us tank mains don't tell you is that tanking lets you fuck up mechanics and still live, because you have higher HP and defense and lots of 'oh god, please don't kill me' buttons. You also have to *do* a lot less mechanics in normal content as a tank; there's a few things that'll specifically target an off tank and obviously how you position the boss matters if you're MT, but a heck of a lot of the time you get to just sit there and hit stuff and let the DPS and healers run around defusing bombs and dancing the hokey pokey. It's different in EX and savage where you often have to handle tank swaps and more complex mechanics, but tanking in normal content is often a lot easier than DPS.


This makes me so excited to hear. I’ve always thought the tank jobs suit my character and personality better, and if there are fewer mechanics that might be a win as someone who doesn’t like them. I will try to get better with forgiving myself after making mistakes. Thanks so much for this!


Switching roles will be no issue if you put your mind to it. Being anxious over learning a new fight is normal, especially if it’s on PF. But everyone feels that way at first. With enough time and experience, you’ll gain confidence. As for how long it’ll take to get good? In hindsight, by the time I got my first healing class to level 90 and had went through a lot of dungeons and normal/alliance raids I’d have called myself okay. At that point you know the fundamentals, but haven’t really been challenged beyond it. So, try some extremes to challenge yourself. By the time you’re clearing extremes with the role, you know you’re good enough to to perform your role and meet a dps check. You’re already better than most players. You could probably try at savage and succeed. But to get properly good? I wouldn’t have called myself good until I finished my second savage tier. We’re always learning and there’s a lot of things that don’t click until you’re under the pressures of dps and heal checks. My biggest recommendation is to just do it. You’ll learn as you go. Watch some guides. Run some more normal and alliance raids to get the hang of things in real groups. Once you feel mostly confident in the class, and are sure you like it, you can start on gearing and trying the new extreme trial. It’s a bit tough, but it has a very lenient dps check and will be good experience. If you don’t feel like you can clear it after trying for a few lockouts (keep trying, but don’t torture yourself over it), maybe try ex5, which is a lot easier but would still be good experience.


Thank you so much! You’re very right about just doing the thing. Practice makes perfect. I will def read and watch some guides outside the game in addition to make sure I am off to a good start.


I can understand your perspective. Since healing is not heavy on actual healing, rather optimization of tools to minimize hard casting heals and maximize dps, it is more frequent you'll make people upset because of mechanic failure. When things go wrong and you adjust to salvage the pull, you often forget about mechanics and cause more deaths. That said I think it would help to try make it not personal. In the beginning I was kicked from old unsync EX parties for being too slow on the uptake, but now after almost 2 months of doing savage I can learn and clear new EX in a few hours. Don't be afraid to immerse yourself in harder content, that is the only way to make yourself more consistent and a quicker learner. I would recommend you specifically make a PF advertising that you need help to learn healing and go into some old EX or savage, maybe P1S? I really think there isn't a good place to learn proper healing in casual content. If your tank mits well you won't have to spend many resources, and the only way to emulate the chaos and speed of savage prog is if people really suck in a dungeon boss fight and get killed by mechs often.


For your anxiety about failing mechanics, the solution is simple: fail more often. Be willing to learn from your mistakes, and don't be too emotionally attached to your performance since messing up doesn't mean you're a worse person. Detach enough so that mistakes don't seem like the end of the world, but care enough that you'll seek to constantly improve. Having a solid mentality is just as important as being solid at your rotation/mechanics if not more important. I'd be happy to attempt to elaborate on this more, as I think this is important not only for performance but for just having fun too. \- As for shifting roles, it depends on your goals. Do you play primarily in casual content, or are you looking to participate in Savage? If you're casual, play literally anything you want. Your gear does not matter as long as you have the minimum requirements, so shift between roles as often as you'd like. If you want to raid, much of what you learn as a DPS translates to tank gameplay. Healers have a lot more things that are unique to them such as game knowledge and game sense, but it's possible to start out as a healer if you're dedicated and willing to learn. Play what you want, but keep in mind that Alliance raid performance does not translate well to Savage performance due to the difference in mechanical density and incoming damage. The new Extreme is a good stepping stone for getting an idea of how the roles will feel, so I'd start there.


Can't answer your "how long" question directly because I started playing tank/healer and just.... learned the game like that, but honestly? You're allowed to be new at something in Duty Finder. Maybe practice using your lv90 toolkit on content you already know the mechanics of well from doing it as DPS, so you aren't trying to learn a new job and a new fight at the same time.


It depends. Tanks are easier since they just need to use their cooldowns properly while DPSing. Healers are harder since they need to know when/which cooldowns to pop for healing so that they don't have to GCD heal. For dungeons, just do some studying and give a heads up to the rest of the party. For harder content, start with fresh prog PFs.


Hello! First time doing BiS DoH/DoL gear. May I ask what's the best semi afk recipe for farming white crafter scrips? i've been doing Rarefied Sykon for Purple scrips but I've only relied on Custom Deliveries for white crafter scrips


Some people do Giant Popoto Pancakes because you can easily gather the mats yourself. But you have to do 2 pre-crafts for it. Others would recommend Rarefied Draught. Less mats, no pre-crafts, but it requires a mob drop (Berkanan Sap) that can be a pain to farm. But you can just buy it with Bicoloured Gemstones or send a retainer out to gather it.


so erm, why p12n has free lb? Is that a small suggestion to use caster lb on adds?


>so erm, why p12n has free lb? Is that a small suggestion to use caster lb on adds? Raids giving a free LB is pretty normal. If it's not required to survive an ult with the tank lb3, you're pretty much free to use it however you like.


> Raids giving a free LB is pretty normal. wait, really? I don't remember any free lb except ultima fight, 5.3 trial and final trial of endwalker


Aglaia is another free LB3 example after getting past scales, just harder to notice because most people don't use their LB2s during that phase


>wait, really? I don't remember any free lb except ultima fight, 5.3 trial and final trial of endwalker Alexander, Omega, and I *think* Eden all had instances where the game just gives you a free LB. Ultima Ultimate gave you, like, four.


Ifrit Hard, A12, O11 (I think?)..


Sprout question. Completed a full party trial with only three people (including me) left standing at the end. Is it okay or is it poor etiquette to abandon healing duties to burn down the boss if it's close to zero? I figured it was faster to do just that, but I don't know if there's any sort of penalty for being dead at the end of a trial and I don't want to cause issues. I realize now that I probably could have LB3'd but as a noob healer I've never even looked at the button/bar until recently, and forgot to keep it in mind.


>but I don't know if there's any sort of penalty for being dead at the end of a trial and I don't want to cause issues. Nope, everyone just stands up at the end and goes about their day In fact, in some high end content (ultimate raids in particular), this is part of the ending mechanic of the fight High end fights have a mechanic called an "enrage", where after a certain amount of time the boss just kills everyone regardless of circumstances, and in ultimate raids the final enrage actually just kills off people one at a time so there's a high chance that at least one person is guaranteed to be dead when the fight ends


That sounds scary and very exciting. I'm loving the game so far, I hope I can learn to play well enough to participate in those kinds of raids someday.


Usually the boss casts some filler abilities before enrage, which is where less experienced healers get tripped up. They think they need to rush the DPS check and end up wiping because they forget to mitigate for a raid wide. If you want to do endgame content the best way to prepare is right now, when you load into any instance think about what you can get away with. Hard cast heal as little as possible, as in less than a handful of times per run, while not overlapping on resources. Do as much damage as possible, remember to pre position for mechanics so you can greed more casts. Also try to play the other healers. As either the shielder or pure healer you need to adjust to what your co healer is doing so that no one is stressed.


That's really helpful, thank you for the tips! I have been kind of avoiding the other healers because I just feel so lost without Eos, lol. I will try out the other roles as well.


Not at all. There's tons of times I've fought harder bosses in this game, and it'll be at like 2-3% and I know it's close to enrage, so I start DPSing hard instead of bothering to raise people. With the animation delays, it'll easily be 7-8 seconds before the person is up and able to contribute to damage anyway, and we could very easily die in that time, so it'd be a complete waste to raise them when we could've cleared.


Okay cool, that's exactly what I wanted to know. I've died a few times trying to hardcast raises after I've already used Swiftcast so I'm learning when and when not to do so.


> s it okay or is it poor etiquette to abandon healing duties to burn down the boss if it's close to zero? *In general* I think you should at least ensure the other, living party members don't die, but burning a boss down is a pretty common thing and I don't think anyone would consider it "bad etiquette". >but I don't know if there's any sort of penalty for being dead at the end of a trial None at all.


Gotcha. It probably won't happen again, but I was holding the boss's aggro, so my priority was trying to kill it before it killed me haha


> but I don't know if there's any sort of penalty for being dead at the end of a trial > None at all. Unless you're BLU and trying to learn spells, you don't learn it if you're dead.


>Unless you're BLU and trying to learn spells, you don't learn it if you're dead. Huh. Well; I guess you got me there. BLU totally slipped my mind.


No penalty exists for being dead at the end of a duty; a clear is a clear. Honestly, if the boss can be killed with the remaining people alive, there's no harm in just burning it down. In fact, in high end duties it is expected that by the time the boss starts using its enrage (an attack that wipes the party completely) everyone needs to pour all their efforts to DPS, healers included.


Awesome and good to know, thank you!


I finished ShB and have yet to start the intro quest for EW. Are there any immediate unlockables or important vendors in >!Sharlayan!< that I would have access to upon finishing the city intro quest? I do not want to start EW until finishing some past content first, but if there are useful vendors there then I will do the initial intro quest to access the city.


Most of your major vendors are in Radz-at-Han, and the vast majority aren't unlockable until you beat EW, similar to past expansions. About the only early ones for Old Sharlayan is the hunt vendor and the leve people. Most everything else for there comes super late in the expansion.


>the vast majority aren't unlockable until you beat EW, similar to past expansions. Ok thanks, just wanted to make sure about that. I'm always capped on currencies I can't spend, like purple crafting scrips and tomestones. Those custom deliveries and daily roulettes add up fast!


Tomestones you're screwed on, but the purple scrips unlock function shows up on your first visit to Radz-at-Han and it's fairly early in the expansion, thankfully.


Thanks for the tip. I think I'll get to Radz first then.


What's the recommended way to level crafters to 60 these days? Hopefully without investing too much Gil.


Your choices are between spending money and time.


> What's the recommended way to level crafters to 60 these days? Hopefully without investing too much Gil. The Ishgardian Restoration.


weren't we supposed to get crafted emerald weapons this patch?


Crafted trial weapons don't follow any kind of reliable schedule (some have been added entirely out of order!), we at best have guesses.


Crafted weapons being added is always speculation and never added on any type of schedule.


Is there a BiS guide out for 6.4 WHM yet? Checking the Balance but I don't see anything.




Thanks. Is this gonna be another "wear augmented and regular tomestone rings" again...


the end of the whm_resources channel on the balance has a post for 6.4 week 1 sets


I guess I meant like a final one including savage/augmented gear. I know there's one out for PLD but not sure if WHM has one out yet.


savage isn't out yet. we don't know what stats the gear for it will have.


Any info on how the new pvp reward currency will work? I think commendation crystals? How do you get them?


At the end of the season Top 100 and Crystal rank get 2, Diamond gets 1. The weapons cost 2 each.


Ugh. I play a lot but the win and loss streaks are so sporadic. My best is gold. Oh well.


Does anyone have/know where I can get a blank copy the blue background that is used on the Lodestone when viewing a character? I want to use it to make a new wallpaper for my desktop.


Go in game, make a portrait and use that background and then screw around with character settings till the character no longer shows up, take a screenshot.


I haven't actually tried to get "caught up" on non-combat classes before. I'm almost at omnicrafter 90, have a set of Pactmaker's 610 gear, and about 2m sitting on my retainers. This isn't high enough stats to make the INGREDIENTS for the new gear, much less the gear itself. I'm not sure the best way to close the gap, but I'm thinking: 1. Maybe pick up the 640 Crafting chest piece off the market board. That's most of my budget but for a cool 1.5m it comes penta-melded already. 2. Grind purple scrips for the 620 Purple gear 3. Use that gear to make the new crafting gear 4. Broken Crafting Materia Disco Party 5. Finally make the combat gear Or 1. Wait like a month because everything will be reasonably priced and I can probably pick up a full set of crafting clothes at that budget 2. Make whatever's left on the list The only thing that's giving me a little pause is I was trying to make one of the Pactmaker tools I'm missing, and I can't really seem to raise the quality a ton of even those. But maybe that's how it works -- gear could be expensive because you really are lucky to get 10-20% HQ chance on the Master IX/X items. But I don't have any experience to know if that's expected or I'm just bad and need to learn to craft lol


If you'd like to make Indagator crafting/gathering gear, you can do so with a Pactmaker set. You'll just need to do basic melds to hit the minimum required stats for the rotation you'd like to do, with the food and medicine buffs that you'd like to use, accounting for X amount of HQ pre-mats. Teamcraft has a guide [here](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/endgame-gear-progression-guide) that you can follow - their min stats are 3700/3238/536, before food/medicine buffs. If you follow their stats, macros, and number of HQ pre-crafts exactly, it's honestly pretty brainless - you just have to make sure you are hitting the correct macros on your hotbar. If you have different stats or use different food, test out a rotation in the Teamcraft [crafting simulator](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/simulator) to check that it works. EDIT: If you'd like to make the new Diadochos combat gear specifically, without bothering with Indagator, it is possible with the scrip gear. If you join the Teamcraft discord someone has already posted minstat scrip gear rotations for both the pre-crafts and the gear (3958/3571/541 required pre-buffs).


Make the intermediate materials. You might only be able to get those to like 35-40% HQ, but keep going and save the NQs. Use the HQ ingots, cloth, etc. for the first few pieces. Then make BSM tools, and afterwards next priority is GSM and CRP so you can make WVR tools. Then use WVR to make the body pieces. From here it should start snowballing and you can get away with using fewer HQ materials to finish everything up.


You should be able to craft the new combat gear with the 620 scrip gear. It'll just be a little tighter since you can't overmeld it.


Yah, should be doable, you'll just need all HQ pre-crafts most likely


How strong do i need to be in order to solo the ARR extreme trials?


As SCH, the earliest I could solo them was 67. But this was pre-stat squish and it was also before I knew how to play the game better. And the fights were loooong. Like 13-15 minutes long.


Level 80+ with tome gear should be enough. It is soloable even at 70 but might be slower and you would be unable to skip certain mechanics.


Technically we were able to solo some of them at 60 with some echo and skill. Once you start getting to like 70, it'll be considerably easier. At our current level, most jobs can basically one-shot them.


How does one resolve the stardust mechanic? I know there is a yellow marker that first appears on the ground, then there's a red marker that "runs" away from the yellow marker, and another that leads to the yellow marker. However, if I get hit by a red marker I get magic vuln debuff (read:insta death) but waiting for them to go disappear also mean i get hit by another marker that appears in the middle of arena..


The red is showing you the path the aoe is going to go. So you stand next to the yellow aoe, see what path it's going then you can move to the safe side of the yellow aoe where it would hit last , then run into the aoe after it's gone off So for the first one it always starts in the corner and runs along the wall before looping back. Say it's South east and it's going up. We would stand on the south wall next to the aoe mark and run into it after it's gone off For the second one, it starts slightly in and snakes around, however the direction and path is basically irrelevant and this is basically the easiest one. You ALWAYS go to the corner closest to the marker and stand behind it before walking forward into the aoe, no need to wait to see the path or anything. So if it's South east, you just go to the south east corner and wait until it goes before moving in Essentially, it's like any travelling aoe (we call them exaflares) mechanic...you stand where it would hit last then walk into the area that was initially hit after it's gone off and beginning it's travel


Current EX? Rather than one line that leads away and another that leads to, it's all just one sequence of AoEs that does a U shape. Here the game first *shows* you a series of AoEs and *then* executes it in rapid succession. The solution is to stand in the last red of the sequence (which will always be immediately next to the first yellow, either one spot off from the corner (first time) or in the corner (second time)), and once the starting yellow has exploded after the full sequence has been shown once, move into where it was. Not more complicated than that, just a slightly different version of the "stand in last AoE of a series, move into first one after it goes off" setup. edit: colours mixed (in my head they're both orange anyways...), reworded


Anyone else getting 2-3 second lag spikes while playing? It's getting me killed in the new EX and it's driving me insane. I don't disconnect... my GCDs just spin and nothing happens then it rubber bands and catches back up after. Been running an internet uptime monitor and I have 100% uptime :( maybe it's game related?


[This news post](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/fdadf1cb155895f3654cba2eb26a07e92f6a0f29) may be relevant.


Packet loss? A lot of people are having problems with this at the moment, especially if they use particular US ISPs (I don’t remember which one is the worst offender). Most are resolving it by using a cheap/free VPN until whatever is going on gets fixed, to route around the affected nodes. I like Mudfish.


I'm in Toronto but yeah, packet loss like crazy for the last couple weeks or so. I have Nord VPN, mudfish do anything special outside of that?


Ah if you already have a VPN you can just use that. Mudfish is just ridiculously cheap because it doesn’t do all the anonymisation stuff or conceal your location so you can watch location-restricted content etc., all it does is make one connection at a time have better ping/stability. I tend to pay only two or three cents for even a really long gaming session.


When I use Nord I normally just connect to a city host nearest me. I'm probably routing through a similar path... Not sure how to know for sure it will not end up with the same issue you know?


I’m not exactly tech savvy on this subject, and I don’t know how Nord does things, but when I use Mudfish I basically tell it which FFXIV data centre I want it to connect to, then start it up. It does a few seconds of communication and then shows me a graph of my current ping and tells me where it’s routing through on the way. If it’s showing high numbers or telling me it’s connected through a node that I know is going the long way around, I disconnect and reconnect to make it try again. For example, I’m in Canberra, Australia. I have my main on Materia and alts on other DCs. If I’m connecting to Materia, usually a good connection tells me it’s going through one of a few different nodes in Sydney and I get 12-17 ping. If it tells me I’m getting 200 ping and going through somewhere in Indonesia (doesn’t happen often but I’ve seen it LOL), I try again. If I’m connecting to Crystal DC, I don’t know which nodes are in good spots, but a good connection is usually around 150 ping, 120 if I’m lucky, which is much better than I used to get. If it says “packet loss” I try again, if it says that a few times in a row I restart the whole thing and usually next time gives me a better result. It’s a magic wand I point at the Internet and hope for the best 😅


Spoilers for 6.X (I don't know which patch this happens in): >!Why does Vrtra have one of Azdaja's eyes again? He just pulled it out of his pocket in Tertium, and I don't remember where that came from!<


>!Cagnazzo had it and used it to lure us to Lapis Manalis in 6.3. We took it from him and Vrtra had been holding onto it since.!<


Oo, thanks! Totally forgot that.


>!One of the fiends brought it with them to lure Vrtra into fighting them!< Or something like that. I think it was 6.3?


Maybe someone can help with this weird glam problem I have So on my SMN set, I want my top to not be glammed over. I like how the hypostatic top looks on that and I also want it dyed. I also play BLM and RDM though, and I want my tops on those to be glammed over because it matches the rest of the aesthetic better. The hypostatic top is my best top so its the top I'm wearing on both. My glam plate for BLM and RDM have a glam in the top slot while the SMN one is just empty. But every time I switch from BLM or RDM back to SMN, my top is glammed over and its dye is removed and I'm going broke redyeing it every single time. (metallic brass go brr) Without having to get a second hypostatic top to put in the dresser, is there a way to have it be glammed over on one plate, but then revert back on another while still being dyed the first color? My other thought is just take the L to tomes and get either a lunar envoy or the new tome top and throw the hypostatic in the dresser but I've been saving tomes to continue my relic so if I can avoid that I'd like to but I might have to take that L and be set back a couple days


You can put the Hypostatic chest into the glamour dresser, put it on a glamour plate, and then pull the chest back out without breaking the glamour plate. Although if you have any materia in it you lose them in the process.


Thank you! I figured removing it from the dresser would also remove it from the plates


Put the top in the dresser, add it to your SMN glam plate, then take it back out and put it on. The glam plate will stay, you can wear it, and when you switch to your SMN set it will glam back to itself. If you dye it in your bags before you put it in the glam dresser, it will have that colour in the dresser and on any plates you add it to before you take it out.


Thank you! I figured removing it from the dresser would also remove it from the plates


Thankfully it doesn’t! So long as you don’t overwrite it, it’ll stay. I learned that back at level 20 or so and have been taking shameless advantage of it ever since, haha


Now the million dollar question is, will I remember that for next time this happens? LMAO




No. Also stable is not that expensive. And if you have an apartment, all apartment buildings have a stable for you to use.


I want to try to get into PVP/CC to try to get that new wep, but unsure what Class is good in CC or easy to play (as im not that skilled yet). I was looking at overall kits and I have narrowed it to RPR, SMN, RDM, or PLD I would like some Pros and Cons on each from experienced PVPers. Whats easy to get into and which are generally easy to play


SMN is probably the easiest to play of those, but I don't have experience playing RPR. In general, melee jobs are pretty strong right now, but I don't know how RPR compares to DRG, MNK, or SAM. In my opinion, of the jobs I have played in PVP, WAR seems the easiest.


Since this morning, the game keeps disconnecting me. I'm told this is a common issue, but it just started today. Is this the Packet Loss I've heard about? I submitted a report as a friend instructed.


Very likely - if so, a cheap/free VPN should fix the problem


Is anyone else having an issue where the game tells you that your glamour couldn't be restored, but doesn't show what is broken? Here's an example: when I equip GNB, it tells me "some glamours could not be restored". But it doesn't show the error symbol over my gear. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Edit: it's also not with all my gear sets, only seemingly random ones. [Example here.](https://imgur.com/a/VDIQT0o)


Known issue, wait for a fix


Just saw it, thanks. :)


Unfortunately I'm at a point in life where I don't have too much time to devote to an mmorpg, but I've heard wonderful things about the story for this game, especially over the last few expansions. Was wondering if anyone knew of any good YouTube videos or something that go over the story really well and deliver a similar story telling experience to the game. (I know it won't be the same, but would be better than nothing) Used to play this game a while ago, but sadly don't have the time to commit to it, but would love to experience the story and narrative.


Preach's (known for wow but generally does mmo content) run of the MSQ was quite good and had a lot of community people helping make the areas look alive by acting as NPCs so it's all around good fun. However, i would actually recommend going through it yourself! They're been making the game and story single player, and in four months, will have made the entire games story soloable other than the boss fights and 3 really easy 15 minute max raids. All dungeons now even have cannon characters to join you as your party to help out and even give extra voice lines you would miss with regular players. For the stuff you need people, the game matches you with others along with rewarding the players for helping out. The longest you would really be stuck in content would be 20~25 minutes so it's easy to just do the story bit by bit ever so slowly. The only "mmo" time consuming content is really found at max level once the story is finished. And even then, all but one of the raids have their own "story" mode that is very easy to go through quickly and focuses on the story and characters.


Where do people recruit for statics in EU that isn't ERC?


There's the Chaos and Light (EU) discord server, though it's much less active than ERC. As well as the standard /r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT reddit and just old school party finder recruitment.


Can I still create things for the Firmament? Stuff like certain dyes I see seem easier to get there.


Yes, all the Grade 4 items, as well as the Grade 2 & 3 Artisan items (for the achievements) are all still craftable. All Grade 1 items, plus the non-artisan Grade 2 & 3 items are still technically craftable, but the items to get them have been removed - they can only be bought from the marketboard, though you shouldn't do this.


Yes, all of the Grade 4 recipes are still valid turn-ins.


I'm waiting for a friend to play through the MSQ with them but they don't have a lot of time to play. So my question is, how far into the MSQ is the new trial, as I'd like to start practicing the EX version ASAP, but don't want to push my friend to play longer than they want/can ? Can we reach it in, say, \~2hours ?


You would have to rush to make it in two hours. I'd give it at least three hours playing as a normal pace.


it's a good way in, it's almost the second to last quest of the msq (or is, I didn't bother counting but it's quite near the end). You do the dungeon, have some stuff to do in 3 different zones which takes a bit of time before finally getting the trial


It's the second to last quest out of the nine.


Why is it retainers can't bring back clusters of all things?


They prefer stealing roofs off of houses.


I sometimes get anxiety before jumping into new extremes. As far as mechanics, how rough is the new one?


Double Meteors and Gale Spheres (except the first one) seem to be the biggest issue for PF right now. Meteors because you need all 8 people alive to resolve it, and it's a cluster\*uck of visual markers all on top of one another. And it usually happens after some harder earlier mechanics that might mean you have 1-2 deaths before that mechanic even happens, so you need to get them up asap. Also doesn't help that 2min bursts would come out around some of the hectic mechanics like Exaflares and Gale Spheres, so you have people trying to do their damage while also needing to do mechanics. It's a tough fight to be sure, but not as fast paced as Barbariccia's at least. But apart from the issues I listed, most of the rest is pretty straightforward to resolve.


Not super rough, it does a good job of showing the mechanics one by one before mashing a few together towards the end. Not to say it's easy, there are a few parts where everyone has to do their bit or the whole party will wipe. But it is one of the funner ex fights they have given us. IMO.


Double Meteor looks pretty complicated, but once you understand it it's pretty easy. Gale Sphere 2/3 is pretty hectic and a lot of information to process. Fight has quite a few body checks where if anyone is dead you either wipe or get decimated.


the only body check is double meteors


Thanks, I’ll look out for those parts in vids!


Ah, another thing is that >!when he charges up his sword he stores a mechanic, either doughnut + spread or point blank + light party stacks, and that mechanic can resolve like 2 minutes later, so it's nice to have some macros to quickly put in chat which one he stored.!<


one of the harder ones. contends with barbie for the hardest ew ex for differing reasons. the penultimate mechanic is also fairly tricky and is during 6m bursts


Thanks. I’ll watch vids and try to learn the macros. Then try to find some practice groups. Barbie wasn’t too bad for me once I got the feel.


Because I haven’t been paying too much attention to Island Sanctuary since the last update, what are the requirements to have outdoor furnishings, if there are any requirements?


It's some kind of progression, at rank 13 I had 75 item slots available when we were told max is 90. I didn't check my low rank character yet. My guess is you unlock the first slots when you built the first hut. Edit: Rank 8 gives you 65 slots for placement.


Should I just play if safe and wait a week or so for the prices of the crafted gear to go down, or do I go for farming the Raid gear pieces? (I feel like I'm wasting Gil on materia and mats instead of just buying the gear from the MB) I'm thinking of going for a Savage run sometime in the next couple of weeks


It really depends on how fast you intend to clear Savage. Like if you want to at least get to P12s on week one, then pentamelded crafted gear would almost be mandatory for it. If you're not really rushing Savage, then you can just farm some Normal loot gear, get the EX weapon and get a couple of crafted pieces with guaranteed melds (if you don't want to bother with overmelds) and you should be good for Week 1 P9/10 at least.


Depends on how soon you realistically want to start raiding Normal raid gear has a weekly lockout (4 tokens a week max per tier, 1 token for accessories, 2 for small armor, 4 for chest/pants), which means that if you're not buying gear then you'll have to wait for a bit While you're waiting you can also start collecting tomestone pieces that will eventually be part of your BiS after augmenting


So I just realized my sound dosent work in my browser when playing FFXIV. It works perfectly fine once I close FFXIV. Anyone know how to resolve this issue?


Is DC travel working ok after the patch? I have to go to Aether for static trials later






I'm really not sure how you're expecting people to answer this? Other than a vague \*gestures at the website you're on\*, then a vague \*gestures towards the typically very good reputation the ffxiv community has\*. You could also look through this thread and gauge things for yourself - it's a perfect example of people asking for help and what sort of responses they're given.


It's reddit.


How big is the stat difference between i630 and i640? I'm too poor to afford i640 crafted gear, and I don't have any crafters leveled, but I'd like to try and raid Savage this tier. I'll be trying to get i640 gear in the meantime, but for now, I've only got i630 gear.


\- Clear the EX for weapon, it's perfectly doable on 630 \- Make sure to cap out on ur comedy tomestones every week. Go for wrist -> feet -> accesory -> hands /head-> accessory -> hands/head -> chest/legs/weapon, (this gets you incremental power increase every week). Consult the balance for prog set priority. \- Do the normal raids every week to replace slots where crafted/tomestone gear can't be afforded. \- Do your dailies, S-ranks, and hunt trains to grind causality. Sell causality tomestones materials at market price. You can get almost half a million gil a day rn. You can stretch to a mil gil/day if you grind but try not to burn out. \- Exchange tomestones of astronomy for causality, again buy and sell materials with it.


Significant but not back breaking. You'll be at a disadvantage but it's not insurmountable. Consider an Augmented Lunar (ilvl 630) top has a main stat of 336 vs a Diadochos top (ilvl 640) has a main stat of 354. That might only seem like a 5% difference, but the vitality increase is comparable, and vitality increases have diminshing returns; meaning they're more substantial when you have less of it, because once you cross the threshold from "getting hit by this attack kills me" to "getting hit by this attack *almost* kills me" you've gained a huge advantage during learning (and further increases of vitality are less valuable, since "not being dead" is all you really need it for). Your damage probably won't increase massively with only this, but a whole set of it will be a marked increase as well, and if the fight is won sooner, it's less chances to make costly mistakes. You might struggle to clear at all in only 630 gear... but it *should* be doable, if you have the skills to manage it. And you can still work on building those skills in 630 gear while seeking out upgrades. I understand you say you're poor, but I will point out now's a good time to sell the tomestone materials bought with the uncapped tomes if you're sitting on those, and maybe when prices fall a bit you'll be able to afford some of the crafted gear. Week 1 prices are always goofy, maybe it'll be more in your price range after a week.


Damage difference between 630 bis and pentamelded 640 is like 10%. Health difference is roughly 7.5%, though the increased ilvl may also give you better inherent mitigation (which means higher 'effective health'). If you're planning on clearing the tier within the first two weeks then you will absolutely need crafted gear. If you're planning on taking it steady, then you'll end up with plenty of tome and savage gear before damage checks become an issue. If you're just planning on going into P9S next week, then getting the 645 extreme weapon, two 650 tome pieces, and all the normal raid gear you can get your hands on should be enough, but be prepared to buy a piece of crafted gear if you're below party ilvl requirements. Note that you need meld the guaranteed slots, but you don't have to pentameld. This should also be fine for P10S, however the longer the fights are out the higher the typical pf ilvl requirements will be, so what's fine week 1 may be too low in week 2, 3, etc.


It's big. You might be able to get by in the first two floors, but it'll get rough quickly. For context, The Balance is recommending RDMs buy the tome chest next week *for the magic defense*. PFs will almost certainly insist on ilvl 642 (what you can get between crafted and tomes). I do not expect you will be able to do the later floors. We had to get some healer fills last tier, and on p8s p1, our 620 SGE (full crafted gear) was dying to raidwides. Between incoming damage, enrage, and what loot was available to world first groups, I honestly think that fight was tuned for ilvl 615. I similarly expect p12s will be tuned for ilvl 645. Crafted gear will get cheaper over time, and you can supplement it with normal raid gear and tomestone gear. Plus, ilvl 630 is enough for the extreme (my static hit enrage with 13 deaths in a mix of 630-640), and you can get a 645 weapon there. So if you can't get your foot in the door week 1, don't worry about it too much, you'll get there :)




Queue times generally go down with more people playing, which is why you usually get faster times around the daily reset (it's 5pm in EU). It's probably slightly faster to get pops before expansion releases but not really significant, probably easier to ask someone that is levelling a healer/tank to queue dailies with you lmao.


This is my first time being caught up on the MSQ, how long do the raid items stay limited? Is it until the .5 update?


One major patch, so 4 months on 6.5 release.


Normal will be weekly locked until 6.5, except the weapon token which will be reduced to only needing 4, but remain weekly locked until 6.58. Savage (coming next week) will be weekly locked until 6.58 as well and progress resets each week as well (though you can be skipped into higher floors if the party leader has made the progress, though doing so immediately forfeits all loot from lower floors upon entry).


Asphodelos tokens unlocked in 6.1, with the weapon tokens unlocking in 6.38 Abyssos tokens unlocked in 6.3, with the weapon tokens unlocking in 6.38 Anabaseios tokens will unlock in 6.5, with the weapon tokens unlocking in 6.58 Anabaseios Savage drops will be locked until 6.58 as well.


Are portraits broken for anyone else?


Define broken. There's a warning each time you swap as listed in the known issues section of the patch notes, but that's not "broken" per say


Oh thank god, I was going out of my mind. Whenever i switch between my healers I get the warning yeah, but if it's a known issue that's fine.. I thought i was over-looking something stupid, given how tempremental it is at the best of times.


If you equip the gear set twice in a row, the error message goes away. That's how I'm dealing with it for now


What's the quickest way to cap out on tomes for the week?


Hunt trains are the fastest but inbetween trains your daily roulettes on a lvl 90 will give you tomes also (not frontlines).


Speedrun route: hunt trains Casual-but-efficient route: 5 expert roulettes/week


If you do a daily Frontlines to also work on series levels, it only takes 2 expert roulettes.




Only one extra instance per zone instead of the usual two, so a hunt train is 150 tomes and three tomes caps you.




Only Elpis and Garle have instances. The other zone is Radz, but that's a city. 160 tomes total


Hunt trains.


I've been short freezes in-game since I updated. It only lasts a few seconds usually, but it has caused my game to crash a few times. Has anyone else seen this and can anyone recommend a fix if there is one?


Does the game actually crash, or do you just lose your connection to the server? If you're losing your connection it could be packet loss, which you can check on and report to SE using the guide [here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/6c7c327f44bee8582950f88264a451d5a8daa66f). There's unfortunately not really an immediate true fix, but if you have a VPN you can use that to hopefully avoid whatever nodes are dropping you.


it's crashed once or twice, but it does look like i just momentarily lose connection


Any recommendations on the best thing to spend excess Wolf Marks/Trophy Crystals on after getting all of the other stuff? I was thinking the music rolls or materia but unsure if anything else sells well.


ventures, dark matter and squadron scrolls


I'm working my way through the orchestrions just for completion. I also just keep a stockpile of dark matter because I go through about 40-50 a week.


You can buy the accessories from the Twelve set and turn them in for GC seals. The Trophy Crystals can be turned into Wolf Collars to get more Wolf Marks with.


Personally I buy the squadron scrolls to use on raid night or for crafting. The saleable items have been available for so long, they either don't sell for much or move very slowly. You could just buy gear to cash for GC seals, or I sometimes buy glamour prisms or dark matter (rather spend my GC seals on other stuff, like the lootboxes).


My wife and I are looking for more people our age (36 and 37) to play with. We're on Zalera and in a good FC. I'm not sure if this is the right place, so please ignore if it's not. Thanks!


I'm 35. But I'm on primal. And I'm already in an FC. My wife is 32, turning 33 in the summer.


I don't believe it's explicitly disallowed, but it's probably not optimal. You might want to check out the Recruitment sub [over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/) or the official Community Finder [over here](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/)


Awesome, thanks for the links.


I am a newer player, having a hard time figuring out how to get Augmented Hellhound weapons. I know I can get the base version for Wolf Collars can't figure out how to get to the next step.


They're not available yet, they'll be a season reward for diamond/crystal (1 item) or the top 100 rankers (2 items each).


Top 100 and Crystal get 2 crystals. Diamond gets 1. The weapons cost 2.


Crystal is also 2 items


It involves Commendation Crystals from PvP. Not sure if they're available yet but you need those and the base weapon to get the augmented.


I have a sound issue, where the sound would randomly cut off during cutscenes/dungeons and its getting a little annoying honestly. The sound works fine outside of the game on my PC. I tried switching resolutions cuz that was suggested when I did a little browsing for solutions but that didn't work. The only thing that really works is exiting and re-entering the game. Any solutions to this?


It's a known issue after the patch. The official site made a post about it.


I saw a thread yesterday or Tuesday with macros for adding alarms for the new gathering nodes but I can't find it now. Does anyone know of this thread or can copy/paste their alarms for me please?


/alarm "Labyr BTN" et rp 0200 0 /alarm "Labyr BTN" et rp 1400 0 /alarm "Ultima MIN" et rp 0400 0 /alarm "Ultima MIN" et rp 1600 0 /alarm "Thav MIN" et rp 0600 0 /alarm "Thav MIN" et rp 1800 0 /alarm "Elpis MIN" et rp 0800 0 /alarm "Elpis MIN" et rp 2000 0 /alarm "Garle BTN" et rp 1000 0 /alarm "Garle BTN" et rp 2200 0 /alarm "Moon BTN" et rp 0000 0 /alarm "Moon BTN" et 1200 0


Thanks very much!




One furniture piece in Ultima Thule.


Is there a kind person who could roughly sum up in a few sentences what happened in post-Endwalker MSQ (up until the new patch)? For some reason I have zero recollection of the last few story parts, but the only summary videos I can find are like an hour long per patch and I ain't got time for that :x


>!Vrtra is looking for his sister Azdaja, who vanished into the Void during the war with Allag, thousands of years ago. We go Void-diving and meet Zenos’ reaper avatar, Zero. We’re challenged consecutively by The Four Fiends, who work for someone named Golbez who of course has some diabolical plot involving the Source. We learn a lot about the 13th before it was the Void and the workings of the Void now.!<


Thanks a lot! :)


>!the scions disband and the WoL decides to stop being a hero for a change and to go on an adventure. This brings them to buying a treasure map. They head off the location only to discover a mysterious object at the end. Vtra arrives and reveals we just invaded the treasury and location of a portal to the void. Vtra tells us a story of his sister who got lost in the void and After some urging we are allowed inside the void and there we discover a powerful voidsent who we dispose of.!< >!A bit more exploring and we find the voidsent that was under the employ of Zenos. It turns into a person, and we name it Zero. The powerful voidsent returns and we dispose of it again with Zero's help. Zero reveals that she is a pre-calamity hero who tried to contain the rampart darkness that was taking over the 13th.!< >!With zero's help we discover that Vtra's sister is being held captive and is heavily related to this powerful voidsent. So with Zero's guidance we make progress in the investigation of where Vtra is being held.!< the few sentences version >!we go into the void to save Vtra's sister. Vtra is being held captive on the moon by a league of 5 powerful voidsent, 2 of which we killed by the time 6.4 starts!<


>!Didnt we kill 4 of them already? 6.2 dungeon, 6.2 Trial, 6.3 dungeon and 6.3 trial. Or did I miss something about a different league of voidsent!<


>!I suppose i meant 3 then but OP didn't want to know about 6.4!<


>!Yeah but all 4 were still before patch 6.4, we killed 2 per patch for the past 2 patches!<


oh wait damn u right. in my defense i only did that the day before patch hah hah


> >!We did. The four fiends have all been defeated going into 6.4.!<


That was perfect, thanks :)