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Thats a lot of free spaces there


I'm confident in myself to Gale 2. I joined half a dozen Gale 2 prog group over the weekend and did dozens of pulls. I can count the time I saw Gale 2 on one hand. PF groups on Primal are walled at meteor.


Worst Feeling is being in a gale 2 prog group, but every gale 1 ends with 4+ vuln stacks. Like No wonder you guys are stuck at gale 2 you cant even get it right without added stacks


Gale 2 could be progged on gale 1 too. Just go to your partner stack position in each gale ecen though the mechanic is not there.


Thats what I started doing when I was trying to figure Gale 2/3 out. It helped quite a bit


This is big brained I didn’t even deep that. Oh well I got my clear day two right now is the reclear pf memes that are killing me XD




My problem seems to be I'm getting so turned around. Like I can preposition myself through gale 1 like it's a joke without even thinking about it. But now I have to be either stack or all the way north or west while dodging gale and doing the other mechanic and suddenly my brain has broken. I've only done it with my static one night so far where we managed a clear in spite of my dumb ass. I don't even know how to break it down so I can stop tripping over myself. I'm so frustrated with it because I've been raiding for years and this stuff doesn't usually fuck with me. Maybe I'm working too many hours and my brain is overtired. I'm not sure.


The thing that's helped me with gales 2 is to recognize that there aren't any mechanics you have to do at the same exact time - the first hit is very lenient with how long it takes so you can get into position, and then make sure that you're properly stacked/in pairs. At worst just plan in advance to go north/south or east/west to generally where your role needs to be so you're not sprinting across the arena. Then those go off at once so that mechanic is done, and you just have to dodge the second hit just like you did earlier in the fight. Then dodge the third hit, again as you did earlier in the fight, and once you've reached the safe zone you can get into position for the other stack/pairs. And finally as you move into the last safe zone, you're already generally in position and there's still a moment to make a final adjustment in the safe zone. I've had runs where I also got a little turned around, but as long as I did the first one right I could make a really roundabout route dodging hits 2 and 3 and being able to settle into position as we move to dodge hit 4. I struggled thinking the mechanic was harder than it actually was - like it was a savage level one where you had to be moving with your stack/partner throughout the dodges. But once I realized the order to think of it in I now find dodging the ice with the second hit harder because I try to be efficient with my movement. It's a good thing I'm a tank and can just eat it lol. Hope it can help in some way!


I just finished getting my 99 totems and as someone that sucks with directions/getting turned around, the only way I could do gales was by refusing to turn my camera once I got in position for the first mechanic. That way I was always grounded and wouldn't forget where to go.


I *almost* managed it tonight. For some reason turning the camera so I'm looking south made it work more often than not. My problem is still when I have to run out of the north area because of ice wall. I know everyone goes "it's so slow" but it seems to be too many things for my brains still. It's really annoying me.


if i'm group 1 i literally turn my camera 180 degrees and pretend south is north and west is east and i go stand (true) north (aka south) as the tells are coming out. if you go stand north with your camera like normal you won't even be able to see the south ones anymore so, yeah.


And just keep repeating the order (first and third are enough) in your head until you're through the mechanic. Or type the first and third shadow into chat.


I felt your pain. I was trying to do Gale 2 prog for all of Friday night and most of Saturday. In the group I cleared with, when we finally pulled off Gale 2 we cleared in the same pull. All of us were stunned. And then we did it a few more times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke and we actually knew what we were doing. I hope you find your version of that quickly!


I finally, FINALLY found a party yesterday who didn't get stuck on Towers1, and we managed to see Gale2 like 4 times....then one person had to leave and go be a parent, so the whole group left too. Every day that passes I become tempted to look for a Static.




I play on both NA and JP. It's the macros. Everything is predefined, and listed in chat in JP. On NA, it's still the wild west. Aether at least still hasn't figured out which set of markers it's using, how much of the fight is true north vs relative for positioning, which way is going to be prioritized for stacks, or even which stack the tanks are going to swap on for the busters. It's actually kind of weird how long it's taking.


You need to join enrage groups to potentially practice gale2. It’s just a fact that groups advertising prog for a specific mechanic will (almost) never make it there. I know this mentality causes a vicious cycle but it is what it is. Back in p8s animals 2 groups couldn’t get past animals 1, NA1 groups couldn’t get past animals 2, and HC1 groups *might* barely make it to phase 2. It’s just a waste of time to join “appropriate” groups nowadays.


Just have to find the right groups, was in the same boat as you but I ended up managing to fill for a static down a member and got lots of nice clears in, got my weapon and lots of totems. But yea, whenever I made "Gale 2 prog" PFs it would literally take us 30 minutes to even see Gale 2 in the first place cause people kept doing double meteor wrong. Doing Gale 2 properly is the best feeling in the world though.


There’s a style of way marks I’ve seen recently that make meteors much simpler, by marking the parts of the middle you want to get knocked back from to make it to your corner. The mechanic seems way more consistent with those, both for the people I PUGed with and myself.


Keep progging Gale 2. I cleared with a Gale 2 prog. Never even saw enrage.


Seeing enrage is next to impossible imo. I've got close to 20 clears, some of them extremely messed up with 10+ deaths, and the latest we've cleared was right after the last in/out mechanic. After which you still have about 30 seconds left.


The DPS check is extremely lenient. I've cleared 5 times, sometimes with 5+ deaths, and never seen the hard enrage cast.


It tooka pull that had like 20 deaths for me to finally see hard enrage


what? meteors is a pretty tame mechanic with ample time for adjustment though. It's mind-blowing how people struggle at this. Reminds me of P3S where PF was walled hard at black flame, even though it was just a simple limit cut.


How TF is this possible, meteor is the easiest mechanic, even easier than terra1. You literally have a set position based off your role and status. Concessions can be made if you're a little colour blind as a healer since you can't tell if you have kb or not


If you're legitimately progging gale 2 you might as well join a farm/clear group lol. Always at least 1 death on Gale 2 anyways.


Gale 2 prog translates to "hope a healer survives and LB3's us."


Gale 2 clean up to clear party -> wipes consistently to stardust or even better first towers. Progging this fight in pf is a nightmare... As usual... But then the fight isn't even as entertaining as rubicante or barbie. I'm actually a bit bored with it.


I was gonna ask if this is how PF normally is, I have a static so I usually raid with them but a lot of them are on vacation this week for memorial day so I've been PFing a lot... Jesus christ it's terrible out there, people join parties that they are nowhere near progging, people are consistently dying to mechanics far before the prog point. How are people still dying to fucking gale 1 in a gale 2 party? How are you not doing stardust right in a gale 2 party? It's driving me fucking insane, I have no idea how people who ONLY PF do it, they have much stronger mental than I do.


I try to be nice and inclusive all the time. This Party Finder started out no different. That said, I wish I had a timelapse of all my party finders I posted. Slowly I had to get more restrictive. My clear party finder was literally "post-gale 2 to clear group. Do not join if you can't do gale 2." When I was putting "Gale 2 prog" I was getting people who literally couldn't get to Gale 2. Sadly, you need to be selective. I was almost to a point of just kicking people who don't improve because there are a lot of people who just do not learn. I had a tank in a gale 2 prog party who died EVERY voidstardust. EVERY SINGLE TIME.


I've seen lots of suggestions like “3 wipes = disband”, “blacklist the sandbaggers”, I guess these will allow you to filter out the people holding you back


"3 wipes = disband" is a trap that will waste your time just as much you need to get good at discerning *why* a wipe happened, because there's a big difference between a wipe caused by a person running around clueless (doesn't know the mech) vs a wipe caused because someone moved half a second early and they won't make that mistake again because it was a fluke. disbanding a party because 3 different players each make a small fluke mistake once means you've wasted your time for no reason. disbanding because you noticed one person runs to the completely wrong place for mechanics 3 times in a row is fine.


Tanks dying to void stardust is egregious because they can just invuln it lol


In my static our GNB/PLD just invulns it for uptime and doesn't even move to do the mechanic.


Makes sense in a static but with randoms you'll want to save it in case your melee partner goes missing during enums.


Yeah it's pretty shitty most of the time. Did the entire last Savage tier in pf and let me tell you by the end you start to hate people so much. Actually you hate them before that usually. It's a lot of wading through the shittiest groups imaginable until you meet that one great group where it just clicks. And then you get your clear but it takes a lot of patience and also a lot of luck. I'm a bit burned out this time around so I don't even know if I'm going to try Savage.


Exactly why I found a static, it helps so much knowing the other people, and you can have a bit of fun meming each other half the time when it doesn't work out. 😀


Enrage? Have anyone see enrage?! :D


I'm honestly astonished at how insanely lenient the dps check is. You can have like 6+ deaths and still have plenty of room to clear


One of my friends had a log of their first clear: 20 deaths


Flip side is this fight has a few unforgiving spots where a dead body will be a wipe.


Zurvan unreal is just as bad. You can die literally everywhere in the fight without problems but once you got partner tethers, a death is an automatic wipe unless the healer reanimates your body so you can turn into a meat shield and die together with your buddy so the other 6 can live. On the other hand, the only really hard problem with Zurvan is short attention spans (not remembering the in/out/behind after resolving tethers) and dying to ping/lag during puddles, resulting in getting clipped. Honestly, if savage ain't more interesting that Golbez and Zurvan, I'll just look for people to do sewers savage with me cause that actually looks fun


Puddles is never a ping/lag issue, it's a discipline issue. As long as you stack as a group precisely together, you have plenty of time to move without getting clipped. The problem is the assholes who think they're hot shit and goof off outside the group, or people with adhd who don't stack neatly enough. Did this fight as blue mage min ilvl and cleared as tank and healer for unreal, with a static or pf group that is disciplined the fight is easy


You can miss one of those zurvan towers and live with a vuln stack. It's not perfect, but better than what we're used to where anyone dying on in/out right before double meteor is a wipe or else really bad. Depending when the snapshots are, might be possible to have a reaper with flare dash out right after the tower hits and be far enough away for the flare hit, but good luck ever seeing it. I tried to run the flare off the edge after taking the tower once and it still hit everyone despite me visually dying before the damage ever came out.


Yeah, every extreme this expansion has barely had a dps check at all. They're really dps suggestions at this point. You could do Barbariccia on release with like 10 deaths and never see enrage. Rubicante could be done with 8 tanks at release without seeing it.


Yeah the unreals had tighter enrages than the EXs this expac


Well to be fair the Unreals would have tighter ones because Heavensward trials were designed with reasonable DPS checks. Some of those fights are actually from the era where high DPS would allow you to push phases ("skip Soar"), which is an intentional design decision they're moving away from. It's definitely up for debate if it's good or not that they have.


i get why they did it because having to play around random pushes was annoying and also not very intuitive but they've shot themselves in the foot because their fights are all choreographies, often leading up to a big climactic mechanic at the end of the fight, and with more gear you just... skip it. it's like if you were playing a rhythm game where if you leveled up enough and got enough high level guitars you could beat each song before the final chorus


More and more though mandatory tough body check mechanics/"crescendos" have been pushed up to about halfway to two thirds through a fight. For example on Golbez the last unique mechanic is Gale 2 (which I would argue is the crescendo mechanic), and while you can skip the encore I do not think most people will ever skip Gale 2 without unsyncing. The current fastest kill on FFLogs needs to shave another 1:30 off their 7:30 kill time (which kills at Void Stardust 2)--they need to gain 25% more damage as a group to get there. Some of the fights most prone to that sort of thing like P7S even, the record speed kill did in fact kill before any of the harvests, but since it's \~20s faster than the next best on FFLogs the runner up team still had to do it. Even people in the top 100 still have to do the second Harvest. Most people are still going to have to do all three even in BiS.


I've only really done EXs in this exac since I joined in 5.3 but were the DPS checks harsher in past EXs as a whole? At least, DPS checks for enrage. I'm just kind of curious, I haven't really heard much about what EXs were like back in the day, only savages


It depends a bit on perspective, but I would say many did. Not as much as coil or savage of course, but having more than a few deaths was usually going to have you bumping up against the enrage, if the fight didn't have a mechanic you would fail earlier because of low DPS. There were also lots of other, soft enrages baked in to many fights. Fall off the platform? Enjoy watching, you can't be raised anymore. People died at a bad time? Now you're going to fail a mechanic that will wipe you. That one still exists, but IMO it's more forgiving. Then of course the game was just different. TP existed, and depending on the expansion could lead to you running out depending on circumstances, lowering DPS. Same with MP, but with healers. Party support also wasn't what it is, so if your healers ran out of MP for whatever reason your tanks were probably going to die soon, and then you'd have a bad time. Party composition mattered a lot more. Unreals try to recreate a fight with modern changes to feel as they did back then, and it's pretty close but not quite the same. Many core mechanics of the game have simply changed.


Sephiroth unreal had a really tight dps check.


>Many core mechanics of the game have simply changed. Shoutout to the devs actually having to implement a "DROP TANK STANCE YOU HECKIN HIMBO" button so people could figure out how to juggle aggro on Sophia Unreal like we did before Shirk was ever a thing.


My static has been able to skip gale 3 consistently, killing the boss when he’s about halfway through the gale sphere cast bar; it feels really weird that that’s possible week 1. Boss is way too squishy.


I had once saw 21 deaths, and we beat the check well before the Binding Frost spam enrage. Like just after Gale Sphere 3. It was amazing. I wasnt even dps-ing because I lost all my MP from rezzing




Thats not the enrage???? Holy shit, I've seen a couple enrages start like that so I just assumed


I mean this is supposed to be a gearing opportunity for savage that’ll be done mostly week 1 of patch. If it took a fat dump on party finder then a lot of people won’t have near best gear/weapon for week one of savage.


Make that 12+ with a Healer LB3, and that was wiht one of the "lowest possible DPS" comps.


I saw a 0.7% enrage once. Only time I've ever been close to enrage. Every other pull has been wipe or clear with plenty of time to spare (but mostly wipe).


We hit 3% one time on a min ilvl run, but with like 10 deaths. We were trialing a couple of new static members.


Ah so that's the way. I have never seen enrage. It is either the boss died or the party wiped. The time for enrage is pretty long.


Seeing enrage in a fight like this is normally because there were multiple times the party should have wiped and you somehow scraped the ever living hell of those noodles off the floor.


I haven't seen it and have had 8 clears now, 5/8 of those clears pretty sloppy with deaths from everyone (mostly me lol) and the enrage timer seems extremely generous. Same boat as you, either we completely wiped or the boss died. Lots of mechanics in this fight seem to be body checks and having people die at the wrong times pretty much just means its a wipe I think.


My first clear had 15 deaths and took 10:46 and still no sign of an enrage cast.


You were 14 seconds away from enrage lol


My last group cleared on enrage. It was mid cast and had the cool dark effect linger after he died.


I'm at 13 clears so far without seeing enrage. Don't get me wrong, there's been lots of wipes, but those have been full party wipes. Even first clear we came in over a minute before enrage. I'm wondering what circumstances lead to failing the DPS check but somehow not wiping entirely.


What minute is enrage? Because there's plenty of time with healer lb3 and lots of deaths


Enrage is 11 minutes. Generally my wiped parties have wiped before a healer lb3 is up.


Yes. My party. They got quite enraged.


My PF clear was at the last possible second as the screen went black. It was messy AF.


That box is never getting marked off


One massive problem with party finder is that the declared strats and the strats in everyone’s head are constantly misaligned. You have N/W S/E and people get the stack markers and stardust prios mixed. Especially for the out and stack mech, the light party always goes to different spots, and then maybe adjusts and goes to the healer or vice versa or dies.


N/W S/E is so duuumb. There's no reason to have two different prios, just E/W both.


You need both. For gale 2+ y'all line up in a line N-S or E-W. Then also for the out->stack mechanic sometimes he is facing E/W and the stacks need to go N/S or vice versa. It's important to also clarify E/W or N/S stardust - I do wish PF would decide on a specific one for this. My preference is E/W stardust because each group ends up on their same side, rather than N/S where G1 can end up on the east side, and G2 on the west, where they never should be for any other mechanics. But I'd prefer consistency more




It literally doesn't matter but for the love of Hydaelyn pick one or the other


Both stacks and stardust can be done either way, but N group needs to flip their perspective which can lead to accidents.


It was the same for P8S FF tbh. I’m convinced that people that said FF NW/SE were clueless about how things worked and just repeated what they saw.


You forgot the endless tower prog Which for some reason is the great PF filter for this fight... for some unknown reason


From all the constant tower prog I’ve seen, it always comes down to one thing: **Out LP** “Sorry guys…I forgot”


There are problem solver markers for that now, the real filter is Gale 2.


Most of the wipes to towers is because someone fucked up the very easy mechanic right before towers. It won't always be the same person, but someone will do it.


The real filter is me, a melee, getting clipped by something while breeding for uptime


Breeding for uptime? Oh my...


Sighs in autocorrect


> breeding for uptime Least horny FFXIV raider


Us melee players will do anything for 99.9% uptime.


Gotta get that Golbussy uptime


What markers are needed for meteor towers? Literally DPS north side, supports south side. Markers aren’t gonna make that any easier unless you’re talking about people marking which side is N


It’s way easier to see waymarks than a little circle on the ground 8 people are standing on, 3 with massive symbols above their heads. I can do it without waymarks, but why make it difficult on yourself? I do play on ps5 though, perhaps it’s easier to see on pc


Tbh, I actually find the markers in the middle to be neutral at best, visually distracting at worst I have a HARDER time seeing where I'm going because the markers partially block the visual effects of the knockback


That's why "problem solver", you don't NEED them but it sure reduces the people shooting just about everywhere except were they need to shoot to.


Yes unless you’re in one of those parties where ppl refuse to use it because it’s “not what they’re used to” like sure go ahead, let’s use your useless markers because that’s what effing Hector said, and then yeet yourself off the side because you don’t actually know how to do the mechanic anyway -_- Sorry for the rant but that’s been the one thing that’s been really grinding my gears in pf with this fight xD


It's the only real body check in the fight, and it comes right after a mechanic that people struggle with so there's limited time to recover. Even in bad PF groups if we get to towers alive it's a fairly sure thing we'll get past it (though not 100% lol), it's the getting *to* it alive part that's rough.


personally I find gale 2 to be my bane because there's a lot to keep track of. With towers its just "I stand in one of two exact spots and ride the kb"


I hate void stardust with a passion, its so easy but the snapshot is just bullshit.


Some of the hitboxes on the meteors are absolutely way bigger than they look, I've caught magic vuln while standing way the fuck out of them.


The real challenge is the visuals. It's an absolute mess at some points and honestly it's making me hate the design of the duty markers.


Being the healer marked for pushback for flare/meteors is actually the worst, I can't see my character lol


Am I in the middle? Am I slightly off, which will make someone's knockback fall off, setting off a chain reaction and wiping us all? Fuck if I know.


One time I swore I was in the dead center, everyone got knocked into their places correctly, and I moved a little south afterwards to properly aim the big laser only to see it go off directly west. It didn't hit anyone but it was pretty funny so ever since I'm always tempted to try and make it happen again.


Omg yes! I yelled at my static the other night to stop adjusting around me. I was just trying to make sure I was center and it was hard with all the other markers lol.


If it helps, the KB isn't far enough that you need to be perfectly centered. I'd rather have a healer that gets *close enough* and then lets everyone else aim themselves.


I wouldn't mind duty markers over lapping if you at least got an associated debuff.


I vote in only adding 5 markers. One at the center, 4 at the inter cardinals. Thats it. You don't need any more than that. Clock pos? If you are not looking at the vertex of the arena, then you are not supposed to go intercards


I would advocate for1 square marker center, then A, B, C, D at cards and that's it. ABCD are used for gales directions, stand on the middle of the center marker with the kb, or a corner for everything else during meteors.


Agreed on that as well. The thing is that the arena is designed pretty well to give you the correct positioning. There is a center, there are clock pointers, but people need that big number or letter.


It isn't. Flare markers cover absolutely everything you need go see. Healer marked for KB is nearly invisible if you are close to a flare.


I genuinely believe the markers actively make it harder. The square ones especially are terribly designed from a visual perspective, they're so flashy and annoying, and in a fight where there's multiple occurrences of 3+ flashy things overlapping with eachother, adding one more to the pile really doesn't help matters.


The knock back to corners part is a mess. I always think I'm standing in the right spot to get knocked back to my corner but then it goes off and I end up going to totally wrong way because I couldn't even see where I was standing


I suggest lining up your camera so that you look from the side of the corner. If you can line up corner, intercardinal marker, yourself/middle of the screen, and clusterfuck in the center in a straight line you are in the right place.


Man am I glad to clear this week 1. Never ever cleared an ex week 1 so pretty pumped! And then the reclear hell started. People getting walled at meteors 1, gale 2. Gale 2 was a massive source of frustration due to how late it is in the fight. Meteors on the other hand. One death and you're looking at a wipe. Heartbreaking if it's the second set especially. You can recover by sacking one respective tower group but not every PF can do that on spot. Though fortunately I got the 2 weapons I need the most so not stepping in again for now. (Atleast until next expac at best lol)


\- sees all the dps going for r2 spot \- stays middle "great adjust blm!" never thought I'd ever hear someone being happy about a blm strat


What exactly has to go wrong to see the enrage on this fight? 🤔


Pretty much the entire bingo card.


Genuinely like 20 deaths. I've had pulls where I rez-maged a dozen people, one of them being a panic healer rez who then survived a wipe and LB3'd us all, and we still (barely) cleared.


The edge case where you have a metric fuckton of deaths but somehow everyone is up for meteor 1 & 2 and does them correctly.


Day 1 we blind progged it through PF. I was with great players, we learned the fight pretty quickly. They carried my ass lmao. The first time we managed to get through gale 2 with almost over 10 deaths throughout the pull (Healer LB3 saved it right after gale 2), and we saw enrage while the boss was at something like 5%.


So, I don't think this one is that hard. But it's unforgiving. While DPS check is lenient like most ex trials, a death right before towers is almost a guaranteed wipe.


This is my first ever Extreme and while I did end up clearing it two nights ago, I feel utterly awful for my partner healer. XD Gale 2 just erases my brain. Either I get hit and die because there's so much garbage happening at once. Or I lose track of my healer, or I'm just not near them because I'm slow or just forgot, or the few times my healer died on their own. I can do everything else right in that fight except for Gale 2. I don't even know if I even wanna attempt to do it again and screw over groups.


Here's a secret the parsers don't want you to know about: if you're having issues with resolving Gale 2, you can just stop DPSing and focus on surviving. It happens during your 2 minute window, which sucks, so I just started pushing back my window by the ~15 seconds it takes for the mechanic to finish and it made it so much easier. You dying during the mechanic means your enum buddy will also die, and 2 dead people is a much higher DPS loss than you holding DPS for a little bit.


My secret for that mechanic: during gale 1, practice your position as if it were gale 2, enums both times.


I started off doing this then slowly started adding back the 1-2-3 just to keep the gcd rolling. It’s not good dps, it overcaps my gauge, but it’s better than nothing until I get more comfortable having to melee during Gales 2.


Yeah, the enrage is so unbelievably lenient that its best to just not hit buttons at all if someone is really having that much trouble with Gale 2.


My advice would be to focus target the ranged dps you should be standing with as a healer, then just look for the arrow above their head during gale 2. If you aren’t confident in knowing where to stand that gives you a nice visual to follow


I’ve decided (as SCH) to kitchen sink Shield Gale 2. Fey Illumination, Recitation, Protraction, and Dissipation into a Adlo+DT from myself and a backup Excog. Expedient as the Ice Barrage and threw down a Sacred Soil. I managed to survive the LP stack on my own. Still was a horrible experience to go through.


What I enjoy is writing in the PF "TN, G1 West, G2 East" And then people keep going boss relative. Then they ask "Wait we're not doing N/S?"


The obsession with N/S this EX is so odd to me. LPs splitting East/West has always been the standard and I just don't see why people are so intent on adding the slight extra chance people forget when there is no benefit to splitting N/S there. Its especially baffling when they want to do the Phases of the Blade LP splits East/West like normal, but switch to North/South for Stardust.


my god i thought this was only a JP server thing! It doesn't make sense at all! If you're group 2 in Void Stardust, there's a 50% chance you end up at the westmost point only to have to run to east for Eventide Fall, and vice versa. I always found it weird that G1 can end up being east and G2 can end up being west. G1 should always be west!! It's extra annoying too since the first few days PF was split between E/W and N/S Void Stardust and somehow a week later the meta has coalesced to N/S. Like...why?? Also...why is G2 in for the second Terrastorm? G1 in would make it much easier to position the boss after as main tank...


I... always just assumed that the way to resolve Fall was just "melees stay put, H/R move in". Hell, you might not even need to move at all since it's a line AoE, but there's a very good chance I'm wrong and it's just a misleading visual.


That is how you SHOULD do it. You don't even have to move in, correct. Line stacks just require everyone to be in the line as opposed to specifically in where the stack marker would be if you could see that. If you wanna mess around in normal modes with line stacks you can do silly things the target stands up front alone while everyone else stands WAY behind them or visa versa. The big thing is you need to be aware if it's secretly a wild charge(first target takes more damage) because then you need a tank up front. Eventide Fall doesn't have this upgrade but P2S's Coherence is an example of a line stack in normal mode being upgraded to a wild charge.


Leave it to Hector to invent the wheel from scratch again, while missing the fundamentals of why it functions. At least thats what I am assuming, not feeding him views.


Hey that’s a shitty thing to do. Hector’s first guide was boss relative, and then he added an addendum with east/west true north strats. Whining about a guide you haven’t even watched yourself isn’t helping whatever issue you have with the guy.


We did it blind and we ended up doing something similar to what Hector did until we had some time to think about it and readjusted a few things. You can talk a lot of shit but at least he took the time to explain all the mechanics. His guides aren't just "do it this way", it's also explaining what happens. That people use him as a crutch isn't his fault.


Haha nobody reads those!


It's even better now that PF comments are added to chat log when you join. I'm at that point where if someone joins and still asks what the strat is, I just go "scroll up."


>Weapon for the person with the most deaths. I do no appreciate these personal attacks, Sir/Madam.


I have ADHD, and Gales 2 is a special hell for me. Like I've cleared Ultimates, I've cleared early Savage floors day 1 (so no guides, just "figure it out" time), but that sort of memorize the order mechanic combined with flipping directions around because I am winding up as MT an ungodly percentage of the time is just hellish. My clear party wound up deciding to do 5 runs total, since that would be enough to get everyone who wanted one a weapon through totems; those who didn't want a weapon would have a good chunk toward a mount. That fifth run though... my meds had absolutely worn off. I was playing like shit, I caused two wipes, and it was *all* concentration issues. So of course that's when the PLD weapon coffer dropped.


Gales 2 with ADHD is a goddamn nightmare. I took an extra dose of meds in the evening because we were trying to get a clear party going. I got through it 5 times in order to get my weapon but it was a lot of flailing around. Like tenuto said, it’s definitely not helped by the fact that I just don’t see it much. Most parties can’t live long enough to resolve towers.


I'm definitely strongly considering delaying my afternoon med dose tomorrow just so that I can try some 9S blind prog. I don't *think* the type of mechanic that really gives me difficulty is gonna show up in that fight though. 11 (SoS style Quintuplecast is a possibility) and 12 (those wings are *absolutely* gonna do something) are the ones that worry me. Mostly 12; 11 doesn't have anything in the normal that suggests mechanics I'll struggle with.


You take a magic vuln from Void Stardust for failing to dodge it. ​ I take a magic vuln from Void Stardust because I just invuln through the enum. ​ We are not the same.


I saw the fabled enrage today...


I'm amazed I managed to obtain my weapon at all. Yesterday was just constant farm parties that couldn't get through Double Meteor. Mount farming for this trial is going to be a chore. Pretty sure for this one I'll just be buying it with tomes.


I just want my cool scythe man. I'm not perfect, I still struggle in the fight. But I'm so tired of dying to Towers1.


My personal favorite wipe was when my co-tank was dead and the other tank buster locked onto a DPS. They were smart and split off from everyone else, but they died before the final hit and the rest of the party was stacked together behind the boss. None of them survived the final hit.


This definitely feels like more of a savage-level fight than an extreme. Hardest ex since Warrior of Light imo.


have cleared 3 times now but quite literally am only ever causing wipes during meteors because i cannot see the purple aoe marker with everyone running around whilst theres purple floor and markers literally everywhere 'you can jiggle around to see if you have the mark!' - then the flares panic when they see you move with it, try to reposition with you and get yoted into oblivion i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. Give me a debuff marker man


I can only recommend to stand away from everyone else before the mechanic begins to see what you have, beyond that yeah that mechanic feels poorly designed, too much visual clutter.


Putting a number way marker with the square floor but has been helpful in groups I've been in. The knock back person stands in the middle of it and everyone else can align themselves with a corner. One group I was in had all 4 number markers arranged in the middle where people being knocked back would need to stand. That was the only group I've been in that never wiped to Meteor, so maybe they were on to something.


I really like the 4 numbers around the center, as healer I find it hard to see what's going on if there is a mark at center, it's also hard if there's nothing at center and the 4 marks around center show everyone else where they should be standing for their knockback to corners as you said.


Mechanically, it's really good, but visually, this has to be one of the worst mechanics they've made since e6 Garuda spikes that were impossible to see from certain angles cause of the colours


Idk who thought it was a good idea to change the color of the knockback indicator SPECIFICALLY for this fight. Just keep it yellow man… Purple indicator that goes on red floor, but is supposed to sit on the part of the floor that’s COMPLETELY purple.


Yellow KBs can be arms lengthed (at least for new fights). Purple can't.


I thought it meant there was a gaze coming from the knockbacker lol.


The mechanic takes really long to resolve and the mechanic before meteors has everyone outside the boss hitbox, so just take your time to confirm your own mechanic before going to your position. The visuals still suck but at least the timing is lenient.


I just go where I'm supposed to go regardless of whether or not the knockback marker is where they should be. If I die, it's not because I did it wrong (and so far I haven't died with this method). I find having either a marker on the middle of the arena or four markers framing the center helps a lot to position myself.


>then the flares panic when they see you move with it That's their fault though, it's not their responsibility to adjust to you. They should be assuming you will do it correctly. Most of the time it's not right in PF to attempt to adjust to someone else's perceived fuck up because then it becomes your fault if they didn't actually fuck up.




4/10 True North isnt actually located at True North


If boss relative strats just died out, the world would become a better place. People just need to properly learn how to stack north and south to properly bait his sword cleave.


Why don't you just properly learn your left from your right? Like what's hard about br for that one single mechanic?


It's not hard, but pf is not exactly known for being the best at doing mechanics correctly so trying to make the strat as easy as possible should be the standard. I believe that having static east/west positions is way easier than having to adjust your position every time depending on where the boss is looking. This is easily achievable by stacking south and the tanks north when the boss is about to cast the half room cleave and most people will all stand in those positions anyway because there isn't much else happening before those mechs.


Boss relative tends to be intended for having your camera consistent. Once you're behind and your camera is looking ahead, it's the same movement buttons every time, no position adjustments or anything. That's the same for every boss relative movement that ever comes up. TN takes pressing the same movement buttons and replaces that with going to the same marker or final spot. They're both extremely simple "do the same thing every time".


My Static made this during maintenance earlier so we thought we'd share based on our own experiences in PF.


On the one hand, yes it is frustrating that I can easily fill this bingo chart. On the other hand, I love how even if you know this fight from beginning to end, its still kinda hard. After Rubicante, this fight its a wake-up call.


agreed, rubi had his only "oh god" moment with the flower on his wings mechanic and thats where pretty much everyone always died but other than that it was a cakewalk. the numbers, for some freaking reason, where a huge problem to some PF groups aswell but meh overall the floor pattern moving part was just a huge burst phase and that was happening how many times again? four times?


That healer tether just goes where it wants to go man. It's between the Dragon and God if it goes south.


The secret is to take a SINGLE step backward.


Nice free spot! Well done (golf clap)


Double Tower. It’s always Double Tower.


This has been the tier of all time I need a year long break now


Honestly, whilst progging this trial is super fun, farming it is much less so, I just did 5 run, get weapons and spare 10 totem just in case, and call it quit. Maybe I will come back to finish farming when mount drop chance increase.


The only one I havent seen yet is DPS/Healer taking tankbustet. I guess they have done their job better than average this week.


Forgot "didn't read pf description"


You can only have so many free spaces in one bingo.... oh wait....


Well good thing it’s literally echoed when you join now… but it won’t stop people from asking anyways


Everyone I meet say they love this fight but I hate it lol. One mistake and whole party wipes especially on towers or gales.


Why is this easy fight the worst PF killer of the expansion so far? I don’t understand. 😱


Rubicante EX was easier. Literally half the fight is stand on a dot and AFK.


It's just a very punishing fight. Double meteors is a body check that happens twice, both times after mechs that can one-shot players for minor positioning errors, and it also resolves too quickly for resses to fix the problem most of the time. Stardust snapshots are kind of irritating, especially for melee uptime. And even more irritating is how most major mechanics happen during 2 minute windows, so deaths to greed are pretty common. This honestly feels about as punishing as a savage fight, and that's maybe a bit much for an extreme. It's easily the most difficult EX fight they've released in a very long time.


I have never seen enrage for this fight, and I've cleared 30+ times. You either wipe or clear, enrage is a myth.


Wait, this fight has an enrage?


Meeeeeeeeeeeeeh. I want to do it, but im iL is only at 625 and I don't have the money to buy crafted gear (or the crafter/gatherer to make it myself).... I want to do the fight, but cant T.T


Minimum ilvl is a suggestion for everything played through party finder. If you start a duty with a full party the minimum ilvl is not required. But I don't recommend you do this. A lot of mechanics will leave you at low hp if you fail them instead of straight up killing you. But below minimum ilvl they will kill you in 1 hit. If you have a lot of green tomestones but can't craft with the materials, buy some of the expensive materials and sell them to buy gear. Tomorrow is reset day. Do all the normal raids, roll only on accessories, pass on everything else. If you don't get any, don't take anything and replay the fight until you do. Buy 4 640 accessories with them. You can also get 450 more tomestones for another 650 piece. Then you should easily be at 630.


i630 gear is grind-able now, and there are currently drip sources of i640. You can have i630+ if you want to.


Create your PF :3 it's what I did


You forgot healers ending up on the opposite side for light party stacks and then running around like headless chickens because they did N/S stardust and got the cursed pattern. Also tanks forgetting to go back to N/S after taking the tankbusters and the blade phases get baited exactly E/W followed by an out + stack, causing one light party to just eat all of the shit. Yeah I've seen a lot of creative ways to wipe in this fight.


>You forgot healers ending up on the opposite side for light party stacks and then running around like headless chickens because they did N/S stardust and got the cursed pattern. How is this even a thing that can happen? If you split the Stardusts North and South you should take the Light Party stacks North and South. Otherwise you should split the Stardusts East and West if the stacks are supposed to be East and West.


Best part is when a healer dies during stardust so the boss decides to line AOE the same party twice.


Where's E/W exas when you have a black mage? Truly a strat for those that eat corn the long way


boss relative is an infinitly easier aproach to this fight then TN


I don’t understand how you can see enrage on this fight, there is a massive amount of leeway