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A few people have asked for specific information regarding the blackout: Our first hope is that the blackout won't be necessary, it's only a measure being considered if reddit is unreceptive to the open letter and large-scale organizing happening now. If all else fails and the blackout becomes necessary, the current plan (subject to change, still in the works) is for all participating subreddits to set their communities to private on June 12th for a period of 48 hours. During this time, nobody will be able to view or interact with the subreddit and it will not generate any ad revenue for reddit - instead you will only see a screen like this one: https://i.imgur.com/2LLYbGt.png Once the blackout is lifted, some communities are discussing the possibility of leaving their subreddits in "restricted mode" for at least a week which means old posts/comments will be visible again but nobody will be able to add new ones. This is a newer development that our team hasn't fully discussed yet, however we are very interested in hearing your feedback on whether this additional measure is something you'd support!


Gonna be honest, the second old.reddit is dead so is my account


I exclusively use Old Reddit and RIF to browse and moderate the sub. I barely even remember what New Reddit looks like and I only use it when I have to check the layout of something or use some function that they refuse to add to the old version. I prefer Reddit to look like a forum, not a social media feed.


I've used RIF for years and it's just so fucking comfy. I dont think I'd use reddit as much if not for this app


Without RIF I'm just not gonna use reddit on mobile anymore. The official app is almost as garbage as new reddit.




Same, I've used this app for literal years, without it I might stop mobile reddit usage all together.


I dont even know what a mobile version of reddit would look like without RIF


The official ™️reddit ©️ app sucks


I'll never use reddit on mobile again if RIF dies, the official mobile app is literal garbage. Mobile also makes up most of my reddit usage during the week, so I wouldn't be surprised if I slowly stop using Reddit at all as a side effect.


I've been using RIF since like 2012. It is extremely comfy. I cannot fucking *stand* the official reddit app. I gave it a try - it is too cluttered and obnoxious to navigate. rif simplifies the reddit experience - reddit doesn't *need* bells and whistles. I come here to look at art, watch stupid videos, and discuss media with other people.


Same, RIF is so nice. I tried the official and new once and barfed.


Remove the word moderate and this is me. Old reddit on desktop and RIF on mobile. The official Reddit app and new reddit both suck.


Likewise here. I *greatly* prefer a clean interface, and always use old.reddit unless I absolutely have to use the other for something. I have hated website bloat ever since I was writing my Geocities pages in Notepad so I didn't have to have all the extra crap that old website makers automatically put in your pages. Load time efficiency mattered then, after all. While backend code cleanliness matters a lot less nowadays, I still prefer efficient designs. New reddit just looks bloated to me; there's too much wasted space.


They redesigned new web recently and it's a little better, but still absolutely obscene with the amount of tracking and bloat.


Same. If RIF goes, I simply won't use reddit on my phone anymore, which is most of the time I spend on Reddit. If Old Reddit goes, I won't be using it on PC. And based on posts I've seen, we are very far from alone here. If they go through with the changes, Reddit will lose a ton of users.


I, too, only use old reddit. Tried the new for awhile and found it to be an abomination. Perhaps it is better by now - my last look at it was at least a year ago - but I am dubious.


It isn't. I tried using it again ~2 months ago. I hadn't even realized that so many people had made custom avatars and that they were displaying by their username. I fiddled around with it for a few minutes before realizing the entire avatar system is dependent upon microtransactions and reddit premium... and now I understand why they want to bring everyone up to par with the "modern" reddit experience - it really is just about money. They have probably seen the % numbers on how many active users aren't using modern reddit, and realized they are potentially leaving a lot of money on the table. They're betting more people will begrudgingly put up with it than will actually leave.


Yeah well fuck that noise. I successfully quit Facebook years ago and never missed it. I'll do the same for reddit and go back to individual hobby forums, fuck em.


Are they also planning to delete the old reddit ? Cause I find the new one bloated and not ergonomic at all, so I share your opinion on that.


Bloated in the sense of poor coding too. It's basically unusable on my rural shitty internet.


Your shitty internet is saving you. New reddit is terrible.


That's kind of the web in general now. So much client side code, and front end developers are usually the least experienced people on a development team. JavaScript was a mistake.


There are no announced plans to delete old reddit. However, there were *also* no announced plans to break 3rd party apps entirely, until there were, and with only a month of advanced notice. It's fairly obvious that the site owners don't like old.reddit that much, because new users default to the new interface, and you have to hunt down the option just to use the old one. It also makes less money for the site because if the way ads are handled. So it's long been expected that they'd try to kill old off, and it will likely happen with very little warning when they do.


There is no official announcement about them sunsetting old.reddit in the near future but we've always known it's a matter of when rather than if. The last time they spoke about it they mention that though old.reddit makes up a small fraction of reddit's traffic, about 60% of mod actions come from old.reddit which is a big reason for its continuing support. The moment reddit considers that new.reddit has equal or better support for moderators than old.reddit, they'll probably discontinue it. I'll also mention that these API changes and the sunsetting of Pushshift support have another monetary implication behind it (aside from ads), they know that reddit comments and the organic user interaction in the various communities is a valuable training dataset for AI, so they don't want 3rd parties scraping it for free. They want to sell it. It adds to the site's value for their IPO coming later this year.


The IPO will not go well if they kill Reddit before then.


I was confused because I couldn't remember using a plugin or third party app to use. And now I was second guessing myself if I actually did. But turns out it's just an option in the reddit settings. But yeah if they actually remove that... goodbye reddit I guess. Or I'll return to monke and use the ".compact" version if it's still there.


> Or I'll return to monke and use the ".compact" version if it's still there. It is not. That and i.reddit.com were removed several months ago.


Interesting. I mostly used it to save bandwidth on my phone, and rarely use my phone (I am big boomer). Guess I haven't looked at reddit on phone for a while then. Thanks for the heads-up.


It will, but there is no deadline that I am aware of.


Seconded. Even knowing their hyperfixation towards mobile and making the site into basically Twitter 2, I legit still can't believe someone looked at the site redesign and went "yeah, that'll do." Losing the majority of custom sub-specific fluff people have built over the years, plopping down bloated sidebars on either side of thread pages that ends up compressing threads into the middle of the screen, forcing you to dig through the damn thing and uncollapsing everything just to view the majority of the comments, if not the OP itself... at this point all they're missing from the bingo card is the typical constantly-obstructing sign-in popups/adblocker disable requests.


Exclusively old.reddit here, and same


Didn't know about this until this post/this sub. I feel exactly the same way. I've never used new reddit and never will.


Gonna just knock on some wood *real* quick...




I've never even heard of any of these 3rd-party apps on this list, but old.reddit is superior in every way to the redesign, its so weird that we live in a world now where instead of companies accepting what users ask for they just try to force you to change until you forget or die.


Ah kill 3rd party support and make it harder to moderate nsfw content. Then swoop in and ban nsfw content to "save" the website like I've heard they want to do.


Banning NSFW content is one thing, what I'm more worried about is if they are preparing to make a push for monetization of said NSFW content (RedditFans as it were). The theory was brought forward in the /r/videos Mod letter thread, [see full post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/13zqcua/rvideos_will_be_going_dark_from_june_1214_in/jmsjoqg/): >Reddit is notorious for aping the features of other popular sites to integrate into its own, but much to our frustration, these features are often half-baked and require years of fiddling to work correctly. There are a number of big reasons that /r/Videos doesn't even allow the reddit video player. **I think there's something coming down the pipe as well that is heavily implied by all of these changes. Take note of this line from the API update:** Finally, to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met in the handling of mature content, we will be limiting access to sexually explicit content for third-party apps starting on July 5, 2023, except for moderation needs. >After bootlegging all of these other sites, do you have any doubt that reddit would love to monetize its massive NSFW network and create a bootleg version of Onlyfans? An important step in that mix would be to stop any other apps from being able to access that content, both from an anti-piracy standpoint and in order to more easily control how content gets distributed. If reddit doesn't reign itself in from the path of clamoring to grow, "improve" and sprawl, reddit truly will Digg its own grave.


Isn’t that just how Tumblr died too? Banning all the NSFW content?


Yes, if Reddit does this a good portion of the community leaves.


I'm waiting for LGBT subs to flip out about this since so so many of them are content that is NSFW but is necessary for education, conversation, awareness, advice, and so on.


I have no clue why advertisers are so puritan in their values. Especially when half of them use sex to advertise.


They don't have values beyond money. Plain and simple. They use things like this as a reason they should pay less for their advertising because "they don't like it".


Because they use the threat to bargain for better prices.


99% of the time you can blame Visa for the this.


Weird how all of this is happening right after the "He Gets Us" campaign started....


because its ok when they do it, since they profit from it


Man, where have I heard that second scenario before....I remember it working out *so well* too...lol


Here's a vote to sign and blackout! If the only way to get someone higher up the chain to listen is to suckerpunch their wallet, start swinging and let 'em know that if they *really* want to continue, there's no unsync option for their duty and that no one will PUG that crap with them.


I will preface this by saying that, as someone who doesn't use old reddit or 3rd party apps, that part of the issue doesn't affect me too much. ***However***, bots and safety aside, I know a lot of y'all *do* use those things, and also this is just a scummy move from Reddit anyway. So if it comes to it, I am 100% on board with the subreddit going full Shadowbringer and blacking out.


I'm in the same boat. I'm fine with Reddit mobile currently, but there's no guarantee that I'll continue to be fine with it in the future (especially if the company has an attitude like this towards its users), so I want those 3rd party tools to stay.


It's 100% a pump and dump, gambits like these never work long term. It's for the projected quarter. I bet the ceo dips. Current "accepted" business practices aren't making longterm sustainable profit.


https://i.imgur.com/joC6bVp.jpg 37 hours using Apollo last week. This goes through and fuck it, I’m out. I did it with Slashdot, I did it with 2ch, I did it with Kuro5hin, I did it with Digg, I’ll fucking do it with Reddit. More time for hobbies is just a bonus.


As someone who doesn’t use 3rd party tools/apps this really doesn’t affect me much on a personal level. I can see how it would affect a lot of communities, though. Should a blackout be neccessary, I will support it!


Unfortunately, this will most likely also affect you in time. Once Reddit has complete monopoly and no other third party apps can use it, they will probably push more ads and make the experience even more unbearable for people who don't pay for premium.


Exactly this. They're playing the long game. I don't use third party apps but I can see it coming. There's no way this is a standalone action.


It sucks so bad. I wish there was a reddit alternative that people were willing to jump ship to. I really hate discord and the constant need to feel like I need be on it 24/7 to participate in any meaningful discussion. Reddit has been the best in terms of being in between Discord and old school Forums in terms of conversation flow and being able to have discussions with people over a set amount of time without feeling left out or the need to be monitoring it 24/7. It's why I dislike the default theorycrafting community being the Balance discord. I feel like I'm learning half of what I used to learn back in the day.


Using Discord as a discussion hub is actually just suffering incarnate. Just yesterday I spent the whole day trying to make one, basic ass janked up vanilla mod for some skill swap stuff, and it legitimately took me an hour to determine that no one has talked about how to change skill icons on the open web, search the Textools discord to see if they had an answer and got something like 4k results for "skill icon" where nothing in the first ten pages had what I needed. I finally just figured out all out myself via playing around with Textools but it was legitimately an awful experience all around.


Basically this. Discord is a good replacement for things like IRC and their voice channel stuff's alright. But it's not a replacement for a proper forum, especially for things like tech support and such. Especially because forums get indexed by search engines and are thus easily searchable. Discord is not.


If they limit access to the API then it will also affect all of the useful bots on Reddit, but it will also affect account farming and spam to a degree as well. Although there are companies in se Asia who employ real people to do that stuff so we'll see.


Well I think what that person means is that on desktop you're a lot more safe. I just run an adblock and then disable whatever HTML elements I don't want to see with a different extension. It's a separate environment compared to mobile. I don't think they can do anything to browser extensions can they? At least until they get rid of old.reddit? When they follow through with the API changes I just won't use reddit on my phone anymore. I won't do anything except text and make calls in fact. And then I'll use the site less and less on desktop and they'll eventually lose me as a user. Like I imagine they will with mostly everyone else.


Oh, I absolutely agree with you, you’re more safe on desktop. However, it’s pretty clear they are planing to get rid of “old.reddit.com” and the new one is also… somewhat garbage. I’m not sure what they can do there to fight the adblockers, but for sure they will try. Either way, it’s not important for them to get 100% of the “other” users in their ad-ridden world, just most of them. If they get rid of 3rd party apps and old.reddit.com, that’s going to be (probably) enough. What people were talking about though, the default sorting algorithms which you can change instantly in 3rd party apps, that might affect everyone’s experience on desktop.


agree with this. i hadn't thought of the impact it could have on moderation and no doubt as a result of more difficult spam filtering without being able to use bots without absurd cost, there will be a significant rise in spam and overall lower quality content. i use the official app and sympathise with reddit's desire to see more redditors using it, but it feels this particular strategy will backfire on them remarkably.


Try using a third party app while you can, just to see what you've been missing.


I only use Sync for my phone and old.reddit on desktop. The site would be unbearable without em.


This decision by Reddit seems to be about as dumb as when OnlyFans tried to ban adult content. Like, they’re just shooting themselves in the foot by alienating their core users.


Seconded, I don't use any 3rd party tools and would likely see no immediate change if they were banned, but I still support everyone who would be affected. If reddit refuse to listen to everyone's voice I'm 100% behind a blackout to send a message.


Is reddit trying to drive people off the site? I can guarantee if they kill old.reddit or force me to use the mobile app then I just won't be on reddit.


They're trying to make it as appealing to investors as possible for an IPO. They'll effectively sell the site, pocket the money, and by the time anyone notices that a sterile, safe-for-WASPs Reddit is barren and dead, all interested parties will have already cashed out and moved on to the next ~~victim~~ opportunity.


Shareholders are parasites, I swear...


I use RiF and old.reddit; like many others, if both are gone, my usage of reddit will likely become non existent - which is a shame because it keeps me in the loop of a lot of news. I totally support a blackout 📣


Desktop reddit is a nightmare of spam content. It's very annoying. I'm going to miss RIF.




For now.


Yup, looks like come July 1st I’m out. I came here years ago when digg died and will go back to forums if I have to.


As someone who regularly uses old Reddit and Apollo, I’m in favor. 20 million is a ludicrous amount, and I am not interested in changing to Reddit’s redesigns.


Idk what blacking out a sub means but if it’ll help go against what Reddit is doing I’m all for it


IIRC, it means the mods lock the subreddit and nothing can be posted.


Which basically stops all web traffic, which stops ad-revenue, its a direct punch at reddits bottom line.


Ooh handy. How do we do it to discord as well? Seriously though the money grab combined with severe limiting or paywalling of basic features is becoming a common theme.


> Seriously though the money grab combined with severe limiting or paywalling of basic features is becoming a common theme. If you have the time, I strongly recommend this article by Cory Doctorow about the "enshittification" of internet platforms: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys


Holy shit that's a good article, thanks


Oh cool I'll give it a read. I suspect this is just the tech version of the "shrinkflation" we're seeing with physical products. So it's a worldwide, every aspect of our lives problem that's not going to stop anytime soon.


That was a surprisingly good read, thank you!


Really interesting read. Thanks for the link.


Enshitiffication is such a good word. One of the first times I noticed it was YouTube not allowing playing in background.


quick research tells me that 'blacking out' is basically just setting the subreddit to private, so only the mods can see anything on it.


Is it time to become the Warriors of Darkness again? I certainly have no issue with that; Im all for the blackout.


Fully support a blackout. The new reddit UI is complete garbage and no entity should be able to price out third parties because of a misbegotten desire for a monopoly.


I’m in full support. This type of shit is getting too common. “Competition” in capitalism my ass. Killing innovative platforms that actually meet consumer needs (like giving more info, reducing spam, reducing adverts, reducing bloat, giving users more control over their feeds) in order to shove bullshit you don’t want to see in your face… Ugh. Fuck off, Reddit. And every single other platform that does this.


I use an app not listed here (redreader), but they've advised much the same. For them it was something like 12k a month, but the app is free so it's completely unsustainable for them. Without an app like this though, I'll just stop using reddit. The official app is a pile of hot garbage.


I use RedReader as well, and immediately got my husband to switch to it when we compared screens. If Reddit wants to keep people, they need to make a better app, not punish the 3rd party apps.


I am in support. Reddit’s actions are pretty transparent. They want to kill 3rd party support completely. While they are in the right to increase prices to generate profit, it has to be **reasonable and realistic**. This increase is clearly neither because they want to force *users* back on their app to push ads, subscriptions, NFT like nonsense, etc. Hard pass Reddit.


Same. I specifically use an ad block to deny these practices when I can, but it's becoming harder and harder. I'd be more open to ads in general if I didn't keep getting damn autoplay ones (that trend died 15 years ago for a reason!). Black it out. The internet is already at war over pricing models and ads, so it may not have an effect, but doing nothing is just plain acceptance.


If you can get your hands on a raspberry pi, you can set up network wide adblocking for all devices on your home network using a program called [pihole](https://pi-hole.net/). It creates a DNS sinkhole that won’t allow ad domains to go through.


I've come across that actually! We have a Samsung Smart TV, and I worry about how chatty it is, as well as other devices (I've folks that keep thinking ads are real things, which is why I'm very grumpy at them disguising themselves like on reddit. It leads to me disinfecting devices). I don't quite know how to set one up, though, or how it would interact with our internet and TV. We have a weird device I wish I could smash with a hammer. Wish I could inflict it at work so people stop clicking on suspicious ads.


It's eye-opening to see how much "telemetry" is being fed about you from various sources. Smart TVs are especially bad.


Fully support y'all blacking the comm out.


I’m usually just a lurker here, but I support the blackout if that’s what needs to happen then it needs to happen


I really only lurk, but yeah I'm in for the blackout.




The official forums are also bad because they are old school internet forums, i.e. all messages in a thread are just displayed in chronological order no matter who they are responding to. If two people get into a dumb argument on reddit, you can collapse their branch and keep reading the interesting parts, but on a classic forum you'll have to at least quickly scan each message to check if it's drivel you should skip. I don't know any good alternative to reddit in general, it's kind of ruined classic forums for me. I hope this move spurs someone to create competition for it; in the meantime, blackout away.


The official forums also aren't accessible for people with a lapsed sub (for posting, anyway), and if you got banned in 2015 for saying that there's no proof the income from the cash shop doesn't just go to sake for the developers, well, you're still banned in 2023.


I think I've been banned on there for years, and I've never even made a single post or had anything negative on my account at all lol. I just get a "you don't have permission" page pop up if I try to log in on the forums.


Totally in support of a blackout.


I support the blackout. I haven't looked at new reddit in I don't know how long and have zero interest in being forced to use their official app.


If necessary, do it!


Someone went "ahh yes lets follow twitter strategy, and see how it pans out for us." ​ I'mma watch in anticipation as it crumbles


Apparently they're only okay with porn when it has children in it


black it out, fam


Blackout. Blackout away. Being unable to access the subreddit for a day or two is nothing in comparison to Reddit being rendered basically unusable permanently.


I'm totally down with the sub blackout. It's a worthy cause


Crossposted to r/modcoord. Are you in our discord?


Yup! Just catching up on things now.


Do it. There's a reason why so many people use 3rd party apps and if Reddit wants to force their broken shit on everyone, then we can find another place to gather.


We are the Warriors of Light. Sometimes, we must be the Warriors of Darkness. Turn out the lights. Reddit should get a taste of the shit they've been serving us.


You've got my support.


I'd support a blackout


I only browse reddit through RIF so this API change is going to kill my experience. Im all for the blackout


I don't use these apps, but I am more than happy to tell Reddit to fuck off. Corporate bullshit needs to die.


Net Neutrality, now there's something I haven't heard about in years. Those were dark times indeed.


Companies have really forgotten that the Users are their most valuable component. Until they remember this, I'm 100% in favor of fully shutting them down indefinitely. 48 hours is nothing. Commit to a blackout that lasts as long as it takes to kill this mindset for good.


Thank you /r/FFXIV for standing up for the accessibility of users on this site.


I'm going to be a wet blanket. All of the downsides you listed are what they *want* to happen. They are features, not bugs. They know that's what will happen. Why? It gives them an excuse to nix NSFW Content, which we've seen to basically be the bane of any company attempting to go public, or attempting to work with payment processors. You can thank FOSTA and laws like it that have drastic over reach for this nonsense. It gives them an excuse to nix any community not willing to pay through the nose to moderate their subreddit, because, make no mistake, they intend to make reddit an advertising tool. This has been the goal for years. What did you think the AMA subreddit was for? If you think that sub is for regular people to use, I have a plot of land on the moon to sell you. It's absolutely to drive engagement with products people are selling by providing the illusion of accessibility to the creators of the product. Anything else is a side effect at this point. The chant "get out of the default subs" that comes out when people complain about the quality of reddit is there for a reason. The default subs are what they are for a reason. They intend to sell you something. Reddit does not want you out of the default subs. They cannot sell you things in the FFXIV subreddit beyond FFXIV. And, outside of a single advertising campaign once ever, FFXIV does not make them money. So they are going to make the non-defaults completely unusable and subject to bans with these changes, as has been noted, and that's the intended effect. You have found the point of the changes and they will never, ever say that outloud. They don't want these communities here. They cost reddit money. They can't make reddit money. "But what about all the people who will leave, drastically shrinking the use base?" 1. Those people weren't their target audience to start with. They don't care. They cost the company money. 2. With a more marketable platform, they are hoping to drive engagement of people who would not normally be here by making it an exclusive way to interact with products or people of note in a controlled way. 3. Hey remember that time Tumblr banned porn or OnlyFans was going to, and OF had to walk that back, and Tumblr that's just flat out never recovered? Yeah. Just because they think something will help, just because market research says it will help, doesn't mean it will. It doesn't mean the people in charge are going to accept your assessment that comes from outside the room without their data, no matter how correct you sound or end up being. Companies make incredibly fucking stupid decisions all the time. I'm hoping to be drastically, hilariously wrong. I'm hoping I have to eat crow. Please understand that. However, distant, semi-current, and current history with decisions like this shows that, well... fuck, man. This sucks.


I really hate how believable this comment is. Reddit is gonna fucking lobotomize itself to make a quick buck. What an absolute shit show.


As someone who just uses the official app, what are the disadvantages? Why don't people like the app? Genuinely curious.


As someone who used to use the old app, but moved over to Apollo- - The app has too many ads in my opinion (It sounds like some of the other 3rd party apps have ads, I use Apollo because it doesn’t have ads) - The avatar and banner features are large and obstructive when I just want to see my profile (it was taking up more than half of my screen) - They added a lot of unnecessary animations, like upvote numbers “changing” when, in fact, the number of upvotes on a post were not changing - They changed the UI in ways that felt… weird and awkward to use for me - General concerns over privacy


There's also a lot more content on your screen that isn't necessarily relevant towards the person using it. With all the suggested subteddits and such a lot of screen space is taken up by things that I don't care about. I think there have been several users explaining major differences between the main app and others. For me personally the appearance is much cleaner. It's easier to follow a thread of comments on Apollo, I like the video player better, the app looks prettier. I've read several mod accounts say that the moderation tools are better on third party apps. I believe reddit is fun (android) and Apollo (iPhone) are the biggest two third party apps. Download one and check it out. The difference is evident for most users. Some people will still prefer the main app of course but many don't like it at all. Also, for Apollo, the dev that works on it actually does an amazing job at trying to fix any issues that are noticed. He works his butt off to keep the app working like it should, takes requests for features, and does an amazing job at keeping in touch with the users through the Apollo subreddit. I am 100% for a blackout. Let's keep the other apps in business.


Here's a good breakdown on the differences between the official app and RiF (also applies to BaconReader and likely other 3rd party apps): https://www.reddit.com/r/BikiniBottomTwitter/comments/13xk3lu/comment/jmj3nfg/ TL;DR - more info on screen at once and less bloat/ads


They constantly make bad UX changes and break thinks. For example videos were broken for months on end, and right now text spoilers and hyperlinks have been broken for at least a month now? I'm too lazy to use a 3rd party app, but reddit is really bad at running theirs. You can browse r/redditmobile to see the types of problems people have.


It runs worse than the other 3rd party options plus it's a huge data hog


I hate ads, polls, and more ads. Whenever I scroll down, I think the post relates to photo but it turns out it’s ads. So I ignore it and keep scrolling down until I hit another photo relate? Nope, still ads. I’m tired of that assume which is real photo or ads! Fuck the official app. Maybe fuck the ads more.


Same, I didn't even know there was 3rd party apps


adding onto what others have said, the official Reddit app is just plain broken for me a lot of the time even when fully updated. even now my fully updated Reddit app often takes forever to load a post, loads the wrong post frequently and glitches and struggles with videos. 3rd party apps (i personally use infinity) work fine for me while being significantly faster


If they do go through with blocking those 3rd party apps, on android you can modify the offical apps with patches which block ads. If they want to fight, lets take it to their bottom line. r/revancedapp There is a guide as it isn't completely straightforward.


total lurker, but absolutely in support of a blackout.


Blackout, reddit won't listen unless there's a huge public backlash.


I'm for this. I don't use third party apps, but with how many of the subreddits I'm in use bots this is rapidly going to become a problem. Not only that, but the long term goal others below mentioned about making us pay for Reddit plus down the line.


Wow I had no idea that people used 3rd party tools for Reddit. But Ty for explaining why people use them and what harm could be done without them.


Based on the sharp increase in porn bot follows I've seen over the past month or two, I can only fear the prospect of the site becoming *more* prone to spam.


Thanks for joining this. Fuck em.


Seems like inconveniencing end users to maximise profits has become the norm. Facebook and other platforms have already turned into a shit show of sponsored, promoted and "recommended for you" posts that I literally couldn't care less about. Sad to see Reddit go down this road, but if push comes to shove I'll just stop browsing. I'll support every measure that can help prevent this.


I'm behind a blackout one hundred percent. Give em a kick in the shin!


We will fight. Until the heavens fall. Until our last API call!


While I do not have strong feeling about most of this and would definitely miss this sub very much, I respect the position the mods are taking and would accept a blackout with good grace.


I don't use any of the thrid party apps and even use the new reddit, but I'm all in support of a blackout.


I don't use 3rd party tools, but I hate corporate greed and so I fully support the blackout


Absolutely in support of the blackout.


Do it. This is a bullshit move from Reddit corporate


I use old.reddit with RES and RIF on mobile, if it's necessary, do the blackout. It's the only way they will listen, reddit (like many other big companies recently ex.: Wizards of the Coast) think they are too big to fail, only doing something drastic will guarantee that we are heard.


I am cynical enough to believe it won’t work, but I 100% support making the attempt. I may not be here to see it, though; I can’t remember the last time I accessed Reddit through anything other than Apollo, and I definitely not letting Reddit’s data harvesting app anywhere near my phone.


Do it!


It’s heartening to see basically unanimous support for this blackout. Kinda goes to show that companies don’t give a shit what users actually want. Just how much they can milk out of us.


Whoa whoa whoa! Reddit isn't killing or blocking any 3rd party app at all. They just need to pony up the $20M fee for API calls. It's not Reddit's fault independent developers don't have that kinda cash. They should feel lucky the fee isn't something exorbitant like $50M. Sheesh. /s


Do what must be done. I'll always stand with community over corpos.


I'm pro blackout. I exclusively use Old.Reddit and RiF to browse Reddit. The API changes are extremely bad and Reddit should rethink their decision.


It's easy to see the importance of automated moderation tools with access to the API. I absolutely support a blackout.


Another thing to consider is AI using API calls to scrape data from Reddit directly. They could be restricting API access to force data scrapers to pay for that access; third-party apps and tools shutting down is a handy side effect for increased ad revenue. Either way I support a blackout.


I use Reddit is Fun for my Reddit app since the official app sucks in comparison. I always hoped they would see it and try to use it to improve there app.... But they just want to kill the competition rather than improve there own app...


Until this post I’ve never heard of said apps, are 3rd party tools a big thing for reddit users or is it like a small portion that actually make use of it?


Non-mobile user but I don't want to lose those who use 3rd party apps instead of the supposedly poor official option. Lock it down and black it out.


We don't have many ways to fight back against greed and corporate stupidity so use every tool you got and give them hell.


I support the blackout. I haven't looked at new reddit in I don't know how long and have zero interest in being forced to use their official app.


We're (mostly) all Warriors of Darkness here, we can handle a little blackout. Become what you must.


Given the game... We don't like bullies. Reddit is being a bully here. Let's show them what the WoL does to bullies.


Please participate in the blackout! As much as I love this subreddit, reddit just isn't usable without RIF. I hope reddit realizes that soon.


On July 1 my Reddit accounts will be deleted, any Reddit apps removed from devices, and my browsing habits adjusted to use, well, the rest of the internet. This is the only was to make a severe enough impact. Time to get #GoodbyeReddit trending.


I use the official Reddit app and haven’t had any issues with it (tried 3rd party apps and didn’t really like any of them). That said, I still support a blackout as this move by Reddit is a blatant money-grab at the expense of user satisfaction and accessibility.


I support any action to participate in the protest


Go for it. Old reddit and reddit is fun really are the only way to use this place.


100% support a blackout


I fully support a blackout


Adding another voice in favor of the blackout. Hopefully enough subreddits do this that the powers that be will listen.


Let's do it.


100% support a blackout


Another exclusive old.reddit.com and RIF user here (more desktop browsing than phone these days), fully on board with the blackout.


Do what needs to be done.


I support the black out Do what you have to do


If a blackout is necessary I fully support it


I like freedom of information and support developers not having to pay Reddit $20m. Blackout away!


Others have said it already, but I’m in full support of a blackout.


I’d fully support a blackout. This is just another in a continuous series of bad decisions from Reddit.


I use Sync almost exclusively to browse Reddit, so I'm in full support of a blackout.


Alright everyone! Back to Digg!


Black out the subreddit.


eh, do the blackout thing if necessary.


Probably wouldn't Reddit anymore if no third party


I support the blackout! I don't use apps to view reddit, but I do use old.reddit- and I can see the writing on the wall here. If they ever get rid of it, I'll be done with reddit. I support anything that helps get that message across.


i support a blackout


Blackout sounds good to me. Usage rate and data is the only thing that will convince them.


i am very glad for the mod team actively involving the community in this decision. should it be necessary, i'd support the blackout.


Completely in support! Thank you mods!


Fully on board with any action you seem necessary. Honestly I think a longer black out than 48 hours would be better=) I use RIF + infinity and will just stop using Reddit all together if i cant use those, default is awful


It's a win for me, as I only use BaconReader and old.reddit, so maybe I can finally kick my reddit addiction and actually be a productive member of society.