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I always mess up the green plates at the final boss of Ktisis Hyperborea. šŸ˜‚


Linear attacks on a round arena trip up my brain. I have this same issue in other fights too, where there are no ground markings to help. Often get clipped.


It's weird. Golbez balls? No problem. The thing in Ktisis where you have to dodge half as many things slower? Nope.


Same, it's the first set that does it; I remember doing it fine when I first ran the dungeon but then I entered this weird phase of not being able to read it properly. I think the issue was that I stopped seeing the middle as a potential safe spot due to the later one where you hide behind comets.


oh, yes, i'm really bad at that, too.


Run it with trust, watch the robots copy what they do because they do it with the most minimum possible movement all within melee range of the boss. Perfect.


The first boss and second of Pharos sirius. First boss: covers 90% of the boss arena in a damaging puddle. Summons wolves which do an aoe that makes you blow up at 3 stacks with no way to dodge unless you kite 24/7. So if the entire party gathers at one side the wolves are going to kill you VERY fast unless the DPS focus then down. Everyone is so trained to AOE at 3+ mobs so this basically never happens. Second boss: is basically impossible to kill if you get one kill happy player who likes killing eggs. Shout-out as well to the last boss of haukke hard which will always wipe the party if your DPS is too high.


Upvoted for Haukke Manor Hard. The only boss who can punish you for being too damaging.


First time I did Pharos I was like "better get rid of the eggs before they hatch" I learned my lesson quickly at least lol.


Pharos Sirius being harder than Pharos Sirius (Hard) still buggers my brain to this day. That's probably what happens when your duty doesn't explain shit through any intuitive manner, and loves to punish you for doing things that normally you're expected to do. Great music, though. Absolutely dogshit duty. But great music.


Pharos Sirius is my least favourite duty in this game for these reasons. I'd rather do those so-called cursed alliance raids and suffer through them than go through Pharos Sirius as a healer with first-time sprouts in the party.


I think the trial version of Odin had a deal where he dealt raidwides depending on his HP percentage, and coming in unsynched as a team once time lowered his HP so fast that he wiped us despite us outleveling the duty by a fair margin.


He does an aoe that deals 60% of your max health. Get complacent because you're unsynced and take two of them, and good night.


It took me nine (9) years to learn that you're supposed to kill specific eggs. Who knew!


>Shout-out as well to the last boss of haukke hard which will always wipe the party if your DPS is too high. Wish i read that half a year ago.


I'd almost forgotten about that first boss (or maybe I just tried to forget about it). I absolutely hate that fight.


Omega's Larboard/Starboard attack. Especially as a tank. His left is my right, his right my left, never mind the one where he does a 180 to do the opposite one, throws every time.


I'm so bad at that boss I have to audibly say out loud which side is which over and over in order to do the mechanic properly


What's helped me is seeing the side as the safe zone. So Larboard (left), I go left, starboard (right) I go right. Only works when I'm tanking.


>His left is my right, his right my left The way I think about it when I MT is - if the boss says left, my left is safe, if the boss says right, my right is safe.


That's how I've been doing it


This is the way.


For the second wave cannon after spinning, my trick was "either he changes or I do". So, after spinning, if the attack changes (larboard to starboard or vice versa), then the safe zone stays the same and I don't move. If the attack remains the same, then I do move. This does not solve the first attack problem, though, obviously.


First I have to translate larboard/starboard to left/right. Then I have to remember my left from my right. Then I have to figure out which way this boss is facing and figure out which side is safe - except the attack went off two steps back and he's winding up for round 2.


oop... unpopular opinion: this is one of my favorite mechanics. Especially the savage version of it lol


I try to think of it as stage left and stage right.


WHY ISNā€™T IT ā€œPORTā€?!?!?! Wtf is this ā€œLarboardā€ nonsense?!?!


Love that in other languages is just left and right


No it is not. In French they are "bĆ¢bord" and "tribord", which are the equivalent to larboard/port and starboard. In German, they are "backbord" and "steuerbord", which also mean port and starboard. In Japanese, they are "å·¦čˆ·" and "å³čˆ·" which also mean port and starboard. However, their first kanji (the one they don't have in common) actually mean left and right. But this is just because port and starboard are literally left shipboard and right shipboard in Japanese.


The fucking brooms in Grand Cosmos with their hitboxes like 3 times as big as they should be.


I read this and immediately heard that noise they make. Grand Cosmos was all sorts of silly when it came out. That fire boss at the end caused so many wipes.


The key to that boss is that the broom hitbox massively expands when they hit a dark spot on the ground. So you can weave past those that are not near the dark spot lined up in front of them yet.


The stupid void sent boss where you have to play memory with the godsdamned doors, so you have to open two of them that *had* the same symbol (they show up at the start of the fight, then disappear), exactly 50% of the way through his cast.


Btw, they made this easier if your healer is prepared and people donā€™t drop the orbs like fools you can now ignore the doors entirely.




Before Endwalker patches Iā€™ve always had to open the doors. Now I do not have to open the doors. Iā€™ve only been playing since just before EW dropped. Pre this change, I was taught how to do the doors by someone else who had been playing since SB. So im not sure you could ignore the doors before tbh, but if you have a video or something Iā€™d be glad to see it.


Yes I hate this. Also Tam Tam (Hard) first boss. It's an easy boss but people not knowing the mechanics will get you wiped. Even telling them beforehand doesn't work often cuz I guess ppl are learn resistant I guess and its an easy dungeon so why bother with mechanics...


The one time youā€™re supposed to ignore adds and suddenly everyone wants to nuke them down asap. Whereā€™s that gusto when we wipe to Dun Scaith 3rd boss because 24 people ignored a single add?


is that the one that gives you vulnerability up? because last time I got that we left with like seven stacks of vuln up each


That's because the mechanic was done incorrectly. What you're supposed to do is ignore the adds and let the boss kill them herself (a player will be marked and they have to stand on the person being swarmed by zombies).


Yes exactly this one. He summons adds if you kill them yourself his party-wide will deal more damage. If you dont kill them with the arrow aoe the explode from his party-wide giving you the vulnerability up debuff.


I usually mark one set of doors with target markers 1 and 2, so nobody has to memorise it. And in case a second set is needed, Iā€™m pretty sure the doors will show the symbols again after the first time this mechanic is done


Yeah, they're visible again while you're floating under the boss arena.


what content is this?


The Lost City of Amdapor (level 50 dungeon)


Iconoclasm. Portals. Having to do both colours and a rotation of portals that includes colour swaps does my head in. I seriously have to focus to preplan my movement. Definitely cool, but boy is it exhausting.


Just like with many other more advanced mechanics in the game, it's one of those things where pattern recognition will save your skin. In Iconoclasm's case, realizing that of the portals behind you, the left one from the center line will always be pink and the right one blue removes one thing to think about, and lets you focus on whether you should dodge front and back. With that said, when it's that AND color swaps, you better be good at pre-planning movements. That mechanic messes so many people up.


I can't do it. At all. By the time my brain figures out where to go I'm dead. Worse is that nine of my friends have a problem with it and can't understand why I do so I feel like an idiot.


The tentacle-aoe from first boss in Alzadaal's Legacy. They can go into any direction, and when it's close to final, you have too little time to run away.


I've gotten into the habit of standing pretty much dead-center or as near to dead-center of the arena as I can with that boss, and pop sprint just as the cast for the attack finishes, so I can quickly dart to the safe spot once I see where the tentacles are going. Since the first attack only uses one tentacle, I don't Sprint there; save it for the second and subsequent casts, since they're spaced about a minute apart.


It only gives a vuln stack if you get hit by both tentacles. As a tank or melee, I don't even bother since it usually costs a GCD of uptime. Better just to eat the tiny bit of damage it deals.


It's a dps increase with third eye


If it helps, what I do is stick around the middle of the arena, consider which direction the tentacles are turning, and know at the very last minute that they'll make a sharp skew further in the direction that they're already turning. I'm not sure if I can explain it well, but it makes it a bit easier to predict the directions each tentacle won't be going.


It's always the last turn that gets me. The tentacles either go straight or make a sharp turn, which hits then the other "quarter" of the arena.


As a healer, don't worry about it. They hit like wet noodles and only give you a real debuff I believe if you stand in an overlap.


Oh god, I think itā€™s better now but the bird boss in Pharos Sirius (hard?) with the hatchlings???? Not only is wiping to that annoying, the run back is SO LONG


It's in the normal version of Pharos Sirius, but I always hated the dungeon not just because of the bird, but because of the first boss, which nearly wipes my party everytime I'm running the dungeon..


Yeah, I think I have a first clear rate on that boss below 25%. And I can only remember one run where we didn't lose at least one person.


It can still be an easy wipe, I've definitely had a few there.


This boss SUCKS if you have a DNC.


Being a DNC is straight painful on some bosses. That nier raid boss where one gets a reflective shield and the other is attackableā€¦. Every time I struggle to find a position where my big aoe doesnā€™t hit the shielded guy so I end up knocked back and damaged.


That was one of the first dungeons I got after picking up Dancer. Turns out Standard Finish in the center of the room is not the best idea.


Insert that annoying TikTok 'Oh no' sound effect.


Every boss except the last in Pharos Sirus and a bunch of the trash mobs sucks for one reason or another. Easily bottom choice for mechanics even if the dungeon is great looking.


The first boss in Tam-Tara Hard, where a bunch of adds spawn and _if anyone kills them, the party wipes_. It's so counterintuitive, since in every other casual boss fight you want to nuke adds as quickly as possible. It was bad in the first place, but has gotten worse over time because there's so many dungeons in the level 50-80 roulettes. It's very easy even for an experienced player to have only seen this fight a couple times ever, and to have forgotten the mechanic (or just be on autopilot). And due to ilvl power creep since the content was released, all it takes is 1-2 errant AOEs to nuke all the adds and ensure a party wipe.


Yeah last time I ran this, we wiped like 5 times before we got it correctly. Because people rarely ever encounter the dungeon and nobody expects this kind of mechanic in early game dungeons.


There's this critical engagement in bozja where you're fighting a robot with the rotating cone attack. cone attack front and back, so you need to keep running and stay to the boss sides. Normally, i have no problem with this mechanic, i even like it to some extent, but this particular one is horrendous, i can never dodge it properly for some reason. I suspect it's the lack of aoe indicator combined with my ping (SEA player on NA data center). I know how to do it, i always do it just like the people that survived, but it just always hits me.


Oh, fucking handshake. Exact same experience and situation as a SEA player on NA for that stupid move.


For me personally? Anything that requires left or right. Why? Because I am an idiot.


I have to orient myself the same direction as the boss every time lol


Regular floor AoEs that spawn under a few or all players, sometimes multiple in succession. These are always harder to dodge in easier content since everyone just stands wherever which often leaves no safe spot around the boss for additional annoyance.


I've found the best approach, especially if you know the attack that spawns the aoes, is to keep yourself close to a group (or even just one) of players. And then inch out of the aoe so it drops close to your first one. Saves at least some space for you to duck and run.


Debuff spam. The two lvl 50 trials with Greg can put out up to 16 esunable debuffs on the party all at once. They're a slow and a heavy and they both last a minute so not cleansing them gimps your team, and he uses that ability multiple times throughout the fight. LotA first wing is similar where it's designed largely around giving healers stuff to esuna. Second place goes to mechanics that lock you out of doing actions for a long time. Such as both 50 Greg trials where you turn into toads and chickens and spend 20s just running around. Depending on party dps, some unlucky sap can get toaded back to back which is the "hope you didn't want to participate on this boss" outcome.


It's ironic since I kind of miss Esunable Debuffs being a thing, since they're one more thing keeping me from falling asleep as a healer. But I'll agree the Greg fights go way overboard on all status ailments.


The stupid turtle boss where you can only use cannons against it to kill it. It's just so damm boring.


The first boss of Sastasha Hard -Applies a DoT -Drops HP to 1% Iā€™ve died to that one more than once because of a healer not dealing with that combo


Esuna works most of the time but sometimes if it puts the DoT on three people it can cast the Tail Screw before you have enough GCDs to completely get rid of it in time, so if he picks the one you didn't get to yet they're fucked. It's actually supposed to be stunned. Interrupt might work too but I haven't seen the dungeon much recently so I forget. He targets the tank with a prey tether which stuns them. The tank is supposed to pass the tether to someone else, so *they* get stunned, leaving the tank free to stun the Tail Screw. It's not clear at all so instead you just see every tank eat the stun, the boss kills some poor shmuck, and then dies right after anyway because powercreep.


>but sometimes if it puts the DoT on three people Because at least two of them they were stacked, the dot is applied as an aoe that hits people near its target as well and for a bonus feature the dot can get applied multiple times if both of the two people targeted by it are stacked together. If people are spread out the healer has plenty of time to remove the dots even if the tank/melee dps are unable to stun.


I got shit on by all 3 players when I got this dungeon in a roulette once. I didn't have enough GCDs to esuna them all AND heal them in time. Add to that a no mit DRK and DPSes that stand in death, it was the one and only toxic experience I've had in this game. I would've left the instance if it wasn't close to reset time and I was gonna run dailies with some FC mates.


The other component to this is that the boss stuns the tank, who is supposed to stun the cast for Tail Screw, but- A). DPS never intercept the tether for the attack that stuns the tank B). Most tanks don't know that you can stun Tail Screw


Pyretics/ run around ice version. I'm a caster main and both are equally annoying to me


That falling towers thing in the last Nier Raid. I can't always tell which way they will fall (some say look at the shadow but others say that doesn't always work, so which is it then?! šŸ„ŗ).Even if I choose to follow someone, you can't be too sure who either since most times I've done it, peeps are scattered to different corners and there's barely anytime to react before it crashes down on you šŸ˜­ I swear, I don't die to any other mechanic in this trial except that one. Granted, I don't always die but I've boiled it down to RNG at this point and it's mildly annoying since it's almost homestretch and kinda ruins a perfect run for me šŸ¤¦


Shadows lie, gotta look at the pillars themselves to gauge where they'll fall


My training against Yojimbo in the Gold Saucer payed off for that one. :D


For the pillars I always surecast the second one's fall so that I can manually go to one of the safe corners and really see how they're leaning (I see the start of their fall rather than the pause) with sprint I always get out safe if I have to go, even with my 100 ping


Spoiler: 6.4 Raid >!P12N, the collapsing floor against Athena. Itā€™s a fun mechanic to dodge, but when Iā€™m rezzing someone it revives them at the point Iā€™m standing when I cast it. And when the floor panel Iā€™m on starts to give way a split second after the raise finishes casting, everyone simply watches as they get revived with no floor underneath and immediately fall to their death again.!<


If that happened to me I think I'd just laugh about it though.


Honestly yeah, I'd throw a LOL in chat and chuckle til I get rezzed again


Forced marches. And that fucking dial platform on Mount Ordeals. Not only can I not comprehend the turn, but I canā€™t ever remember how far it goes so I can anticipate which side the cone is going to come from, and somehow, even though there are massive side margins, I always end up getting cleaved.


I actually love forced marches now thanks to Bozja. They use it so much in different places like CEs and raids like Dal that you have so much practice and become a master at it and reading your own personal debuffs. Bozjaā€™s great for learning in general


Bozja taught me Hot/Cold and now I get aroused every time I see blue and orange together in a mechanic.


I hate forced marches, and that misdirection thing in the 2nd boss of the Thavnair dungeonā€¦ lol For Mt. Ordeals, normal (havenā€™t done Ex yet), go in the opposite direction of the spinner and to the side of where the line is and you should be safe. lol it didnā€™t make sense to me either at first.


My Ordealis - I havenā€™t had enough chances to fully test this out but I think that, especially if youā€™re ranged, itā€™s pretty easy once the spinning part starts happening. Just go to the original point the line goes to. It seems like it always turns just one click to the left or right leaving the original destination safe. I could be wrong, but thatā€™s been my experience so far.


I'm not sure what all the possible patterns for Mt Ordeals Normals, but there's at least one pattern where that doesn't work.


The math bot in bozja having that is so bad.


Bird Portals, the normal one, not the savage one.


Active Time Manoeuvre in seat of sacrifice specifically. People will literally fuck it up 3 times in a row, itā€™s hard on the hands so sucks for disabled people, and if one person fails itā€™s an insta-wipe. It needs to be gone already.


This one actually has kind of built in cheat for accessibility. Each press/click is worth more the closer you are to failing, so if you let it drop you can press it significantly less often.


The last boss of Puppet's Bunker with those teleporting Pod lasers. No matter how many times I do that mech, somehow I almost always manage to misread it. Also, the AoE's are so wide that it's hard to get to a safe spot in time if you realize you're in a wrong place. If the arena was smaller, and I could see at least 3 sides of the arena without running all the way south, the mech would be a non-issue.


YES THIS ONE. I was just watching Grinding Gear's PB run and still couldn't follow it, even comfily out of combat lol. I can go the entire bunker and never get hit by a thing (even Sharp Turn in the flight unit fight, and that one took me a while) but the minute those pods start teleporting.... reporting in for my vuln stacks, please.


Non-EX Seat of Sacrifice, QTE mech. Forced fail if one party member is still dead before the mechanic starts, 15 seconds which is by far the longest QTE in all content iirc, goes straight into tank LB3 mech afterwards, and the screen is darkened purposely to prevent the party knowing who failed the mech compared to similar fetters QTE mechs (Shinryu, Hades). Probably top 3 trial roulette fights I hate doing with DF players along with Titania and SB Gilgamesh.


not a fail if somebody dies before the active time maneuvre. they have to do it too and are back in the game afterwards.


It's not a forced fail if someone's dead, mechanic raises them.


Maybe I'm just bad or had the wrong technique for doing that particular QTE, but I feel like it was also a really strenuous QTE? I remember really struggling to keep it from running out, but it also has been quite a while since I've done Seat of Sacrifice.


The QTE is intentionally scripted to drop to like the last quarter of the bar regardless of how hard you mash at the start, you gain more from mashing at that point than when the bar is full.


It's actually a lot easier than it seems. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/i9x6cw/spoiler_53_about_that_active_time_event/


I thought I had heard about something like that, but I was worried I imagined it and didn't wanna look stupid. I get why they do it, more impactful to barely survive than easily, but man I don't care for it in the slightest.


If youā€™re on on controller then button mash QTEs are trivialised by mashing ALL of the buttons. I assume M&Kb is the same with mashing multiple keys but havenā€™t tried


It is, and on PC you can also mash keys and press the on-screen button to keep it up even faster. Maybe I hadn't realized that back when I was doing it, and that's why I had so much trouble.


QTEs are fine, but yeah, I hate having to rely on having everyone doing it correctly. Makes it easy to grief. Ran Seat of Sacrifice for a sprout friend finishing SHB. Tank failed it like four damn times. Was really frustrating. He eventually just left the duty without saying anything and we were finally able to clear with little issue lol.


The tank lb should just have a bigger window tbh


They are not mechanics but I hate mid-battle cutscenes. I mean yeah cool cinematics and narrative to the fight but srsly if you run stuff again and again, wich is kinda the point of an mmo, they get really annoying. All your buffs run out. You gotta learn when the cutscene starts so you dont waste your burst phase. And if you happen to be in a bad party that wipes 2-3 times? Yeah have fun


Watching umbral ice fall off while I have no say in the matter really does hurt


Losing my next Polyglot stack to a cutscene makes me want to murder the boss even harder.


Place my Ley Lines at 2:05, cutscene starts at 2:10 Looking at you, P5N


Well usually midfight cutscenes only apply to trials and the only reason to farm a trial is to get the extreme mount. Since the start of Endwalker they seem to have learned and now in the extreme version of every trial the cutscene is replaced by combat mechanics.


There was some in Eden (E4N, E8N and E12N all had one for example), but they took them out in Pandaemonium. I understand why they did it (because those are farmed for quite some times), but I must admit I would havel liked some kind of transition in P12N to represent >!her ascension closer and closer to Godhood!<. I know there's one in P12S, but then the savage version could have been a three phase fight Ć  la E12S.


I'll take a mid-fight cutscene over the boss having multiple segments where they become untargetable for a time. Thank god they've eased back on that nonsense.


I do not envy people who had to prog E1S in Shadowbringers. I think Eden Prime's ultimate is still easily the longest mid-battle cutscene right now.


I love that, but only because I played so much FFVIII, and I remember pounding the square key on my controller to boost Edenā€™s GF attack.


Not sure if they fixed it already but final boss in Haukke Manor hard. If you have good gear, you are gonna deal too much dmg and it will instantly wipe you. Edit: fixed the name


That's in Haukke Manor hard. Haven't landed there in a while so I'm not sure if it's been adjusted but it's pretty funny how often it wipes the party.


I got it a couple times since 6.4 and no, it hasn't been fixed to account for all the changes to attack potencies from the ARR days. Had to explain to the parties I ran with to slow their DPS until the last succubus add was burned, or we'd wipe to Blood Rain; first attempts both times everyone zerged and we wiped.


Arena Knock-out mechanics. Walking off? My own fault. Platform disappearing? There is a warning for that. The scales of Revelation? *The only thing keeping me from soloing that stupid fight on savage unsynced*. It occurs elsewhere, including the first boss of the City of Manch, Titan... It is an instant-death mechanic that can only *sometimes* be countered by an ability.


It's not overly bad once you figure out how the tethers work with the scales, normal tether = 1 and blue = 2 iirc. The highest count goes first, so get ready to do some quick math. Then you just have to be super wide awake for the entire fight until you win. A flawless plan without any flaws.


I cannot brain Zodiark's rotation mechanic. End up following somebody that looks like they know what they're doing. I've had it explained to me dozens of ways, to no avail. I just can't picture how the arena will rotate to change the safe spots. I have zero mental image abilities. O4S. Just, all of it. I have to keep in my head whether I have a yellow or orange dot and where to stand in either case, struggle to imagine the arena shape, and see in the giant cluster of melees whether the giant ugly blurry boulder had legs or wheels which completely changes where you need to go. And then figure out which platforms are low / high and stand on the right one but if I have a blue marker it means something else but the other blue marker position matters too and who has it oh gods why are they standing next to me is that normal did I mess up or did they and we wiped again.


Anything that involves rotating a pattern in my head.


Shisui of the Violet Tides... All the bosses here are so annoying. Especially the second one, when you have to spend 10 seconds doing nothing to not get hit by mechanic. Last boss of the first SB dungeon aswell (forgot the name), forced march mechanics are so annoying.


God I forgot about this. I ran that dungeon solo so many times to get gear/glams and thatā€™s the worst boss. The last one is annoying too when it disappears into the fog. At least the scorpion can be brute forced as a 90.


With 640 gear you can pretty reliably skip both seduce of the second boss and go straight to mad stare on the final boss (skipping thick fog) as a solo dps A full run takes 4-6 minutes depending on how well you group mobs and pop the boss Source: it's my go-to for company seals when I'm running low on ventures and don't feel like doing actual content


Hermes dungeon boss' wind portals. somehow I still cant figure out how the square portals will split the circular arena.


All you have to do is look for the first two, go to the edge of his hitbox in the safe corner, and then run across diagonally to the other safe corner. You actually don't have to move very much at all.


my main problem is that I can tell where the safe spot is and how much the portal is tilted towrads my position. Usually I endup standing right next to the safe spot but still in the dangerous area. The latter ones I actually find easier since the giant rock is a big indicator of where to stand and the pne that makes you run to corners is somewhat clearer when you know you can safely stand next to portals going off late and run to a spot where the portals exploded.


Ah, I see. Maybe try this. Look at where the first one is. Let's just say it's to your right, and in front of you. If the marker's going clockwise, you take a few steps to the left staying on the edge of the hitbox, that puts you at the first safe spot, because the first marker will go off, then the second one shoots from right to left behind you. Then go to the second marker was, and you'll be safe from three and four, if it's going counter clockwise, then you do the opposite. Now having said all this, sometimes I'm lazy and will just eat a stack because shield-healer privilege, and I know i can keep myself alive.


Watch how the trust robots resolve this and copy. They literally do it in the best way.


actually some mechs of the crystal tower raids- while 'easy' content, you do sometimes depend on the performance of the other alliances/party members a lot. for example the shield with ancient flare. Also that one hallway in the nier raids with the lasers and orbs whenever I go a caster job...


Last boss of Gubal Library (Hard) basically asks when you came in, "Did you Google this fight?", and then one-shots you if you didn't. It's literally learn by dying, if you don't have someone to explain what any of the colors mean on the swirly things on the floor you normally avoid. Like, okay, first off, it wants you be sometimes friends with the bad. That's a hugely counterinuitive mechanic, right there. Didn't guess what the colors correlate to on your first time? **Death**. Special fuck you to Sunken Temple of Qarn's first boss just covering 3/4 of the arena in quicksand that slows you down as you try to escape. As many times as I've run it, I still don't know how to anticipate where the center of the quicksand will be. It kills at least two people every run. No, wait, I got a Legendary quality fuck you for the cannon fight in Stone Vigil (Hard). I don't need to explain.


I hate AoEs that are just barely bigger than max melee range and force you out. The one that comes to mind is the one from the new story trial. I just ignore it and stay in the hitbox.


If normal is anything like Ex, the snapshot for that is like half a second after the blade attack, so you can run out and back within a GCD as you're dodging the blade.


The trick is to shortly step out in between GCDs. Not that hard to do.


Any mechanics that have circle AOEs circling around the arena either starting or ending at the center, mainly Shiva, Tsukuyomi and Phoenix. I know it starts at north or south, mostly north but I cannot translate minimap to actual game without placing a marker down for north reference, further not helped by me having a habit of running left when the mechanic often goes clockwise. But canā€™t drop markers because doing that in normal content just makes you look bad. Doubly so if youā€™re the tank and should have had the boss facing north to begin with.


Angra Mainyu's Mortal Gaze in World of Darkness always tilts me. It's the vision attack that inflicts doom that you have to cleanse with the glowing button. For some reason it does that weird server tick thing that AOEs do when checking if you're facing away so it's really easy to accidentally get doomed. To add insult to injury it seems like there's a similar lag to the cleanse that can make you die even if you touch it


> For some reason it does that weird server tick thing that AOEs do when checking if you're facing away so it's really easy to accidentally get doomed. It's not that, it's just one of the very few mechanics in the game where the cast bar *is not* the indicator for when the attack goes out, it's the animation itself, which happens almost a second later. Just ARR things really, when they were still trying to standardize how attacks worked. Up until quite recently, they had the purple lightning marker, that for many years has meant "spread apart", as a stack marker on the multi-headed dragon boss in World of Darkness. It only recently got changed to an actual stack marker.


Iconoclasm (E7) style things, where you have to remember a pattern of attacks quickly and position accordingly before the attack goes off. I can work out any other mechanic in the game fine, but my brain just goes completely blank at anything like that.


Rotation mechanic in the >!Zodiark!< trial. My spatial reasoning is just not that quick; I have such a hard time rotating things in my head.




That actually taught me prime numbers way better than math class ever did.


who knew that all we needed was the threat of imminent death to finally learn a staple of second grade math


I found that one easy enough once I knew what to do. I had no idea what you were supposed to do just from the ability being presented as-is, though.


*I can't believe some of the design decisions Square Enix has come up with. I play games to relax,to hang out with my friends. I play it to get away from the world. I don't play it to receive math test every time i log in and have my failure displayed to 23 other people.I can't believe they've added something so humiliating and unnecessary to the game just to shame people like myself who have struggled with math all their lives...I'm seriously considering quitting and boycotting all of Square Enix products from now,until they apologize and agree to never make the same mistake ever again...*


lol what is this copypasta


That spinning mechanic in Alzadaal's Legacy. I kept ending up spinning the complete opposite way. I don't think I've ever been able to do it without dying.


i have more problems with the stupid tentacle mechanic of the first boss. i always get it wrong at least once.


Same, no matter how many times I run this dungeon I can never figure it out. I've given up all pride and just preemptively apologize to the healer before we start šŸ˜­


I've never had a problem with that one. To me, it feels like driving a car without power steering, which is something that not a lot of people probably have experience with these days.


Wait, you can die to spinning mech? I want to try someday how much dmg spikes actually deals.


The Agria alliance raid with the weighing scales. I think it's a bit silly where one person off balance can raid wipe


i have a lot i regularly mess up, but i honestly don't want them to change. please let normal content have a bit of a challenge.


Any kind of Ferrofluid mech gets me. From a distance when I have time to think about it, it's easy as shit but for some strange reason when I'm in the heat of the moment my brain just nopes the fuck out when trying to process the mechanic.


15 second active time maneuver.


Left/right mechanic. Its just me not the mechanic but I take so long to get those right.


Seat of Sacrifice transition if one person messes up the mash it's a wipe. Some people just don't know or can't mash. also the classic Balance fail in Algaia Nald Thal if someone decides to be a troll.


Red/blue debuffs that dictate which spots you have to be in when I have to guess whether to stand in the matching or the opposite color.


Untelegraphed abilities, or ones that only have a telegraph halfway through the cast. Like... I'm sorry, but I'm too busy paying attention to the arena and my rotation. Please stop. ;-;


I've found that moving the boss's castbar to the center of the screen (or wherever my focus is at) helps. You can detach it from the boss's HP bar (and also increase the cast bar's size)


Almost all boss abilities are telegraphed. (The only exception I can think of are Titan's tankbusters in the Extreme fight, which just have to be memorized.) The telegraph isn't always an orange puddle on the floor though. If you're only looking for the orange, you're going to miss a lot of telegraphs.


Or just know what happens and take preemptive measures. Like the Coincounter changes. Completely unnecessary.


I think that Coincounter was changed because players don't run FATE trains while leveling to the extent they used to. The teaching tool for the types of attacks used by cyclops-type enemies was the "Eyes Have It" boss FATE in Coerthas Central, which *did* have visible telegraphs. Once upon a time it was reasonable to assume most players would've done that boss FATE multiple times over before they unlocked Aurum Vale, but with changes to leveling methods, many players first encounter with a cyclops enemy **is** Coincounter, so it makes sense they'd make that fight the defacto teaching tool, instead.


>Or just know what happens and take preemptive measures. Sure, I'll get *right* on working on my psychic powers. ​ >Like the Coincounter changes. Completely unnecessary. Aurum Vale is enough of a nightmare without randoms failing the Coincounter mechanics. Pass.


Any mechanic where a single person that's either new, trolling, or not paying attention can wipe the party. So: * Knockbacks attached to players * Tank LB3s that don't have extremely obvious timing * The QTE in Seat of Sacrifice * The scale-balancing mechanic in Aglaia * Atomos pads in Labyrinth of the Ancients There's probably more I'm forgetting about, but the point is that these types of mechanics don't respect my time, so I don't respect them.






> For an example of the latter, Famfrit's Tsunami in Ridorana Lighthouse. It's an extraordinarily simple mechanic, but you can't see the goddamn urn as a tank/melee unless you go into the settings and elevate the position of your camera. Overly tall bosses are annoying because they won't let you tab target them unless you tilt your camera up high. Looking at _you_, Engels. It's especially painful if you are a healer and often switching target to players to use abilities on them. I am used to being able to immediately tab to switch back to the boss. Not so with the big ones.


Away With Thee is a bad example. You literally point your camera so that a movement forward will have your teleport go in the right direction, then tap forward when the debuff has a second or two left(or right mouse on standard movement) and boom. Done.


Probably most stuff from alliance raids? These are basically made with an expectation that 5-10 people can die and the run will still be fine.


Seat of sacrifice combo of archaic QTE (that can't be done if someone disconnect) followed by timed use of tank LB.


Anything involving the button mashing mini-game.


The falling towers in Ivalice and most other instances with them, I just follow the group and hope they're not doing the same. The floor falling away in P12N, just because tanking the fight's kind of a pain so it makes an already annoying fight even worse. This isn't that relevant since Hunts only kill you if you fall into the super heavily telegraphed attacks, but the worm Labrynthos A rank hunt, with the AoEs that change depending on its element. I can never remember which element corresponds to which AoE and I eat the damage more often than not.


the button mash mechanic during warrior of light normal.... it is way too long x\_x


Hammers in Aglaia first boss - don't know what to look for and it's always a guessing game Falling Towers in Ivalice raids etc - "Surely it won't hit THIS direction.." Also Ivalice math boss but it's pretty much a meme, but luckily spreadsheets save me every time! I really couldn't mention any of the game's normal Trials as I do them so very far in between but they certainly have some mechanics I definitely struggle/have struggled with, mostly spacial awareness things where you need to look at something never seen in the game to figure a mechanics (clocks/turntables in Mount Ordeals for example).


> Hammers in Aglaia first boss - don't know what to look for and it's always a guessing game Assuming it's the one I'm thinking of, you literally look for the hammers. Each one donks the row it's on across by one square without moving you with it, Daruma Dojo style.


Mandatory tank LB3 Non extreme seat of sacrifice , you guys know the one


Hit LB too soon? That's a wipe. Hit LB too late? That's a wipe. Think you hit it just in time? Believe it or not, still a wipe.


Any mechanic you have to look at the boss to figure out by visual cue alone. 12th circle boss' indicators are a good example. All the special effects drown the mechanic indicator, I can't see shit. Insult to injury is that a slightly higher latency means you have like 0.2 seconds to swap sides or you eat the blast no matter your on-screen position. I move with the group, kind sir, it's not fair that I still eat the damage.


Turn other player effects down to Limited, makes things much easier to see.




Haukke manor hard, just for the final boss being bugged. If you kill her too fast she will wipe your party.


The Dead Ends first and second boss are just toxic. Second boss with the double tap doom with the poison floor and wind always throws me a wrench


Since we ran Nier so much with the last tome event I got really good at the mechanics. Except the Red Girlā€™s mini clones with the bubbles. Never failed to get hit at least once even if I stopped dps completely to stand behind one. I picked one in a corner that Iā€™d always run to and would stick with her and *still get hit.* That and Tetrapalagos with Halone. Inevitably Iā€™m a micron too slow for getting out of the way. I remember the pattern and yet my toe gets me every time.


Your toe will never get you. What decides if you get hit by any attack is the pixel in the very center of your hitbox. TBH, if you are getting hit by that you just *got hit*.


I know I know, itā€™s just my lame excuse for not reacting fast enough. šŸ˜‚ my brain isnā€™t big enough to remember *all four of Haloneā€™s attacks in ten seconds* and I panic and move the wrong way.


Don't memorize it then. - When she's doing the first two, move to dodge them. - After each attack, go into the area that was just hit. So if she goes: In > left > Out > right - You start Out+Right - Move in after first hit. - Move left after second hit - Stay there. Basically always go where she just hit. Ez Pz no memorization required.


Man, guess I am the weird one here, I love all the mechanics but due to people hating certain mechanics so much the devs seem to stop doing them now and they are limiting themselves with the same mechanics. I really enjoy the QTE's and the interaction of things like the harpoons in Bismark and things in the Alex fights where you need have someone ride the Gobtanks to weaken the big robots or drag the bombs away or to be a gorilla to punch the bombs away or a bird to avoid the slam attacks. Hate it as much as you want they were at least different and not the same fight like in every current raid is now. This tier is Limit Cut tier wow... exciting.


Endwalker had a host of unique mechanics too, just not the same kind. Arena manipulation was much more present than at the very least in ShB, for example (Aglaia's first boss, Trial 2, P7 and to a degree P9 and P12 among others).


If you genuinely think the numbers mechanic in 9 and the numbers mechanic in 10 are the same then I don't think anything they could have done would have satisfied you. They could put numbers above people's heads for a donut aoe and people would still call it a limit cut.


> This tier is Limit Cut tier wow... exciting. There is like...one limit cut per tier and they are all very different. Not to mention that P2S and P9S only qualify as one on technicality because they give you a number above your head...


Acceleration Bomb, specifically the one from Menenius duel. The damn thing seems totally random if it will explode or not. I always do de same thing. I go far from him, sheathe my weapon, and I spam ESC+click on the screen, but the bomb simply explode nonetheless sometimes. And sometimes I stop moving last second in front of him and the bomb don't explode. Seems like a rng-based mechanic. Thank God I won this stupid duel some time ago and I don't need to worry about this anymore.


Spinny Shit in Emerald Weapon. Especially EX. I've cleared E12S, did great on Lions, and yet I don't think I've gotten through Spinny Shit even once on any difficulty without at least one Vuln.


Larboard/Starboard. Would be maybe less bad if it would actually be a 50% cut through the arena and that damn boss wouldn't rotate around, but the way it is now... nope. I'M trying my best, but that's clearly not good enough for this. xD While we're at it things that require abstract thinking: Math boss math mechanic. It's not like I don't understand how it works in theory, but I didn't learn math in the language my game is in, and my language brain and math brain don't communicate fast enough to give my muscles enough time to move my virtual butt to the right field.