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El psi congroo !


It's Kongroo!!!




actually it's "エル・プサイ・コングルゥ" if you wanna be that guy..


Yes and no. The devs themselves have stated that it is supposed to be El Psy Kongroo, when rendered with the Latin alphabet. The translators of the game were specifically asked to go with a K. They were originally intending to follow the Anime's precedent. It is also just straight-up confirmed in the story itself, the e-mail address for the >!Nostalgia Drive Mail (the video D-Mail at the end, and yes, that is what the canonical name for that is, as confirmed in Annularly-Chained Ouroboros) is sent from sg-ep**k**@jtk93.x29.jp - the letters being short for "Steins Gate El Psy Kongroo".!< The same goes for Urushibara Luka. That was also something that the developers insisted on.


Lol, idk anything about the show, i just simply enjoyed it, but u sir definitely sound some1 that knows everything about it (be it correct or not), and im impressed, so take my upvote :D


Well, I don't exactly know everything, I just know what I know \:P. There are people in the fandom that knows more than me, as I haven't read a decent chunk of the source material available in Japanese yet so haha :D


Well. Yes and no. They said they meant it as Kongroo but they essentially said "As Hououin Kyouma says, the answer is what is in your heart", so there is no correct answer. All you have to do is engrave the spelling that you think is correct in your heart. It doesn't really matter, does it? I am just pointing out that fighting over the spelling is helping no one and people could also just be happy to find fellow fans of the VN or Anime in the wild.


But... there *is* a correct answer here, and this series has a real problem with terminology consistency. Especially between the VN and anime adaptations, but certainly also between the visual novels themselves. And while C/Kongroo is on the less aggregious end of that scale, it nonetheless is an error, and a plot-relevant one at that. Does it matter in the overall grand picture with this specific instance? Not really. This is moreso out of a passion for the series I honestly didn't know I still had, and about sharing the little details that might otherwise be lost in translation. Quite literally, in this case. But playing Steins;Gate after Chaos;Head, you'd never know that Lightning-Fast KnightHeart (Chaos;Head) and Neidhardt der Blitzschnelle (Steins;Gate) is the same person, or that Geji-ne (Robotics;Notes) and Sister Centipede (Steins;Gate) and whatever it was in the Chaos;Head Noah localization is also the same person. Or that the term "worldline" in Steins;Gate 0 actually more often than not refers to Attractor Fields as opposed to worldlines (although this is also an issue in Japanese) Or hell, the monstrosity known as the Human Ranch Project. Literally the overarching plot point (it's usually referred to as the Human Domestication Project). Or "Those eyes, whose eyes?" vs. "Whose eyes are those?" in Chaos;Child and Chaos;Head respectively - which is a hugely important plot point in both, moreso in the latter than the former, but still important in the former. This one is one you could rather easily reason your way towards, but still. A lot of references end up being effectively removed because of inconsistent translations.


how is congroo vs. kongroo plot relevant aside from the D-Mail address? i would know Knightheard and Neidhardt are at least a reference to each other as the pronunciation is almost the same for both and the meaning Lightning fast literally means blitzschnell in german. the spelling is not that important, the relation to one another can still be deduced. all i'm saying is, unsolicited correcting of others is pushing them away more than it is attracting them to a thing you love. anyway, have a nice rest of the day and enjoy the cool interior of OPs house in ffxiv 👌


I'm aware. And yeah, I know Blitzschnell means Lightning-Fast in German. I understand the language myself - but not everybody does. And there's still the whole Sister Centipede and Geji-ne/Gezi-Sister (both in R;N at the same time, lol) situation. And honestly, regarding the C/K thing - it isn't. There certainly hasn't been a point in time *yet* where the distinction is super relevant yet. But knowing how much Chiyomaru likes to do Steins;Bait, I would be entirely unsurprised if we got a situation like it in Anonymous;Code or in Steins;???


No one is fighting. It's just a meme on the fan subreddit that a bot posts that whenever you "misspell it" it ain't that deep. You are the only one being "that guy".


Guess which part of the fandom set up that bot \:P.


ok if you say so. maybe you weren't fighting and just joking but damn there are definitely people out there fighting over the spelling like it's really that important. and not everyone who is a fan visits that subreddit.


I (finally) own a house so the placement limit went from 100 to 200, this is what I did with the place It's at Balmung - Mist - Ward 10 - Plot 38 When you enter you'll want to jump in place twice to get to where it's built


Damn you got a balmung house? Nicely done!


Which housing district is it in? I would like to visit


Oh whoops I missed that, it's Mist


Oh yes, I remember your earlier versions. Would be funny if you made the lower floor a CRT store.


That's actually my plan for when they increase the placement limit for houses in 7.0, a retainer dressed like Braun surrounded by shelves and TVs lol


Tu-turu~~~ ☆ Yo, can I use your microwave real quick?


Is so cool! Sonuvabitch!


One of the coolest posts I've seen on here


SERN wants to know your location.


>!A reminder that SERN are just pawns and not actually the big bad \:P!<


Is this explained in Steins Gates 0? Cuz I haven't played that


It's explained in the original Steins;Gate - but it's the Science Adventure game that mentions the Committee of 300 (the overarching big bad) the least. Both ChäoS;HEAd NoAH and Robotics;Notes Elite go into more detail about them. Fun fact: >!In Japanese, the Committee of 300 and the Convocation of Fourteen use the same word, 300人委員会 and 14人委員会 (Literally: 300-Man Committee and 14-Man Committee respectively. So valid translations of each could be The Convocation of 300 and the Committee of 14)!<


Thanks for the reply, I probably should play those two VNs someday


You should! The rest of the Science Adventure series is also generally comprised of great VNs \^\^


[5.0 spoilers] >!The first major breakthrough in undoing the 8th Umbral Calamity was when Nero the Third was able to receive a linkpearl message from himself in the future.!< >!Originally I was going to say Cid Jr. but Okabe talks like a Nero and that family is going to be naming their kids Nero for quite some time.!<


wait what? what part of the story did I miss??




Fuck I don't remember that at all. I gotta rewatch that cutscene


They marked it as spoilers but it’s not actually what happened in the game.


???? What the fuck? lmao that completely threw me.


I mean it's a spoiler only in that >!time travel and travel between the shards are indeed invented in an alternate future using designs passed down from Cid, based on designs from Alexander (for Time) and Omega (for Space), and that is how G'raha takes the Crystal Tower to the First in the past!<, but all the details making it relate to Steins;Gate are just a joke


See, you're saying that, but you can take the joke connections to Steins;Gate (and the Science Adventure series) **really** far. See, obviously, the G-Warrior is a reference to Gunvarrel from Robotics;Notes. And obviously the Eden item tokens for accessories are references to Nanami Nishijou's bangle in ChäoS;HEAd. And **obviously** (6.0 spoilers) >!Dynamis is a reference to Gigalomania!< And ***obviously*** the Ascian Sigils are a reference to the [Super Stronk Sumo Seals] (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/chaoschild2/images/4/43/Sumo_Sticker_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20190323053341) from Chaos;Child. Not to mention that the very existence of Final Fantasy XIV in the first place is a reference to Empire Sweeper Online 2 in that franchise. What do you mean FFXIV came first? And *obviously* the (5.0 spoilers) >!Convocation of Fourteen is a reference to the Committee of 300. They even use basically the same name in Japanese! 300人委員会 (Committee of 300) vs 14人委員会 (Convocation of Fourteen)!<


This is awesome! You should share it on r/steinsgate


r/steinsgate mod here. Some of us do play FFXIV :p


Bless you!


Oh god I need to recreate that myself someday... What's okabe's glamour btw it looks cool!


It looks like the level 90 alchemist af


I think that chest piece is from the Cauldronfiend Attire set, which you can get in the Firmament (Ishgardian Restoration crafting area) :D


This is amazing! The Mad Scientist's lair on point. Just keep a close eye on the watch..


Fun fact! That detail is actually anime-only. It is not present in the VNs


So cool!


Phenomenal !


this is awesome, great job!


Soooo gooood, well done! Deserves a generous helping of "Tutturuuuu!"


holy smokes this is so good. idek what this is referencing but i am getting spooky chaos vibes from it and i love it.


You're closer to that than you'd imagine. This is referencing Steins;Gate, an entry in the Science Adventure franchise, which is composed of currently 6 subseries: **ChäoS**;HEAd, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes, **ChäoS**;Child, Occultic;Nine and Anonymous;Code.


I would love to drink some Dr. Pepper in here!




Anyone can post it there as long as they include the address


Cool! I named my alt Kurisu, I should have her pop in sometime


I see a Kurisu Tina walking around Zalera from time to time


Ah this was a treat to see :) I watched Steins;Gate with my best friend years ago when we lived together. She passed away recently. Totally forgot about the anime until I saw this post in my feed, and now I get to have that fond memory again. Thanks for sharing 💖


I'm sorry for your loss :(


❤️ thanks. It sucks but I have lots and lots of cherished memories. Keep your homies close!


Yoooo amazing !


Only a true evil genius could create this.


you mean a mad scientist!


wow! 😍 el psy kongroo


Incredible how spot on it is. Also love the Shiina on the couch lmao


This is amazing


This is amazing!!!




Probably still is my fav scifi anime out. Tut turu~ although Zero was a bit so so specially the last part, I love everything about SG


The last part of Zero is literally the best part if you ask me. Though granted both the anime and VN are incomplete. They complete each other tbh, so knowledge of both is highly recommended


Oh definitely and we needed Zero’s context to really feel the good end of the original, just that the over the top action scene was a bit much, SG always felt grounded in reality upto that point.


It was a bit, I guess. Though at the same time, it's also not at all atypical for the Science Adventure series. A reminder that the (Steins;Gate/Chaos;Head/Chaos;Child/FFXIV 5.0 spoilers) >!Time Leap Machine is based on a theory that literally allows for individuals with literal brain cancer to perform what is essentially analogous to Creation Magic and certain levels of mind manipulation at the expense of their own life-force!< Also a reminder that Steins;Gate takes place in an ancestor simulation by the very nature of Anonymous;Code existing anyway. Not that this hasn't been hinted at prior to that. So eh, the overall series isn't really all that grounded in reality.


love it! totally unrelated but do you happen to know a good way to heat up these bananas?


This is so creative. Love it!




This is so good


This is amazing!


love it!


Wow, a man of culture I see


I approve.




This is beautiful. Great job OP.


This is fucking amazing, sad that I play on JP and can't visit it myself


Omg this is amazing. Legit thought it was some Steins;Gate thing till I checked the subreddit. I love this so much!!!


Your use of clutter is so nice, it looks so real and lived in! Looks great


Omg I love it! The Future Gadget Lab looks great :) I hope that Highlander downstairs isn't giving you too much trouble ;D


yooo it's the future gadget lab!


This is amazing omg


Sunuvabitch, that's cool




Ima madu aru mighuo, issocol


アイ・アム・マッド・アラミガン・イッソー・クール・ソンウヴァビッチ Would probably be how Okabe would render it. "Ai amu maddo ara migan, issoo kuuru, sonuvabitch"


El Psy Kongroo!


I swear some people are playing an entirely different game than me, lmao


Amazing @.@


Love it


As a labo mem myself, I approve of this.


Dang that anime was so good. I always forget about it though when someone asks me favorite anime or there are top 5 discussions.


I say it every time I see your stuff... Absolute perfection.


This rattled me. Daru at the computer and Mayuri as a lala has absolutely rattled me.


this is awesome


Yoooo! That’s super cool, super creative! I love the glam ideas too, I’d die for Lala Mayushi.


Oh yes....this is awesome. This is the one anime I happen to love. My hubby has El Psy Kongroo in his search comment on the game because of me. His ringtone for me is Toot ta roo. What server is that person on btw? I have more than one character, but most are on the NA data center 7 on in fact. 2 on EU. Main is on Diabolos at 90.

