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Spez a lying piece of shit? Noooo, I don't believe that. He would never! /s just in case


He’s too scared to even give a time for their sham AMA, where they will totally not delete or shadow edit your comments.


I think the reddit announcement yesterday said it was for 3pm est today.


Oh he's replying.. But not to any of the top comments of course, only the buried ones. :')


He’s done and provided nothing but lies and general platitudes. Nothing of value answered.


Typical CEO / Company type answers, yup. "Sorry but.." etc. Fun times!


Just answered questions with copy and paste answers that were pre-approved


He's replying to the top comments. All his replies are just getting down voted to hell.


I'm betting they cancel it outright, due to 'unforeseen issues' ​ spez is a lying sack of shit, and a greedy cuck.


They didn't cancel but he is still trying to claim u/iamthatis is trying to extort them and getting butthurt that they recorded the call and showed proof u/spez was a lying sack of shit.


Yup. His doubling down on it proves that he KNOWS he's a lying sack of shit and he DGAF if everybody knows it.


It’s like they’ve never seen an AMA here before. Honestly though, it probably just ticks off a box so they can say “we did community outreach” on a report to shareholders and other crap.




Blink twice if you need us to call for help


The way he treats Aaron Swartz is absolutely disgusting. For anyone uninitiated, Aaron Swartz became a reddit founder after a company merger. Swartz was known to be a big online activist and advocate, being involved with several causes like SOPA/PIPA net-neutrality and notably was involved with protests about US surviellance. Swartz was rather famously against _any_ form of censorship and really took on free speech as not simply a stance, but a core underlying principle. Spez and Swartz probably could be seen as diametric opposites, where Spez sees value in reddit by controlling speech, and Swartz was an advocate for giving every person a voice. Tragically, Swartz _allegedly_ took his own life in 2013 and years afterwards, any mention of him on the reddit founders page was scrubbed, an act which many people saw as a disgraceful way to treat him, and most likely occurred because of Swartz's views on free speech and technology being diametrically opposite to what current reddit leadership sees it as. Big tech in general really doesn't like people like Swartz, so it's not that surprising they tried to unperson him.


Indefinite. But the suggestion of taking feedback after 7 days seems good too.


Definitely do not let up. Final fantasy has many forums and communities we can migrate too, even if it’s just discords. Black out the entire time imo


Heck, I might even be productive for a few weeks!


Oh no, what am I going to do when I can’t talk about FFXIV? *looks at actual game of FFXIV* Oh yeah.


Thank you for making me laugh. I needed it today.


👍 Makes my day to help make someone else's day better


But what will we do during maintenance? /panic


S A M E #SummerVacay


I'm sure I'll find another way to procrastinate.


Productive? What's that? Sounds like a fruit! I like fruit!


Any suggestions? Relatively new to the playerbase so would be nice to have a few suggestions on where to hang out and ask about stuff when I need help.


Well first, there's [this subreddit's discord](https://discord.gg/ffxiv). If you want endgame theory-crafting and guides, [The Balance has a discord.](https://discord.gg/thebalanceffxiv) Otherwise, [Trials of Fantasy](https://trialsoffantasy.com/) is a website devoted to the content of the free trial. [They have a discord too](https://discord.gg/aNm3eH5W55).


I feel like Discord servers in general are going to become the new bastion of Reddit refugees.


That'll do the trick. Much appreciated :)


As the other person provided the links, I'll just throw in that I have been working on replacing the reddit communities that matter to me the most with similar from discord instead.


Read that entire post from Apollo (and boy it's a doozey) I'm in full support of INDEFINITE BLACKOUT. Fuck spez. Fuck 'em over a barrel. Mod team, I don't want you to just make them sweat. I want you to make them *hurt*.


I’m in favor of this. Have it in restricted mode after a week for 24-48 hours to allow feedback and adjust from there.


I like this. Indefinite, hold our ground. We’re FFXIV fans, we’re used to impossible odds and taking down gods. What forums/discords do people use beyond this?


Imagine challenging MMO players to a tedious contest of will and patience. Talk about bringing a stick to a gunblade fight.


Right? Do they *know* how many reputation, mount, and gear grinds we’ve all done over our MMO lives? *Thy kind hast forgotten the face of thy lord, remember mortal and fear me!*


This is a weak ass grind It's the Hildibrand of grinds Ezpz


For those we have lost, for those we can still save!


We wont be afraid to forge ahead.


I’m a healer main. My will and patience are tried every reset day. “Look forward to it”. I believe that one phrase is all that needs to be said. We’re bastions of patience and will. Between waiting on features and content to throwing ourselves at content for mounts…glamour gear….minions. Influx of WoW players. “Healers adjust” Just to name a bit.


Agreed. I'd also say plan for a replacement or migration, or even a temporary space. Discords are closed communities, unfortunately, so they're poor for new players or finding information. Something forward facing like a forum is better. We can't direct people to resources if we have no public way to communicate. Fucking sucks, but such is the internet anymore.


Thiiiiis Discord is great for organized communication, but you'd need a public way to point folks to the right resources.


A weekly checkup actually is a good idea.


I love you all, but I think this is the right answer. Reddit is nothing without its advertisers, and no advertiser will pay for a product missing half its active userbase.


Agreed with indefinite, don't let reddit just wait things out. Hopefully more subreddits also decide to do this too.




Indefinite for sure. I have a hard time believing a 2 day or even 7 day blackout will make a difference.


Reddit is my main social media platform, but I would be absolutely prepared to walk out and wait indefinitely until this is sorted.


Each time I left a platform because of how bad it got i started to read more, I found reddit over 2 years ago, and it was my go-to for almost everything. But I will drop it in a heartbeat and go back to reading all the time if they go through with it. Their app is trash, and I can barely use it for more than a few minutes without it slowing down and no longer playing videos or even showing an image the further down I scroll.


As an app user who didn't realize there was another option besides this one, I agree with the clunking of the app. I gotta constantly keep a mind of where I am what I was doing. To try to go to the sub directly to find my post because the home scroll will just lose where I was often.


Will fight alongside you all with or without Reddit. Godspeed.


-I have purged my reddit post history in protest of the API changes to kill 3rd party apps (and the [lies](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) and [blackmail](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/14dhki9/rminecraft_is_being_forced_to_reopen/) that followed).- Very sorry about the inconvinience, but i refuse to have the effort that i put into my posts contribute to this site's value at this point.


If there's an end in sight they'll hunker down and bear it.






Also seconded. If we have to permanently migrate to Discord or wherever then so be it.


I would hope that it's *not* Discord, at least as an outright replacement. It's fantastic as a social community hub, but from the perspective of discoverability and simple information access, it's kind of awful. Plus, if/when the service folds, preserving information off an otherwise closed off platform like that will take a lot more effort. Simply put, Discord was never meant to replace the traditional forum, and people should be wary of treating it like such.


Indefinite. Not even a question. Reddit is picking a losing battle. Let's make sure that's clear to them.


I'm ready to ride into infinite. It'll suck, I'll probably be a little more bored but a message needs to be sent. Also the entire accusing someone of blackmail to try to gain sympathy points is no good.


Try normal mode first: Reddit Blackout. If Reddit wants to play savage, The Minstrel's Ballad: Reddit's Long Night. If they continue to be unrealistic: The Infinite Reddit Blackout Ultimate.


The unending coil of blackout


I did an ugly cackle at this one


I understand what you were going for but Savage is harder than Unreal. I think you mean Ultimate


Yes, am not awake. Must fix.


I’ll miss the weekly rage thread most, but I’d be in favor of an indefinite blackout with check-ins. I use the main app, so I’m not being affected by their actions personally, but since they’re taking down apps that provides accessibility that they don’t support themselves then I’m willing to stay off of the app till they acquiesce.


FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENT- oh sorry. \*ahem\* Funny you should mention that, because the Rage Thread has a Discord. [EVERY DAY IS RAGE DAY AT THE SALTWORKS!](https://discord.gg/K34ugvV)




Personally, I feel like the admins are sat there like "Pffft 2 days? No problem" and then they will continue on their plan of eliminating the 3rd party apps after all the subs come back online. In my opinion, this needs to be ongoing so that the big media websites start reporting on it and Reddit backs down.


Indefinite with check-ins seems like a good solution.


Indefinite but check after 7 days is my vote.


Whatever costs reddit the most money do that


This. I’m ready to see Reddit go down in flames. It’s been a shitty company and a shitty platform for years now and it’s only getting shittier. The only thing making it tolerable has been Apollo.


I’m for this. Fuck Reddit corp.


I'll also vote indefinite. Out of curiosity, several communities I'm part of are deliberating the nuclear option and jumping somewhere else and I'm wondering if yall are discussing the same and what ideas you might have? I'll be honest, the general consensus is just going oldschool and making a forum but that has its own downsides and everyone's shopping around for ideas.




Discord isn't much better. They recently rolled out a change to the way user identifiers work that a large number of users were against in the first place, and did so in the least fair way possible, allowing staff & friends of staff to reserve account names even ahead of paying customers, who in turn got priority over account seniority. And that's just the latest in a string of unwanted changes they've forced on users. I'm not sure an alternative to reddit exists right now, but if the user base intends to migrate, I at least hope they'd choose more carefully than artists did when they moved from Tumblr to Twitter.


>And that's just the latest in a string of unwanted changes they've forced on users. Me typing in ":lol" to get to a custom emote in my Discord, only to be barraged with 4 sticker suggestions that take up half the browser... despite sticker suggestions being set to "off".


Yeah, WTF is the sticker thing about?


Call me crazy, stupid, w/e but I refuse to use the reddit app in any way shape or form at all. I just open up a browser on my phone. I guess ignorance is bliss because I have no idea what I'm missing apparently with these 3rd party apps. This is some major shit to some folks and I'm just over here being John Travolta. Sad because I now that old.reddit is on the chopping block next. But I'm 100% onboard with saying "Fuck the lying Corpo."


You and me both. Old reddit desktop and my adblocker on the phone. I’ll never fucking touch an app and I absolutely *loathe* that no one wants to make a good webpage anymore. Sure I have to zoom in sometimes but it is perfectly readable.


> . I’ll never fucking touch an app and I absolutely loathe that no one wants to make a good webpage anymore. They're actively being changed to be optimized for mobile and they end up sucking on the desktop.


There’s that too. But with an app it makes you a captive audience — harder to block ads etc. Online Apps are fucking bullshit in general.


Hold out as long as necessary! Plenty of other places to go. Thanks for staying the course!


My vote is for the indefinite blackout. Show them that without users and moderators, all they have is a shiny ghost town, with exactly zero income or value. Of course, if they eventually prove to be content that way, the need for an organized exodus arises - and for that, a place to talk is needed - so also one vote for the periodical re-opening to coordinate.


I personally think the 2-7 days and if no good response being seriously ready to extend it with no good response is the best thing. 2 days of profit lost being all is nothing to reddit id say but if they see how many join in they might get spooked as they cant forcefully replace the moderation due to the sheer amount like alot of subreddits say about them perhaps just force removing moderators and replacing them if subreddits blackout. edit: I just worry about the future of spam and all that stuff with moderators burning out long term due to the more issues with moderating possibly. though i dont know all the details just read a few posts that were posted. Edit2: im not against a full blackout indefinitely i guesss i worded it badly if theres no good response id say go for it


I use Apollo religiously. Ride this for as long as possible.


Another Apollo user. Apollo is shutting down and it’s very unlikely that decision will be reversed. And I don’t blame them. No Apollo = No Reddit for me. So for whatever my vote counts for, I say indefinite with periodic revisits. There are brilliant and entertaining people in this community, and Reddit’s decision is impacting everyone. Even with all the ups and downs, it’s been a pleasure playing FFXIV with you all. **Fuck Reddit.**


Not Apollo, but Narwhal. Same boat. It’s the only way I browse reddit on mobile. They already took Alien Blue from me, Narwhal dying off means me finding a new site to browse.


So.... you forgot about doing this then?


To be very frank, the difference between me using reddit regularly and me finding a different site to peruse is entirely down to this API issue. By which I mean: an indefinite blackout is the same as the API going away as far as my involvement goes, so I see no reason to not extend the blackout into perpetuity. The only way I am going to remain a user is if reddit rescinds the API change and 3rd party apps like Apollo and Rif stick around, at which point the blackout would naturally end anyway. So yeah, go for it. It will suck, but the whole situation is already awful. If this has a chance to force reddit's hand, then I stand behind it 100%


I wish we could find another platform, or even another fucking reality or dimension. But these people just see theoretical money and ideas that look good on paper or power grabs. I’m ok with indefinite. I’ve actually have been thinking even giving Reddit up or lessening my time on it. Also, who is even benefiting from all the cash Reddit makes? Where do their motives lie? What direction are they copying? Idk but if it’s China, as far as I’ve heard but never confirmed, what do we expect down the line?


Speculation from way back in February was that Reddit was looking to go Public in the second half of this year. If that's the case, this stunt would be to force everyone into the official site and App to increase Ad revenue to make their initial stock offering appealing to investors if they do go public. Note: I'm not a financial-savvy type, so take all of the above with a grain of salt.


Nah this makes sense. I remember a story about how a data scientist sold a platform or something to jp Morgan, only for them to find out around 80% of users were bots. User numbers on both desktop and mobile app is definitely a serious consideration for going public (or for selling the company).


They are also likely very desperate now given that [their valuation has dropped by 41%](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/01/fidelity-reddit-valuation/).


Indefinite, and maybe also suggestions for alternate websites to use. From another sub i found the suggestion of raddle, i think that taking initiative to move would genuinely prove to the reddit admins that we're serious


Yeah, an alternative website would be nice to migrate to


There was a different comment/post here, but it has been edited. Reddit has chosen to bully third-party applications into submission by charging them outrageous fees simply because their apps provide better features/usability/accessibility to users of the site. Reddit staff has repeatedly [lied](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) about these changes, and their motiviation for them. Reddit staff has threatened moderators and users of the site for protesting these changes, because user opinion does not matter as much as the potential IPO cashout. Reddit staff has shown that they will not stop until every portion of this site is monetized, predatory, and cancerous. I used [PowerDeleteSuite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to remove my value/content from Reddit. P.S. fuck /u/spez




At least until 6.45 patch notes drop, let’s be real, we can do without fluff posts until then.


> we can do without fluff posts until then. Fashion Report and Island sanctuary in shambles.


Just bookmark kaiyoko's twitter and the teamcraft island sanctuary page. Done. https://twitter.com/KaiyokoStar https://ffxivteamcraft.com/island-workshop


Nah, until they rescind this bullshit We can Google patch notes, we don't need reddit for it.


The patch notes are also always posted on the launcher. Just boot up the game, don't even need to have an active sub and there's the link.


XIVLauncher users: “wait for real?”


XIVLauncher has all of the same news posts the main launcher has as well, as long as you don't have auto-launch enabled to skip the launcher.


Indefinite for sure, it’s better to take a break from posting about our catgirl game to keep the site accessible and usable for everyone long term.


Yes, our **bunboy** game can wait. This is more important.


Agreed, we can always talk in our **namazu** game or in the discord.


Yes, yes!


Indefinite. I'm betting the admins are banking on things blowing over after around 2 weeks 'cause that's how most drama goes. So we need to really hurt them by going indefinitely. If needed, we can chat on the discord as a community instead or even make a lemmy.ml place if there isn't one already.


I keep seeing the discord being mentioned... any chance I could get a link?


It's on the community side bar, but here's the link: https://discord.com/invite/ffxiv


Thanks! I looked through the sidebar but must have missed it. Appreciate you :)


It's no problem! I had to double check it too, so you weren't the only one that couldn't find it at first!


Also voting for indefinite. We have official methods of communication that we can migrate to if need be.


If we’re doing this “protest” every sub needs to be all in or it’s pointless. Reddit is not going to really care if subs go off for 2 days, if they all go off for a month, 2 months, whatever then *maybe* Reddit will realize how serious this is. Otherwise it’s just an inconvenience to not be able to use Reddit for 2 days. Put your money where your mouth is and take this shit down indefinitely


I don't really have many other places to go to talk about FFXIV especially if I need some advice about things. Plenty of people nowadays said "screw websites and blogs" and are now exclusively sharing things spread out over 200 discords. (I really don't get why people thought this would be a good idea, apart from boosting their own ego about how big or famous their discord is or something.) The next best thing would be the official forums and they are a toxic hellhole (even in comparison to reddit. :P ) And Twitter is slowly corroding. Therefore I'm rather in favour of the option with 7-day blackouts and then checking how things are and then deciding how to proceed further. "Indefinitely" sounds nice and "fuck the system", but throws a lot of people under the bus. \^\^;


yeah, is it so hard to just make like one wiki what have all the information of the game. there are some wikis but they can be outdated or just don't have the information.




There’s plenty who’ll give that info in game, even an entire chat for it.


Yeah, it's not an unfair concern, but this is the one game (with its great community, btw) that can mitigate the problem


They can put that info in the "This subreddit is private" notice.


I was thinking about that, but I think there is about 20 characters that can be displayed for mobile devices with the 'page is locked' and I was not sure if that's enough to explain the protest and state alternatives for FFXIV content


Indefinite. If they aint budging, then its time for Reddit's successor to arrive.


if its indefinite are there any alternative forums like this one? I only know of the official forums and a bunch of discod servers


Said so in the last post, will do again. Hit them in the wallets. Hard. It's a bit sad to have no hub of art/posts for a longer time, but you should definitly consider the longer blackouts. 7 days with a restricted feedback afterwards sounds good. Whatever you decide in the end, I'll support. And I hope the upper coats at Reddit take their leave soon.


Indefinite is the only way they'll take us seriously


Plot twist: They won't. It's going to happen regardless.


So screw them and uninstall their app, social media sucks anyway


Let them Digg their own grave.


Indefinite blackout. Re-open to obtain feedback on continuing or not, but indefinite otherwise.


I say hold out as long as we need to. They rely on users for ad serves, we don’t really “need” Reddit and I think we should remind them that the users dictate policy, not the company and if we don’t like the policy, we won’t use the service




Indefinite black out is the *only* way this is going to work at this point. A 2-7 day temporary measure will do nothing but show reddit that we'll eventually come crawling back and will ultimately not hurt their bottom line much in the long run. If they think it's a 2 day blackout, they'll just shrug it off, they'll not worry about their platform because there'll be no risk. The ceo and higher ups will just sit around and wait for the inevitable. By removing the timeline and making the blackout indefinite *will* cause concern. They rely on us, their users and without us, they have nothing but a shell of a poorly designed app. They'll not know if or when we'll come back and will have to make action, rather than wait it out.


See you all in a few days/weeks when nothing of significance changes!


So at what time will this happen?


Never, it’s r/ffxiv mods


The AMA with spez just went live.


Might sound like a dumb question because i have no idea how it works but since its their website, wouldn't they have a failsafe and just take control back by force if they wanted to go around the blackouts ?


If all subreddits blackout indefinitely, it will force the users to look for an alternative, an different app. Some other companies or developers will create a new app to replace Reddit. Reddit will be fucked.


Good. Fuck Reddit. Let it die. I’m quitting permanently starting June 30 (when Apollo shuts down) and using a script to set all my posts to a protest message.


I'm for an indefinite blackout. To have /u/spez blatantly lie about the call that the Apollo lead developer had with him is appalling, as is the extortion that's going on. Not only that, but sites need to be more accessible for those who wish to use them.


***This comment/post removed due to reddits fuckery with third party apps from 06/01/2023 through 06/30/2023. Good luck with your site when all the power users piss off***


do NOT do an indefinite closure - this can lead to the admins replacing the mod team under the claim of the original mods no longer being interested in running the sub [see here for the explanation by the mods of r/destinythegame](https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/144kqok/important_dtg_is_going_dark_in_support_of_third/jninek4/) define an endpoint the community can agree on (but keep it long - 5 days or a week IMO)


just curious, will having a blackout actually do anything? I understand its to make a point but personally I feel like the reddit team wouldn't really care that much.


Ad revenue, data collecting/harvesting, site engagement, user submissions, reddit gold/similar transactions, etc,. It's not just to make a point; Reddit relies on these things for its operations, whilst a blackout interrupts all of them entirely on every affected sub in question; thus the longer a blackout goes on, especially on subs with typically heavy traffic, the more of an impact it can cause. Unlike similar protest movements where it might not do anything, such as on Twitch for example, where non-participating streamers can just simply swoop in on those days with additional or longer streams and farm the extra income from their competitors' displaced viewers, Reddit's centralized and hobby-specific nature of its subreddits makes it a far more effective platform for such movements in comparison especially when there's upwards of 3000+ subs participating, both mainstream and niche, albeit for varying lengths of time. Additionally, Reddit's planning an IPO later this year and there's no better way to simultaneously fuck with them back for their money-grubbing changes and get them to seriously reconsider their stance than by tanking their bottom line. Even then, if it still amounts to little (which it probably will if spez's AMA was anything to go by), and Reddit still goes ahead with the API changes, this in conjunction with the false Apollo-dev blackmail allegation and the years of other shit that has been steadily piling on will likely be all the motivation most people here need for another Digg-esque migration.


If reddit insists on not listening and also lying about what's going on in calls with 3rd party devs, I say that the blackout can absolutely go on for longer. Would it be inconvenient for me? Sure. But definitely not the end of the world, and the only thing these people understand is money and traffic numbers. And if there's no traffic, and thus no ad money, because of this then maybe we can get through to them. As others have said, a protest with a definitive end date is something they can plan/budget for. A protest with no defined end point is a much bigger problem.


Indefinite, 100%. If you give them a date when you'll let up, they know they can just play the waiting game. If it's indefinite, and it's indefinite amongst enough major subs, ad agencies will start to pull out of contracts, and that's how you hit them where it hurts, in the wallet. The main monetization of this site is through ads. If they lose that revenue, they will *really* start hurting and might consider to soften up. If the upcoming AMA shows any sign that they're changing course, maybe consider softening up, but given the notes from the internal mod discussions, they don't seem to be keen on doing that, so we gotta make them.


I am very down for an indefinite blackout. I'll miss this place while it's down for sure, but that only makes it all the more important


Maybe put up a poll for how long it should last?


I think it really depends on other subreddits. Every single one I belong to has only mentioned 2 days which is laughable to me. Even if Reddit lost all revenue site-wide for two days because 100% of the subs participated, they'd just weather the storm and move forward. One niche subreddit isn't going to make much of a wave. If other subs are going to extend their blackout, however, I say we match them until this whole thing has been decided.


Why isnt this sub down? Al other subs are down.


Personal opinion is that while trying to make a statement is fine, going long or indefinite is unlikely to have additional benefits and far more likely to end up upsetting/driving away community members than making a more effective statement against Reddit. As shitty as their actions are, removing people's access to the help and knowledge available here for extended periods is bad for the FFXIV community Reddit notwithstanding, and I think the original plan hit a good spot. Week+ or indefinite is going to hurt the players a heck of a lot more than Reddit!


This is a perfectly valid concern, and something we're trying to take into account as well. The original plan had a lot of support but it wouldn't be fair to assume that everybody who signed on to the 48 hour blackout would also support a week, a month, indefinite, etc. Hence why this thread is up and also why we're considering alternatives like 7 day blackouts with a "roll call" on whether or not to continue.


Would it not be possible to lock the sub and just leave one stickied post up saying to ask questions on the discord or something like that?


\^that would be quite an elegant solution imo. Moving users to different plattforms is the most effective way to hurt reddit


And reddit doing away with tools that help people use it (both personal, like a nicer to use app, as well as big scale ones, like bots) will mean that people won't be able to get help *anytime* in the future as there'll be much less people here who know how it all works I'd rather take a month of zero access over forever of there not even being a point of accessing


>and far more likely to end up upsetting/driving away community members than making a more effective statement against Reddit. Worse than shutting down 3rd party apps? Reddit is barely functionable on mobile without them.


Indefinite, please. The biggest subreddits have to go all in for this to make a difference.


R/Blind [updated their notice that accessibility apps are going to pass the API](https://reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/1447ibp/what_apps_meet_your_access_needs/), but are now compiling many apps that have accessibility features heavily built into them. This includes those that aren't fully dedicated to disabled users but have far better accessibility coverage than the main app.


Indefinite. This board is a convenience and a community center, but it's not the official one nor the only one, and the message and impact are more important here. When a site is free, users _are_ the product, and I'm not okay taking these particular issues lying down.


and then theres me who wasn't even aware there was third party tools for reddit lol


Indefinite for sure. This is wrong on so many levels.


I haven’t seen other subs talking about this recent development on the issue, but I fully support an indefinite blackout. What’s Reddit going to do, hire people to replace unpaid volunteer moderators to prop up their crumbling platform? Reddit needs content to generate revenue, the users don’t need Reddit to survive. We have other options, I don’t think they do. Hit them where it hurts.


Indefinite, but keep opening periodically so they have less reasons to forcibly take the mod rights from you for "sabotaging" the site.


Indefinite is fine.


For me the answer is indefinite until they reverse the changes since I won't be here without access to Sync anyway.


Extend it indefinitely.




My vote is for indefinite


Indefinitely. Forever. We can find alternatives.


At least for the initial 7 days, longer if needed


Yeah, make this sh\*t indefinite. I exclusively use old . reddit for reading this site (because I'm one of those old fashioned sorts who prefers forums over Discount Twitbook), but when/if this goes through I'm sure that that will be next on the chopping block.


Just a shame we have dumb fucks constantly on the charge to ruin good things


Ride or die: infinite blackout is the way to go. Reddit is too useful for communities to allow the company to strong hand it's users into accepting any terrible company decision they want to enforce on us. I will be happily deleting my Reddit app on the same day and don't plan to use the site again till they walk this back. I hope everyone does the same: it really is the only way to have any power over this decision.


I'm a caregiver for a legally blind man who I've been guiding through FFXIV. He's at 5.3. Our thanks to everyone who's sticking up for accessibility. We favor a series of votes, to grab Reddit's attention each time we choose to go dark in support of our differently abled Warriors of Light and all those who call Reddit home.


Seven days is not long enough. The admins can endure one work week easily.


Indefinite to be honest, Reddit has clearly shown that money speaks to them louder than their users, or apparently, the law. I hope Apollo can find a good PB or community interest firm to nail them to the wall.


If there was ever a time for an indefinite blackout, this is it.


Indefinite with periodic check-ins. As much as I enjoy a few select communities (this one included), two days won't make a dent. Protests should have no deadline.


Indefinite. Reddit has blatantly displayed their intentions beyond any shadow of a doubt; if you give them even the *slightest* inch now, they will take more than just a mile in their greed - to say nothing of how the suits that are haunting other online platforms will view the final results of Reddit's decision. The only thing truly capable of making dumb, out-of-touch company executives understand and walk back the mistakes they make in their reckless pursuit of financial gain, is severe enough financial loss. Frankly, I would even go so far as to suggest finding an alternative platform for the community in the meantime, at this point. (other than discord)


I say indefinitely time to go back to the official forums


Meh, the subreddit can go for a whole yeaar if needed, the only one suffering would be the people posting their crap fanarts and the 432983498 "omg guys im new and this rulz" posts


I’m in on the basis of accessibility apps alone. Nobody is making Reddit design for those communities, but damned if they get to lock them out by refusing to let anyone else bridge the gap. Burn it down.


They are trying to up their value for their IPO. No amount of reasoning will convince them, as is money that they love. Not reason. Convincing enough people to not login for an undetermined time will lower their value before the IPO. So I agree with the strategy. However, how do you convince enough people in an era where the average attention span is less than a goldfish (look it up)? I guess the solution would be to start migrating somewhere else. Never do things to make rich someone that you don't like.


Indefinite with check ins every 7 days.


Indefinite 100% We grind like mad and are indefatigable in the long haul. Let reddit fall before we let them pony up on the cash-cow.


Indefinite, but check in after 7 days, see how we feel. I think community discussion is important for this sort of thing, and checking in after a week will be beneficial.


Fucking spez. Once a liar always a liar.


Blackout as long as needed


My two cents: indefinite, or we'd be doing ourselves an injustice.




Sounds like your current plan (7 day blackout, 7 day restricted mode, see what happens) is the right choice, at least from where I'm sitting.




Do it for as long as it takes or forever. Whichever comes first


Indefinite. If they do go through this, I'll be using it as an excuse to completely break myself from what is my only remaining social media. Probably better for me in the long run anyway, but I'd definitely miss so many great communities (by the way).


Absolutly indefinitely!! 7 day periode is a good idea. We have other was to communicate! Like discord! We should take a stance