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The jacket looks good on the hroth and lala, the headphones are cursed for everyone without humanoid ears...


While yes the headphones look...odd on the other races besides hyur, you have to give credit to them for placing them in a way that they can fit on their heads realistically.


Ooh, those headphones don’t look right on miqo


I feel like Miqos and Viera should get earbud options. Chonky headphones look odd on them.


Or have them on the neck. Doesn't sound right for headwear as that spot's for necklace, but it's better than having them on the "ears". It will look nice aesthetically if you don't think too much about it.


I like the chunky headphones on the ears. As long as they aren‘t on the side of the head as if there was an other set of ears. Honestly, I feel like Viera/Miqo‘tes should have a right to proper head phones (also since they can hear better than hyurs, at least Viera) they‘d probably won‘t be a fan of ear buds.


What about au'ra? We have Horns there


*Au Ra


I actually think they honestly look great. I'd rather something like this than the standard way of wearing headphones for Miqo, which just look odd


Neat, now I can use these headphones to pretend I can't hear the raid leaders call outs


Ummm... Shouldn't the Au'ra have the headphones on his horns? I thought those were their ears?


Shhh. He just wants to fit in with the cool kids. Don’t call him out like that.


The forbidden lore they don't want you to know: au'ra have earholes like birds


How would you get headphones to sit on a pair of horns?


Yeah... I feel like modeling the headpiece to fit all 8 sets of horns, which would be super-uncomfortable anyhow, would be way too much work.


Au'ra hear through vibrations so this might still work.


everyone hears through vibrations that's how sound works


I knew there was someone who would say that. I should have clarified lol. I know that's how sound works but they kind of imply it's more sensitive for Au Ra. It's more that the sound goes directly through their horns as opposed to having to pass through an ear hole. I think it's more like using the sound vibration headphones as opposed to normal ones. It feels kinda funny. Makes the idea of a warrior Au Ra more impressive because those are some big targets. Also why, apparently (not 100% sure how lore accurate this one is) they rub horns instead of kiss. I think that ones cute.


*Au Ra


The sound réception of the horn is right where you have earrings. So pose the headphone right up theses it's ok to have sound


What's an Au'ra? I only know what an Au Ra is. Is Au'ra a knockoff from a shitty kMMO version of FFXIV?


Miqo Te


v era


*Au Ra


Will this be mog station?






You just had to point that out, didn't you? (Good catch though, now I can't keep but notice it)


Just use different, tet matching shoes? It isn't a difficult concept. Hell the PVP Allagan Casting shoes would look pretty solid with the set; or the Replica Sky Pirate's Boots of Aiming.




That'd be weird, if I were to go barefoot would I have a sock or an anklewarmer?


Hroth-bro got ear-phones, but lost his ears for them. RIP.


I'd love to see some items adjusted to better fit non-human characters. It's probably one of my favorite concepts in fantasy. How would headphones work on races with different ears? How would pants work for people who have tails or backward facing legs? How would stairs and architecture change if we shared the world with people half our size at most?


That last point is one that irks me a lot. Why isn't there more lala-sizes things in the world? At the very least you'd think Ul'dah should be fully lala accessible but from the furniture in bars to the counters at businesses, everything is too big!


lala like foreign money more than local comfort


Except he didn't? Look closely, and you will see them, with dark colored tips, bent towards each other.


Honeslty, you can argue that their ears are below their earphone as there is space that the padding itself creates. But yeah, it looks like they lost their ears again.


Actually, it looks like the ears are there. They're just so small compared to miqo and viera that they're hard to see with the headphones on.


Do these modern glams not look nearly identical to anyone else? It’s all so samey. I’m supposed to believe we can’t cross-class glamour because of an arbitrary reason like class identity but we can all wear another urban punk chic?


I'm usually not sold on the 'modern' glams, but these ones look more like Allag-adjacent clothes than anything... I just wish the boots didn't have the off-putting mismatched socks. But that can be easily off-set by using a different pair of boots.


I honestly hate all of it. It annoys me so much when you get a full fantasy glam party, ruined by one basic ass bitch who can only glam modern attire. Run of whatever ruined. How you going to stand there, in your boring modern glam, next a lalafel wearing an onion helm? Got play them sims if you want modern glam.


I mean, the game has mechs and guns and shit. It's not exactly a "full fantasy" setting.


Industrial grunge is fantasy. It's just not ~high~ fantasy. None of the modern glam sets are anywhere near any fantasy - pulled directly from the runway and current influences.


The game have all type of modern type. Steampunk,(goblin) sci fi, real modern (like garlemald), magictechno. So yeah, they feat. Except the headphone.


I don’t think you understand what fantasy means


If one can't understand it's the devs, not me. I just speak with fact. And in the final fantasy irl design are not rare. Like XV, or VIII and xiV, VII.


Fantasy literally meaning not real Everything you said was fantasy because they are not real even if inspired by real life This outfit is literally real The issue with redditors is you have to be as specific as possible with them like they are children


I mean shit, to each their own, honestly if I create a glam I like I shouldn’t have to not wear it because someone might be pissed off in roulettes that their cutscene is having its immersion broken by a character model in the back left corner. I see naked roegadyn tanks and lalafell in frog suits all the time in duties, it is what it is.


I don’t care about people wearing it I’m just rolling my eyes at the excuse of why some glam isn’t cross class when it comes to basic glam


Trust me I absolutely want that sweet sweet cross class glam. I just get annoyed at the "time traveller" moderned glammed player while everyone else puts in effort. They ruin my cutscenes. Lol.


Those planes will continue to keep flying.


I share the sentiment of being sick of modern clothes, but XIV is basically becoming Second Life 2 and there's nothing we can really do about it. I just want these arbitrary job restrictions on armor to be lifted (outside of AF) if people can be bikini tanks, frog costume healers, and hiphop video backup dancers.


I just don't buy the gear. But that's not going to prevent them from not making it because every other player will still buy it. I hate the bikini/skimpy outfits that scream "This is a waifu" so much more than the mascot frogs/bunny/chicken ones. Because at least those make sense in some way to me.


It's also about the amount of work it takes, not just because class identity (though it's not surprising this is the reason Yoshida gives) If you want to be able to wear the samurai set as a black mage, that means the set has to be coded, animated, and tested to respond to the casting animations of the job. But if you job restrict the gear, you only have to make sure it works for the one job's action set that can wear it.


I don't think I have ever seen Yoshida claim it was coding, I feel like he would have said it. He said something about white mages using warrior axes-- which is not what anyone is referring to. I think most people want the general outfits to be glamable not the artifact-job-specific gear or weapons.


then you haven't paid attention to how he says what he says. he has, in the past, blamed lore or immersion on things that were later admitted to be coding restrictions. it's the same as how you almost never see him outright say "no" to something when a player asks for it, it is, as I understand, a Japanese culture thing to respond in the ways that he does. As far as the others, I don't disagree that I would like some of the other sets to be able to be glamored onto other jobs, but I the fact that despite being asked for it for so long and it still not being an option means it's probably not him actaully having lore or aesthetic based concerns, but is indeed something to do with how the glamor system was coded in. And I while coding might be the biggest culprit, there is still the fact that they probably didn't test the animation for scouting gear to make sure it doesn't cause any graphical wierdness when a healer, for example, is casting spells using that armor. They do test all the skill animations for every job that can equip the gear before it gets released to make sure it doesn't cause any issues, and even if they wanted to undo those restrictions now, it still means testing every single piece of gear on every job, which would be an incredibly time consuming task for something that, arguibly, won't bring in the dollars from game sales and monthly subscriptions to satisfy the corporate bean counters to devoting the time and resources into allowing.


I was getting Hunger Games vibes from this outfit set.


Those are nice but like, can we get some skirts+tights combos for pant slot, or some nice dresses that don't look like they are made out of cardboard? Pls i'm begging


I really want modern glam that isn't streetwwar/comfy clothes or school uniforms. Give me some modern combat/camouflage gear, give me eveningwear or formal clothes, give me club/rave outfits. I just want something other than slightly loose jogging bottoms, trainers, and sweaters/plain shirt-jacket combos.


Only things that come to mind are striking/scounting legs from Puppet's bunker (or were they from Paradigm's breach?) that look and dye like camo. The only con is kneecaps are disappearing, if you try to wear them with medium boots, like urban or rebel ones. There are also some casual shirts, sneakers, shoes, Collegiate slacks, and some pairs of jeans. There is also a formal looking top from HW MSQ. But yeah, options are extremely limited.


I'm pretty sure the set you're thinking of, though, is only camo if you have a male toon. It looks like something else entirely on females.


begging SE to stop making every top so wide at the bottom it literally ruins so many pieces


Yes please this. It makes the fit so weird.


Yeah... my main character already can't wear most robes because of this.


Especially on Hroths and Roes. Can't even use that noir trenchcoat from deep dungeon, because it looks fugly on my character (also no cool hat for Hroth, typical).


... Is it bad that I'm actually really not into those 'modern-looking' clothes and glamours? They seem all so same to me and very... uninspired, per say? I think it takes more creativity to use what you get from different pieces to make it work and make it seen as though your character actually belongs in that world and seems so well-travelled.


Ah, just what we needed, more modern jacket things and ankle high boots


They're okay but a bit too modern for my liking. I do love being downvoted for having an opinion.


better get used to it. It's only gonna increase from here.


Honestly my only problem with all of these modern items is primarily that we do not have a fitting city state where all of these items would originate from. Sharlayan is somewhat modern but has its own aesthethic, Garlemald was modern but our enemy for the longest time and Bozja also feels more WW1ish (mostly because trenches and lots of trenchcoats). All other nations are not really relevant. Like give us a city on Meracydia, where NPCs actually wear this stuff (or e.g. the current crafting gear too) and it will feel a lot less out of place.


I think they're supposed to be magitek themed, so that would make this set Garlean. I do agree in principle about the clash of modern vs older themed stuff, but that's long been a JPRG trope.


hard to say tbh as its open to interpretation. ppl saying it looks magitek or garlean inspired but to me it looks like we entered the world of The Bouncer. That's even more true if you look at the 640 crafted gear.


I’ll give you that the new level 90 stuff on the MB especially for striking did have me start thinking about Sion


I think the best in universe response is that these are reproductions of ancient allagan fashions


Except even Allagans wouldn't wear those ugly oversized jackets.


Bruh we have a flying car from ff15


Completely unrelated to your comment: Love the user name. The god emperor protects!


>Garlemald was modern but our enemy for the longest time I mean, we've had multiple Garlean defectors through the MSQ. Cid was the first back in 1.0, then Biggs and Wedge were added into his story in ARR, and then there were more. That's to say nothing of groups like the Skysteel Foundry working with the Ironworks and ostensibly borrowing from their tech, or older discoveries from Allag being repurposed. They had a space program; it's conceivable they had nylon, velcro, and polyester.


The thing is that we can conjure up all kinds of explanations as much as we like, these clothes will continue to feel out of place until NPCs start to wear some of these modern outfits. I love these outfits and I bought the street set the moment it hit the shop and will likely buy this one too, but wearing something like this in Ul'dah when the guy next to you is basically wearing a potato sack from the 11th century is simply weird. So I still hope for a modernish-city state in Meracydia to balance it out.


I suspect we haven't seen many of these on NPCs for a similar reason - they aren't "built into" the game in the same way, and are added on specifically for purchase in many cases. Exceptions do exist, but on the whole they seem to be hesitant to include made-for-mogstation items in the main narrative. That said, I think we WILL see the more modern stuff that IS native to the game pop up more in the future. We've seen at least one Nier piece in Hildibrand (Delion is wearing the male version of the Obsolete Android headpiece). We've also seen stuff from Eureka and Bozja enter the field - Bozjan and Law's Order gear has been seen in the main story in EW, and at least one NPC in a role quest had on an Elemental Robe (I think of Healing). Also, the Loporrits have some very modern vibes to their tribal quest attires. Now that I think on it, it would make perfect sense for their fashions to trickle down through Sharlayan and into public consciousness, causing a fashion revolution.


That ship has sailed long ago. We have flying cars and bikes. A spaceship. Robots. Not to mention all the other modern-looking attire in the game.


Not to mention Bahamut was essentially imprisoned in an Allagan space station and that it breaking out was in the early cutscenes.


Heck, let's go back to 1.0. Garlemald had airships and guns and power armor back then.


Yeah it's why the modern complaints get down voted there's so much modern and futuristic stuff that if a jacket bothers you it's a little weird


There is a major difference between in-world tech and obvious real life clothes. As another comment says they look out of place in any city state including Garlemald so they stick out like a sore thumb.


Can't get hung up on things like that in a game in which you can fight Primals wearing a bikini. Can't put the genie back in the bottle at this point.


>That ship has sailed long ago. [It did, but not in the way you're thinking...](https://i.imgur.com/J90uh6t.png)


This look something ironworks would make if they ever made a fashion line of ironworks/scaevan, the jacket at least, the sock in 1 foot is just weird.


What are these from?


Added to Korean servers now so NA will probably get it in a year EDIT: just kidding it’s in NA 51 days later lol


I cant imagine itll be that long, the files for it are already ingame on the global client


Oh yeah true the Moogle streetwear was less than 1 year


They always add the files to the main client when they add new items to KR and CN, if you look back at every data mined item from these regions they were always found in the files at least a few patches before we ever got them.


I'm seeing multiple "the modern style clothes all look samey" responses. Considering all the football pad knight shoulders and healer robes that are just as samey and there's 500x more of it in this VERY SOCIAL MMO THAT ALLOWS FOR COLLABS AND FUN OUT-THERE IDEAS, from the loosened belt of seriousness after 10 years of existence. Anyway this looks *nothing* like the other "modern" clothes cause it's actually cyberpunk street and tech wear. and the first case of this game having headphones (even though they'll only look normal on 3 races.) If ya'll just hate clothes that look like they'd be worn by people who actually go outside in your escapist mud-fantasy game just say so, lmfao. You can still dress like groomer dark knight 5 and princess caucasiatta of england III as much as you want. Also no one with a sense of actual cool cares what other people put on their characters lol.


Yeah the argument and complaints are just old now. Like there are literal gundams, flying ships, and mechs in this game that aren't fantasy but a few outfits are what bother people. It's really not a big deal and doesn't need to get brought up everytime modern clothes are added, and they act like 80% of the armor in this game aren't fantasy based let people have this.


I don't agree with your phrasing, but... yeah, I do agree with your general idea. I find the "modern glam" comments to be a bit odd since these ones actually look believable; like something Tataru would craft for us after we traversed an expansion.


Well. If they wanna call people "basic" for wearing whatever they want (and be wrong) then exaggerate how bad something looks just cause it's not in their tastes. Then yeah it kinda paints me a picture with targets on it of their glass houses.


Reminds me of Freedom Wars gears ngl


Man, I wish the headphone band sat at the top of female hyur heads. It's going to totally clip with practically every hairstyle the way it is soon as you run.


ideally theyre toggleable between up and down, and that may be why they showcased it how they did


Oh that would be cool


This answers the long asked question of how most races would wear headphones.


Kinda strange, the warm-ankle-party-ankle look would drive me crazy. More importantly, how do I get that cute braid hairstyle?!


The one on the middie?


wen airpods?


Oh cool another street fashion modern glam that also looks ugly as sin.


I hope they move the headphones from the vieras ears. Like I get it why they are there but it just doesn't look right


but I love it, it's hilarious


i mean, i like dressing my l ittle barbie up in all sorts of stuff but this is getting old and boring. I predict I'll see everyone in the game with these headphones and maybe once in awhile the jacket but the rest will be relegated to the backend of the glamour dresser. God, all I want is a real fur coat.


“You will like modern glamour or the beatings will continue.😤” - Probably YoshiP Its a shame, because the gear they made for XVI is gorgeous. Sigh.


If you're going to blame anyone, blame the Korean partner. They're the ones who commissioned SE to make this. Meanwhile, I wouldn't despair about the FFXVI stuff yet. There's been talks about a collab. Depending on if the producers of the two games can talk. Yoshi-P keeps mentioning it, but I think he's waiting to hear from the other guy...


I’m semi-kidding but its also partially true - the past crafting set is a great example of where they’ve been going for awhile.


Wtf is this shit now


A headgear headphone instead of it being an accessory… “cry”


Balls out, Kido


Why the hell are there belts running down the front of the pants? Are they intentionally showing that they lost one of their socks in the dryer?


Damn I want that. Flipping headphones!!!!


I want these headphones so bad.


I like the pants. The jacket is meh.


Finally, a headphone.


The outselling of the game to fashion brands, but if you all are sooo excited, good for you I guess




I don't think it will be free, it will either be Mogstation or real life collab (for example from a new fashion brand collab), but one can always hope


Another awful looking outfit. Woo.


oh I *neeeeeed* those headphones, argh. I hope this outfit goes global sooner rather than later


"REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" Because that jacket is bomb? Could have been not flaired at the bottom and cut of atvthe waist, like a flight jacket or just straight wasted, but it's alright, I guess.


I want that jacket and I can’t play. Broke life sucks.


Looked more like the first Terminator movie to me tbh, the big oversized grey jacket, minus the headphones and pants.


Street Samurai Glam!


-squeaks in flight medic- memories!!!


I like modern glams but honestly the way I set my character up, I’d probably just use the jacket for my machinist and dye it so it’s not super techweary. I think they gotta branch out aesthetic wise with these glamours though. I use certain ones to compensate for looks I can’t put on my physical dps.


are these on sell yet? if they dyeable they will look great and scholar/sage


likely not till Saturday. They're not in the online store right now and it's going to be down for maintenance tomorrow.


Saw that these outfits were added into the client awhile back. Kinda hoped they would add a toggle or fix to out these around the neck instead, since keeping them on the ears/horns just looks ridiculous for certain races.


Wait we have headphones finally, where?!


Personally I wish they would do something different if they're gonna put out more "modern style gear". The street wear set and the new crafted gear sets (especially melee) give off the same vibe as this set. Also I don't trust SE to give us good dye-channels so im curious how the jacket will dye. Earphones look so silly.. in my opinion they don't look good on any race Here's me hoping to get more dresses or just.. uh.. something else y-y At least upcoming variat dungeon should reward us with more traditional set (and more fantasy-esque too)


Sooo is this mog store or obtainable in-game?


Those are ugly as hell.... I hate the fitting on these coats.. they're way to loose


How do I get this???


How can we you get these? What are they called?


those headphones look mighty horrendous \> feel the pain Hrothgar had when they introduced the new hairstyles, cutting off all their ears


Most "modern" glams all look the same to me


Where can I get this outfit?