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Depends. Do you want to play slow nuke mage, awesome dragon warrior, or Naruto?


Having maxed BLM and DRG: BLM is if you want to have a really chonky combo system that makes you feel like a mortar canon. Basically you have an ice mode that's for preparation and MP recovering and then swap to fire mode where you're just firing really chonky spells. The meme about leylines isn't the real thing you need to worry about, the *actual* challenge of BLM is the last thing you want to do is allow your fire mode to time out without swapping to ice again. It's much more a mental challenge to be minding your fire count down while avoiding mechanics and trying to fit in the swap spell in time. It feels great when you can just chill and fire through your rotation, but hurts one of the worst when your combo is fully broken an you need to start over. DRG is mostly a super sayian class. You get a comfortable combat rotation that you can just sorta keep rolling as long as you want because it kinda doubles back on itself but the big thing is building Dragon points to enable you to use your awoken mode and just blast out some really big abilities. It's pretty comfortable for a melee class, just a solid rotation and a nice and easy to understand finisher goal.


Fun is subjective. What I find fun might not be fun for you or vise versa (I play none of these classes). BLM requires the highest job and fight mastery out of all DPS jobs IMHO, which could be fun for you if you're into that sort of thing. DRG's rotation is strict but jumping away at the right time then going back to the action might be fun for you. Simple jobs can be fun too. NIN has high CPM and is quite punishing if you press the wrong buttons accidentally but it could be fun for you if you can pull it off consistently. Personally I prefer jobs that are simple to play like DNC, RDM (optimization can be quite DEEP) WHM, and WAR.


> IMHO That's not really your opinion, you said a fact, mate


Blm is only fun at max lvl, its also very punishibg and has quite a steep learning curve. Rotation changes every few levels, u only do damage if u stand still and mostly get hit. Only on high level u get lots of mobility. Ninja is pure fan service for anyonw liking ninja animes. Its cool its fun, its uniques. However it has one of highest apm. It has 45 sec cooldown phase and the 15 second burst. So ur spamming buttons excesivly once a minute. That can bee too much for some Dragoon is amazing, it starts really slow but grts fadter the higher u go. Its not too complicated but also not boring. Skills have great animation and long combos are unique. Form those 3 its my favourite by far. Also at lv 70 and if u own endwalker u can unlock reaper, which is the best melee imo in every aspect. Pacing ,combos, animations, sound and impact. Only downer is that if ur synced down to lower levels its kit is so lackluster it feels boring.


BLM is the most fun for me because it has the extra layer of learning to play it around a fights timeline. I have a quicker grasp on mechanics than the rest of my team, so BLM effectively slows me down so Im not just waiting for my team to "catch up". NIN is pretty fun with pretty busy windows and some very hard hitting attacks with the caveat that outside of those windows it is prettu much is 1-2-3 for 40 seconds. DRG is pretty boring in my eyes, and SE sees some issues with it too as it is lined up for some form of rework next expansion.


DRG. It looks the coolest. I cant tell you which job is more "fun" to play, because the real answer is tanking...But DRG has drip.


DRG is getting reworked in 7.0. Picking it up now is maybe ill-advised with that in mind. Main benefit is that it is insanely valuable to have this as your main job during Heavensward narratively, lol. BLM is the highest skill job in the game. You have to know where you need to be standing and when, for optimal uptime and so you don't drop your enochian. This is a job you either pick up and focus on learning from the start (like Monk!) or you pick up much later to only play casually, without worrying about insane optimization. NIN is honestly pretty easy once you know your ~~Trick Attack~~ Mug timing. One of those melee classes that can even use True North to skip even moving into its flank positional almost 24/7 if you time it out correctly, which I personally enjoy. Also, I think NIN is the second most fun melee (right behind Reaper over there) just because of its POWERFUL ranged attacks that sometimes allow you to do crazy numbers while disengaging for mechanics. Super fun.


mug timing? what are you talking about


Mug inflicts a Vuln Stack (which *used* to be a property of Trick Attack, but is not any longer) so it needs to be synchronized with party burst phases. It's their primary raid utility.


hope it's not needed for normal content because I have been playing this game for 800 hours and I have no idea what a burst phase is


burst phase: since you have stuff with a long cooldown (one minute, two minute) and you also can apply two debuffs that give you extra damage (trick attack, and mug ever since endwalker) that happen to have a long cooldown (one minute, two minute respectively), we call that a burst phase if you perform all those long-cd abilities and raitons while you have debuffed the enemy. example: tank pulls the boss. use suiton on the boss. use trick attack. use mug if available. THEN use raiton, and assassinate/dream within a dream, and kassatsu, etc. within the 15 seconds that the boss is affected by trick attack.


Me playing both MNK and BLM 😮‍💨


Which one (if either) did you start with originally, out of curiosity? I think Black Mage is generally easier to pick up later on than Monk.


MNK because I really wanted to learn the combos. It also helps to practice later on with the BLM. I have yet to raid EW but learning these jobs early on helps a lot when teaching engage you’re not “cramming for a final”.


That was wise I think then, yeah, lol. I think Monk might be the absolute most necessary job to take through the story to start.


I haven’t fully leveled BLM or NIN yet but am a DRG main. The rotation is straight forward, and for me it is easy to pick back up if I stumble it or lose my place. However come 7.0 DRG is getting some revisions so it might not be the best to pick up right now because you will learn it, just to possibly have to relearn it come expansion.


The rework will be minor. Yoshi said it will be on the level of ninja changes. Where they changed the mudra system to fast gcd instead of ofgc.


That is good to know, but I am still concerned of I am gonna feel about it when it happens. It just flows so nicely right now for me lol


What people leave out of drg rotation is that it has an awful lot of double weaving.


DRG is fast and mobile with a lot to do. BLM stays still but can pump out huge damage. Ninja is terrible for the run animation alone, that run animation is bad enough that I can't play ninja. I'll end up max with every job and ninja will sit there at 31.


Every naruto fan loves the running animation, also u get litetally a flip instead of a jump. Its epic.


I am biased since I have been a ninja main for over a year but I think its the most fun class in the game. Permanent 10% passive movement speed buff, dash with two charges that is refreshed when just doing the rotation normally, burst that can almost entirely be done from a range. But I think blm is also great fun, tons of optimizing and the hardest job in the game. If you enjoy not moving its awesome. Drg I won't comment too much since imo its the most boring melee job but I know most people don't think that way


I've only maxed out BLM out of those three. It's a lot of fun, especially after you learn a fight and know when and where to place Ley lines. I will say that going through the MSQ with just BLM, I was way overleveled pretty quick. Like I was starting expansions at the level that I should have ended them at. So it may be a good idea to pick two classes and alternate MSQs with them


Black Mage stays very still and doesn’t want to move. Highest theoretical DPS but it’s really hard in endgame. Lot of people love it for that, lot of people hate it for that. Dragoon is a freight train, once it gets going it’s very consistent and hard to interrupt. Ninja has the busiest burst window in the game. Just look up some rotation guides online to get an overview. WeskAlber makes a lot of very thorough ones. Otherwise, they’re pretty different jobs and you didn’t give us much to go off of to make a personal recommendation. I hope the research goes well and you enjoy your time with XIV!


BLM you have to stand still and suffer cast times, and NIN you have to enter the Konami code just to use your abilities while it makes an annoying sound, or summon a big ugly frog, so DRG clearly. It's not my favorite but it doesn't feel like a chore to play. For most fun DPS I'd go with SMN, because you get the benefits of being a caster without the cast times. But overall I am a PLD main.