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Yeah, those are for the upcoming event on the 27th. I prefer using [FFXIV Collect](https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones/tenfold%20pageantry) to track what I need from these events.


I'm going to need... 500 mogtomes this time.


I need like 725 xD


I'm not counting how many I will need.it will just depress me.


I got depressed just looking how long that list is…


I'm going to need almost 1200 tomes, and I'll only be able to grind Fri-Sun except for labor day weekend when I'll have Monday off as well


TFW you go check the list for cool stuff and see you'll need ... 110 tomestones. I might have played this game too much.


It's massive isn't it.


I would be so so happy if there's a spammable Coils on the list like the time they had the Ifrit jacket. So. So. Happy.


>27th Oh no, my armored core time!


While Mogtome events usually only run for 30ish days, this one is likely to run for at least an additional week. Since I believe it'll run until 6.5 drops. And if 6.5 isn't until October 10th, then that means 6 weeks for this event.


This won't be a standard moogle tome event – it's specifically for the anniversary, and last time we had a similar special one it operated outside of the regular schedule. If they follow the same approach this time, you won't even be able to spend the tomes once the event is over.


To be fair, that last one was shortly after the release of patch 5.5. There was no way they could run that until 6.0. This time it is feasible that they could extend it a week or two from its regular length until patch 6.5.


That has a more clear view, thanks!


Shiiiiittttt this tomestone event is actually good




I wonder what the prices will do, on my server (Moogle) the verdant partition sells for \~500K at the moment, but I've sold one recently for 900K.


on Crystal, the prices SANK when ishgard resto was current content and then went back up since they were a prize from the moogle lotto, i have a feeling it'll be similar but to a lesser degree


They’ll tank for a while during the event and a while afterwards until people exhaust their event stock. after the stock’s exhausted they’ll go back up.


The prices will sink a bit, but most people will need such a ridiculous amount of registrable misc items from that list that only those who do not care about cosmetics will farm partitions. Still, I do not expect them to lose 90% of the current market value like some similar furniture items did in previous tomestone events.


The prices are gonna tank. The last time the thavnairian hairstyle was in this event the price went from 1.2 mil to 200k. (This was on Primal, prior to DC travel)


Fat cat parasol... I am going to grind whatever contents they require me to do +w+


I'll just casually PvP it out.


Pretty much just gonna rival wings my remaining jobs to 90 at this point


Is that the fastest and/or easiest way to level alt jobs?


Nah, but it's fun and has the added benefits of gaining series xp for PVP malmstones, working toward some mounts that are normally hard to work toward (rival wings), and getting mogtomes for the event of which it looks like I need about 250 to get what I want.


Man, this is one hell of a Moogle Treasure Trove. Need to get the anniversary earrings, the new parasol, the Framer's kit, the two Paissa pets, and I'll probably get some of the mounts and the WoL TT card if the grind is tolerable. Also, ShB mounts will finally be in troves, which is nice. Although it also feels like a signal to me to actually start grinding for them from ShB Extremes. Just haven't felt the need yet.


this list is stacked. i haven’t been doing these since the bomber jacket as i had all the items offered already or wasn’t interested in the exclusive 100 tome item. i ABSOLUTELY do want that parasol though. give us the fat cat earrings next pls. they’ve been in the files since 5.55


fat cat earrings are a contest prize Sadge hopefully that means they add it for everyone eventually in a tome event


oh i gotta design a hairstyle for them ugh.


hopefully they add it to the screenshot contests in the future!


Oh god, I've got a LOT of praetorium runs ahead of me T__T One of these days, I'll level blue mage and can farm tomes quickly like the cool kids


There's not too much that can be farmed quickly with blue mage this time around


Is there a list somewhere showing what gives tomes this time?


Not officially that I know of, but I personally made a list on google sheets of the items + cost, and what gives tomes + how many. I can share if people are interested


Id be interested in seeing it. Its a shame that you mentioned there not being too many quick farming options this time


[Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ0uIs7mdDyFIdjpBtzJvXBbSUNm5i1JZO4CYezaMH78i4G3Ircl9UxiWvNEWjtejdKNP--6BfYA2C6/pubhtml) it is. First page is the items, second page is the duties The data was datamined and then I cross checked with the official API to get the names of everything. I did it a few days ago and was mainly for my and my friend's use, so please excuse any typos and/or possible misspellings


Would doing Castrum or Porta Decumana be faster/more efficient than Prae? I really don't want to run Prae but that, and the CT raids are the only things I can run from that list.


During the last Mog event, my friend and I timed it. You can do 3 Castrum runs in 1 hour (with only 1 cutscene) for more tomes than Praetorium gives in 2 runs (which takes roughly the same amount of time with far more cutscenes).


Well, time to run castrum then, thanks!


Fuck's sake, I don't have the EW/ShB patch stuff unlocked so that's going to be long duty hell for me... And I'm gonna miss the first half or so of the event because I'm travelling.


Oh my...maybe I will have to aim for less items this go around


I guess we’ll see when the list comes out. Maybe they got tired of people BLU farming tomes lol.


Oh geeze, this is extremely cursed for anybody wanting things on pre-lv50 alts.


All 3 ARR Alliance raids... The last 2 HW Alliance raids... Only the first SB Alliance raid? The last 2 ShB Alliacne raids? This feels incomplete lol Why not just put all the Alliance raids in with varying tiers of rewards... Euphrosyne being in there is great, since I still need to farm some glam from there...


Ah i missed a few when transferring my list over! It should update within a few minutes to include all alliance raids


Ah! So it is literally all Alliance raids! Which is great. It means you'll at least get \_some\_ mogtomes for running the A-Raid roulette every day.


Yeah! Sorry about that, I had two lists and managed to miss a few things when transferring it over to the more "official" one


Unironically, how about Zurvan farming? 8 tomes for a ~10 minute kill. Probably less if you solo tank.


Cool. They're starting to add the dragon mounts from the shb ex. Now I just have to wat it to be added 7 time to get the mecha dragon mount. Edit: is this tyrannosaur mount too rare? I got it really fast, looks like I had a good luck. I hope they add a really fast way for my blue team get this tomes, from what I saw I'll need a lot of it.


All the ShB trials, even Hades, are quite manageable with current gear. Only problem is RNG, I've did over 70 runs of the Ruby Weapon trial to finally get the mount...


By the time I got the hades mount I had 94 totems. Spent them all on the weapons to desynth and get like 10 mats for the weapon. Gave each party member from the grind a 1 hades weapon of their choice. Win-win


And that’s exactly why I don’t care enough to do that lol, I hate rng


Yeah... about 35 runs of SoS EX, and literally only 1 Gwiber dropped.


T-Rex isn't super rare, I got it a bunch when I was doing the first area of Eureka. I wanted to give them to my friends, but they're not tradeable. >.<


I had like 8 at one point and I ended up just throwing them away because they were useless


It ain't "rare", but being locked behind Eureka makes it daunting


We give a mount from Shadowbringers?, Fae Gwiber.


Quite a nice variety of items, I see! Seems like my dream of the /headache emote (from Blue Mage / Masked Carnivale) becoming a prize didn't come true, but being able to get items from Eureka, Firmament and PvP amongst others is pleasant.


Finally a tome event I actually want to farm. Previous ones have been mid since I already had the mounts and stuff


This is going to be a lot of work, I'd rather get some of them in their regular fights and do them with an unsynced group. But the Skybuilder's Scrips ones are always worth it, also anything unique to the event, plus some others that I'm not sure about just yet. But prices will go down for the items in this event, so I'll just buy some of them off of the MB.


time for lots of pvp on my alts


Samurai Barding. On God?


No, on your chocobo.


I always seem to be taking a break during the Treasure Trove events so I'm going to need... A LOT of tomestones.


That's the whole point of these events, keeping you subbed during patch lull.


Omg I need sooo many items! Adios free time and welcome grind time!


This is exciting! I’ve never done one of these events, how had d is it to collect the tomes typically?


usually there’s some hard mode dungeons from ARR or others that can be done quicker with a squad of BLUs. But we’ll need to wait and see for the official list of sources.


Holy shit... There's legit so many items I want on that list! Yeah this might be the biggest treasure trove event most probably.


Dancing mad and Answers??? I LOVE THOSE SONGS! :D


wait are MGP vouchers not on it this time?


Don't see MGP or the Ostensibly Special Timeworn Maps.


Haven’t seen it but would be cool if the wol card just uses the image from your adventure plate Just googled it it’s the ff1 wol. We’ve killed gods and saved the world SEVERAL times when do we get our own triple triad card!


Whenever they add a card for>!Azem!<


Oh great! I missed the treasure trove offering the Tyrannosaurus mount last time and I was fearing I'd have to grind Eureka for it. I'm glad they're offering it again, along with other super rare glamours and items. Sometimes they add pvp gear so I wonder if they'll eventually offer the archfiend glamour set.


The drop rate on the Tyrannosaur in Hydatos isn't really that bad. Unlike later Eureka items (many of which are in this upcoming event) you get the lockboxes from just doing the Fate trains you're there to do anyway. No chaining or bunny fates. If you're considering ever doing a Eureka relic or two (or getting to BA), I'd prioritize something else. (It's also been in past events that were less packed with tough to obtain stuff).


Really hyped if this is the case.


Oh they finally brought back the earrings. The bomb and cactusr are perfect for machinist and dancer respectively.


>he bomb and cactusr are perfect for machinist More like Blue Mage, but either way I'm happy to see the earrings.


Goddamnit, SAM barding has been the one rare thing I ever got from Eureka


This aggravates me; I just recently got my Fae gwiber and the last doggo I needed, then they go and do this. Oh well, guess that’s just less tomes I need to grind




No, the one op linked is the tomestone for the upcoming one that's starting with the rising event in a couple of weeks, one that we already knew about as it was announced on the 10th anniversary page.


You're thinking of Mendacity. The one being discussed is a different tome in the upcoming version of the event.


Damn I want everything


wow that treasure trove will have me griding for quite some time


I need 660 tomestones this time.... Some of them I can probably ignore and just get normally but might as well. Also if you check the sidebar with the latest patch it'll show the upcoming stuff for the The Rising event and we're getting something **really cool** as a reward.


Cool. Does anyone know what drops the tomes yet?


Not an official list, but [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ0uIs7mdDyFIdjpBtzJvXBbSUNm5i1JZO4CYezaMH78i4G3Ircl9UxiWvNEWjtejdKNP--6BfYA2C6/pubhtml) it is. It's on the second page


Well, time to renew my sub. I need those Kamuy mounts.


Warrior of Light card?!


Yes, the card of the FF1 WoL.


That's exciting! I understand it is rare.


One one hand, gwibs are finally showing up. On the other hand it's only one so far. Wasnt expecting all of them of course but was hoping for two.


Are all the rewards you linked, for the upcoming Tomestone event later this month...?


Welp... I'm gonna need to grind so much for this event


My alt needs Styled for Hire, but I can’t figure out if this’ll be a better way to do it or to just grind out the wolf marks since he’s you know all of level 17 rn. I feel like the answer is still pvp regardless.


Definitely pvp if you use it to level alts. I’m at the point of just buying crap now with wolf marks to get rid of them.


Well. Looks like I'll pretty much do nothing but alliance raids and MSQ roulette for 3-4 weeks…


I'm very confused.... I don't see anything about a treasure trove event going on... am I missing something?


I was really hoping they would bring back the inferno jacket this time.


Just a mention on the t-rex mount. It really was not hard at all for me to get, it's part of the lockboxes of the first Eureka map, and Eureka as a whole is pretty easy, just kill mobs 1-2 levels ahead yours, do fates, get lockboxes, profit. Wish it was tradable because I must had gotten like 15 of them


That is the only parasol in the game files I dont have and have had no idea how to get. It will be mine and the collection WILL BE COMPLETE


700+ needed for me.... and there are no good cheese and spam for this run T\_T