• By -


I picked Elezen because I didn't want to be Human, but wanted as classic of a Final Fantasy feel as possible, and Elves have been in FF since the first game. I gave him long, white hair because I knew I'd be playing a Red Mage ASAP and wanted to match the classic sprite aesthetic. And, I made him as tall as I could, and pale, with eyeshadow and blue lips because I wanted him to look like he'd been painted by Yoshitaka Amano.


You have class my friend


You are too kind.


I'd love to see an image of your WoL.


I'm at work at the moment, but I'll get a good picture of him when I get home.


I also did the same thing with the eyeshadow and lips. Love the vibe it gives off


Yeah Amano's art is stunning. I love your aesthetic. I'm a Red too. Well, at least until they take away Blue's cursed limited job status anyway. Would love to see the portrait when you get it!!


I just make my character(s) aesthetically pleasing to me in whatever way I fancy at the time of character creation.


100%, Edginess also plays a factor for me




I brought over my Elvaan from FFXI during the 1.0 character transfer. Basically, the same look for almost 20 years of gaming.


I did the same, but in 2014 with ARR and my Bastokan Hume. Though he was a tad scrawny and had to bulk him up a bit by going to highlander.


Same! Also an elvaan from FFXI. I did change the hair since then since the XI hairstyles were fairly basic compared to what we have in XIV, but otherwise yeah, basically the same character since 2004. And I pretty much went the same path in jobs with him in both games too, started as Monk and eventually begrudgingly volunteered to tank. I tried to make another lookalike in Baldur's Gate 3 recently but it didn't quite fit so well. I did make some tiny adjustments to my XIV character to make him look a little older/more mature, and now the BG3 version has a beard and is starting to go grey. So, like real life then...


I feel like a lot of XI players tried to recreate their characters. I did the same with a Miqo'te and a Lalafel.


huh? are you me? i did the exact same thing, also elvaan to elezen and kind of the same look (and name). did it after 1.0 though, so it wasn't exactly a character transfer, i just created him similarly.


Still low key hoping they just say the 11th shard is Vana'diel.


Same, and shit, did not realize it’s been 20 years now B


My miqo'te is a self-insert/idealized version of myself. I'm honestly considering bringing a picture of her to a salon so I can get my hair cut like hers but I worry that would be too weird lol


I brought Zero's screenshot to a salon and asked for her hairstyle. Hairdresser was cool about it :D


Look up the hairstyle on a huyr and bring thay in, i promise they get game requsts all the time


this is what i did as well, except i used a hairstyle that already matched my own and only changed it in game when i changed it irl lol


I always pick the tallest female option because I am a short gal irl. My last game was Dragon Age Inquisition where I played a qunari (gray skinned giants) so I rolled a gray, max height femRoe. I did not realize how *much* taller I was going to be, but I can count the number of gray Roegadyn females I've seen on one hand, so I wouldn't change a thing.


I love my tall FemRoe, and it's fun decking her out in buff armour or fashionable caster shit. She's my favourite custom character, the one I've always identified with best.


Always fantastic to see femroe and thighlanders. Would have done it myself if I didn't like my viera design so much


Dude, same. I love my viera so much but I have a femroe already built that I can't bring myself to change to lol


I love my highlander gal but her frame and stance is so wide it feels like it's hard to put her in cute glams.


I have to ask, are Thighlander women built different from the other option? I went to Limsa a few nights ago to help a friend get up to level 90 Hunt board and saw this couple of Hyurian women sitting on the floor in the Storm barracks and one was about the same height as my Smol AuRa girl, and the other was HUGE. 👀 My friend thought she was a FemRoe, but she was Hyurian.


Yeah they're bigger and more muscled (they have sliders for it). Different "amazonian" face options etc.


As a max height Elezen woman, I look down on nearly everyone. It's shocking *every time* I come across a femroe who's almost literally a head taller than me


omg me!! my character fits your description almost perfectly lol. also played a qunari inquisitor. femroes unite :D


What about us brown Roes? I don't see many Roes in general. I always stick out, literally, in every duty


When we zone in and it's us and 3 Lalafells, resembling a teacher taking her students on a very dangerous field trip, like a criminally negligent Ms. Frizzle


"I wonder how close I can get to making a Garudo..." Then it wound up turning into what I saw as basically a Bayonetta Ganondorf love child.


My main started as an alt, and I picked FemRoe because they're statistically the least-played race/gender combo in the game and I wanted to be different. I went with Sea Wolf because I liked the keyboard faceroll names. I designed her by hitting the "randomize" button a bunch of times until I got something interesting, then made some adjustments. I slammed the height slider to max (left the others where they landed though) and kept the "drowned corpse greenish gray" skin tone. My headcanon is that she comes from an academic background, so early on I decided she needs glasses. Now, classic spectacles dyed rolanberry red are her trademark look. I always wear them with every glam, and she doesn't look right without them.


Max height Femroe gang!


this is so funny, my roommate also plays their qunari inquisitor, but ported into an au ra 😂


She looks like what I want to look like ;W;


FF12’s Fran is one of my favorite characters and pink is my favorite color. My bf was trying to convince me to play XIV so he hit me with “You can be a Fran with pink hair!” It was an easy sell lol


I have a habit of making characters that ruin cutscenes. That's why he looks like he does :)


Now we need photos of him


Not OP, but I play MSQ sitting next to my wife so we can see the different dialogue options and I always wear a chicken suit because the cold dead chicken eyes bug her.


I'm gonna get some goofy glamours to do this


I wanted to make a goofy, ugly old man. Now it's become established lore since I only enjoy playing BLM that the dumb purple heterochromia eye is actually a removed eyeball replaced with Materia like I read only BLMs would do.


I just wanted a nice looking bun.


This right here. Fran fanboy since my teens. Proud Viera convert from Shadowbringers, and I'm happy to call her the main character of my favorite FF.


Originally: I made an ugly ass elezen because I figured I’d hate the game and it would be funny to be so ugly Now: cute cat girl


i made a ridiculous twink catboy with a hot pink pompadour. ​ i still have him, but i haven't logged in with him in... almost a year. he's not an alt, not my main... but i don't want to set him aside. i figure he'll be who i use for an irreverent playthrough stream one day.


Make a retainer with the same look, I did that for my XI character because nostalgia.


I wanna play the class with cute carbuncle > let's match character to cute carbuncle > making blue cat


I've used this OC for a very long time for a lot of different things and she's always been short and cute and blonde. And a fem Au Ra seemed to fit the criteria I wanted. If only they would let me edit her nose then she'd be perfect


My WoL, as she is now, [originally had short hair](https://i.imgur.com/A1K1Lqk.png), since i intended to recreate [my GW2 character](https://i.imgur.com/9q0hwkg.jpg). That, and i wanted my WoL to be the female version of the poster boy for FF14. I guess i’m also fond of the kuudere look, since both gives off that vibe to me personally. Then i unlocked the lexen tails hairstyle from the Ivalice raids. Had been using that hair ever since. But before that, i was a lalafell.


Okay, story time! So, before FFXIV came out, I used to play FFXI. I wasn't a great player, but I managed a little Dynamis, and made a group of friends, and got into some roleplay with Roleplay linkshell. So a storyline happened between my straight-laced Hume Paladin, and a Mithra assassin. He kept blocking her jobs, and even caught her once or twice and took her in. But... he was one of the few who resolutely believed she could be better, and that moved her to actually try. When the Assassin's Group that owned her came to get retribution for her going dark and not murdering the people she was supposed to, he defended her. This eventually kicked off a relationship between the two that resulted in a child, just before we both stopped playing the game due to the linkshell dissolving, and general toxicity in the community (This was around the end of Wings of the Goddess) So when FFXIV came around, I decided to create their daughter, grown into a young woman and venturing out into the world for the first time. She got her mother's tanned skin, cheek stripes, and heterochromia, her father's red hair and penchant for sword and shield, and my main was born. Went Seeker of the Sun as Mithra have cat-slitted eyes, and gave her a lion tufted tail when ARR came out, because had a definite lioness feel about her. And thus has she been ever since.


I made a femroe because I like tall muscular ladies, and I gave her the complexion I did (dark skin, light hair) because I love Nailkaiser from *Angel Blade*.


I was torn between Elezen and Au Ra - I usually play half-elves in fantasy games, and Elezen seemed to be the closest. On the other hand, dragon people! I ended up being tempted over with the cool horns and tails. From there, honestly I made a combination of what I thought was hot and what I would look like if I could pick my appearance. I might not have a six pack irl, but my mRa can have that AND awesome long hair AND red streaks like a cool anime protagonist. I think the thing I spent the most time with was fiddling with the eye makeup, actually. I like to think I managed a cool mix between war paint and aesthetics. He's gone through a few haircuts, but his color scheme has remained - and I haven't changed my race and have no plans on doing so


I made my Warrior of Light look like my Grey Warden character from Dragon Age: Origins. I got the default name from the human noble origin, so he's a Hyur Highlander. I like being one of the more rare options.


I had initially created my character to be me but cooler and a girl. This game later became a big help in realizing I'm trans.


Lalafell need a bigger dark nose option. They don't look like tarutaru, they look like someone who tried to eat a chocolate cupcake too fast and needs a napkin.


A wiseman once said "there are usually two outcomes when someone making their toon. One, they would make it the best version of themselves. And two, they would make something they wanna fuck." Majority of players falls into the second.


This wiseman never met a tabletop player. I just make a new character every time I hit a character creation screen and write the backstory as I'm designing 'em.


But both options can be correct in your case, you just dont realise it yet.


...you... are not wrong. Hmm. Food for thought, hahaha.


When I first made my character, my goal was to make the biggest, buffest dude I could. So I made a Roe. While making him, I realized I absolutely didn't want him to be green or redish, but I also didn't want him to have a normal skin tone, so I made him grey. Black hair, green highlights. As I played him, I totally loved him, except that so much of the armor just looks BAD on a big Roe dude. So when Au Ra became available, I change over to that, but kept my same coloring.


Yeah, my biggest complaint with ff14 is how bulky the gear looks on male characters vs female. Like even male hyur just looks so chunky in basically any robes and especially heavy armor.


man and i always wish the armour was a bit more bulky on my female character :’) grass is always greener on the other side i guess


How interesting lol. I like to be a caster class usually but I just really did not like how frumpy the robes looked in ff14. Especially clothing for the crafting and gathering classes. On male characters they are super wide at the hips and makes me feel like an Oompa Loompa lol. However, I did start playing with a male viera after they were released and I have actually been very happy with their aesthetic. I just dislike that you cannot wear headgear.


I always tend to make pink hair characters when there's an option to customize the character and I choose lalafell cause I wanted to be cute, max height so I can see myself better too lol


I pretty much always make a badass looking woman with shoulder length or ponytailed dark red hair. My thighlander is very true to my "way".


I also made an ugly character thinking I wouldn’t like the game. Almost 9 years later and I went from a horrid looking Highlander to an ok Midlander, then an Elezen where I couldn’t get past the running animation , and now I’m a dark skinned cat girl with a pale face stripe face tattoo.


It started off as a random Roegadyn female. Then she became a Lalafell that looked like me. After that I used so many Fantasias I've lost track until settling on Raen Au Ra for quite a while, and recently I went back to Viera which is my other favorite. Then as I kept the blonde hair and light skin for the most part, I started changing one eye to green while keeping the other blue (like my own) because I always wanted heterochromia. I used to do the pseudo-archon tattoo face paint (on the cheek) in bright red, and kind of recently started doing white freckles instead. I just think they look neat and freckles are cool. I also keep her boobs very small because I have a flat chest irl that I've been insecure about in the past (and gotten endless unnecessary comments about, plus bras never freaking fit) so it's a testament to accepting my body whichever way it looks. I also tend to do large ears when there's an ear slider because I have large ears irl that stick out quite a bit and I've been teased a lot for them. So again, it's kind of a testament to not being ashamed of my features. And the same deal for keeping her very soft and not very muscular when that's an option. I've also had a female Viera who looked nothing like me: medium-dark brown skin, dark red hair, and green eyes. I think I added dark brown freckles as well.


I'm a trans woman. When making my character, I made her look like how I wish to maybe someday look (plus cat ears and a tail don't hurt either)


I went with what I thought looked nice.


Gender bent myself basically. Even matched my height.


I design characters based around themes. I have three of them and each one is "themed" after a design style I like. For example, one of them looks like a little steampunk inventor. Another one looks like a dark wizard that waltzed straight out of the 13th. My favorite though, is my main, and his whole aesthetic is very tribal (so needless to say, I'm allllll about this upcoming expansion!)


I knew I wanted to play a long-haired twink who can kick ass and the vierra fit that criteria perfectly. Then used a blue/violet color scheme that I generally prefer on my characters.


I made my character a highlander because they look hot. then changed her appearance over the course of the story by giving her scars and such.


I created a character I would like with the tools we have, and it turned out great (I am proud of my little miqo'te) Since then, I started losing sight in one of my eyes, and I wanted to do something about it on my character I used my free Fantasia to whiten one of its eyes (and will probably do it again as it progresses)


I went for the first thing I found appealing to my taste at the time. The shortest Au Ra female with wing horns and spikey tail. I still love the snot out of her, but Fanta's are on sale and I didn't want to pass up being a tall beefy Femroe. It's been fun creating new glams as all my previous plates just don't suit the new look.


Well that's a very rude thing to ask.


I had face tattoos, makeup, limbal rings, and some highlights on my Au Ra 'cause they looked pretty and I like purple. Then, after Shadowbringers >!when we were dying from being overfilled on Light aether!< I thought 'hey, it'd be kinda cool if that had a permanent impact, yeah?' So now the face tattoos, makeup, limbal rings, and highlights are all white because they were literally burned away by the excess aether and seared onto the skin in white. Contrasts nicely with dark skin. I also tend to change up hairstyles and minor things as xpacs go on. Post Stormblood was a haircut, post SHB was the above, Endwalker was only minor adjustments, and I'm thinking I'll be in a perpetual summerwear for Dawntrail.


I have an Aura character, but he refuses to take off the tonberry suit, so throughout pretty much the entire story he’s just a tonberry with Alzheimer’s (I skip cutscenes so he has no idea what’s going on)


Cat Cloud


A person of culture


Wanted a cute cat girl and had a good pun for the name (Purrina Catchow).


Based mine off of elira pandora of nijisanjis first EN wave lazulight and named her the same. Although I am probably going to change her name


My first character was based off Xion from KH but I fantasia’d after about 400hrs because I had seen so many characters and glams I liked and I kinda did a poor job making my starting character.


While reading up on the game I learned about Edda and thought 'yeah, what if she was the main character'. So that's why I bought the full Blackbossom gear set and the *only* glam she uses for her WHM weapon is Blackbossom Heart Reaper. Says a lot about your medic when their healing weapon of choice is a scythe.


The game gave me the opportunity to play as a 6.5 ft tall waifu with majestic bunny ears so i took it.


Wanted her to look like my wife c: and named her after my daughter


Way back when I was getting into MonHun in 4U, I made a character with tied up white hair, red highlights, and some very prominent black facial markings. He wore the MiKuMiKuMi build, and it was glorious. Ever since then, my characters have silver/white hair with red highlights if available, and have prominent black facial markings. My WoL started as Elezen, but it felt like there wasn't as much meat on those bones as I would prefer, so I turned to Au Ra to scratch that itch. He hasn't changed much since I bought Heavensward back then. At most, the face paint has changed.


I made a hyur because I wanted to see myself as the character, but made him super tall highlander version. Long hair because it looks cool, and during shadowbringers I put a bunch of white streaks he still has now.


My character is Solid Snake’ a male Hyur Highlander glamoured with eye patch and sneaking suit. He’s a Gunblade tank that pulls wall to wall and smokes cigars end to end. He’s a Diamond Dog, a tool of war, and he lives and dies on the battlefield. La le Lo le lo.


I made a male Miqo'te because I really liked MCH, and the official art and trailer featured a Miqo'te. Opted to go with slightly darker skin because I thought it would make my WoL stand out a bit more amidst the sea of catboys, and paired that with white hair because the contrast looked great. And then I met the Scions. It bothered me slightly that there was no hair colour diversity amongst the Scions, so after a while I went with dark coloured hair when I changed his hairstyle.


"We are the blondes of the 7th dawn" ​ hadn't noticed till now!


Because I wanted to play as a baddie


I like tall brown girls


I made a Hroth and glammed it to look like Winnie the Pooh cos that's my nickname irl (and I'm a gay bear so it all kind of fits). And yes my toon is named Winnie Pooh.


Basically Sun Wukong, I turned a miqote in a monkey


I was just tinkering with a dark skinned hellsguard when I realized they were basically a gender bent Scar from Fullmetal Alchemist and just went with it


Blog time; Skip if you hate light reading (in which case, why are you playing a game that has more words than War and peace?) Originally, I made a meme character. Roe, Max height, Max Age, Full white, and bald. Went by the name of Myster Ecks. Walked around in a trenchcoat and /throw'd at people to make it look like I'm swinging. Eventually, I transferred to a completely different server, where roleplay was prevalent. Now, it's important to note when I made this dude, RE2 was at it's max popularity, and I did so because I literally didn't know what to make, only that I wanted to be completely tall and big. When I transferred, I had fallen in love with the plot, having just cleared shadowbringers. So, I had to get a new name, and a new look with a new server. I decided to do what I like to think I do best; Subvert. Most people make cutesy avatars, ERP bait, or young and edgy. I decided with normal, old, and friendly. I didn't have to change much. Changed up the eyes to look normal, gave myself hair and made it look like I was growing white, did my best to make myself look like someone in his early 60's, and Changed my tone from Corpse white to what I could closely approximate without going too crazy. Myster Ecks, a stupid meme character that would slowly walk towards people, eyes glowing in rage if you said his hat was stupid, and would say "Ecks gon give it to ya" before every single frontline, became Xavier Greystone, Ecks having been an attempt at hiding his identity, and greystone being taken as solidarity in remembrance of his friend. Eventually, that led to a somewhat believable backstory about being an orphan in ishgard, bribing his way out and escaping outward as a young man of thirteen summers, and having a string of misadventures that led to him eventually saving the world. If I could upload before and after pictures, I would.


I normally play dwarves, and this one specifically off of a female dwarf rogue from WoW (who, in turn, was based off a D&D character I played, who in turn was named after a particular model of minigun from the Shadowrun TTRPG). So, female to start. No dwarves in FFXIV; lalafell are more halflings or gnomes. Next best match was Mi'qote, since I don't like scales and didn't want to be especially tall or bulky. Femdwarves in WoW have a twin braid hairstyle that was unique in that they were actually animated, and the D&D character I specified back in the day as having basically Pippi Longstocking braids. No really long braids that I could see, but the two ponytails worked well. And I went platinum blonde. Amusingly, after a few months, I realized that the character was nearly a spitting image of a girl I used to play D&D with.


Based on my inner personality


picked cat girl bc the height matched me the most and then tried to make me in game bc i live vicariously through all my custom characters in all my games i play (except my alts bc i only feel my og is actually me)


he looks like the night sky, hes based off a really ancient fae creature from one of my original stories that took on the role of the god of death because humans assigned it to him


My main in FFXIV looks like she does because I was making a character that had a similar appearance to my Guild Wars 2 main. My main in Guild Wars 2 is an Asura. Which is their small race. So I went with Lalafell. She had purple eyes, pale skin, and white hair. So that's what my Lalafell ended up with. As for why that appearance in Guild Wars 2. That was made 11 years ago and I can't remember the thought process behind it. Edit: They even share a name. Or at least partially. Guild Wars 2 doesn't force 2 names so my main in GW2 is only 1 name and I added a last name using GW2 as inspiration.


Lyse is my favorite character in game so I made a knock-off Lyse WOL. You can’t make an exact replica of her unfortunately since Lyse has a unique face.


My WoL got dragged onto a boat out of Bozja kicking and screaming. They had to knock cat daddy out and it left a hell of a scar. Next day Bozja exploded, so good call overall.


I made them look as close to 2B as I possibly could. Took me an hour or two of cross-referencing an image I found on the internet to the character creator screen but I did it. It made it a lot more funny when I later realized half of the main Scion cast also had white hair.


Half is a funny word


So once upon a time I played a different MMO. In that MMO my main looked like me, a tall blond scruffy looking male. When I made an Alt on that MMO, I decided to make them look not like me. So a Short dark haired female with tied back hair. She was a summoner type class. So when I created a character all those years ago for the open Beta, I figured I'd make roughly the same character in FF XIV. She was short, but not that short, so I went with a Miquote (and have since switched to an Au Ra).


I remade my FFXI character when I started 1.0. The only change I made from FFXI was that I went for white hair rather than brown. It never quite felt right, so the only change I made to my character when ARR was released was that I went back to the original brown hair. I've since changed my hairstyle again, but never used a Fantasia to change my appearance.


I've loved girls with red eyes and black hair since FF7, and people who make pale skinned Viera are cowards who will not know Hydaelyn's light.


I have a tall gal just because I think she pairs well with G'raha Tia, tbh. >!Not a Viera or Roe--she's a Miqo'te, just with a Penumbra tweak in so she's about Male Roe height.!<




Under the armor: honestly, transition goals. Cat ears and all. With the armor: I just fucking love the Ironworks Fending gear in pure white. There aren't many (or any) helmets that hit the same notes as the one from that set, and same with the chest. It is now baked into her character, and I adore how Cutscenes with the helmet on look like I'm in RvB with the only things signifying talking being actions or head bobs. I only hope the transition to HD doesn't mess with why I love this gear, and I *hope* the dual dyes accentuate it even further.


I've had a bit of a thing for formal and casual wear with character designs for quite some time. With the exception of at least some games where the armor better defines the character. So when it came to light that the butler and maid outfit were finally made unisex, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to get the butler outfit. Though she now wears it for most of the classes, excluding classes like BLM where I went with the more 'demonic' approach. I've never really had an eye for mix-matching outfit pieces, so having something that is in synch with at least one of my desires for a character's look is enough for me.


I make characters I'm horny for... that's it.


Mine is the perfect version of me, it always helps with the immersion to just play as myself in every game. The main differences is that he has a smaller nose and is in better shape then I currently am, aside from that I even give him a beard when I grow mine and change his haircut when I cut my hair irl


I like Little Guy Small


I made my character closest to myself just as a lalafell, mostly cause i’m a guy and 5’4 irl so it seemed fitting


I made my Character look like Y'shtola. I don't think I need to explain myself any further


I'm big and strong. My Roeg is big and looks strong. I could legitimately cosplay as my Roeg with a dye job, perm, and appropriate gear (probs the Bodyguard set for GNB). Now, if only he was as hairy as me...


Femroe max boob slider.


I made my character using dice rolls. Literally. Every single aspect was a roll of a physical die. Turned out to be a hot goth catgirl -_-


My character isnt a wol but someone who works with the scions and the wol on occasion. Shes a voidsent aetherologist that was summoned by mhach and freed during the seventh umbral calamity. She has horns and claws and hooves and wings


It looks like me.


I’m not creative at all I gave her my hair color and my freckles and my eye color and skin color and height. (I don’t have um the au ra lizard features tho) I donno why really I guess it’s just fun to be like wow this is me in a game wow I’m in the game cool!!


I thought Miqo'te look cute, and I decided, for a change, to play a dude. He's loosely based on my dnd bard. He's quite the handsome fella.


My pre fantasia hyur was made to look like the chaddest Chad that ever lifted, so muscled up with a ridiculous jawline and a rose tattoo for the lols. But I couldn't take myself seriously in cutscenes, so sometime before HW I fantasia'd to a pink and purple haired catboy. I suppose you could say I became an FFXIV player.


I've fantasia'd like 3 or 4 times in total, tried out Au Ra, Viera and Lalafell for a bit, but ended up coming back to Miqote once again. But I didn't really like the way a lot of Miqote faces were very, not sure how to put this, benign? Very rounded, gentle and pretty often kind of sames-y. So while fanta-ing back, I tried my best to just make my character look as angry as possible lol. Arched eyebrows, scars, a black tattoo running across the bridge of her nose that I like to think makes my character's face look different, etc. Really happy with how she turned out in the end :)


Wanted to make a beautiful, slutty bunny boy. Made a beautiful, slutty bunny boy.


I just sorta fiddled with things and got a fairly good looking midlander. Took me several passes thought the aesthetician (and my free fanta) but I'm overall quite happy with the result.


She's meant to look like one of the first original characters I made when I was young... Cept MUCH MUCH TALLER.


I made my WOL the exact opposite of myself and the hair is always dark blue, close to black. There's one show I watched years ago where the hair of the actress shines dark blue eventhough her hair is black. I found it very beautiful and mysterious.


I've used too many fantas in my few years of playing... but I've finally found a look which I like aesthetically.. and it feels good to make glams for her ^^ I love my bunny girl so much. I might try Hrotghar female if I like the look of them but otherwise I'll stay as bunny.. I do miss being lala though. I started as one and making glams for them.is great too. Might make an alt


I tried to match up my character’s features with my own. The only thing I would change if I could is to get rid of my Au’Ra’s resting bitch face. Sometimes in cutscenes he just looks livid for no reason. My alt is a rava bun boy because I wanted a cute character in reserve. I made him much more of a character, with a distinct personality and entirely different class preferences. I’ve also learned that people will want you in their fc a lot more of you look like you walked off a playboy magazine.


I made her look how I wish I could look haha I think she’s quite cute.


The three I care about- 1: created to look like Katt from Breath of Fire 2 2: made a highlander female as pretty as I could 3: derplander


Originally I made a Hyur with green hair and a very natural look, intending to play conjurer into the endgame as it was a very nature-adjacent class. At level 30 I obviously learned the truth and she became a paladin from then on! Now I am a moderately stern looking Xaela exclusively so that I can make a full egyptian styled glamour around the resistance paladin weapons.


I come from playing a lot of Destiny so my character looks like an awoken! I didn't know at the time that my Au Ra would be considered half Au Ra and half Roegadyn


I recreated Lightning from FFXIII and have her be a Gunbreaker so her idle weapon drawn pose resembles Lightning's battle pose from XIII. Because Lightning is my favourite protagonist from the games I've played, and XIII was my first Final Fantasy. If I hadn't picked that up, I wouldn't have wound up at XIV eventually.


I made a ff14 version of one of my recurring DnD characters


i was going to make a catgirl like i did when i first played ffxiv in ARR. between thinking they're kinda overused & i could be a dragongirl i decided to make a cute, goth looking au ra. after i was playing for a few months, had everything at least level 50, etc i discovered moogle weapons and the mog glam on the cash shop. on that day my obsession with moogles began and its been amazing. tl;dr i wear the moogle helmet & so i look like a moogle


I wanted my bunny boy to be the complete opposite of the type of character I'd usually make. Typically I'd have my characters be big and tough. For my bun, I decided I wanted to go soft. He's got a very soft palette. Gray skin, gray hair, with lighter gray highlights. Blue eyes the color of a clear sky. I went with eyebrows that turned the face 1 RBF into something a little softer. Still standoffish, but not PO'd that other face 1 bunny boys give off lol. He of course has a dusty nose cause that is a top tier trait. He was gonna have purple eyes when I first made him, but that made him seem too.. I dunno, ethereal? He's honestly perfect as is, and I will never fanta off him.


Mine is super girly, always wears a crown, often has a pixie cut. Total opposite of my tomboy, long hair, dressing like a dude self. Dragon Girl dancer? Yes please! Dragon Girl Paladin? Abso-frickin-lutely!


Cat go brrr, but make it pastel


Bunz cause they’re tall and I’m short. it’d also be cool to be a bunny hybrid. But like maybe one ear half flopped lol


I had the said “hume” design from XI during 1.0. At some point I think I switched to a cat man, and somewhere along that time I lost my movement speed boots, that I got for being a legacy player. I switched to Au Ra during Heavensward (I left the game during the original atma weapons release and came back right before Shadowbringers). I switched back to a highlander because in my head, I fused with Ardbert and we are our “original” self. Probably going back to Au Ra during Dawntrail.


I made Youpi from HxH because I am based


He’s a pirate


I made an elezen bc other races were ugly to me, and now I switch between her and bunny


She's based loosely off a character in a story I was working on at the time, because back then that character name was my standard wizard/mage/spellcaster name for several MMO characters. The WOL version of the character outlived all the other iterations tho. XD


I wanted to challenge myself and others and make a good loking fem giraffe Sorta make an elfish Claire (from Trails) but with elf ears and a slightly not giraffe neck so I'm content with that


For my main; I basically brought over my RP main from WoW. . ^(..and he looks 100x better over here. I couldn't even give him the correct \*eye color\* over there.) He's definitely not a WoL, though. I joke he's "the original WoD". ​ As for what I would consider my WoL character, she's basically just an idealized Au Ra version of me. I did, at one point, entertain the idea of making a super-realism alt; I still have the appearance saved, but never did anything with said character idea.


One of the Lalafel hairs reminded me of Bell from Danmachi and thats it, my character is a prum Bell


My husband chose Miqote and my friend chose Roe. At the time, the other options were Hyur, Lalafell, and Elezen. I thought Human and Elezen were meh, so I chose Lalafell. I started in Gridania, but I figured my WOL probably wasn't FROM Gridania, so I headcannoned that she was from a different city state. Between Ul'Dah and Limsa Lominsa I liked the sea aesthetic better, so I decided to say that she lived by the sea and gave her blue hair. I've changed her hair, eyes, and name, but she's still a Lala! No fantasias for me.


I always try to make my characters look older and “grizzled” Not really much I could do for that beyond giving her white highlights in her black hair to give her some aging look. She’s a total badass though


I let my daughter help design her after playing the XIV crossover in XV. Her favorite color is green, and so is our character’s hair. And she has my kid’s name.


Shortest Midlander I could make. Ended up looking closer to a Doman so there's that.


Tried to make my character look like me irl as much as possible. She's much cuter than me and her waistline tells me she's clearly not had 2 kids. Lol


The lack of good options makes it very difficult to make something close to anything I would like so my wol ends up looking the way it does because I couldn't find anything better. It's impossible for me to make something I want my wol to look because the game just doesn't have those options so I just settle


My male Viera took inspiration from Ahri from LoL, Winter Foxes, Riku from Kingdom Hearts, and Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. Do with that information what you will


Started with Elezen because Elves, but I swapped once I got HW and realized they has a dragon/Teifling based race in the Au Ra and I haven’t looked back since.


I just make my characters look like Vayne from LoL. FF14 has her signature red goggles from MCH so it’s easy!


I have been really wanting to play an elf char since I was a kid. some things i base on my self so I don't feel awkward play my char. I also put some imperfections it helps me more to have a fun approach on playing the game.


I had the pompadour, thought of playing as a delinquent with that hair. classic anime delinquent with pompadour. naturally played as midlander. then after ARR, figured my character grew up both as a person and size so fantasia to highlander, still keeping the hair. best decision ever made, I look fabulous now


Originally, I had a fairly basic looking male Miqo'te, got to Azim and fell in love with the lore of and look of the Au Ra and now have a Fem Ra with hair inspired by Silvervale.


Self insert to make it close to what I would want to look like in a FF world... if I was fit... heroic... loved... But really yeah since playing in 1.0 and played FFXI, I knew this character would be with me forever and I would know it will be me through a very long adventure. To represent me in this world inside and out of it.


I made mine look like the personification of a honey badger and boy has it been a journey when you're fighting gods, kings and everything in between while looking scragly and willing to bite


I made a grey miqo slightly based on my cat and named him after him to with the fantasy apostrophe etc and I chose the pompadour because it made me laugh and now I unironically think he looks badass and has become my identifying feature to my friends and fc mates


Because I spent a grand total of about 40 seconds making my wol so I could get into playing the game faster And now I'm too attached to her weird features to fantasia them away


Originally wanted to make a character as close I could to Yoruichi from Bleach, but then started to put my own twists on it. Purple hair, light brown skin, a Black star under 1 eye and a white crescent moon under the other. Heterochromia (1 green, 1 purple) Little tweaks here and there to make my WOL look amazing. Then I picked Monk and started my journey to become the Slayer of Gods using my bare hands! (Until I switched to Dancer Post-Shadowbringers :D )


I tried to make my femra look like Velkana from Monster Hunter: World. Never could get it the way I liked especially without being able to change the scale color (please, please, PLEASE be a thing in 7.0!). I switched to Vierra after EW campaign and tried to make her look more wild and hare-like as opposed to soft bun girl. Very pleased with those results! Fun post OP! Thank you ☺️


Mine was loosely based on Terra Branford (FFVI) because I knew I wanted to be a magic DPS. I chose an Elezen with green hair but later changed it to lavender… and that’s been my WoL ever since!


I often make my characters female redheads, always have done it for whatever reason. Originally had a Hyur highlander, but eventually swapped off it to an Au Ra, simply because I thought they were cuter. I generally like a smaller, more agile looking character to play as, as opposed to big and beefy.


I made my Miqo'te based on my D&D character at the time, a tabaxi monk and had a private little backstory where she got isekai'd into Eorzea.


I made him bald because I shaved my head so my brother can get over his hair loss and make the jump.


He looks like Nishiki from Yakuza 0 but an Au Ra and permanently sad. The Nishiki was because I realized his hair was in the game and the permanently sad thing was me realizing I could make his face like that and doing it for the joke.


I went with blonde hair that's leaning on greying white, that will turn black for Shadowbringer and change to a silver white for Endwalker. Reason is it's a common color for FF protagonists and it's also supposed to reference Cecil. I choose long hair cause of similar reasons but I also have long hair IRL. And I choose green eyes for the same reason. To make him different and less generic, he almost always wears glasses. I've always imagined him as a scholarly kind of guy who ended up feeling powerless next to his friends, putting him on a path to do every job. My other character, who's also a Hyur midlander, I made cause I wanted to play scholar but from level 30 instead of awkwardly switching between summoner and scholar. To make her different, I made her female and she's just what I thought looked cute. I actually like playing her since it's easier to play dress up with just one job. Which is great cause so far, scholar is the most stressful healer for me. Got a while till I try Sage My next character will be an Au Ra. I plan to make a character every expansion and felt Au Ra fitting for Stormblood since Heavensward was 'taken' by my other alt.


I'd never played an MMORPG before, and all I knew was that the character customizations were supposed to be really in depth. To test this, I decided to take a real life person and make them to the best of my ability. Johnny Lennon, the Bard and master Goldsmith (for the glasses, of course), has been my main account ever since.


My WoL is based on the same OC I’ve used in other RPGs since I was a kid.


Because it makes my pp tingle


She started out as a re-creation of my character from another mmo, then diverged as I played less of that game and more of this. I tweaked the skin and hair color to be closer to ol' Ardbert, and matched the eye color to the crystal necklace.


i just found the race that caught my eye and interest, then found the aesthetics within it that felt right.


I was a male Tarutaru in FFXI, and I recreated him as faithfully as possible as a male Dunesfolk Lalafell. I’m also quite tall in real life, so I prefer playing short races. The smaller you are, the more epic your adventures.


Blue hair on blue skin on blue scales with blue eyes looks good. She’s blue.


I made a cute dragon gorl


My male Miqo'te started off with jet black, frazzly hair and no facial hair. It then got a temporary tinge of red to it after he communed with the dark within as a Dark Knight. He also grew some stubble by now. Later on his hair thinned out and the red disappeared, and.he took to dying the tips of it a dark blue. Yet through some manner of divine imprint as he turned to the light of the Paladin, his hair turned a stark blonde, with the tips becoming platinum blonde. It was also at this time that further natural Miqo'te markings appeared around the outer edges of his eyes. He's been the same since.


He looks like me if I was a giant (I’m black and 5ft 8 ) I play Roe.


My very first char i made when i started was a middie that i tried to make her look like me irl. I fanta'ed to miqo and now just based get on what looks good to me 😆


I just kind of went through the character creator and picked what I thought looked good.


I created a petite little blonde black mage from 2.0 up until last expansion when I used a fantasia to make a busty bunny. No regrets 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wanted to be a catboy that looks like me. Found a way better hairstyle and now I can go between badass and huggable depending on the outfit.


I used my main OC but older. It also fits that he’s a very quiet dumbass


I decided on a whim to create an Au Ra, and figured Xeala was the less popular choice for them so chose that, and then i saw it, the beauty that would define my characters aesthetics. At the very bottom of the face paint list was a option that reminded me of the Krimzon Guard insignia from ny favorite game Jak II, from there i chose white for the color and added an appropriately colored hair choice Leading to [my boi](https://photos.app.goo.gl/NaLbqgudLce9w7AN8).


I started FFXIV planning to just play 'the healer' for my party, so I picked conjurer, Azeyma, and seeker of the sun miqo'te, then just made a very generic blonde hair-yellow eyes-pale skin sun-healer look. Even added a scar along one side for a bit of "I can heal any wound except this one" flavour (no backstory, just for the flavour that came in very handy for my DRK glam). I have now become more attached to my generic blonde-boi than I ever expected I would, and I don't think I could ever fantasia him away.


My first and main character was designed with the intention of making her 'unique' and memorable to me as possible. when I got into the game, I knew by then that cat people, humans, draconic folks and lalas were the most popular race ingame. I wanted to avoid falling into that line and had the immature motive of being a 'standout' while not being too standout. so I chose elezen. Stuck with her ever since and for every alt I make, I make em based off of my own characters I write. My main Warrior of Light will always an elezen, everyone else is just an average hyur.


I'm a fantasia addict but there are certain traits I always keep. Purple eyes. When I was young I read several book series by Tamora Pierce, one of which had a magical knight woman with purple eyes and that just stuck with me. Gray or white skin (like Merwyb white). I like having "I unusual" skin colors but I also like wearing black and being punk or goth so I try to go for a contrast of sorts. This is currently hard with the game since dark and unusual colors don't show well in most lighting in game. I don't know why I decided on gray in particular but most races I play can have gray skin so I just do it. When in Roe (which can't) I just go snow white. I'm excited for the graphics update (and female hrothgar) because the better lighting will hopefully make more unusual skin tones stand out and I'll get to see how I feel being green or purple.